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Cowboy Bebop

Yu Yu Hakusho!

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How do you know they were married? I never gathered that from the series, though I guess I could have overlooked it. I know there's a huge amount of back story revealed in all those tiny flash-backs, I guess I'll have to watch it through...*again*... ?_?

In response to your question, Silent, I was massively surprised by the ending! Surprised, and then (much later) quite satisfied with it. As others in this thread have said, it was really the most appropriate way to end the series.


-MAN-, what a bloody great anime! ?_?
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Oh my yes i nearly shed a tear a t he ending. Hels it back though best i could. I thought it was an excellent sereis, but i wish [spoiler]Spike had lived, but its ovious that he didn't cuz of that cat story he told to Jet. [/spoiler]I loved Bebop to the fullest. I waish there was a full sequel featuring an all growed up Ed as the main character. That would rock!
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Very very sad it was. The pierrot le fout (butchered) ending was really sad for me also. It is too hard to pick out favorite episodes for me though. There is just too much cool stuff in the show. Even the simplest parts like Ein using the computer are very memorable. Best anime ever!!!!
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I was a bit suprised, Cowboy Bebop was my first step out of the Dragonball Z/Gundam stage. I still enjoy both series' to an extent, but they don't measure up to some of the series I watch normally now.

The whole series was amazing, and it is currently my favorite anime, has been since I saw the last three episodes.

[spoiler] The last three episodes and Session #5 are really the best of the drama in Bebop. I was over at my friend's house and he had just bought the last DVD (this was about a year ago). First we watched Session #23 Brain Scratch, I was not pleased with this episode, it's still my least favorite of the series. Hard Luck Woman was the next episode, the ending really got me. Especially with "Call me, Call me" in the background, I'm not a huge anime music fan, but that is a great song.

The last two sessions The Real Folk Blues part 1 and 2 were just amazing when I watched them. I ended up watching again right after. I was kinda like...holy ****...that was beautiful.[/spoiler]
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I have to agree with just about everyone--it was a fitting ending,but I wish there was more to see.I mean,it took me forEVER to see the whole thing,but once I got to the last episode,and the credits started rolling,I was like--"No,wait!It CAN'T be over yet!Noooo!"It was a rather sad and pitiful moment in my life as I stood,protesting to my TV. . .However,I'm a firm believer in letting things go before they become overrated.*cough*DBZ*cough*Don't get my wrong,DBZ was cool the first six million times that unstoppable aliens came to destroy the Earth,but--it kinda got old after a while.Anyways,I'm glad it ended the way it did.This way,no one can take Spike and mess him up--he'll forever be. . .Spike.And no money-hungry media-types can ever screw him up.
BTW,Maladjusted,I love your banner.It's probably the best I've seen so far.Granted,I've only been here for about,um,two days. . .Well,it's still the coolest I've seen.
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[color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Well I had a feeling the series was gonna end like this...But I was still abit shocked and sad when it did...

[spoiler]I think everyone should have had a good idea of what was gonna go down when julia died...As soon as I saw that (heart achingly painful) scene something clicked in my head that said "Spikes gonna die"

When he had nothing to live for then you pretty much figure hes gonna take down vicious and get killed in the process...But it was still sad to see...[/spoiler][/font][/color][/b]
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[color=red][size=1][font=arial]Ah, yes, the infamous final episode. The first time I saw it, I had only been watching for the last few weeks and had no clue how long the series was, so you can imagine I was a bit confused to see [spoiler]the main character dead on the floor at the end[/spoiler]. Having seen the rest of the series though, I'm kinda glad it ended like that. It was a fitting end for [spoiler]Spike, who had mentioned in several episodes that he was basically dead already[/spoiler].

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Yea the ending was perfect. I couldnt ask for a better closing of an anime series. The whole plot was for everyone to figure out there pasts. [spoiler] Spikes was of course meetin Julia one last time and to finally defeat Vicious, Faye's was to figure out where she exactly came from and how she was remained in stacius(sp?) lock for such a long time, Ed's was also to figure out where she came from and meeting her dad eventually, and Jet's was to figure out how he lost his arm...which i think was terrible how it happen. [/spoiler]

The last scene when [spoiler] Vicious and Spike fight is amazing. Just the whole struggle that Spike has to go through in the final epsisode is great and how he still had enough energy in him to defeat Vicious just blew my mind. I also love the famous way he just collapse and says "Bang" in front of the remaining syndicate(sp?).[/spoiler] As there ever being another series, there never will be and it would just be pointless anyway. Why ruin a good series, it was perfect the way it was. Sure it would be cool to see what the characters did after this whole mess, but look what happen to other series that went above and beyond....they basically sucked.
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[spoiler]I wasn't really surprised at all when Spike died. The cat story he told to Jet foreshadowed his death. Even so it was still very sad...[/spoiler]

Maybe they should have a prequel to Cowboy Bebop. [spoiler]Like how Jet quit the ISSP and what Spike did for the Red Dragons and the final episode could be like the seperation of Julia and Spike. You could find out if they were married that way.[/spoiler]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i]
[B][color=hotpink][size=1]Well, since I've never seen the series, I am a bit curious. And PLEASE, only ONE person answer me this: But what's the story behind Julia/Spike?[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=indigo]I am going to put this whole thing in spoilers just in case someone doesn't wish to know about the relationship until after seeing the series...it won't really ruin anything though...

