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What's your NEW YEAR resolution

Sweet Pie

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I'm not very good at keeping new years resloutions because i can never remember them but here are the ones i have:
1) to stay away from boyfriends and people who want to cut my hair...i love my hair..

2) To actually try to bring up my computer mark in my exams

3) To slow things down, i'm always doing too many things to fast.
Thats about all i can thing of at the moment. ^^;;
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Hmm...let's see...

1.) Make a manga with Lorenza (my buddy) for Tokyopop's "Rising Stars of Manga" competition - we tried this last year and didn't get past two pages, although we're trying for the 3rd one (which beings on New Years, how conveinent -.-)

2.) Get more money for anime/manga obsession

3.) Make a website and publish it

4.) Finish my Young Authors story "Shrimp Sushi" by the deadline(><)

5.) Lose some weight

I don't have to get my grades up because I'm a straight A student. HA HA HAHA!
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[size=1][color=chocolate]New Year's Resolution? Well, mine would be to keep my freaking room clean every day, finish my fanfiction I am writing (probably not, but I'll try), and remember to take my medication if I have any. I have a bad habit of not taking medication when I need to.[/size][/color]
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[color=#707875]My New Year's Resolution is to get over the break up that I only [i]just[/i] went through yesterday -- after four years of being in a relationship, it's very difficult...

It will take me a long time to get over that.

In the meantime...I think that I have to spend the new year working on creative things. That always helps me to overcome problems and at the very least, it diverts my attention. So, I want to get OB rolled out as complete as possible. [/color]
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Ahh... promises I can never keep....

1. Grades, Tog, grades! If I do well in school this year I can go on to the 11th grade insted of the 9th.

2. Get in shape! ("I'm in shape... round's a shape, isn't it?")

3. Practice kendo and/or aiido.

4. Finish at least one of my stories.

5. Stop being so darn picky! (Tog's requirements for a boyfriend: Must be fictional (being crazy/homicidal is a plus)) ...You know... that's not that picky... it's only one thing...

This one isn't mine, but I'm sure my friend would say that her biggest one is... "Find a gay best friend." She's been trying for a while now.

Also, by the end of this year... I've got to get at least 50 posts on OB or else my computer is set to shock me half to death. Mmmyep.
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[size=1]I could probably think of a few ...

[b]1. Get a job[/b] - I am such a lazy bum, but at the same time I am very picky. I refuse to work fast food or grocery stores. I have worked at those places before and hated it. One caused me an emotional breakdown, and the other took me to court. >.>; I want to work at an electronics store like Best Buy, and I know a guy who works there, but we do not talk often ... probably because he is working, lol.

[b]2. Get a car[/b] - I am almost 18 and do not have a car. -__-; I do not even want anything all that grand. I actually prefer a crappy looking car over a slick one. As long as it has a CD player, I am good to go, heh. An old VW Beetle would be nice. I actually saw one a while ago, but then the place that was selling it burned down. o_O

[b]3. Get going on college work[/b] - Something tells me there is no way I am going to make it to go straight after high school. Then again, I never really wanted to go straight after high school, nor can I even afford to. I am so not ready, it is not even funny. Again, I am insanely picky, so I refuse to go to any college I do not want to go to, and of course the one's I do like are about $30,000 a year ... >.>; I am just not good with scholarships, and applications, and deadlines. People try to tell me if I do not go now, then I am never going to go to the one I want ... Apparently they have no idea how stubborn I can be. I refuse to do anything I feel is below me ... o-O

[b]4. Get a freaking hobby[/b] - ... other than sitting in front of the computer all day making the occasional graphic and/or random website for fun. I have wanted to make comics for a while, like ... good ones. Not just the average doodle or whatever, actual professional and quality work. It would help with my creative writing skills (which I know I am good at no matter how much I tell myself I am not much of a writer), as well as sharpen my ability to draw consistently. I could still use the computer for color, if I feel like using color. I have gotten pretty good at coloring on the computer. It looks better, in my opinion, but just takes longer to do.

