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Cowboy Bebop

Yu Yu Hakusho!

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[color=#503f86]The date in the first one refers to the year the series was first made/released in Japan, the Amazon link refers to the release of the DVD itself. At least, that's what I assume: it's just the way they choose to display their information. Otherwise they look exactly the same.

I had to remove your links, though- unfortunately we can't allow links to commercial sites on OB.[/color]
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However, I did find Vicious a bit underwhelming as a villain. I mean, he's good and he fits in with the series and everything, but ... I guess I just can't help comparing him to [I]Trigun[/I]'s Legato Bluesummers because they look so similar, and out of the two, Legato is the better, more sinister, more manipulative villain. :devil:[/QUOTE]

I totally disagree with that, there isn't a single recorded second of Trigun that is better than Cowboy bebop. The whole crowd of villians in Trigun were so cheesy, you just can't take them seriously. How many times in anime can you stand there being the 7 demons, or sinister 12, or whatever they always call the group of bad guys that come one at a time, each with some specific skill. Same thing in Outlaw Star and Ninja Scroll, Trigun...it gets so old. Legato was supposed to be the scary serious one but it was weak. The whole thing of trying to get him to kill was weak. If vash was a vegetarian would he have snuck beef into his food to get to him?
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Cowboy Bebop has always been my favorite anime of all time for some reason I like the fact that I can relate to the characters. This isn't just some anime focused on just one specific think like Dragon Ball Z where it focuses all on fighting and saving the earth. This anime focuses on so many different things and emotions which makes it appealing to almost anyone. But for some reason what I like best about this anime is that at the end of each episodethey always have a set of words like " See You Space Cow Girl Some Day Some Wher." For example. I don't know why but I just like that alot. Also in my opinion this anime series has the best ending I have ever seen even though it was incredibly sad. I hope you all like this anime as much as I do... anyways thats all I have to say about this anime... I'm out!
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Guest ScirosDarkblade
[quote name='Blackjack]However, I did find Vicious a bit underwhelming as a villain. I mean, he's good and he fits in with the series and everything, but ... I guess I just can't help comparing him to [I]Trigun[/I']'s Legato Bluesummers because they look so similar, and out of the two, Legato is the better, more sinister, more manipulative villain. :devil:[/quote]
Vicious got very little screentime; less than Legato Bluesummers I think. He was less developed as a character. So yeah, I agree that he was underwhelming.
Overall I'd say that Cowboy Bebop suffered from a lack of plot development. There was barely any transition to the last to episodes story-wise. It was random episode, random episode, random episode,... oh by the way there's also an overarching story line that we forgot to tell you about. As a result I couldn't care less about Vicious as a character and expected nothing from him other than a cool fight vs. Spike (which the series didn't deliver if you ask me).
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[quote name='satan665']I totally disagree with that, there isn't a single recorded second of Trigun that is better than Cowboy bebop. The whole crowd of villians in Trigun were so cheesy, you just can't take them seriously. How many times in anime can you stand there being the 7 demons, or sinister 12, or whatever they always call the group of bad guys that come one at a time.[/quote]

Trigun was supposed to be funny like that. Its far more light than Bebop. Its more action, while Bebop is smooth. I'm not sure which I like better although I'm leaning towards Bebop.
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[quote name='Davethestampede']Trigun was supposed to be funny like that. Its far more light than Bebop. Its more action, while Bebop is smooth. I'm not sure which I like better although I'm leaning towards Bebop.[/quote]

I think they pulled that off in the first bunch of episodes, but the last half got kinda serious and didn't seem right.

Bebop pulled off the serious vs. funny thing a lot better. Sometimes when shows have episodes that you can watch non-sequentially it gets dull because they are repetitive, but all of CB's episodes were very different. I think they did just as good a job making the mushroom episode funny as they did making Pierrot scary and sad.
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  • 5 months later...
Guest NiknudStunod
ok first off I am not a expert when it comes to either anime or CB "cowboy bebop". I have been a anime fan off and on now since I saw vampire hunter D years ago. Now I am picky about what I do watch. Stuff like DBZ and full metal alchemist just feel more like a kids show then something created for adults. Now with that said Cowboy bebop is easily one of the greatest anime series I have seen... [spoiler] Last night on adult swim they aired the "last" episode and I feel sort of cheated. I know the star fades out and spike seems to die but is this really how it ends. What about the loose ends are they just gonna let us imagine what happens with all the other characters.[/spoiler] Is this truly the end? Does anyone know if there is any chance another movie will be made or if the series has any plans. If not then this is truly a sad day for me when it comes to anime.

