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Cowboy Bebop

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Cowboy Bebop is my favorite because of how greatly it was written, and the art and backrounds in my opinion are the best that i have ever seen in an anime. And for whoever said that .hack//sign or whatever could compete with cowboy bebop must be on drugs...
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I have never seen Cowboy Bebop (sp?) before, so I don't know how to comment to your opinions. I am 13 years old, or will be in 4 days, and I absolutely adore :D Rurouni Kenshin! :D Personally, I think that Rurouni Kenshin and Inuyasha are some of the best anime out there today. But I don't know about Cowboy Bebop because I have never seen it before, and when I do I'll let you know, and give you my probably unwanted opinion, okay? :)
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kenshingirl13 [/i]
[B]I have never seen Cowboy Bebop (sp?) before, so I don't know how to comment to your opinions.[/B]

Well, if i were you i would definitely see it, and it doesnt matter if you watch it dubbed or not both are really good (but of course the dubbed has some killing parts and curses cut out).

[B]and when I do I'll let you know.[/B]

I don't know if you have seen a lot of anime yet, but like this one is really a must see so try to see it ASAP and tell me what u think cause i really like this series.
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Oh my gosh, I LOVE Cowboy Bebop. I grew up playing the violin since I was four, and I love playing jazz, so of course I was interested in the series. And when I saw it...
Did you notice a lot of shows don't have background music anymore? *pouts*
Yeah, Faye can get on your nerves, but it's mostly only a cover-up.
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DBZ was my favorite anime until I laid eyes upon the greatness that is Cowboy Bebop. Just like it says: "The work which becomes a new genre itself will be called...Cowboy Bebop." How right they were...how right they were...oh yeah, I'd place Trigun a close second because Vash is freaking cool and he's hilarious.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Well, I dont know if yall know about this yet, but finally, the dubbed version of Cowboy Bebop The Movie is released on DVD this coming Tuesday. I dont know if its gonna be out on tape or not because I know for a fact that the Blockbuster I work at didnt recieve any tapes, but we got a butt load of DVD's. But anyway, here's my thoughts on this movie....

Quite honestly, I must say that this goes as my #2 favorite anime movie that I've seen this year. This movie had everything that I expected a Cowboy Bebop movie to have, plus more. The storyline was simply lovely. I loved how it began with Spike and them just wantin to get the bounty from capturing Vincent and then it turned into somethin personal. I wont mention anymore because I dont wanna ruin it for anybody.

The voices...THANK GOODNESS that they used the voices from the TV show. So as you already know, the voices were awesome.

Characters...well, every single character had a good build up..ESPECIALLY Vincent. Vincent has got to be one of the most sadistic characters that I've seen in an anime since Yami Malik. I loved the way he [spoiler]kept talking about death as if it were a dream that you dont wake up from.[/spoiler]. He definetly had some of the greatest lines I've heard in an anime, thats for sure.

The animation was simply AWESOME. Lets just say, its basically Cowboy Bebop, with the animation of Akira. Thats how smooth the animation in this movie was.

The music was beautiful. They didnt use any music from the series...well, maybe 1 section of the music from the series, but the rest of it was completly new. Also had a couple of regularly sung songs in it aswell. And I must say, the singers did a good job in those songs.

And finally, the scenes....lovely scenes. Especially the fight scenes. Quite possibly the best fight scenes that I've seen Spike in, especially the Monorail battle and the Stairway to Heaven battle(both with Vincent). I wont tell you the outcome of either...you just gotta see it for yourself.

But all in all, this movie was simply awesome. I havent had a chance to watch the subbed version of it yet, but I watched the dubbed version of it 2 times this week already. I'm tellin ya, it is definetly a must see. So when it officially comes out on Tuesday, I highly suggest that all of yall go check it out. It is definetly worth gettin. I'm more than likely gonna buy my own copy so I can have it for a keep sake aswell. Unfortunatly, I gotta take my copy back tomorrow since I'm leavin on vacation on Saturday. Meh, I'll probably watch it 1 more time before I have to take it back to work tomorrow, but who knows. It'll definetly be worth my time to watch it again.

