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Cowboy Bebop

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The whole eposide was sad...espeically when [spoiler] Julia and Spike died[/spoiler] but I found it fitting that [spoiler] after Julia's death, that Spike died also.[/spoiler] It was rather poetic justice to end it that way, a dramatic [spoiler] and sad [/spoiler] ending to such a dramatic love story and overall plot.

Of course I knew it was going to come to the ending that it was going to...cause there would be no other way to end such a story then with such a fitting climatic highpoint.

The whole story to Bebop is a long and sad one, so you had to of guessed that the ending was going to be quiet similar. The eposide was masterfully done, and the action flow of the time and battles were on key with everything. It is one of my most favorite eposides of all time.
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In all my time on OB, I have not seen a general thread about, perhaps one of the greatest animes in anime history, Cowboy Bebop. I made this thread just so people can talk about the show in general, whether they like it or not, find anything odd, basicly anything. Here's a story of mine. I have a friend (who is a bit paranoid about things) who never liked japanese anime in general. He loved American ones though, like Simpsons, Futurama, and Family Guy (all great comedies by the way). Anyway one day I showed him the 5th session of Cowboy Bebop (Balled of Fallen Angels, one of the best) I had videotaped myself and he was showing mixed reactions. He doesn't really express himself that much so it was hard to tell. However, the next few weeks, he kept asking for more of my tapes, and he even saw the movie twice. Then I truly realized how great this single unique anime was. For example, this is one of the few Japanese animes with more songs in english than in Japanese. Yoko Kanno has since become my favorite artist/composer of all time. She's an overall balanced character when it comes to making music. In short, I believe that Cowboy Bebop was the greatest anime ever created. Praise to Shinijiro Watsanabe (Did I spell that right?). Any questions, comments, concerns?
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This is one of my favorite Animes of all time! I grabbed my attention mostly because even though it is anime, it had a very western feel to it because of the whole "cowboy" aspect. This was also one of the first anime's I watched that the main characters in it were not neccesarily all made to be liked by the viewer even thoguh they were the "good guys". I dunno, I just found it very original and interesting. Oooo and just for kicks my favorite character was Faye.
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Cowboy Bebop is an Anime that will never get old and appeals to you even if you seen the whole sieres and movie. [spoiler]Spike at the end learns to listen to other people dvice instead of his own. But the ending is sad because Eddie, err.. can't think of the dogs name, and fey all leaves. Fey discovers her past that she has been searching for. But Spike dies at the end.[/spoiler] The last four episoids where sad and made you think about what it real was begin said through the anime.
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[color=navy]The very first time I watched Cowboy Bebop I was hooked.

The only reason I actually was watching it was because it was late at night, round 12:30 or so and there was nothing on. I had flipped the channel to 15(this is cable tv so that's the TV guide channel) to see what was on and it was going past Cartoon Network. My friend who was sitting next to me was like "Hey, look at the funny name of that show! Let's watch that!" so I changed the channel to 60(cartoon network) and we started watching Cowboy Bebop. This was back when they played 6 episodes in a row(man, those were the days...). My friend and I were both instantly hooked on Cowboy Bebop.

The six episodes they were showing that night were the very last 6, I'm pretty sure. The last episode ended with Spike killing this guy then dieing himself, I think.

This show is the best Anime by far. Its interesting characters, weird plot, and cool space theme make it an awesome Anime.

I don't get to watch it anymore(no dish or cable at my mom's house and when I go to my dad's he's always playing the PS2 so I can't watch TV) plus, I'm not sure if they still play it on Cartoon Network anymore.

I really want to see the movie though.

Oh and before I forget, my favorite character is Ed. She's weird and funny, like me![/color]
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I'm not really one to follow and watch a lot of anime but, out of the few that I've seen, Cowboy Bebop is easily my favorite.

I've expressed my love of the series a couple times before...I think it's absolutely amazing. Cowboy Bebop really has it all, in my opinion, what with the mix of action, drama, light comedy and incredible aesthetics.

