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Cowboy Bebop

Yu Yu Hakusho!

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Cowboy Bebop is perhaps the best series i have ever seen. The animation is phenomenal and the music is spectacular. I personally think the ending shouldn't have been like it was. If the creators were to continue the series, i'm sure they would make a lot more money, but that's not saying that they might continue it in the future. Overall, I LOVE THIS SERIES!
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[font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]I really liked the ending. Yes, it was kind of sad, but episodes that motivate your heart are the good endings in anime.

I'll be honest, though... I did cry like a little girl when Dragon Ball GT ended. In Cowboy Bebop, I was just like, "Wow... no way, man!!"

Hehehe, I'm so glad none of you know me.

Edit: no images? :( [/color][/font]
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I never got to see the ending of DBGT....but I've seen pictures. I think I've only seen like 1 or 2 episodes and that was like a long time ago. Most of the info I get on the series that I actually beleive are big websites. And CB....like I said before, I was tearing, not crying like a baby, but I had a few tears roll down my face.

And can you beleive that the series has ONLY 26 episodes?!?

That's not very much.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho! [/i]
[B]I never got to see the ending of DBGT....but I've seen pictures. I think I've only seen like 1 or 2 episodes and that was like a long time ago. Most of the info I get on the series that I actually beleive are big websites. And CB....like I said before, I was tearing, not crying like a baby, but I had a few tears roll down my face.

And can you beleive that the series has ONLY 26 episodes?!?

That's not very much. [/B][/QUOTE]
That may not be lot compared to some of the anime you've seen, but it's actually the standard for most anime. I'd say a good 65-70% of all anime is composed of 26 episodes. On another note, we're straying off-topic with DBGT and whatnot, so please stop. :whoops:

I thought the ending was sad, sure, but I can't say that I actually cried over it. That's not to say I've never, erm, teared up during an anime before. All those flashbacks in Trigun, where that guy was dead, and Vash's brother was all happy, and Vash was crying, and then that big explosion, with that weird music...um, yeah. o_O

Yuuup, let's try to stay on topic...
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OK......but you're getting me off topic about how many episode most anime have on average!! 26 isn't very much for a sucessful anime like CB......for unsucessful anime, yes, but something like CB? No way. Yu Yu Hakusho has like 100 and something episodes. DBZ has like 300...0_o

OK...no more off topic!!!
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First, the off-topic thing I need to say. Many of the good animes on CN have been short. I will mention only two other than CB: 08th MS Team and Outlaw Star. I don't believe I need to say anything else.

OK, on-topic. First things first. I've never seen the entire series, so I missed a few things that you may know which may make my post look stupid. Ok, here goes.

First of all, I loved the ending. It just fit. No other way to put it. I think it would've been much sadder [spoiler]it Spike had lived, as it was quite obviously put that the only thing Spike ever had to live for was Julia, and to make him go on without her would be the ultimate torment. The song was perfect, the gun hand at the end was perfect, and the fact that he died killing Vicious just made it all more perfect.

Second of all, Spike isn't coming back. I don't know exactly why or anything, but it was mentioned somewhere in the very last episode that Vicious and Spike cannot die without the other one dieing. That is why they killed each other at the same time. Spike only took slightly longer to die because he was actually stronger in body than Vicious, and because sword wounds generally take slightly longer to kill you than gun wounds.[/spoiler] But now that my two cents has been inserted into this thread, I'll sit back and wait for responses of some sort.
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The ending was a relief for me at first. [spoiler]When he raised his finger at the rest of the syndicate boys, I hadn't noticed that he was fatally wounded and I thought they were gonna shoot the hell out of him.[/spoiler] That would have sucked! The ending was one of the most predictable yet still one of the best I've ever seen. I knew from the beginning of the church choire that I would carry that weight.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Remember now Spike said [spoiler]he died before and he is just living a dream but when he meets Julia and when she dies the dream ends and he is back into reality because during the last episodes he wasn't careless and free like he was in the series maybe he was just living because Julia was still alive and she was the only thing he had left before he could move on come on now Spike lives after Vicious throws he out of a buliding, Lives after fighting Vincent(movie) shoots him in the chest..... but dies when Vicious slashs him across the body..The same goes for Vicious in the end because everytime Spike and Vicious fight there was no real winner. Vicious survives a grenade explosion, getting his jet-fighter shot down..he dies when none of them have anything to lose anymore. Vicious has nothing to lose because his goal is completed to become the leader of the red dragon, Spike can't lose nothing after Julia dies[/spoiler]
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  • 3 months later...
Well, ill start off by saying im 19 years old and perfer more of the mature type anime. Cowboy Bepop is my favorite so far and probably will be for a while till i find something thats near it (so far the only ones have been Akira (wish they had a series of it) and Trigun. Like the way i interpreted Cowboy Bepop was it brought up the main characters through the first 6 or so episodes and then with the remaining 20 it gave each of the four main characters (Spike, Faye, Ed, and Jet) there own separate futers. [spoiler]Spikes was of course meeting Juliet for the last time and killing Vicious, Faye's was finding out who she exactly was and the place where she was [I]originally[/I] brought up, Ed's was meeting her father, and Jet's was meeting and founding out the past of his former partner and who really shot his arm.[/spoiler] Anyway though i thought that this series had some of the best quotes ive ever heard and the actions and dry-humor was great. Put that all together and the action that every episode (except for Heavy Metal Queen that was such a waste i couldnt stand that one) had it it truly is the best series in my opinion. Plus the movie is coming out (i already saw it and the end of the movie is the best ending for an anime movie ive ever seen, it somewhat ties in with the series inbetween episodes 22 & 23) in America which makes the series that much better. Alright well thats just about it.
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I saw Cowboy Bebop in somewhat the same way. I see the first 9 Episodes (Ballade sux0rs, 2nd best!) as establishing the characters, outlying their personalites and more importantly, their problems. For Spike is was Julia and the Sydicate. For Jet it was his are and the police force. For Faye it was tryin to discover her past. Each of these was resolved in the series. Jet has his resolution with Black Dog Serrenade, Faye had hers with Honk Tonkey Women, and Spike had his with Jumpuiter Jazz and the Real Folk Blues.
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[color=hotpink][size=1]I honestly don't think that Cowboy Bebop is the best anime ever made. I hate Faye Valentine and she gets on my nerves more than anything. I mean, I've watched a few episodes and I LOVE Ed, but I just don't understand what the big deal is.