So anyway, on a scale of 1 to 10, I definetly give this movie a 9. Definetly worth checkin out on Tuesday. So make sure you either go to Blockbuster, or wherever you rent your videos from and either rent this movie or buy this movie. I guarantee that you wont be disappointed.
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]I can't wait to see it! ^^
It was in theaters last month, but we were too busy to go see it. >>;

I was pretty surprised when I heard the voices in the commercial. At first, I was expecting the voices to be different and really, really terrible. >>;[/color] [/size]
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You guys are lucky..at least you knew WHEN it came out. I knew it was coming out, but not when. Don't you hate it when they don't give commercials on certain things? Heh...I don't even think it's out in this [i]area[/i] yet! If I ask the blockbuster here..they'll probably be like..."Oh they made a movie for that?"

@Jinzouningen17: Which state are you in? Do you know if ALL blockbusters received the CB DVD's yet? Or is it only where you are? *sigh*
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By far my favorite anime movie ive seen...if not my favorite movie ever. I mean i love the series of Cowboy Bebop and when i heard about the movie i had to at least watch the subbed version first.

I thought the scenery was as usual... amazing. Every thing seemed to fit in perfectly and im glad they didnt decide to put this into the series and just make a movie instead (i think this take place inbetween either episodes 22 and 23 or 23 and 24 not sure). The dialogue is always what got my attention in the series and in the movie it was even better. The quotes Vincent and Spike would say to each other is the best and the statement at the end of the movie left me with so many questions which said something like [spoiler] Are you living in a dream world [/spoiler]. And the fighting scenes are great the best ive seen by far if not ive only seen it better in Noir so far, but they were great.

I think you must get this movie everyone will enjoy it regaurdless if u havent watched the series yet.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pbfrontmanvdp [/i]
[B]Every thing seemed to fit in perfectly and im glad they didnt decide to put this into the series and just make a movie instead (i think this take place inbetween either episodes 22 and 23 or 23 and 24 not sure). The dialogue is always what got my attention in the series and in the movie it was even better. The quotes Vincent and Spike would say to each other is the best and the statement at the end of the movie left me with so many questions which said something like [spoiler] Are you living in a dream world [/spoiler].[/B][/QUOTE]

I agree with you. If anyone is a CB fan, then they should definitely watch the movie. In addition to having watch the movie, I found it enjoyable to re-watch the series right after the movie. There are many things that ties the series to the movie-->what I mean is that you get to notice more things about Spike, and who he is. :D
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ah I saw this movie in japanese sub titles before the movie in enlgish version even came out, its a great movie at that, and I will defiently be buying the DVD as soon as possible. Great movie, I love Vincent he is pretty cool, spike is right up there with him to, I just think the movie is great.
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I know! I can't believe it either... they shouldn't have taken it off of Adult Swim....-_-. I was waiting for it to come on last night, but instead Lupin the 3rd did.. *sigh*. So the movie's coming out on the 24th? I'll be sure to get it! ^.^
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I can't wait to see it!!! :) My town never shows anything like that in the theater... I HATE small towns! I never saw any previews for it either... hmmm weird. But i'm really glad I can buy it soon. I don't have a DVD player, but THANK YOU PLAYSTATION 2!! Heh heh heh... well, thx for tellin' because I didn't know when it was coming out.
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I just bought the CB movie yesterday and was blown away by its sheer coolness.
The fight scenes between Spike and Vincent kicked a**! As did the scene with Elektra. In fact just about everything in this movie kicked a**.

But I do have a question, why did the American distributors change the title. It was supposed to be 'Cowboy Bebop: Knocking on Heaven's Door', but it was simply changed to 'Cowboy Bebop: The Movie'.