I believe that it's really the aesthetics that inititally draw people into Cowboy Bebop, because the story doesn't really get a kickstart until later on in the series. Cowboy Bebop simply looks incredible and the animation is damn near flawless. I especially admire the cathedral scene in Ballad of Fallen Angels; the dark nature of that entire scene simply looked stunning.

The music, as expressed by just about anyone whom has heard the music of Cowboy Bebop, is equally incredible. The soundtrack is a mishmash of different musical stylings and, seeing as I'm a guy with a rather eclectic musical taste, I enjoy hearing all the different genres of music that Cowboy Bebop can squeeze out.

Also, the dubbing for Cowboy Bebop is easily the best I've ever heard. Just as a horrible voice cast can drive a good anime into the ground, a great voice cast can shoot a good anime into the stratosphere. I think that's what happened with Cowboy Bebop; the overall story is good, but was made better with the great voice acting that took place throughout the series.

Luckily, I had the foresight to tape every episode of Cowboy Bebop, so whenever I feel like watching the show I can just take one of my tapes, pop it in the VCR and let the good times roll.

On another note, though, I still haven't been lucky enough to see the movie yet. I have to save up enough money to go over to Best Buy and buy the darn thing, heh.
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Dark_dragongirl, if you have a VCR at your dads and some empty video tapes you don't need, you can tape Cowboy Bebop. Now-a-days, it's at 12:00 am. If you want to record, be sure to set the date to the next day, because It's the first minute of the next day. I usually record from 12:02 - 12:32, to skip the beginning commercials. Hope that helps (and I miss the old days too :))Shinmaru, the movie was one of the best anime movies ever (probably is). I'm not give any spoilers, but I can almost guarantee you'll love it if you liked the series. I got my DVD at a blockbuster when they were selling stuff. It just glanced my eye and I immedietely had to have it :D
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[COLOR=darkblue][FONT=century gothic]At first, I thought that Cowboy Bebop was very boring. The only reason why I kept on watching it is because of the jazz music. After watching like the first three or four episodes, I was in love with this anime. Like I said before, Cowboy Bebop has excellent music. I also like the action. Ed is one of my favorite characters too. I thought the ending of the series was very good, though a bit sad. Cowboy Bebop is an excellent anime series. [/FONT][/COLOR]
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[size=1][color=chocolate]I'm basically agreeing with Japan_86. I thought Cowboy Bebop was pretty boring at first, and what kept me liking it was the fact that the music was awesome. I watched it more of the music, and then I watched more of the anime and loved it.
Cowboy Bebop is probably one of the coolest animes out there.[/size][/color]
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Cowboy Bebop was one of the first anime series that i ever saw. At that time, i hadn't had Cartoon Network very long, and really to tell the truth didn't know what anime was. Then, against my parent's wishes one night i stayed up past ten, and commenced in watching adult swim. It was then that i was instantly hooked on the series. My favorite eposide has got to be "Ballad of the Fallen Angels". It was the firest eposide i saw of the series, and just the animation and music were done so beutifully. Yoko Kano is a great composer, and all the music is awesome. It really sets the tone for the scenes.
Another reason I like Cowboy Bebop is that it has to deal with space. I know this may sound lame, but i have always been fasinated with the stars and the galazy. It's so jawdroping how big our world actually is.
Back on topic, my favorite character would have to be Spike.
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well i won't deny that it was in fact bebop that really introduced me to all the anime intended for my age group. and aside from that, i also won't deny that bebop is probably the best anime i've ever seen. you are right to think it strange that not many people have been talking about it. i can't count the amount of times i've seen the series through, but i will never be bored of it. never.
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Sadly, the first episode of Bebop I ever watched was number twenty-six--which, as you may imagine, basically ruined the entire series for me. I went back and saw the rest of it, but I've never really loved the show. Anyway, having made that disclaimer, here are my impressions:

