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Is the world greedy or what?


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[COLOR=darkred][QUOTE]I don't think that everyone is greedy. Some are greedy, some aren't.

But giving and receiving gifts doesn't make you greedy. I like giving gifts to people, because it's a token of my appreciation for them themselves. And basically, it's nice to do things that make others happy. I think it's pretty harmless; it only becomes crazy when people really do start to become entirely materialistic over it.

I must agree.. i am not saying that giving and receiving gifts make you greedy but there is a line where people do act all.
"Omg you [b]have[/b] to get me this" and demand it like a spoiled child.

[QUOTE]I've talked with a couple people about Wish Lists, and I was surprised to find out that not all of my friends make them. My family's required to, heh. This year they're posted online so everyone has easy access to them.[/QUOTE]

XD my family makes us do wish list.. only problem with me is that i dont really want anything anymore..ran out of things :X

[QUOTE]And by the way, this is going of topic, insted of disussing greedyness in gerneral, your now focussing on chistmas greedyness. [/QUOTE]

I intended it to be christmas greedyness i am sorry i was too vague on the title :].. and i noticed it more around christmas this year then usual.

[QUOTE]And I do not know who said it but someone said if someone does not go to church they should not be able to celebrate Christmas.[/QUOTE]

o_O;;; Thats an absurd idea.
christmas isnt all based on religious beliefs.. my family takes it to be religious but just because you dont believe in that doesnt mean you have to not celebrate christmas.
Christmas has many meaning and its [b]not[/b] all about the religious things but also rather about the tons of other meanings that i wont go into because it'd take too much time.

People are greedy. Get over it. Jesus is dead. Get over it. Christmas is just a holiday. Get over it.

Let people be greedy. Is there anything you can do about it? No. Does saying that people are greedy mean you're doing something about it? No. It only means you're complaining, and not taking action. If it's such a big deal, then act, instead of pointing fingers [/QUOTE]

I am not simply complaining in this thread, dear. I am simply trying to get the word out about people being greedy and hopeing that in some way people will get the idea. *pat pat* Its alright. Dont Assume next time.. And do not make attacts on religious beliefs so easily makeing you seem like a fool, if you dont believe in it you can atleast do what i do and not say anything at all, keep your opinions to yourself and let some sort of respect towards others belief show.

I also think that hearing some people saying they are greedy really arnt greedy or under what i classify as greedy o_o
anyways this post has been stretched out and i was just merely hopeing to see if anyone else agreed on how the world tends to be more about themselves then others but i am not saying everyone is greedy but i wish in someways those who are will get a sense of it and maybe just maybe perhaps learn not to be. [/COLOR]
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I beleive that this world has some truth to it.. that i do.
And i agree that my post gave a quite negative outlook on what my point really was....this world is greedy but i think there are the few who live day in day out with the strength of forgivness.
so i apperciate what you said you have suprised me with how you belive so i say honors to you.....
may i reach that level soon
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[quote]Most religious festivals or celebrations kick off with a meeting of the community of the religion- like a Church service. You don't need a church building in order to be close to God, but then, you don't need to celebrate Christmas either.

And let's be honest now.. how many people exactly are "close to God" when they celebrate Christmas these days.. not many.. which kind of nullifies your point.[/quote]

IF you read the previous statements you would know what I was replying to. It was said that unless you go to church, you do not deserve to celebrate Christmas. I wasnt making the point that you need a closeness to God, but rather saying that church does not neccesarily matter when it comes to being close to God.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SasukeUchiha [/i]
[B]IF you read the previous statements you would know what I was replying to. It was said that unless you go to church, you do not deserve to celebrate Christmas. I wasnt making the point that you need a closeness to God, but rather saying that church does not neccesarily matter when it comes to being close to God. [/B][/QUOTE]

And the point I was making is that religious celebrations tend to involve some kind of meeting of the church, synagogue or general community of faith. Yes, you don't need to be in church in order to be close to God- and you don't even need to be close to God to be in church (most aren't). And also, you don't need to celebrate the holiday in order to be close to God.

However a religious holiday, when you celebrate it, almost always involves some kind of celebrational meeting of the religious community. In all fairness, the church on the whole is very bad at making it "celebrational" but ends up a little more on the morbid side of things.

