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Cowboy Bebop

Yu Yu Hakusho!

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CB is a good anime, no, a great anime in my opinion. But I certainly wouldn't say it's the best.

It does a whole lot of things right. They seiyuu cast is amazing (Except, I disliked Ed's a few times), but it's one of the few anime where I prefer to listen to the dub track. The animation is fluid and the directors really did a great job with the story. Even though it's very episodic, just about every episodes not concerned with the main plot gives great chracter character development. The characters themselves are very lovable and easy to relate to (For me anyways). And Kanno Yoko is a musical genius! I loved just about every bit of music in the show :)
Also, the movie was quite good as well.

CB does a lot of things right and is among some of the best anime titles I've seen, but there are to many diverse anime out there to lable one the best (In my personal opinion).

I reccomend that most anime fans look into this great title as well :D
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This is one of my favorite animes. Its a GREAT series, being a bit more clever than some that I have seen in the past. The storyline is good, animation great, and subtle humor funny!:D My favorite episodes are: Bohemian Rhapsody, Mushroom Samba, Toys in the Attic, Speak Like a Child, Stray Dog Strut, Hard Luck Woman. I have the complete series on DVD, and very glad I do!
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I really like Cowboy Bebop but I disagree with that last point:

"Honky Tonk Woman is a good episode to start the show."

I think that Asteriod Blues was the best episode to start the series with, as it shows the integral easy partnership of Spike and Jet, BEFORE others like Ein and Faye come along. Asteriod Blues also seems to encompass some of the easy humour along with the dark violence of the series.

In more general terms, I prefer the stand-alone episodes like Toys In The Attic and Cowboy Funk, to the more plot-heavy episodes like Ballad of Fallen Angels and Jupiter Jazz (parts 1 & 2). I know the storyline is important, but the real charm of the series for me are those more general episodes that don't have to be watched in any particular order.
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*Woah... Deja Vu!*

Well ya... I like Cowboy Beebop as well, but unlike Elrik, I tend to enjoy the pot-based episodes...

For one thing the plot itself is great (However short it is to develop!) and there's a lot of good dramatics in that plot... My favorites are Ballad of a Fallen Angel, Jupiter Jazz p2... which has the most awesome ending, and The very last one.

The music is awesome... I have almost every song that appears on that show downloaded onto my computer... If I knew where to find the soundtrack I'd buy that, too!

I really don't mind the stand alone episodes, too, I don't have a preference at all(plot-heavy or stand alone), I just love this series and am 2 DVD's away from owning the whole thing...
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Cowboy Bebop was a great anime. Through series to movie, I honestly can't think of any aspects to really criticize. I'd have to say the best part is fight sequences. Wheather by gun, fist, or ship CB made a special and unique style of capturing the action that is basically uncopyable.

The plot is great and matches with a Blues feel. Every character has their own backround, and I think CB exploited it perfectly. I don't enjoy the subtitled version much though, but that's pretty normal seeing as I can never really get used to reading and watching a show at the same time. The dubbed actors fit beautifully.

In all I give Cowboy Bebop a 10/10
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I have yet to see a superior anime, in my opinion. Cowboy Bebop still tops my list after viewing other otaku favourites such as The Vision of Escaflowne, Trigun, Tenchi Muyo!, FLCL and Neon Genesis Evangelion.

What I admire most about this series are the visual techniques used by the director, as they actually entail some meaning. This was a flaw in the climax of Gasaraki. It looked good, but meant nothing. Toys in the Attic was my least favourite episode for this reason. The ending technique seemed only to be included to fill in the time.

My Favourite Episodes are Ballad of Fallen Angels, Brain Scratch and Jupiter Jazz (Parts 1 & 2). Jupiter Jazz was the first "real" anime episode I'd ever seen, and while I found it confusing, it was the most intriguing television I'd watched in some time. I say "real" because I had watched the Funimation dub of Dragonball Z extensively beforehand.

I enjoyed this series as well as many of the issues covered have a lot of bearing in today's society, one being the ignorance of terrorist motives in "Cowboy Funk". I also admired the use traditional dramatic techniques such as irony in Speak Like a Child ("Don't Lose Me!").

I have seen the movie as well, and I believe it isn't up to the standard of the series, as I found the plot to be fairly linear. The tone surrounding it seemed to change, as if it had become more "trendy", and so came off as a standard Hollywood action film. This opinion could just be me though, because I am generally known for my disliking of movies altogether.
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So right sesshoumaru0013 I watch InuYasha and all but I always try 2 stay up for CB I mean I'm a fan! The music is pure art if u ask me. I love all the music but sadly I have not seen the whole series,but I have seen some of it. My favorites are: Mushroom Samba (I wouldn't shutup about it for a week ^_^) , Ballad of Fallen Angels (My sister hates that 1 for some reason) The real Folk Blues P.2, and I think its called My Funny Valentine. I would love 2 own the sound track! Oh yeah I forgot this one episode I liked but I can't remember the name it has Ed playing chess with this old guy. Oh, well oh yeah and when Ed gets into the series is my fav 2. I'm still trying 2 see the whole series! I love CB! *laughs* I'm a nut just 2 see it 1 night. I like Bebop!
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Cowboy Bebop is awesome! I love it! I haven't seen all the episodes, yet, but I'm only missing a few, maybe three. My favorite is Behemian Rapsody, Mushroom Samba and Toys in the Attic. I love all the characters, except for maybe Julia. I don't know why, she just bothers me for some reason. My all time fav. character is Spike and Ed. ^_^
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Yes, I love Ballad Of Fallen Angels, hitokiri_shi, it's such a sad episode. And it does show friendship that Spike And Vicous use to have. But Real Folks Blues is the best episode from my opinion, it has so much action and that is also a sad episode.

