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What's your NEW YEAR resolution

Sweet Pie

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[color=coral]2004 is coming, so what's your goal or anything you want to improve or anything you wish for. Maybe in '04 you want to be more talkative? ^_-

My resolution is to watch more anime, because I just can't get enough of them and also as a punishment for not watching them after school.....he! he! he!

1. I wanted to get a straight A[i]*wonder if that's possible*[/i]
2. No boyfriend policy(not right now, I'll try because my heart has been broken)[i]*it's an imortant year..got to concentrate*[/i]
3. Be more quite than '03 and keep to myself no point of making friends......I'm in solitary...
4. Be a good big sister to my sister ^_^[/color]
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Guest Crimson Spider
My resolution, although nearly impossible, is to get better grades. Not so I'm barely scratching a C-D average anymore.

[size=1][color=white]And to establish a global terrorism cult to construct my nano-virus and unleash certain hell upon mankind, or atleast those who aren't AB negative Bloodtype.[/size][/color]
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Well, half way through 2004 I will have finished TT. So I guess an inportant New Year's resolution for me would be to figure out where the hell I want to be going with my life. Right now I know for certain what I'm doing for the next 6 or 7 months and then that's it..
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[SIZE=1][B]I have a few, in order:

1. Get this damn story I'm writing nailed and finished for once!!!!
2. Stop selling my drawings to my friends, I want them back!
3. Stop making RPG's since it's taking up to much time when no one bothers with mine.
4. Read a book WITHOUT skipping pages... why do I skip pages? Because I think some pages of books are boring... -'_'- don't blame me![/SIZE][/B]
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Guest Teammayhem
1) Finish the three scripts I have begun to write
2) Get more people to my website ([url]www.teammayhem.net[/url])
3) Get a part time job
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[FONT=arial]meesh, well, since I was dragged into this....not really... I might as well come up with a few.

1. spend at least one hour each night on homework (as opposed to the fifteen minutes to half an hour, 'cause I'm a slacker; at least this way I'll get maybe half of it done :p)
2. save at LEAST half of my money rather than spend it all the first chance I get... I'm really bad at that >.>'
3. practice music at the [i]very[/i] least half an hour, five days a week
4. only get on the internet [i]after[/i] I've completed numbers 1 and 3 at the end of the day

hooo. after that one I think I'll stop here.[/FONT]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i]
[B][FONT=arial]meesh, well, since I was dragged into this....not really... I might as well come up with a few.

1. spend at least one hour each night on homework (as opposed to the fifteen minutes to half an hour, 'cause I'm a slacker; at least this way I'll get maybe half of it done :p)
2. save at LEAST half of my money rather than spend it all the first chance I get... I'm really bad at that >.>'
3. practice music at the [i]very[/i] least half an hour, five days a week
4. only get on the internet [i]after[/i] I've completed numbers 1 and 3 at the end of the day

hooo. after that one I think I'll stop here.[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE]

egh i hafta do those too lately i have been not doing homework much just slacking off and finishing it at like during studyhall and not spending time actually on it @_@ And i have the sasme problem with the money thing..
thanks for reminding me XD Gotta add that to my list.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hack Helba [/i]
[B][color=darkblue]3. Keep a journal
[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

[SIZE=1][B]I tried to keep a journal... it didn't work out... heh, maybe that should be a resolution too... I not gonna keep any of mine I can tell you that. Keeping a journal might be one of mine... maybe... nah...[/SIZE][/B]
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Hmm.... I doubt that I'll end up keeping any of these, but it's worth a try, right?

1. Actually be honest about my feelings for once, and stop avoiding confrontations. In other words, get up the nerve to have a few much-needed discussions with my on-and-off boyfriend.

2. Work harder in school--most subjects come naturally to me, but my laziness in those that don't is really starting to affect my grades.

3. As many other aspiring writers have said previously in this thread, I'd like to finish some of the stories I'm working on, rather than allow myself to become overly distracted by other things in my life.

4. Improve my split time in crew. On our team's next 2k test, I plan to do significantly better than I did last year.

That's all I can think of on the spot. I'm sure I'll be able come up with more lofty goals later. ;P

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Hmm. A New Year's Resolution. I think mine will be to:

A.) Quit slacking off in school. I'm still getting B's, but I could get A's if I tried.