Cowboy Bebop is among the most stylish, mature series ever made. It's definitely one of the greatest sci-fi anime, right up there with RahXephon and Voices of a Distant Star. However, I do feel that people tend to exaggerate Bebop's good qualities--while simultaneously minimizing its faults--and I think it's a terrible mistake to say that it's the best show ever made. Cowboy Bebop is almost entirely about style. Every aspect of the series, from its slick opening sequence to Spike's witty remarks, exudes a certain cool. CB's subject matter (bounty hunters) is hardly original, but its unique flair and careful attention to detail do make it stand out. Its mood and atmosphere are different from that of any science fiction anime or movie I've seen, which is a pretty commendable accomplishment.

Most of the main characters are stock sci-fi characters, and I got a little tired of the "everyone has a super-mysterious past" theme. However, Cowboy Bebop manages to transcend the stereotypes upon which its leads are based, and make them genuinely interesting people.

CB has great music and outstanding animation (especially considering that it wasn't made that recently), but the episodic nature of its storyline doesn't appeal to me very much. I found the individual episodes to be pretty predictable, and I didn't like the fact that there are so many peripheral characters; there were times when I felt that this show simply presents a more grown-up version of a "monster-of-the-day"-type plot. I guess I'm just a fan of strong continuity.

If I purchased Cowboy Bebop, I can't imagine wanting to watch it more than once or twice.

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That is a very good point Dagger. I too am a little "disappointed" at the series lack of a main plot, but it's not without it's advantages. The characters pasts may be predictable, but what really drew me into this anime was its mesh of Realism with Science fiction. If observe this anime closely, you see all aspects of our society today. There are aristocrats, poverty (and lots of it), government issues, religious cults and scandalous corporations to name a few. The bounty hunter theme wasn't original, but all of its different themes were. True, there were some depressing episodes, but that's life. On the bright side there were times when the crew actually got a bounty head. That's the true genius of the anime in which few others are based upon. Realism in a creative manner.
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Cowboy Beebop is the first and best anime I've ever seen! I love the music, the action, the plot... in my humble opinion, it's the perfect series! I am currently working on buying the entire DVD set (two DVDs at a time, cus I'm dirt poor) and I don't feel like I'm waisting money! (My mother on the other hand...)
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I really love the Cowboy Bebop series as it is both funny, complex and saddening (sometimes all at once).

I'm unusual in that I actually like the standalone episodes, the ones which are not about the crew's past etc., the most. Episodes like 'Toys In The Attic' and 'Cowboy Funk'; are certainly among the best, while the more plot-heavy ones like 'Ballad of Fallen Angels' I find just too maudlin.

Unfortunately, as I only got cable when CNX (which was the only channel in the UK that showed it) was just about gone. This means that all I have to watch it are a couple of episodes I managed to record of it before it was axed as CNX became 'Toonami'.

This is until i'm able to buy a multi-region DVD player and import the Region 1 DVD set. The only Region 2 Bebop stuff over here is the movie.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i]
[B] perhaps one of the greatest animes in anime history, Cowboy Bebop.[/B][/QUOTE]

I agree that it is one of the greatest animes ever!!