Christmas is celebrated by a meeting of the church in order to congregationally celebrate (again this is something the church is bad at) the gift of Christ.

My point was also that this has nothing to do with the closeness of God. You don't need to be close to God in order to celebrate Christmas, nor do you need to celebrate Christmas in order to be close to God.


Your point doesn't carry a lot of weight with me because closeness to God is not needed in order to go to a church service, nor does it come from it. So it doesn't really make a lot of difference whether you're close to God at all places or at church, with regards to whether or not you celebrate Christmas at church, if you don't need to be close to God in order to celebrate Christmas [i]or[/i] go to church.

incidentally, I believe very strongly that I can be, and usually am close to God whether at church or not. But I know a lot of people who aren't close to god who go to church, and more who are not close to God and who celebrate gift giving at christmas but don't go to church- hence I see no reason why the statement that church attendance does not equal closeness to God, has anything to do with whether or not Christmas as a religious ceremony, should or should not be celebrated at Church.

Edit: a note of expansion: When I say "church".. understand that I almost never mean the building unless I plainly say so. I more often than not refer to the people, to a gathering, etc.

Indeed, to say that you need to go to a particular building is absurd.
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I stopped caring about Christmas a long time ago, it's a pointless holiday to me. It's a day we all give presents to each other for someone else's birthday. Obviously, it's not possible to give a pair of jeans or a DVD player to Jesus, but I just want to know how a big fat man in a red suit whom slides down chimneys to give children presents came to be connected with the birthday of Christ. The most I could come up with is that it represents the wisemen's good will to the baby Jesus when he was conceived. It kinda makes sense in a way, they were all portrayed as white men with big white fluffy beards. Well, it doesn't really matter.

I actually like Christmas a little though, for the simple reason that I do like to give gifts to my family, and my friend. However I have to put up with my mother getting mad at me, not literally, for not telling her what I want for Christmas. I don't really want much, but at the most I'll ask for a game and get it over with.
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I'm probably wrong about this, and probably will get flamed, but...

When you think about it, where does greed come from? A desire for more stuff. A desire to get better things. A desire to rise above those around you.

I don't want to bring economics in here too much, but where does that ideal primarily exist? Capitalism. And really, it's not even a matter of Capitalism; it's simply a matter of everyone always wanting something better. Whether or not we [i]have[/i] what we want is beside the point. The point is...[i]we want something more[/i].

This is the way I look at greed, Capitalism, Gordon Gekko (Wall Street. 1987), Ebenezer Scrooge, Nintendo, Socialism, Microsoft, McDonalds, Hollywood--hey...mostly American things...whoa...lol...it's late, cut me some slack.

Anyway, our economy is driven by us. You can look at it from as many sides as you want, but the core of any economy is driven by those who...invest in it.

If we don't like a product, we don't buy it, forcing the company to re-evaluate. If we want a product, we can petition...file suggestions. Of course, this is in a free market...you wouldn't find that kind of freedom in dictatorial countries.

But it is the desire that drives us. It is the greed that drives us. I know that doesn't sound pleasant, but think of how many things we [i]wouldn't[/i] have today if someone hadn't been just a little bit greedy, if they hadn't taken those few extra steps.

Hell, Nintendo would not be where it's at today without greed and/or desire. Microsoft wouldn't have the power it has if Bill Gates had played with Legos all of his life.

As much as we don't like to hear it, greed and desire are necessary components of human existence. Without it...we're just...for lack of a better phrase, "pot-smoking hippies." And even then, hippies had an agenda. They had desires. They had greeds.

I, for one, am Pro-Greed and am damn glad to live in a country that fully supports it. :D

::salutes the all-mighty dollar::

Plus, who doesn't love a few video games at Christmas? I have enjoyed many, many games on many, many Holidays. Metroid Prime took up an entire Christmas day two years ago. Do I regret that? Hell no. Out of desire for fun, came fun.
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Guest Crimson Spider
Santa Claus came from Saint Nick.

Don't know the whole story myself. But people substitute Santa Claus for God.

1: is always watching you.
2: passes judgement on you.
3: has a league of helpers
4: gives you either presents, or coal as judgement.
5: is eternal.