I think the best anime of all time is defintely Evangelion. :)[/color][/size]
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If we're talking about anime series... I have a few favorites. Serial Experiments: Lain is definately my most favorite though.

I've honestly not bothered to watch Cowboy Bebop (the one episode on CN bored me to tears) or Evangelion.
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i find cowboy bebop the best of many, maybe competeing now with hack//sign... anyway the storyline is very very good, the charcters, not only the main ones but the villians too... like andy (not actually a villain) and vicious and many more, wich makes the plot even better.
the chase sceens are really good too, the painting is amazing, the dub in the eniglish version is good, the music is good... everything is too perfect lol.
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Guest BlinD
personally i think Cowboy Bebop is one of the best animes to grace television or in my case the PC ;). its great mix of symbolism, character development, action, comedy (1 of few animes i can genuinely find funny)and outstanding music(unusual as it doesn;t take the techno or metal route) makes it compete and in many caes better the crop of animes out there. i find it difficult to understand how ppl can have an indifferent attitude to it. Evangelion is also pretty good but stumbles where it tries too hard to be philisophical espically in 'The End of Evangelion' movie which had such a promising beginning.
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I agree that Cowboy Bebop was a really great anime, but I have to agree with Queen Asuka on Evangelion being the best =P. That anime has soooo many levels and u can never, never figure out the meaning behind it.
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[color=red][size=1][font=arial]Cowboy Bebop is an amazing series, and it's quite interesting even after watching it once, but I think saying it's the "greatest anime" is going a little too far. I haven't seen that many, and if definatly ranks up there as one of the best, but I'm sure there are better series' out there.

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yes, i prefer the dubbing of bebop more than the sub, the voices seem to fit better..instead of a western though, bebop coulda gone more for the gangster theme, where it seems to lean the most to, but bebop really is just the view of another country on american cinematic culture..

i personally don't mind the psychobabble crap in eva, its just the cut scenes i can't stand, like the 1 min and 30 sec of nothing but ode to joy in the background before kaworu gets his head popped off, and the elevator scene with rei and asuka where after like 30 seconds asuka finally twitches, and the infamous recaps..
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I'm disappointed, lol. Cowboy Bebop is probably the best anime series I've ever seen. Trigun would be second, and for you Eva fans, Evangelion is my third favorite anime. Before you jump to any conclusions, yes, I've seen the whole series of Eva and Bebop, and the movies. In fact, I own both of them, and have seen the series and movies of each close to 5 times, lol. I just happen to prefer Cowboy Bebop; not that Evangelion isn't good, but Bebop is just better in my opinion.

Bebop was the first anime series that I bought; a healthy break from all of those years of DBZ. I instantly became hooked, and involuntarily memorize almost everything about it. I could really go on forever on why I like it...I just do. It's got so many blends of different genres, and you can enjoy a single episode without being really familiar with the series. It's just one of those animes that you can pick up and watch, with tons of action and plot.

The movie is also my favorite anime movie. It's just a great flick, and I reccommend it to any anime fans. And by the way, it's between episodes 23 and 24, since in episode 24 [spoiler]Ed and Ein leave the Bebop[/spoiler].

Cowboy Bebop is just my favorite anime series overall. I'll let you know when I see a better one.
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[color=indigo]I still have yet to find an anime series that comes close to comparing to Cowboy Bebop (although, if Noir keeps progressing like it has been, it could become a close second). The entire series is incredibly well written. All of the charecters go through a lot of development in a short period of time. It is humorous, it is serious, and it sparks the imagination. The music is arguably the best in any anime series ever. The drawing and animation is incredibly crisp and the colors are remarkable.
They even managed to DUB the series well.

Eva is good, it is thought provoking, but it just doesn't "do it" for me. Hellsing was entertaining, but lacked good charecterization. Vandread was hilarious, and the computerized mech designs were cool, but it was lacking. Berserk is an incredible series, but it lacks the humanity that Bebop has. Bebop is just such a strong an anime series because every aspect of it is good.

Well, at least that is my opinion...but you know what they say about opinions...[/color]
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Cowboy bebop was an adventure into a realistic world with real possibilities. The music score is what made the series. The music is an wonderful mix of every genre. The series displays a well thought out plot and imaginative charecters. The only thing that I would say bad about the series are the two episodes that don't play into the plot line at all sympathy for the devil and Heavy metal queen. Though they were good. This is possibly one of the greatest animes made. Stature wise it ranks up there with Akira.
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