Kinoko Shima> I agree...not to say that I have a problem with Julia, but it's better if she wasn't in the show. The show will be different a little, because Spike won't have fantasys about her. Yeah...Julia isn't annoying but it's something about her.

[color=hotpink][size=1]Please do not double post, it is against the rules. Just go back and edit your original post. *QA*[/color][/size]
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His arm is artificial, and the story behind it is fully explained in episode 16, Black Dog Serenade.

As for his face, I'd say it was just wear-and-tear from being an active ISSP officer and then a bounty hunter. Injuries are just to be expected in such dangerous careers I guess.
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I've never been a big Bebop fan, although I realize that the series is truly amazing. This is due largely to the fact that I accidentally saw its last two episodes [i]before[/i] watching the remainder of the show. I later attempted to watch Bebop from the beginning--but after discovering how it ended, I just wasn't motivated to work my way through the rest, especially since so much of it is episodic in nature.

The other day, I stumbled across a Cowboy Bebop trailer (it was included on one of my Big O DVDs), and it really intrigued me. I hadn't remembered the series as having such excellent animation, even by today's standards.

So, here are my questions. First, has anyone else had my problem (learning all of Bebop's major spoilers before watching it in full)? Second, since I'd like to get back into the show, how would you recommend going about that?

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i]
[B]So, here are my questions. First, has anyone else had my problem (learning all of Bebop's major spoilers before watching it in full)? Second, since I'd like to get back into the show, how would you recommend going about that?

~Dagger~ [/B][/QUOTE]

To answer your first question, yes, it's almost inevitable that Cowboy Bebop will be spoiled for you unless you shut yourself off from the internet and watch the series lol. It's almost unavoidable...you always hear people shout [spoiler]OMG WTF SPIKE DIEZZZZ!!!!1111[/spoiler] and then the series is just about ruined for the rest of us who would rather watch the series like normal people.

As for your second question...I just go about watching random episodes of Cowboy Bebop that I enjoy. It's almost as if Cowboy Bebop wasn't meant to be watched in order lol. A lot of the episodes, as I'm sure you know, stand alone quite well on their own and you don't need to have seen some of the earlier episodes to really get a grasp of what's going on. Only a few episodes of Bebop really contribute heavily to the overall story, anyway (though, in my opinion, those are pretty much the cream of the crop).

Haha, and I swore I wasn't going to participate in this Cowboy Bebop thread :p
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Toys in the Attic was cool for me because it was such a change of pace...

I agree totally that it isn't near one of the best, but it's a huge change in style of plot and mystery for a Cowboy Beebop episode!

And the humorous ending... [spoiler]I mean it ends up being a fridge monster for goodness' sake![/spoiler] The demented humor! I love it! It sounds like a problem I would have!

But of course, I still love Jupiter Jazz more... If you can't tell yet, that's my favorite!
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i]

So, here are my questions. First, has anyone else had my problem (learning all of Bebop's major spoilers before watching it in full)? Second, since I'd like to get back into the show, how would you recommend going about that?

~Dagger~ [/B][/QUOTE]

Haha actually yea Dagger i did the same thing and loved the series. I saw the last episode first (not knowing it was the last episode till i saw it) and im actually happy i did see the last episode first cause it motivated me to want to see the other episodes that led up to that episode.

As for CB, the best episode is either Ballad of Fallen Angels or Sympathy for the Devil. I can't say anymore about them since this is like my 4th time writing a post on CB, but all im gonna say is the art and character design in Ballad makes it #1 and the brilliance of having a child as one of the best villians (in Sympathy) in there made it a classic as well. Plus the age change the child went through at the end of it words could not describe.
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The Bebop is a good show I find the characters quite amusing.
I have read and own the manga and that still proves to have it's perks. Cowboy Bebop Shooting Star By Cain Kuga is quite good but only two volumes were made *sniff* But still the art in Cain Kuga's storytelling will blow you away.

My favorite episode is when Spike is about to fight Vicious and Faye tries to stop him. What Spike says will forever sound in my ears.

"You see my eyes....One sees the past the other sees the Future....I am not afraid of the enevitable...Because I can't see the present"
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[COLOR=royalblue] The only thing that really compelled me to start watching Cowboy Bebop was the remarks about the awesome music, and I must say...this show has some really friggin' good music. :p

I was through with about the first five episodes when some drunk idiot online bounced around and told me that [spoiler] Spike dies at the end.[/spoiler] I watched about three more and then I didn't really feel like watching the rest since I knew the ending. After a long while, I went back and [strike]downloaded the last episode off of Kazaa[/strike] asked my cousin if I could borrow his last CB DVD and I watched the ending of the last episode so I could finally say I watched the ending and threaten to tell people what happened. :toothy:

I watched [i]Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' on Heaven's Door[/i] last year, and I was sort of dissappointed. One thing that bothered me the most was that the music didn't match the scenes at all in two areas, which is normal with most anime, but I had a feeling Yoko Kanno would place them better. Nonetheless, the music was still great despite the placing errors. During the course of the movie, some parts had me dead-bored, and I sort of trudged through the movie waiting for the end to come.[/COLOR]
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