[spoiler] You really never get the true story about what happened between Spike, Julia, and Vicious, but the writers allude to a love triangle of sorts. All three were members of the same crime syndicate. Spike and Vicious were fast friends and head enforcers in the syndicate. More than likely (again it is never said outright, just alluded to through brief flashbacks) Vicious and Spike had a falling out when Julia and Spike became an item. When Spike decides to fake his own death and leave the syndicate, Vicious finds out and forces Julia to betray Spike. Much of the series revolves around Spikes inability to cope with the past and develop a relationship with another woman (despite his obvious attraction and compatibility with Faye).

If you get a chance Asuki, you should defiantly check out this series. Its main theme revolves around a cast of characters that are attempting to come to terms with their past so they can move on with their lives? [/color]
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I don't really think 'surprised' would be the word I'd use. I kinda figured that something like that would happen. I'd rather say I was depressed by it. I cried for a good twenty minutes or so afterward. It's just...so unfair. So very unfair.
I would have liked to see a followup on Faye, Jett, and Ed, though. They kinda left that hanging...
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[color=hotpink][size=1]It sounds so interesting to me. The only thing that bothers me is how mainstream it's become. But I shouldn't let that keep me from seeing a great series.

And I'm a sucker for any kind of thing dealing even the tiniest amount of romance, so I know that I would enjoy that aspect at least.

Actually, I did watch one episode (Number 5?) and I thought it was gorgeous. The cathedral in the rain took my breath away.[/color][/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i]
[B][color=hotpink][size=1]It sounds so interesting to me. The only thing that bothers me is how mainstream it's become. But I shouldn't let that keep me from seeing a great series.

And I'm a sucker for any kind of thing dealing even the tiniest amount of romance, so I know that I would enjoy that aspect at least.

Actually, I did watch one episode (Number 5?) and I thought it was gorgeous. The cathedral in the rain took my breath away.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

Man i havent posted here in a while.....but anyway yes the art and imagery is like that in every episode. Like H.C. said earlier you have to defiantly watch this series. If you liked Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop has a really good plot about everyones past and how each character eventually solves it. There are only a couple filler episodes that were kinda boring (will i only thought 2 were), but besides from that it was basically perfect. I would recommend trying to TAPE the episodes on AS since they are currently showing episode 3 tonight and then try to catch the remaining others when they rerun them. Alright well thats it.
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[color=green]Queen Asuka, I really find it hard to believe that you've only seen one session of CB, you've seen everything else, lol. I agree that you should DEFINITELY check this one out, it is artistically beautiful. The plot line, writing and depth of characters is also very impressive. check it out, you'l like it...;)[/color]
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[FONT=times new roman]Cowboy Bebop is an excellent anime, good plot line, great animation, interesting characters. It's all around great, my favorite episode was Real Folk Blues Part 2. I wasn't very surprised at the ending at all though. [/FONT]
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Guest PicoTheRevolver
Here's the thing, and I know I haven't hardly posted here, but it needs to be said: Did anyone else feel like RFB pt 2 was VERY rushed? I mean, the action was over in less than a few minutes, the climactic battle wasn't very exciting, and the 5 minutes at the end of just scrolling up to the stars made me want to go make a sandwich. I'm all for artsy, but I think in this case it hindered the end of the series.
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I can't believe the ending!!!!! I cried my little heart out!! Ok not really. BUt I was sooooooooooo shocked!!!. I kept saying to myself that didn't happen! That's not the end!! I guess I didn't want the series to end. I was having so much fun watching them do funny things. I want to see the movie Knocking on Heaven's Door. I might be late on this, but is it even here in America? I'll have to find out.

And to PicoTheRevolver,
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yeah, it is. I watched it on iControl movies, so its obviously been promoted pretty well. THe DVD is out aswell. But expect more blood and swearin than you did in the edited series on AS. ( i watched in AS aswell, i jsut no this cuz i saw the movie.)
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  • 4 weeks later...
[font=arial] [color=deeppink]
Aha, the infamous Episode 26. Rip my heart out...T.T Call me a softie, but the ending did indeed make me cry. After I was pretty far into the series, I think part of me kind of figured that [spoiler]someone was going to die, and it would probably be Spike. [/spoiler]Unfortunatly, that part of me didn't inform the rest. x.X; I guess I was always hoping that it might turn out different.

But the ending also got me thinking about 'what if' the exact opposite had happened? [spoiler]What if Spike had lived? Wouldn't it have been crueler to make him live a life without Julia, with, for him, no hope? Could he get over losing almost everyone important to him from his past? (Julia, Vicious, Annie...etc.)[/spoiler] Eheh heh...yea. Just mixing it up a little. ^-~

Hmm...maybe we should just 'spoiler tag' this entire thread. ^^;;


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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rockstar Haruko [/i]
[B] I want to see the movie Knocking on Heaven's Door. I might be late on this, but is it even here in America? I'll have to find out. [/B][/QUOTE]

It's been released in North America this past summer. A must see for Bebop fans.
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