Whats up with that? :therock:
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[color=indigo]I just finished watching Knockin on Heaven's Door: Cowboy Bebop the Movie, about thirty minutes ago on my lunch break. It was a great movie, it delivered everything that I expected it to. The action scenes were well done, the animation was breathtaking, the story line was fast paced and captivating, and, of course the music rocked...
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I'm even more exited about getting it!... I think I am on Friday... I HOPE! They have tons of DVD's at Suncoast. I've heard alot of great things about this movie... and I know i'll just love it! Yeah and I don't get why they changed the title... idiots.:grumble: I mean it sounds better with it's real title.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I?ve been a small fan of Cowboy Bebop ever since it started airing on Adult Swim about 2 years back. I never really got into it. I just saw an episode here and there. I always figured I could catch an episode later; it was always on Adult Swim. So when it was removed from Adult Swim?s lineup I was pretty mad at myself for never trying to catch every episode.

I ended buying the series around 2 weeks ago, and it is the best anime that I have ever seen. I have yet to see EVA, Trigun, and all of the other shows people hold to a higher esteem. But no matter how good they turn out being when I see them, Cowboy Bebop will remain to be great. The story is incredible but not too complex, it isn?t mindless, but most people can pick it up pretty easily. Even the filler episodes were great; Mushroom Samba is the funniest of those episodes. Once the plot starts to thicken it becomes even more amazing, and you just want to watch more. As almost everyone says, the ending is amazing. I?m thinking about buying the movie some time soon, I believe it was released here recently.

The creators [I]really[/I] need to make a follow up or spin-off. ^__^
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kenshingirl13 [/i]
[B] Rurouni Kenshin! :D Personally, I think that Rurouni Kenshin and Inuyasha are some of the best anime out there today. [/B][/QUOTE] The problem with those two anime's is that they never knew when to stop. Kenshin should of never gone to 95 ep. and Inuyasha is just way to long, granted there both great series. Oh and Cowboy Bebop. Well there isn't much for me to say that hasn't already been said. But I well say this. CB is one of the best anime series every, thats a FACT. Whether people like it or not is there opioion.
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I'm kinda new to the whole anime thing. But I do have to say that from the few shows of Cowboy Bebop i did see, i liked it. I even pre-ordered the movie. The movie was great. But I would have to say that Trigun is what got me hooked on anime. I bought all the episodes for the series and I really like it. Vash is hilarious! My sister says he's bi-polar but she's only seen a couple of episodes. But back to Bebop, it's got great music, great dubbing, and the artwork is awsome. This is my opinion and think what you may.:box:
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Cowboy Bebop is a great anime in every aspect especially the music. I've found myself humming the opening theme on many ocassion. THe last episode has to be one of the greatest action scenes ever. But i was confused a little with that one episode where the crew was attacked by that super fungus that was created when Spike left a lobster in the fridge for a year. But it was funny when Ed ate thinking that it was pudding. Hee Hee Ha Ha!
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It was a good anime, but I would never calssify it as the best. Every character except Spike and Jet were horrible. Ed was annoying and never really funny. She was the Jar Jar Binks of CB. Ein.. well, he was algiht for a dog. Faye was an annoying *****. Her whole "rip off Spike and Jet" attitude got old fast.

It shows that the guys who made CB weren't trying very hard when I watched Wolf's Rain.
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Cowboy Bebop isn't in my opinion the best, but is in my top six along with Evangelion,Akira,YuYu Hakusho,Trigun, and the Gundam sereies. But it deffinetly has the best music out of the six if not all animes. I love the opening theme. Its my favorite.
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My favorite anime is, always was, and most likely always will be Dragon Ball. I love the character design, the storyline, the fighting, and it's absolutely hillarious!

But Rurouni Kenshin comes in at a close second. It is simply brilliant. The story is so interesting. It's the kind of anime I could cry over if I miss an episode. Also there are alot of different kinds of fighting styles and weapons to learn about as you watch the show like Aoshi Shinomori's Kenpo with the kodachis and Kenshin's Hiten Mitsurugi with the katana and there ae alot of early guns in that show too.

Cowboy Bebop is my third favorite though. I really like the characters, animation, and the music is really beautiful. I have seen many versions of the future but the one in Cowboy Bebop seems the most realistic.
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