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Cowboy Bebop

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i have seen some cowboy bebop, but they alwasy take it off. When is it on? :( ...I really wanna watch it!! It soo cool!! :bawl:
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by the spiegal [/i]
[B]i have seen some cowboy bebop, but they alwasy take it off. When is it on? :( ...I really wanna watch it!! It soo cool!! :bawl: [/B][/QUOTE]

Well its not airing on CN or Adult Swim, and i dont think it will be until a while. Hopefully they will show it again during when school/college starts again, but who knows. You can always buy the DVD's im starting to finally buy that series now since it is still my favorite one.
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[size=1] O_O I LOVED ED! Her funny expressions and random acts of insanity was....so good! >__>;;

I love Ed.

Anyways...I don't think Cowboy Bebop is really the best anime, but I think it's a very good anime. It's one of my all-time favorites, and it captivated me from episode one.[/size]
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  • 3 weeks later...
Has anyone seen it or even heard of this. I did. I just watched it. It was the greatest Anime Movie ever. It topped Akira to me. The Animation has to be the most fluid i have ever seen and i have seen FLCL. The Action sequences were the greatest hand to hand fights i have ever seen. It topped Ruroini Kenshin's sword fights i tell you that much. I loved it. Great action, great story (though it didn't have alot of symbolism, but it did have some), excellent music, though not as good as FLCL, and i was really wrapped up with the characters. And it cleared up for me if Spike had survived the fight with Vicious. I loved it.

Now i want to know if anyone else has seen it and/or what are your complements on it.
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I love that movie. The best part about it has to be the great soundtrack and all the cool fight seens. And the Dog fight between Spike and the 3 army ships was fantastic. [spoiler]I also think its kool how the 3 old dudes kinda save the day.[/spoiler] I just don't like the way they stuck all the crappy trailers in the extras part of the disc. but all in all the moive was just cool

Side Note: i dont want to sound like a know it all or a stuck up person when i say this but actully the movie takes place between the eipsodes "Cowboy Funk" and "Brain Scratch"
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I saw it like two days ago and I totally loved it!!! I haven't seen many anime movies but I'd stil say it's one of the best. OMG! the first scene is just so awesome!! The movie was so good it gave me chills, but I didn't really think it deserved the R rating.
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Yeah, I got it a couple of weeks ago, but I can't stop watching it! I love the music, fighting scenes, it just had me from the beggining to the end, if ya know what I mean. And I agree that it didn't deserve the R rating, I mean it wasn't THAT bad, wow animated violence and language! I can't wait to get ahold of the soundtrack. But alot of people that I talked to didn't seem to get that the movie was based in the time BEFORE Spike died. They are sayin' either,"He came back to life?" or,"Wow, I guess he didn't die.".... Oh well. Anyway... I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!
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Cowboy Bebop movie was amazing and tied in everything into the series. It sorta reminded me of Metal Gear Solid with the nanomachines and all. Had a really good deeper meaning and i still watch it over and over. The fight scenes were great and the artistic drawings of the characters and scenery were fantastic as well. Vincent was a really good villian since, he didnt care about [spoiler] death since he couldnt find out his past till the very end. I also liked how he considered everything to be a dream. [/spoiler] The english voices in the movie are the same as the english series so most already know the voices are great.
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[COLOR=orangered]I saw it a month or so ago and I loved it! The animation/graphics quality was even better than the show. The DVD had some pretty interesting extras also. It also had an interesting story.

Though for me, it still doesn't top a lot of the TV series.[/COLOR]
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[size=1] I really...didn't like it.

The animation was great and all, but the movie itself didn't appeal to me. Something didn't 'click', and I was bored half the time. I think it had a nice plot, with the whole "Knockin' of Heaven's Door" thing, but how the showed us the story bored me. I've read reviews saying that this movie was, "Anime at its best." I disagree with this, and I'll quote something I do agree with.

"The movie had the potenatial to be great. A movie that's good to watch when you're bored, but I wouldn't call up my anime-watching friends and urge them to see it." [or something like that]

I think the only song that went well with the movie was "Ask DNA" and that song Faye was playing in the ship. The other songs that they played when Spike and Elektra were fighting and when all those planes were flying and Faye went to the Weather control-place didn't fit at all. In fact, I think the music ruined the scenes.[/size]
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Cowboy Bebop is awesome man. There are like no words to describe it, never mind i guess there are. Great,off the hook, sweet,breath taking,exciting,*damn!*,cool, ummm...... well there's lots more, but i'm not goin to put them down cause there are way to many.hehe!l8ta.;)
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pbfrontmanvdp [/i]
[B][B]Ed's was meeting his father...[/B][/QUOTE]

[SIZE=4]HIS??????[/SIZE] I thought you watched the series....Edward is a girl, I might Add!!

My favorite eposide is " Ballad of the Fallen Angel", that has beatiful music, like "Ave Maria", and an awesome fight scene!! I love Cowboy Bebop so much!!

I still need to see all the eposides, like when ed meets her father. But I am sure that ED is a GIRL^_^ that's ok, most people thinks she's a guy!