1.it's got great animation
2.it's all over interesting
3.it's got sci fi, but keeping it real
4.You can relate to it somehow-anyone can!It's a free-for-all!
5.It's impossible to not love Ed and Ein(the dog)
6.It's got something for everyone-slutty women, guns, gambling, cops, cowboys,spaceships,-it's a great series.
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My favorite episode was [U]Jupiter Jazz[/U] part 2.(And no, I'm not a pervert who likes hermaphrodites<-sp?)
I love the ending, especially the final song and [spoiler]Grin's(sp? I don't even know, is that the right name? I'm drawin a huge blank) final request[/spoiler] and stuff. Then the "Tear of a Warrior" part! Oh it's so beautiful and depressing at the same time. I don't know why but I love the depressing parts of Cowboy Beebop, but I do!
I also love the Ballad of Fallen Angels and The Real Folk Blues(1 and 2) for the same reason; as well as Hard Luck Woman [spoiler](I know it's only Ed...but it's sad watching her walk away, yet touching seeing Ein follow after!)[/spoiler]
I love the song Blue with a passion(the final song after the Real Folk Blues part 2) because it's so beautiful it just doubles the beauty of the final episode.
I love Cowboy Beebop, not just because it gets funny and it's got great action...any show can do that!
What makes Cowboy Beebop *TRULY* my favorite, is the fact that it was so well made, it can make you (at least me) laugh, fall in love with the action, sing along, AND cry all at once!
I just love this show, and when I watch it...it doesn't strike me as just some Japanese anime...for me it's real! And that's what makes an awesome show
You don't know how bad I wanted it to keep going! But I knew it can't!
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dark Link [/i]
[B]Cowboy Bebop is awesome! [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=hotpink][size=1]Welcome to the OtakuBoards!

First off, I'd like you to visit the OtakuBoards Information Center and read the rules on post quality. There you will see that posts such as the one made are spam and are deleted. Thank you!

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I like Cowboy Bebop too, I just started watching it though. So far my favorite episode was "Mushroom Samba" though. I haven't seen "Ballad of the Fallen Angels" though.
Some people told me that Adult Swim edits out alot of stuff from Cowboy Bebop. Can someone who owns it and has seen the Adult Swim version tell me?
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I haven't seen all of the eps on Cartoon Network so I'm not entirely sure on this but compared to the uncut version, i think the main difference many times is just the CN version tones down the language a bit. Also I think I've seen some scenes where blood is digitally removed from parts to make it seem less gory. From what i've seen, the edits are not unbearable since it's Adult Swim but in some parts you will notice the cuts.
I finished watching Cowboy Bebop a few months ago and I have to say I really enjoyed every minute of it. The nice music blended with hillarious characters, and intricate fight scenes. It just doesn't get better than that.

I also hear the Bebop creator Shinichiro Watanabe is creating an all new anime called Samurai Champloo which is coming out later in 2004 in Japan. Not really sure on the plot but I hope it doesn't dissapoint. It'll good for all those Bebop fans out there begging for more. You can check out the main site @ [url]www.samuraichamploo.com[/url] but it's mainly in japanese so I don't know how much it helps.
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There are tons of sites to get good downloads. Go on Yahoo and type in Cowboy Bebop on the search engine and search manually. More likely than not, you'll eventually find some site with good downloads. Emily's Cowboy Bebop page has some good ones.

I hope that Samurai Champloo sets the same standards as Cowboy Bebop, because that will be a real good anime.
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To be honest...I never liked this anime until I saw "Ballad of Fallen Angels"...after seeing that episode at a store...I believe it was at Suncoast...not sure...seriously...I stood there for 15 minutes just watching...I bought the entire set...the ending was just a huge shocker...although I was disappointed...I'd wish they made new episodes...that took place in the past and explained what happened between Spike, Vicious, and Julia...
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This is the first anime I saw. [well, besides like one episode of dbz]. I was up late at night and saw it on tv. And I've seen the series multiple times.

Great music, especially the Opening Tank!, and Black Dog Serenade Ep has great music, I love the mode of that episode.

All the characters are great and I can really relate to them and their emotions. Especially Spike.

I know a lot of people think There shouldv'e been more story, so do I. Well, Then after watching it again, I kinda like how the past is left to the imagination, especially Spike's.

One more thing! The movie is great. I wasn't sure what to expect but I was very happy with it. It had great music, great animation. And, the story left my thinking after the end. Yes I'm a nerd, and I love this anime. If you want to know [you don't!] I've seen the series 5 times and the movie 4, haha.

If you haven't seen this anime check it out. And if you don't like it i'll pay for it. [actually I won't]. By the way, I gotta go to school tommarow...AHHH. This stinks.
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