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Blackouts(not the electric kind)


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Lately, I've been getting dizzy and having blackouts alot. One instance is this morning: I was walking down the stairs to get my ear peircing aniseptic and I got dizzy and blacked out for a few seconds and when I came to my senses, I was at the bottom of the stairs. Luckily I wasn't hurt. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm eating fine, getting good exercise, I sleep when I'm tired. I think it might be psycological. I'm not talking as much as I normally do, I'm not as interested in the foods that I normally like(including chocolate, cookies, and eggs and bacon sometimes), and I'm fighting with my sister alot more. Any advice, anyone?
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[color=indigo]I just had a friend that was hospitalized for a similar problem. It turned out that he had a type of ear infection that screws up your equillibreum, causing him to become dizzy and black out. Anyway, I would probably go see the doctor...usually if you blackout more than once you go see the doctor,lol/[/color]
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kenshinsbabe, i dont tink it is a sycological thingy, i had the same thing, i was told it might be because a lac of oxygen, or as my friend says (an outright act of God), but watch yourself when you stand up you might not be getting enough blood to your head, sometimes when you stand up it might take a second but you might blackout.
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[color=darkblue]I was getting alot of blackouts for awhile like a couple months ago, So I went to see a doctor about. He said that with me, It was that I was getting up to fast after laying down or sitting. Somthing to do with the blood rushing to your head. But yeah.. That might be somthing like it. I get them still somtimes.[/color]
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That happens to me actually. I've been having them ever since I was little. Whenever I sit down for a long period of time or in the same position, then I get up and suddenly everything becomes blurry (even though i do wear glasses! O.o) and I can't see what's in front of me. So I have to stand there, clutching my forehead and then my vision is back. Its just....weird.
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I haven't experienced anything of that sort really. I have a neurological condition that causes me to have seizures but that's it. You should really go see a doctor. It would be your best bet because then you might be able to get some medicine or maybe if it's neurological, they could give you a MRI or Catscan. Get to a doctor ASAP.
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i used to pass out sometimes, and when i went to the doctor, he said it was because of lack of sugar. I have hypoglycemia. If there is any instances in your family history about one of your family members having diabetes, i would ask the doctor to do a blood test. It is a lot better to know that you have it now, than later on in the future. They can help you control it better. I hope that helps, and of course, it would be the right thing to do to go to the doctor.
Also, the ear is what controls balance. You might have an inner ear infection.
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have you been doing something different lately such as exersising or eating less or more lately. You could be not getting enough nutrition wich would lead to blackouts and slightly eratic behavior(trust me) or maybe you have a long lasting but subtle(not the best word for the situation) sickness.:sara:
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Well, I don't know what you would do. Maybe go to the doctor about it, but all I know is that I have kind of the same problem as MaggieMehve. Except that it only happens when I've been playing my gameboy or watching TV or playing my playstation 2 or something for a little while and when I stand up I see a bunch of dots, then my vision kind of goes black and I have to stand there for a couple seconds and wait for my vision to clear up.
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yup, I agree see a docter. If you blank out alot you should it happens to me if i sit up after lying down or if I've been sitting down and suddenly got up, but it happens to every one once, but since its happening alot to you, see a docter, there is no excuse for you trusting us here on OB to figure out whats wrong, when a docter can do it for money and actually figure out whats wrong.
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I did just get my ears pierced. . .but they've been going on since before then. . .hmmm. I got my ears pierced two days ago. The blackouts have been happening since about a week ago. When I stand up sometimes, it is blurry, but when I start walking, it carries on to a small blackout. My sister says I'm just being stupid and that the only reason I am getting blackouts is because there's no balance in between my ears(she's implying that I have no brain). Of course, she wasn't there when I kinda fell down the stairs. . . shh don't tell her!
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kenshinsbabe [/i]
[B]I The blackouts have been happening since about a week ago. When I stand up sometimes, it is blurry, but when I start walking, it carries on to a small blackout.[/B][/QUOTE]

[color=darkblue]Yeah sorta like what I was telling you, did you not read it?[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i]
[B]We'll see who you trust when you blackout and fall on some scissors that should've been pointing downward. [/B][/QUOTE]


how do you point scissors upwards other than by careful placement...?
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You believe in things that aren't physical. *tries to balance a pair of scissors upwards, it clatters on her keyboard* Nope, it doesn't work. Sorry, your physics aren't working for me. The only way that i have a black out and then get stabbed by a pair of scissors is if Weird Al ran into me with them:
But, I haven't been stabbed--now have I?
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i]
[B]By holding them? [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=009966]:therock: So you're saying that a random passerby, who happens to be holding scissors, would just wait at the bottom of a stair case, hoping that some unfortunate victim will go into a blackout? Whoever does that must 1.)have no life, or 2.)be deranged. If it happens to be the first, then he or she needs to get a hobby....or a dog. If it's the latter, then he or she needs to see a doctor/therapist as well.[/color]
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I have blackouts normally caused by me rising to quickly for m sitting. But if I exercise to long and too much (I have a heart condition). In addition, when I fall as a defense measure I will black out concisely. Nevertheless, it makes it where my reflexes are faster and usual helps to lessen the damage or to catch my self. I have another type of blackout where I will just lose 5-15 minutes and just cannot remember what I was doing and sometime where I am. However, this usually linked to the empelpsy (shaking sickness).
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Kenshinbabe, although highly unprofessional, here's my medical advice (I'll be in applying to med school in 2 years :D ):

You didn't give me a good list of symptoms except random blackouts. This leads me to belive you may not be eating as well as you tell (exercise, or lack of rarely has to do with blackouts) us. Check your diet, getting your fiber? Or more importantly, your carbs?

Any of number of things could be causing blackouts. Most blackouts do occur as a result of exhaustion (can be caused by poor diet) or deficiency in respiration.

Have you been sick recently?

You could also be suffering from:

Low blood sugar, maybe a type of diabetes (do you have a genetic history ? Type 1 is genetic)


Low iron in your hemoglobin, check your iron intake.

This could be a passing thing, most likely. Unless its anemia or low iron, you wouldn't be given any medication (Diabetes is a different story, it depends on what type). I cannot honestly diagnose any of these.. but you might want to look out for this. Blackouts are not a psychological problem, so please see a general physician, not a psychiatrist.

Please, check your diet, see a doctor. This may turn out to be something more than a mild blackout, or something much much more simple and easy. Better find out.


Edit: ahh yes.. considering the nature of the thread and the direction it's going, unless we see some real advancement in the thread other than a discussion about how scissors will kill a person who's blacking out; thread will be closed. Post wisely kenshinbabe.
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