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The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition


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[QUOTE] Nintendo has recently released artwork to retailers depicting a Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition disc. The disc will feature The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, and a demo of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. From the available artwork, it looks like this disc will be included as a pack in with new GameCubes, although we hope we'll also see it as a bonus for those who order The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords. While it most likely will be a straight port much like the Ocarina of Time disc, this is still a must have treat for all Zelda fans.[/QUOTE]

[IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/zeldabonus_10060302.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/zeldabonus_10060301.jpg[/IMG]

Good stuff. Obviously no LttP thanks to the GBA version. I'm sure it'll be available some other way, and if not... they'll probably be all over Gamespot for $15 a couple of weeks later, just like the OoT disc.
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I certainly hope it's available some other way because I don't have any current plans to pick up Four Swords for the GameCube. But this bundle is an awesome idea because my poor NES doesn't work too well anymore and I haven't been able to play The Legend of Zelda or Adventure of Link in years. I wish it also included Link's Awakening and the Oracle series, but you can't have everything, I suppose.

At least it doesn't have the CD-i Zelda games :p
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[color=indigo]Yeah, it better be available some other way. If it isn't, I am going to be [i]so[/i] pissed off. Though I guess you can always find one used somewhere after they've been released, but still... I want one new.

Really though, I think I'd probably only play one of the games on there, at least right away. (I'd probably end up playing through all of them at one time or another). That'd be Zelda II, which I've been meaning to play through for quite a while now, but other games have always been coming up that I want to play. This'd give me a good excuse to play it, heh. Though I might start a new game on Majora's Mask, too; it's been awile since I played the N64 version, so I've probably forgotten some of what I've already done. (MM being the other Zelda game that I still need to get around to beating).

Oh, and I love the logo for this new disc. It has the classic sword-through-the-Z, but with the Master Sword from Ocarina of Time. And the Triforce behind it looks better, too, instead of an old, beat up shield like on the LTP logo. This has got to be my favorite logo so far -- I must find some art of it by itself.[/color]
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[color=#707875]You haven't played Zelda II, 'breko? And you call yourself a Zelda fan!

Hehe, well, I'm almost as bad. I had an original Zelda II, gold box/cart and all...and I sold it years ago -- you know, when I was younger and more foolish. Blah.

It's a cool game. And it's probably the main reason for me to get this disc. I sincerely hope that it comes out as something seperate...though I can see why Nintendo would make it as a pack-in only. I'm glad that they're being aggressive when it comes to pushing GameCubes out the door. This bundle is a good thing.[/color]
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[color=indigo]I've started playing Zelda II three different times before getting drawn away by some other new game. [i]Three times![/i] I just can't seem to get far enough into it to really be drawn in before something else comes along and distracts me.

Also, Zelda II was released the year I was born, so I couldn't really play it when it was still new. That, and we didn't even have it until I bought a copy after becoming obsessed with the series. (Which was after playing Ocarina of Time). I've really only been putting off playing through it for about four years. ^_^;[/color]
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  • 4 weeks later...

That shows you how to get the new Zelda disc. I already signed up with [url]http://my.nintendo.com[/url] so I'm set with that. I'll be buying those games too, so I guess I'll get this no problem.

Very happy you can get it other ways. It looks like NOA might be starting something similiar to NCL and NOE... where you buy stuff and get free things. I see no other reason why they'd want people to type in PIN numbers for games now.
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This is very good news seeing as I already have a GameCube and couldn't be bothered to buy a new one just for this :p

I'm torn between suscribing to Nintendo Power and just registering online. I'm already getting Mario Kart: Double Dash!! and probably Mario and Luigi, so option #2 wouldn't be a problem. However, I haven't suscribed to Nintendo Power in a good, long while and it'd be nice to get this along with 12 issues of Nintendo Power, heh.

Either way, I will get this. Someway, somehow...
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[color=indigo]AAARGH!!! Why couldn't they have just made it [i]one[/i] game? I've already got Double Dash!! reserved, but I won't have enough money for Mario & Luigi or another NP subscription (which I already have through 2005 anyway). At least not until Christmas, but I'd like to use that money for a new PC and FFXI.

Hmm...if anyone's getting more than two of those games, could I use the third PIN number? Please? I'm desperate here...[/color]
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Does anyone here know when this Zelda bundle will be released because I know gamecube is $99 now and my old one broke so I gonna get a new one. And I need to know when this is comin out so I will know if it too long to wait for it or to wait just a little bit longer to get one.
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Man, you'd be hardpressed to find a bigger bargain than that. It's certainly the biggest gaming bargain (outside of online auctions and things like that). Think about it...four of the greatest games of all time, plus a system with several amazing games on it for upwards of $80? I shudder to even think about it.

I bet this is the kind of thing that people who wait before buying a system live for.