My favorite Character is Faye, if you hadn't noticed. I love her character's personality, and attidude!

The music is awesome too! The whole jazz, and blues thing, I love it! In the series there so much saddness, yet happiness and self discovery. They are a bunch of loners, who have found a happiness in belonging to a group of people who are like them; who know thier saddness and grief.

If you don't love her, what's not to love about the show! Great plot/story line, character development, action flow, seqence tie in's and animation.

Forgive the typos and spelling....I'm bad at both!!:blush:
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Emme888 [/i]
[B][SIZE=4]HIS??????[/SIZE] I thought you watched the series....Edward is a girl, I might Add!! [/B][/QUOTE]

I know Eds a girl i mean come on that was my first friggen post that i did like 6 months ago lol. Im not going to go through the hole friggen time when they say Ed is a girl but seriously i know Ed's a girl.

Well two more days(after todays episode) for Ballad of Fallen Angels. Ahh its about time they showed that episode again.
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  • 3 weeks later...
All-in-all,I LOVE Cowboy Bebop.I really don't think there's a better series out there(though some rank right level with it--Trigun,for example).It was a perfect blend of intelligent humor,suspense,action,beauty,and unpredictability.I knew this as I watched the final episode,but even so,the moment that [spoiler]Julia was shot,I felt the biggest pang of shock and sadness that a show has ever caused me.It was SO well done. . .And then those final moments when Spike staggers down the stairs with nothing left in the world--no loose ends,no arch enemies to take care,but worst of all,no Julia--and he looks up and utters that single word--"Bang."[/spoiler]It was just. . .awesome.I was nearly at the verge of tears.It was like [spoiler]watching a sibling or something die.[/spoiler]You got to know and love Spike so well throughout the series.[spoiler]I never expected him to die.I mean,I expected it,but I didn't really think they'd go through with it.Not till Julia died.Then I knew--I knew it was over for Spike.[/spoiler]
Well,anyway,was anyone else as surprised?C'mon,I'd like to hear some other opinions on Cowboy Bebop!:p

[color=teal]Spoiler tags added, just in case. -Syk3[/color]
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I love Bebop too!! I felt the same way!!! I was like "NOOOOOOO!!!!!" I almost cried, it was so sad. Bebop is definatly one of my favs. I think if you would have to pick the greatest anime there is, this would definatly be right at the top. My favorite eposide was Heavy Metal Queen. I also liked Ballad of Fallen Angels. One of the greatest episode, except the last ones, of course!! What was your favorite eposide??
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Im glad to see you were touched by cb.

Was the end a suprise to me?

Hmmm, I'm not really sure. Basically, it has been a while since I first saw the ending.

I will tell you this though... no matter how many times I see that series, the "greater emotional themes" always hit my heart.

One of the best shows out there. (imo)
But it can also serve to be the most depressing.
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I haven't seen the ending yet, watching it for the first time. I've already had the ending spoiled for me elsewhere, so I have some ideas on it. . .-^.^-

However, I want to watch the ending for myself before I comment on it in full. -^.^-

(oops, I misspelled my post:blush: )
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What happened at the end made me feel sad for Spike but, I wasn't sad at all for Julia.
It wasn't a shock/surprise because I would expect something like that to happen anyway.

What really gets to me is [SPOILER] what happened to Faye, Jet, Ed and little Ein? You know that Ed went with her father or at least was headed in that direction but, what about Faye and Jet? Did they go their separate ways or continue on (although they don't really get along)? You [I]could[/I] imagine what they did but, I'd still want to know.[/SPOILER]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yami*Maho Keno [/i]
What really gets to me is [SPOILER] what happened to Faye, Jet, Ed and little Ein? You know that Ed went with her father or at least was headed in that direction but, what about Faye and Jet? Did they go their separate ways or continue on (although they don't really get along)? You [I]could[/I] imagine what they did but, I'd still want to know.[/SPOILER] [/B][/QUOTE]

[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I know! That is what I [I]really really[/I] want to know.
But I can agree it kinda shocked me, but then again didn't. It was sad though.:( Man... I was almost crying. But it was an awsome ending.
Cowboy Bebop really touched me and it always hit my emotions real hard. It always hits the same spots and even new ones every time I see it.
You kinda get the idea of how I feel. :)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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Unfortunately, I never got to be surprised at the end as someone in this forum a while ago (I can't remember who it was) revealed the ending without spoiler tags and I happened to glance over it.

I liked the ending, though. I thought it was a very appropriate end for an amazing series. [spoiler]Spike died with a purpose. Everything he lived for was gone, because Julia had died earlier in the episode. Julia was the reason Spike had the drive to live his life, but after Julia died, it seemed fitting that Spike died later. He died finally getting his revenge and quite possibly crippling the syndicate.[/spoiler]
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In Response to Queen Asuka:

Julia and Spike are a married couple that are seperated through this sort of "Mafia War." The basic outline of the series for Spike is the never-ending search for Julia, but as time continues his entire outlook is changed.

Hope that helped, didn't want to do any spoilers.
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