Way too many similarities IMO. Telling a child that Santa Claus exists, then telling that child that Santa Claus doesn't exist and it was all a lie is like telling a kid that there's a god, then later telling him that there isn't and that there is no magic, or superior power, or penalty for being "naughty".
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Guest cloricus
The world is built on greed yes; it is currently the only semi-working system of making things work that people have come up with. Though this only applies to most the real world, for example the internet isn't built on greed and so are several other places.
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Guest Dreamerspiritt
This seems like the perfect time for a quote from Sonic Adventure:
"Greed is the enemy, once you start you will always want more!"~Tikal
It's true. I've always been spoiled, and as much as I want all my greed to go away it won't. I'm greedy, greedy, and the econmy is basically based on greed and disire, like Posion Toung said.
The real meaning of Christmas has been lost, it's not about gifts, it's about family and firends, and giving, not receiving.

Personally my favorite part of Christmas is seeing my family, and hand-making gifts for my family and friends, but I do enjoy the gifts too.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crimson Spider [/i]
[B]Santa Claus came from Saint Nick.

Don't know the whole story myself. But people substitute Santa Claus for God.

1: is always watching you.
2: passes judgement on you.
3: has a league of helpers
4: gives you either presents, or coal as judgement.
5: is eternal.

Way too many similarities IMO. Telling a child that Santa Claus exists, then telling that child that Santa Claus doesn't exist and it was all a lie is like telling a kid that there's a god, then later telling him that there isn't and that there is no magic, or superior power, or penalty for being "naughty". [/B][/QUOTE]

[size=1]Adults don't often actually say to children, "there is no Santa Claus." Most children just stop believing when they get older. Or other children tell them so.

And yes, the world has become greedy. But greed is a motivation that people would otherwise lack in these times. It's just a pity that it spills over into times that shouldn't be motivated by greed; like Christmas.[/size]
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Greed, like almost every other so-called vice or virtue, can have both positive and negative effects. When it's kept under control (used in moderation, so to speak), people call it "drive" or "ambition."

I will readily admit that I'm a materialistic person--having loyal friends and a loving family is obviously more important than having stuff, but being able to buy pretty new things makes me quite happy, thank you very much. Earthly possessions, such as Christmas presents, are basically the icing on the cake. They lose their value when you forget about the essential intangibles in life--i.e. love and compassion.

So, a little greed can be good. No one is entirely selfless, and what would ever have been accomplished if people didn't occasionally pursue their material desires?

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dreamerspiritt [/i]
[B]It's true. I've always been spoiled, and as much as I want all my greed to go away it won't. I'm greedy, greedy, and the econmy is basically based on greed and disire, like Posion Toung said.
The real meaning of Christmas has been lost, it's not about gifts, it's about family and firends, and giving, not receiving.


[color=#707875]For the first point, I'd say that I disagree. Having some level of ambition, or desire to achieve, does not make you greedy. And if you do have some kind of materialistic desire (as all human beings do), there's no automatic natural law that makes you more greedy over time or something. Quite often it's the reverse of that, I think.

Captialism is definitely based on a desire to have more than what we currently have, for both ourselves and society as a whole. But that isn't at all a bad thing. It [i]can[/i] be a bad thing, but why paint everybody with the same brush? It doesn't work.

Capitalism is something that drives innovation. And innovation is important, in terms of the environment, healthcare and so on. So, like all things, there are negatives and positives...but I'd personally suggest that the positives are overwhelming.

On the second point...again, I disagree. If Christmas is all about giving, then [i]someone[/i] is going to recieve what is given. So obviously, it's also about receiving. But that doesn't mean that it has to be a greedy affair at all. Receiving a special gift from a loved one (whether it's some big expensive thing, or a heartfelt christmas card) is a great feeling and not necessarily for materialistic reasons. I know that gifts given from people tend to remind me of those people; so it's great to always keep a card from someone that you care about.

But moreover, if you are receiving gifts, then someone is giving them to you. And giving gifts is a great feeling, because in some small way, it tends to be a token of affection for the person receiving it.

So I don't see any of that as a bad thing. And I'm tired of hearing this "the true meaning of Christmas has been lost" line. I think it's old. Christmas itself is based upon a Pagan event and there are various interpretations of the event, in different nations around the world. So I think that point is kind of moot -- and regardless of your religious affiliation, I think it's fair to say that [i]most[/i] people see Christmas a time for family and friends. In other words, a time to celebrate relationships and love. I don't think that is too far from being at the "heart" of Christmas.[/color]
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The world would be too perfect without greed.