EDIT: I suscribed to Nintendo Power and am now awaiting the arrival of the Zelda Collection Disc. I'll post my thoughts on it as soon as I get a chance to play it, heh.
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  • 1 month later...
Well, the more I think about it the more it makes sense to do. At first I thought of it like this:

£79.99 = Gamecube + Zelda Game

Now I see it like this:

£79.99 = Gamecube + Ocarina of Time + Majora's Mask + Adventure of Link + Legend of Zelda + Extra Control Pad

I already played MM and OoT though I never did complete either (I got quite far in them though) and I haven't ever played the original LoZ or AoL. I think I'm going to go for it :excited: I just need £40 more (which should be easy with X-Mas and all :D ) but I'm worried they'll run out of stock of the LoZ:CE. This equation:

£79.99 = Gamecube

... is far less appealing than the previous :bawl: I think what I'll do is go into town and see if they have them with the disk. If they do, that's great :D if not :( I'll have to wait and see :sweat:
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If you really want it, I would definitely buy it.

The game is very well made, and you're not likely to see a deal like this anytime soon (I'm not sure how much 80 pounds is, but I'm pretty sure it's still a very good deal).

My advice is if you really love the Legend of Zelda series, and you don't have one or more of the games on that disc (not to mention a GameCube), then you should hurry over to the store as fast as you can and buy the set. Even if they run out of copies of the disc, you don't have to buy the GCN, so I don't see the harm in at least going to the store and seeing if they have it in stock lol.

But if you are able to pick up the game, know that you will be getting one of the best compiliations in gaming history. At least, in my opinion.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinmaru [/i]
[B]If you really want it, I would definitely buy it.

The game is very well made, and you're not likely to see a deal like this anytime soon (I'm not sure how much 80 pounds is, but I'm pretty sure it's still a very good deal).

My advice is if you really love the Legend of Zelda series, and you don't have one or more of the games on that disc (not to mention a GameCube), then you should hurry over to the store as fast as you can and buy the set. Even if they run out of copies of the disc, you don't have to buy the GCN, so I don't see the harm in at least going to the store and seeing if they have it in stock lol.

But if you are able to pick up the game, know that you will be getting one of the best compiliations in gaming history. At least, in my opinion. [/B][/QUOTE]

I would agree, one of the best compilations in gaming history... Well I will take a look. Thanks for the replies everyone :)
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[color=darkred][SIZE=1]I am very interested in this collection. This is one wicked awesome looking disc. I bought the GAMECUBE when it first came out, so I was saddened to learn that that way is out for me. However (I am not sure what countries have access to this way), Nintendo Power - an exclusive Nintendo magazine - is offering the disk with a 1-year paid subscription. That is right up my alley for money and interest. I have not collected those in some time, and to get that disk, a 1-year subscription isn't bad at all. . for everything you are getting in that disk. . *drools* Too nice! [/size][/color]
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[url=http://www.slownerveaction.org/1up/games/gamecube/zeldacollection.html]My review of Zelda: Collector's Edition[/url]

That review pretty much holds all of my thoughts on Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition if you can read through it all lol. Long story short, the compilation is very well emulated (with only some sound issues in the port of Majora's Mask) and all the Zelda games are still amazingly fun to play.

So, I hope you have tons of fun with it, Lightning Baron ^_^
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Guest Midogel
ya, I got the disc for christmas. I had never played the 1st 2 zeldas so I REAlly wanted to. I was NOT disapointed. They pose a great challenge that I love about the series!

I got it through a subscription to Nintendo power. Twas a great deal, $20 for a year subscrption and the disc! I'm not sure though, if it's offered everywhere.
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[quote][i]Originally posted by Midogel[/i]
I got it through a subscription to Nintendo power. Twas a great deal, $20 for a year subscrption and the disc! I'm not sure though, if it's offered everywhere.[/quote]

The offer to get The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition via Nintendo Power subscription is, according to Nintendo's webpage, available only in United States and Canada, since those are the only countries where subscriptions to Nintendo Power are available.

I'm not sure whether official Nintendo publications in other countries may be holding a similar offer, but it's possible. I think that the offer to get Zelda: Collector's Edition with a GCN may available in other countries.
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Currently, I believe this is a US only thing. It's not too difficult to get overall.

If you have a GC you should get Mario Kart: Double Dash!! anyway. Anyone with a GBA must own Mario and Luigi too. So if you get those two, register them and your GCN and GBA, you'll get it in the mail. Pretty nice free gift.

I got my disc on the 23rd. I'm loving it so far. I've not bothered with OoT since I beat it long ago and have that other Zelda bonus disc... but Majora is still godlike. Best Zelda ever, in my opinion -- even with sound errors.

Edit -- Actually I know Europe lets you register games for points... I think you can cash those points in towards this Zelda disc, but I'm not positive.
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