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What's your NEW YEAR resolution

Sweet Pie

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MGuyPersonDude [/i]
[B]1. get revenge on my enemies for stuff they did
2. get revenge on my enemies for stuff they didn't do
3. spend at least 5 minutes on my home work
4. get a girlfreind
5. stop making new years resolutions i cant keep [/B][/QUOTE]

My number one resolution is to not make fun of this guy! :whoops:

Other than that, I don't have a lot to work at. I don't have any vices to cure myself of. And my grades are doing just fine.

I will have to find a new job though and finally declare a major.

Oh, :snaps fingers: I would also like to convince James to finally put up a professional wrestling forum. But, I think that'll end up being next year's resolution as well. :(
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[B]1. Walk more often.[/B] I like going for walks, and it helps to relieve stress. Not only that, but it's one of the few forms of exercise I enjoy.

[B]2. Pass Arcadia in the MyO popularity standings.[/B] I've got to figure out how to make my site more appealing, so more people will visit it. I need to get a nice background, cool pictures and such. :p

[B]3. [I]Earn[/I] my grades.[/B] I get good grades without really trying. I know I can do as well without manipulating the peculiarities of my teachers. I have the feeling that I won't be able to do that much longer.

[B]4. Finish, maintain, and/or make a sequel to W.H.A.T.E.[/B] I'd like to get either something conclusive or something revitalizing done with my RPG, When Humans are the Enemy.

[B]5. Become more active at OB.[/B] I've been here since V1 and only a handful of people know who I am or even that I post here. I'd like more people to actually know me, or realize that I'm here.

There are probably a dozen other things I'd like to do this year, but I think these five will suffice for now.
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I have two resolutions this year.The first is one I have every year. Lose weight. Im 13 and have a serious weight problem. I think im like 250.

The other is one that I never had a problem with before. To get better grades. I have a C-B average and I hope to raise that to an A.
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[color=lightblue]Definately to get into shape, that's my number one priority, but others would be..

Finish all the video games I quit playing in the middle.

Do [b]all[/b] of my homework more often.

Learn how to cook.

Find more time to talk with Syke.^^

I'd say that's most of the significant resolutions there, though I doubt I'll be able to keep them all.[/color]
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Guest angelaanime
Well i wanted to stop being so dumb and get staight A's in school....
It already dropped dead because i ended up getting a 55% on my last History test........
.....Maybe i should start studying.........*brain cramps*
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Guest angelaanime
NEVER!!! YOU WELL NEVER GET ME!!!! Loney.......i already gave up on my resolution, SO i won't study!!! HAAA!!!!
Damn-it!!!! she does know where i live......*starts to pack things*
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