B.) Try and be more outgoing. I'm quite shy most of the time, and that needs to change!

C.) Find another book to read instead of just waiting for sequels to come out for the ones I already have, because I've read all my books 3 times.

Yup. That's pretty much it. I'm all resolutioned out. 0_o
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I have quite a few New Year's Resolutions as well.

[b]1. Meet Charles[/b]-He is my absolute greatest online friend ever. I want to be able to meet him someday. (Not that you others aren't great friends though. You know who you are)

[b]2. Rock climb more[/b]-I really enjoy this activity a lot. I want to get into better shape, so why not have fun doing it?

[b]3. Get Better Grades[/b]-I feel that a C in math and A's and B's in my other classes just don't cut it anymore. I want to try and get better grades. Especially since I am a junior and colleges and vocational schools look at your Junior grades instead of Senior. >.>

[b]4. Try and watch a hundred more anime[/b]-I've seen over a hundred already and I want to see more and more.

[b]5. Learn to play Guitar[/b]-I love this instrument. I have a guitar, but I don't know how to play it. By the time that 2004 is over, I want to be able to play something other and two folk songs that use only two chords.
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[color=indigo]My new year's resolution? Well, I really only have one. That is, beat Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, either on the Collector's Edition disc or my old NES cartridge if I really have to. It's the only Zelda game I haven't beaten yet, and I'd really like to finally play all the way through it. I've been putting it off for a few years now, with the excuses of there being other, newer games that I wanted to play and also the whole issue of dragging out my NES and hoping the battery in the cartridge is still good. With the bonus disc, which I'll hopefully be able to get soon, I won't really have those excuses anymore.

And just as a little side-note, I find it a bit ironic that yesterday I sat down and played through most of A Link to the Past on my GBA SP in one sitting. This is my sixth time through the game, combining SNES and GBA version playthroughs, but I have yet to beat The Adventure of Link. :cross:[/color]
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My resolutions will be to...

[b]1: Get all my homework done well and completed.[/b]=This year my SOSE report wasn't exactly too good. I really need to get my act together. I am in the super-smart class, but yeah... damn homework.

[b]2: Get more time on OB.[/b]=I am on OB often, but would love to have all the time that I need.

[b]3: Make some more OB friends.[/b]= I have a few, but I would love to get to know some of you more.

[b]4: Persuade people to elevate my mO into the top 50 [I am currently 147].[/b]= Yes, I want recognition. I ownz joo loyalty. Now show it. Visit myO

[b]5: Get better at banner making.[/b]= Well... I'd like to be better at it. lol. Simple.

[b]Just generally do well.[/b]= Heh. Doesn't everyone?

How bloody stereotypical is that? Very, I know. But they are worthy goals, to my mind.

Also, gain complete control of flying helicopters on BattleField 1942. That is important.


How many of these do you think I'll fail in?
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[size=1]Hmm. I don't usually have specific resolutions, but this year there's a few definite things I want to change, so here they be (in no specific order):

1. Be more vocal. About everything. Even if it means disagreeing with somebody. ^_~ And be more honest with people. Yes.

2. Actually use the Leach Center on campus. That's the gym, and it's free since I'm a student. And I don't use it at all, which is stupid. I always complain about being out of shape anyway, so maybe now I'll actually do something about it. What a novel idea!

3. Do better in school. Well, I did great last semester, but I think it could have been better - at least, I should definitely read more, and not procrastinate as much. (ha ha, yeah right)

4. Make more friends, join something, get involved. That all kind of goes together.

After that.. well, there's not much else. Besides eventually catching up with my list of anime and videogames. Which might take a while. ^_~[/size]
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[COLOR=green]My New Years resolution this year is to try and not eat so many sweets...

With having braces and all, it?s easier to get cavities, due to the increased difficulty of brushing.

However, it was neither the pleas of my dentist nor the few rather disgusting Christmas cookies that brought on the adoption of this resolution. Instead, a trip to the dentist for two fillings did the trick nicely. Seeing as I am immune to whatever painkiller they use, it was a terrible experience indeed. I?d rather not have to go through that again?

So, from hence forth, no more sodas, and a vastly reduced number of sweets?[/COLOR]
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