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[FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkGreen]i wish i could comment on the ending of the series... but its been so long that i kinda have a loose memory of it...but i remember being satistyed with it.

cowboy bebop is amazing. its the first series that got me truly into anime. a friend showed it to me (so glad you did...u know who you are)and it kind of opened my eyes as to how anime could actually have adult things, like a good story ,deep meaninful stuff, adult themes and violence. it was like an actual show, not like the crap i saw before. the only anime i saw before was stuff like pokemon , dragon ball z, and digimon. ive shown other people cowboy bebop too and it made them like it and anime as well. it has to be one of my favorite shows of all time.

amazing dubbing job by the way, the best in my opinion.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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:catgirl: [spoiler]Spike isin't dead!!!! He was badly injurred and survived like Uma Thuman in Kill Bill. He is in a long slumber that is all!!!!! Don't believe the hype. If he did die, He died a soldier's death!!!! Rock On !!!![/spoiler] :animeknow
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One of the things I really love about Cowboy Bebop is that the end is so [spoiler] ambiguous. It really ties up where things are at for the Bebop crew, while leaving open the fact that things in their lives will keep going on.

It's kind of 'this is the end of the chapter in their lives' and we are only looking at a small amount of time.

Whether Spike actually dies is up for much debate. Personally I think he does and he can finally rest. [/spoiler]

I wouldn't like to see any more CB made that was prequel or sequel but I'd love them to make another movie that fits somewhere in the middle like the current one does.
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[COLOR=Indigo]I agree with you completely. They let the show end without dragging the series (ie. DBZ, Tenchi) We know what happens, and the results.

Another movie would be great, maybe when he left the syndicate. [/COLOR]
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  • 7 months later...
I was thinking they should make a movie about Spike while he was in the syndicate. I like Cowboy Bebop, in fact I think it's probably the best anime out there. The reason why I would like to see a movie about the syndicate is because I would like to know a few more of the characters in Spike's storyline. (Shin, Lin and Gren) Maybe that's just me though.

Edit: If I'm not allowed to bring back old threads, let me know.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I think making one short film, (about an hour or so) about Spike's days in the syndacate and his partnership with Vicous would be cool.
Making another feature length or season would spoil the Series altogether, it wouldn't feel the same.

I bought the DVD's and tried watching them in English (American) but I hated it.
I don't think the American voices mathc the characters at all, listen to a line from one character in the original voice, then in the American voice. It doesn't give that extra thing to alot of Spike's laid-back attitude.
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[quote name='Ryuujin]Well I wasn't going to bring this up but since you did Syk3(I still don't get this Greg), I will expound upon it. You said that [spoiler]Spike died in the last session, but they may not be the case. Spike has been injured more times than imaginable. For example in KHOD he ummm.... (don't want to ruin it for ya) well he gets shot and you would assume he died but indeed he didn't. So just because you assume he died does not mkae it so. So for all of you who cried because he died think that he just passed out from a loss of blood or something.[/spoiler'] There's my 2 cents to the subject.-OutlawDragon[/quote]

Good point but if Spike had surived wouldnt you think the remainder of the syndictae finish him off?

A Spike movie would be great I would also love to see Spike's days in the Red Dragon Syndicate.] Another good movie would be when Spike meets Jet for the first time.
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:p SPOILER-sorry :animeswea
it was sad but it was awesome its the best anime i've seen so far-u guys cant admitt it didnt rocked ;)
it was sad when [spoiler]spike said bang and collasped but it might not have been the end-i hope they come back with a second round
also julias death was sad with the birds and slow motion[/spoiler]
what got me SAD was the music-i hate sad music and they had some :animecry:
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  • 2 months later...
Guest IAmMyChem
Okay.On Cowboy Bebop, nobody knows if ed is a boy or girl.The whole boyish name thing is way wierd.Persinally, i think its either a vey girlish boy, or a very boyish girl.Ed claims to be thirteen, but there is no female body development.It could just be that ed is a late bloomer.It wouldn't be that hard to figure it out on the anime.Faye is so curious about it, why doesn't she just check?
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IAmMyChem, please make sure to check the Official Threads Directory before creating a new thread that is specific to one anime. It just makes the boards a lot less spammy if we don't have 20 Naruto threads and 20 Cowboy Bebop threads floating around. If you have any questions about that, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. Thanks. ^^

As for the gender of Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tibrusky IV, she is a girl. I'm sure they mentioned this in one of the episodes... For more information on her click [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cowboy_Bebop#Edward_Wong_Hau_Pepelu_Tivrusky_IV]here[/url]. It is possible that she is a late bloomer, and I don't discount it.

Personally, I found the whole thing pretty confusing too, but I'm sure they said "she" on the series so I just went by that.

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The video was supposed to have been improved a little, but from what I've read, the difference isn't really that striking. Like you suggested, the sound is better, and there are more extras, but that's about it. No need to spring for this if you have the originals. It's not like Eva Platinum.

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[COLOR=DarkOrange]I loved Cowboy Bebop! I think the opening credit were what did it for me! Most animes like that have hard core guitaur rifs but Cowboy Bebop was different! A set of bongo drumbs, a sax or two and a guy with a great voice!

I love it! I think the mix of animation and CG was great, anime in 3D... I liked it! I don't think I've ever seen anything like it and doubt I ever will again!

