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[size=1]Greetings and salutations everyone, I have returned.

The voting is done, and it seems since there was a three-way tie, an executive decision must be made. As it has.

The decision is this. The person voted out is: G/S/B Master.[/size]
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Damario stormed out of the suite, beaming, and yet, not as pleased looking. He resumed his stance by the unpretentious bureau, pouring himself another glass of unforgiving wine. A small voice in his head told him [i]That'll take a toll on you![/i], but he snorted at it as always and told it back "I've built up a high alchohol tolerance." He then gave out an howling uproar of laughter, which attracted some unwanted attention from the guests still on the bottom stage.

He made a effortless attempt to walk down the velvet-covered stairing, where he actually did more of a stumble as he noted that he might've underestimated his alchohol tolerance after all. But, naturally, he was still on his feet when he attained the aftermost step. This drunken ole seadog's mind would soon clear up and be like a lucid lake once again.

For now, he checked out a women. [i]You sick pervert,[/i] that voice in his head returned.
I have to go so I made this short.
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Trini a bit perturbed by the vote had no choice but to help her new friend pack. It didn't take too long before he was packed and out the door.

As she walked back up the stairwell she kept her gun in hand and looked at Damario as he slowly staggered down the stairs. She slightly shook her head at his conduct but wondered why she wasn't having any fun at this point in time either.

[I] Forget it,[/I] she said to herself. Walking back downstairs heading to the bar for a drink.

She sat to the bar and looked at all the alchohol behind the bar. Remembering there was no one around to make a drink she quickly got up and mixed herself a drink. She quickly returned to a seat at the bar, taking her time to savor the flavor of her drink. Plus not wanting to loose her composure around people she didn't know.

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Damario discerned Trini getting a drink so he walked (actually, he wobbled more or less) over to her and took the stool seat next to her. She didn?t appear too content with his company, but he was leisurely redeeming his soberness back. ?Hey there, lass,? sharp words crossed his wind-chapped lips. She gave a resonance of abhorrence from the bottom of her throat, but accommodated him nevertheless.

?Hello, Mr. Pirate,? she said, trying a smile.

?And what?s a pretty lass like you doing with a pistol like that?? His breath reeked of the drink he was consuming.

Trini brought out the silver-encrusted pistol in her hand and pirouetted it expertly, finishing it off by apprehending it after a lob into the air and resting it back on the counter with adapt. ?I think I can handle myself? Mr. Dantes, is it??

?That it be,? he gave her an extensive smirk again. ?You will be one of the better competition.? He arose, coiling the gun of his back in it?s scabbard and strolled away, leaving Trini to her drink.
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OOC:Baron thanks for that.. Got a little wild with that.... Edited appropriately


Trini watched the pirate as he walked away. And yelled out a quick smart remark.

"Dantes" he turned around quickly acknowledgeing her" If you're trying to flirt...you need to do better."

She turned back to the bar and heard a scoff escape from the pirates chest as he left the room. Although she knew that he wasn't flirting. She had to make a remark or wonder the effect of it later on.

He left the room still stumbling as he did before. She kept facing the bar finishing off her drink slowly. She didn't see many others come in the bar. And saw a picture in the corner that seemded to eye her suspciously. She felt a little uncomfortable tried to ignore the picture.

She sipped from her drink once more and placed it on the table. She scooped the gun up placing it on her side. Going back to her drink. She turned to look around the room and saw a large window to sit next to. She got up and moved to it sitting and looking out, waiting for more people to make their presence known.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sweetreyes [/i]
Trini a bit perturbed by the vote had no choice but to help her new friend pack. It didn't take too long before he was packed and out the door.


[size=1][b]I guess I need to clear some things up.

There is no actual vote [i]inside[/i] of the adventure, that is just us deciding behind the scenes who is going to go.

The person who is voted posts their death, which is why I introduced the hand-guns. But it must be that person who posts their death.

I will work out kinks like this from time to time, this being kind of a new system for most all of us.[/b][/size]
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Maybe sweetreyes killed GBS Master to start the festivities ;) She was, after all, in the same room XD
Damario made his way back into the main lobby, peering around at it's patrons. Then he discovered an debilitated piano, collecting dust in the corner of the room next to a dirty bureau with vases covering it's surface. He stumbled over, took a seat on the piano bench, cracked his dynamic hands, and played while singing a familiar tune.