I don't really have anoher view on this point, though I thought I'd let you all know. :)

The truth, I can't see Christmas as a "family time" for me. I actually can't see past the first hour of Christmas Day. I get presents, woohoo. So does everyone else I know. I know aswell as everyone else that getting presents is a big role of Christmas. I know no-one that takes Christmas as anything else other than a present getting day. It's all on greed.

To put it simple... this world, I think, is more advanced and evolved than what it ever would be if greed was non-existant.
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Guest rttocs77
Greed is a trait that helps progress us into the future. Without it, we would be a bunch of pot smoking hippies, not accomplishing anything. If greed did not exist, we would still be in the dark ages.

To quote Gordon Gecko (Michael Douglas) in [i]Wall Street[/i], 'greed is good.'

Of course greed can get way out of hand, but generally I think it is a good thing.
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Well, I'm taking an Algebra course and the teacher is not cutting us any slack. Our exams are tomorrow, so i should have my head in a book rite now, but Otaku is better than studying.

When she writes everything on the board, she actually expects us to learn something the way she is going. And i have a 89.5, which is pretty good, except if your parents are expecting A+'s. Great, My parents are really pressuring me on what to do, and the exams are tomorrow. The world likes it that way i guess?

I guess parent' are part of the world right? Parents are really greedy about what kinda things that you get. I mean, they will want you to do everything just like how THEY did it in school, they want attention from you, and they practically want everything from you...but of course i'm just speaking for myself.

Great...by the way, wish me luck on the exam.=.=
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Guest rttocs77
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Fatty_McGee [/i]
[B]Well, I'm taking an Algebra course and the teacher is not cutting us any slack. Our exams are tomorrow, so i should have my head in a book rite now, but Otaku is better than studying.

When she writes everything on the board, she actually expects us to learn something the way she is going. And i have a 89.5, which is pretty good, except if your parents are expecting A+'s. Great, My parents are really pressuring me on what to do, and the exams are tomorrow. The world likes it that way i guess?

I guess parent' are part of the world right? Parents are really greedy about what kinda things that you get. I mean, they will want you to do everything just like how THEY did it in school, they want attention from you, and they practically want everything from you...but of course i'm just speaking for myself.

Great...by the way, wish me luck on the exam.=.= [/B][/QUOTE]

It could be the codeine and antihypertensive combination I just took, but I am failing to see your connection with greed and your Algebra exam.
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[color=violet]After reading this I've realized two things:
1.)I'm glad that my religion-old tho it may be-is not mainstream. If it was, Yule/ Winter Solstice would be about giving presents instead of celebrating with others close to you, celebrating the re-birth of the Sun God and celebrating the days getting longer.
Heck, for Solstice my husband, Tommee and I went to an open circle ritual and participated in raising energy and a grab bag gift.
2. You people also seem to forget that not every branch of Christianity celebrate Christmas on December 25th. Eastern Orthodox Christians only just celebrated their CHristmas, and my best friend's denomination doesn't celebrate Christmas until April.[/color]
[color=purple]Also, to stay somewhat on the subject of Yule and the Western Christian Tradition of Celebrating Christmas at the end of December I Feel I should mention that the two are somewhat related.
What I mean is that when the early Western Christians were trying to convert pagans to Christianity they found it easy to place holidays that the Church celebrated close to pagan holidays. Yule/Winter Solstice is a perfect example of that because we celebrate the birth of the sun God and Christians celebrate the birth of Christ (great guy BTW, when I was Catholic, he helped me) a few days later. Early Christians just found it easier to say well, you're celebrating a few days early and for the wrong guy than try to explain that Jesus may not have been born until Spring-which would've given MAry a very long gestration period. I'm sorry if this offended anyone, but it is widely accepted truth.[/color]
[color=indigo]As for greed. Well, that tends to happen in a materialistic society. Everyobody wants something once in a while-even poor children want things. Give me a break tho, it's almost 1AM and I'm having trouble completing thoughts. I'll come back to this later![/color]
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