So yeah, that is about it.[/size]
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Guest PersianMistress
Here's a few of mine.
2. Find out why my other nickname was banned.
3. Get good grades.
4. Loose about 30 lbs
5. Buy more Anime
6. See the conclusion to the Dark tournament on YYH

None will be done but it's kinda fun to think them up I guess....
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[color=#006699]My resolutions? Hm..

[*]Get a Job. - At 14, I currently don't have much of an oppurtunity to get a job. But when I turn 15 this July, I have the option of working at Fiesta Texas or Sea World. ^_^ So I can save up for a car, and probably buy a few things here and there throughout the year. Only problem is, I'll only be working for a few months, as Fiesta Texas and Sea World aren't open year long. --;

[*]Improve my artwork. - I'm pretty sure that no one here knows that I draw. Probably because I've yet to post anything here. But I take it relatively seriously, I scan the stuff I draw and color it in Paint Shop Pro 7. So, yeah, I hope to improve it substantially.

[*]Improve my grades. - I've been slacking lately. --;
[/list] [/color]
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Guest PersianMistress
oooooo as of 3 hours after I made my original post..I BEAT PRINCE OF PERSIA!!!! WOOOO HOOO!!!....yeah, ok, I'm done.
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My New Years Resolutions:

1) No more procrastinating on my papers! Last quarter was so difficult because I'd wait until the last minute to do them, and I had one due every single week o.0 Thank goodness I don't have to take anymore film theory classes if I don't want to (but I probably will just to challenge myself o.0).

2) Finish writing my stories, especially my LOTR fan fic. Puwahah, I started writing that a year and a half ago, and it still isn't finished >.< I've lost tons of readers because of it.

3) Work hard in my film production class! I MUST do well!

Last, but not least:

4) Keep New Years resolutions! This one is really tough -_- Haha

~Haruno Sakura
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hack Helba [/i]
[B]Well I would just like to say again that my number 1 resolution is...

[b]Dont cheat on girlfriends with your ex's.[/b] I have to get out of doing that all the time. [/B][/QUOTE]

I know a guy who does that. He's an ***. ;)

Well, anyway.... My resolutions:

Get better grades. (Must beat... my twin... must beat.... my twin!)

Lose some weight. I'm 140 lb. This is a resolution I'll never keep, though.

Make a web comic.

Find someone at school better at drawing anime than me.

Beat the above person.

Get a boyfriend. (Zach=:love: :blush: )

Umm, make up more resolutions.

That's, my list. :p
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There are a couple of resolutions I've planned on doing.

[*]Attend to every anime conventions I can find.

[*]Hopefully, with my parents permission, find a job next summer to work. (To my parents, school comes first; also they always tell me that I'll be alright if I need money)

[*]Have lots of fun everyday. (Find cool stuff to do; computer especially)

[*]Until countdown for 2004, raise a can of root beer and drink like there's no tomorrow! This is a resolution I will do for my brother.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i]
[B]Also, gain complete control of flying helicopters on BattleField 1942. That is important.

I'll assume you mean "gain complete control of flying helicopters on Battlefield 1942 [i]mods[/i]", since there are no helicopters in BF1942. In BF: Vietnam, yes, but not 1942.

My Resolution is to burn more kittens.

And I am deadly serious.
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My resolutions are: *sigh*

1. Be more mentally aware, so that dark spirits cannot invade my mind and take over it.

2. Be more calm and tell less. Many people don't believe in psychic powers because they are thinking about the phony fortunetellers, which is not what I mean. Psychic power will only form in the presence of belief... so I gotta make people believe, and I know just the song and characters to do it.

3. Do more to achieve my dreams, not just wish for them. Perform rituals, sing songs, draw, etc.

4. Be kinder to my friends and more bitter to my enemies. (don't be gullible!!!)

There are others too...
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Well this year I'm going to try to do things/join things that my mom wants me to do. The only reason I want to do it is because lately my mom doesn't seem to happy with me,(for many reasons. ^.^;;; ) so I'm just going to try out a few things she wanted me to do. I do, kind of, also want to do a few of these things for myself. ^^;

{Things such as}

-Please mom

-Join the club dillies she wanted me to join

, and....

-I'm not sure, but I bet there some more stuff I'll end up doing (I can't think of them{note taken:I {note taken: I Like to ignore my mom} >.<)
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