[center][i]"Yo ho, Yo ho, A pirate?s life for me

We pillage and plunder, we rifle and loot
Drink up me hearties, Yo ho

We kidnap and ravage, we don?t give a hoot
Drink up me hearties, Yo ho

Yo ho, Yo ho, A pirate?s life for me

We extort and pilfer, we filch and sack
Drink up me hearties, Yo ho

Maraud and embezzle and even highjack
Drink up me hearties, Yo ho

Yo ho, Yo ho, A pirate?s life for me

We kindle and char and inflame and ignite
Drink up me hearties, Yo ho

We burn up the city, we?re really a fright
Drink up me hearties, Yo ho

We?re rascals and scoundrels, we?re villains and knaves, drink up me hearties, Yo ho

We?re devils and blacksheep we?re really bad eggs
Drink up me hearties, Yo ho

Yo ho, Yo ho, A pirate?s life for me

We?re beggars and blighters and ne?er do well cads
Drink up me hearties, Yo ho

Aye, but we?re loved by our mommies and dads
Drink up me hearties, Yo ho

Yo ho, Yo ho, A pirate?s life for me!"[/i][/center]

He grinned with enjoyment and turned to the others who had acknowledged him. "How about another?"

[center][i]"What do you do with a drunken sailor?
What do you do with a drunken sailor?
What do you do with a drunken sailor, er'ly in the morning!"[/i][/center]
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Michael strolled down the stairs after unpacking his things. He had found the room very appealing and rather decadent he had to admit. Large, velvet drapes covered the french windows and a massive four poster bed dominated the room. The color scheme of the room seemed to be gold and red, giving the place a very royal feel, or possibly boudoir had hdn't decided. Other than unpacking he had spent a little time gazing at the marvelous paintings that hung upon his walls, some seemed rather old to his eyes and they only added to the whole scene of the room.

Stepping down into the main social area of the mansion Michael patted the silver pistol held in his belt absently as he looked around. Noticing the girl sat at the window he ambled over to her.

"Well hello there miss, I'm afraid I've forgotten your name...something I don't want to do again." He smiled at her and leant against the window sill.
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Trini looks up at the man and smiles nicely to him. Although she didn't expect to keep too much company today she still appreciated some.

[I]At least he isn't drunk. [/I] She extendeds a hand for him to shake, smiling softly at the man.

"The name is Trini," she said in a nice manner not wanting to run him away. "And you are?"

"I didn't introduce myself earlier," he asked.

"I think you did but I proably wasn't really paying attention, you were talking to that other girl, Mi-miyuki." She strained for a moment trying to remember her name finally letting it out. You were talking to her."

"Oh yeah thats right, well I'm very sorry that it took me so long to introduce myself to you personally," Michael said being sincere with his comment.

"No problem," Trini said. She looked away from him for a moment then asked," Would you like a drink?I can make it for you."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Damario ceased playing his pleasurable tunes and rose to his feet, dusting off all the dust his dilapidated pants left behind on the broken-down bench. He made his way to the heart of the room, glimpsing at all the remaining populace in the premises. He then observe a door that suddenly materialize in his line of sight. He passed through the threshold and admired the room he had entered. It was very well pampered and seemed like El Dorado to him, since he claimed he went on that voyage to find it.

He collapsed into a substantial, cushiony chair by a fireplace. The fire of the hearth gave off a soothing warmth that could only be too pleasing on a bitter, wintry night. He admired the tepid conflagration as most drunks do when they?re intoxicated.

He positioned his pistol on the slab beside him and crossed his two bulky arms across his presented chest, one of them over his stomach, the other occupying the space over his bosom. He closed his eyes leisurely, letting his thoughts slip into vague oddities. His mind came across the other competitors and how they all had distinct characteristics and personalities. Then he thought of Trini, the uncanny girl in the bar sipping her drink. She was attractive, he will give her that., but she had a rough atmosphere about her. He liked that. He gave off a silent grin as he slipped into an inebriated sleep.
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