Oh yeah, what did everyone else think about the weird mix of characters? I thought that was a great touch that none of them really wanted to be there, but still they stuck together, lol just like a disfunctional family lol.
I wonder who the Mum woul be....? [/COLOR]
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  • 1 month later...
[b]This is a Debate and Discuss Anime Thread.[/b]

I just got done watching Jupiter Jazz my fourth time. After possessing the whole DVD set for about two years now, and not having watched it for a long while, I decided to dig the DVDs up again and watch the whole series another time. After my third time with the whole series, I can sincerely say this is THE best anime series of all time. Actually, not just in anime, but in the whole space of media, Cowboy Bebop remains to outrank so many movies, games, and books. I used to be an "otaku" in my middle school years and used to obsess over all different anime series. I outgrew most of them and now view most anime series as plain, predictable and generic. But, Cowboy Bebop was and still is truly a passion of my life, along with my friends, family and music. There's just so much I gained from watching the series, whether it be human insight, a good jazz soundtrack or something else that may be indescribable.

I sincerely believe people who say Cowboy Bebop is overrated haven't seen the whole series more than one time. Each watch-through, you gain more. You notice facial expressions, certain pieces of dialog, little quirks here and there that reveal so much about each character. Cowboy Bebop is character. A unique one that displays a deep range of the most profound human emotions. Obsessive anger, jadedness, destructive love, and more. Spike is not just a generic laid back bad ***. He gets worried and impulsive. He sometimes likes to be goofy. Sometimes, he even acts like a huge dork or makes corny jokes. But that's just the way people are. Faye is just like many women out there. Underneath that bad ***, independent exterior, Faye is simply looking for company, a family, a group of people with which she can take comfort in. Jet is a father figure. Although he tries to hide his care for Faye, Spike and Ed as much as possible, his compassion shows as he looks over his partners in bounty hunting like his own children.

There is so much more about Cowboy Bebop that I can rant upon. I can write a 10 page essay on one episode if I wanted to, but I won't. Plus, I suck at ranting. This thread is generally a discussion on anything about Cowboy Bebop: one of the most renowned and classic anime series.

[b]My Point [/b]: Cowboy Bebop is awesome. Lets talk about it.

Welcome to OtakuBoards [B]gabrielzero[/B]

I am moving your thread to the existing Cowboy Bebop thread for the following reason: To avoid confusion we ask that you do not create another thread. Please go ahead and post in the current one no matter how old it is. Before you post any thread, please check the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208][COLOR=Indigo][B]Official Threads Directory[/B][/COLOR][/URL] to see if there is already a thread on that topic. It is also a good idea to perform a forum search on that subject to make sure another thread does not already exist.

Please take a moment to review this sticky on [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=37269] [COLOR=Indigo][B]How to Post in Anime Lounge[/B][/COLOR][/URL] . If you have any questions feel free to ask myself or another member of the staff.

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  • 4 weeks later...
[SIZE=3][COLOR=Navy]Subbed or dubbed..? I have recently decided that i much prefer the english dub of cowboy bebop and actually dislike the japanese soundtrack, which is highly unusual for me.
I was just wondering if anyone agreed with me. I geuss the main reason for this life changing desicion(SP) was the character of ed. Though, generally speaking the same could be said about all the character, that thing is that they are all lifeless and dull. They just seem to me to be incredibly uninspiring characters, where as the english voice overs are.

Though in fairness spike was kind of better as the more brudy japanese voice, but still, he lack any charism or charm, unlike the english voice over.

... ... ..?[/COLOR][/SIZE]

Welcome to OtakuBoards [B]HarveyDandylion[/B]

I?m moving your thread to the existing Cowboy Bebop thread for the following reason. To avoid confusion we ask you to not create another thread but to post in the current one no matter how old it is. It?s a good idea to check the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208][COLOR=Blue][B]Official Threads Directory[/B][/COLOR][/URL] to see if one already exists. Or to do a forum search to check for existing threads.

Please take a moment to read the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?][COLOR=Blue][B]Rule[/B]s[/COLOR][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][COLOR=Blue][B]FAQ[/B][/COLOR][/URL] located on the left sidebar for more information on how to create threads and other aspects of OtakuBoards. If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff here.

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  • 5 months later...
Firstly i apoligise if this topic has been brought up in the past and if it is possibly getting on peoples nerves ( not that this topic could).

I recently (3 months ago) finished watching Cowboy Bebop and i loved it. One of the reasons was that i wasnt expecting it to have such and outstanding soundtrack :animesigh . I totally loved the great mix of Jazz, fusion, funk, latin, bebop, cool school (to name a few...) that was used it amde the show all the more watchable. I have seen shows where the animators have tried to incorporate this style of music and failed. This just goes to show the great musical talent behind the music namely Yoko Kanno and The seatbelts:animesmil .

If anyone has an opinion or any interesting information on the seatbelts they would like to share please gop ahead.

Also if anyone knows where i can aquire or purchase the manuscript to the song 'What planet is this' i would be very greatful. :rolleyes:
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][INDENT]Since your thread deals entirely with the anime Cowboy Bebop, I have merged it together with the official thread. ~Aaryanna[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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