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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ohkami [/i]
[B][COLOR=darkblue]Daine and Numair would have made a good couple, seeing as they both liked each other but thought that they would see differently. I think the relationship could have progressed more.

I have an argument for people. Some people think Kel and Cleon make a good couple. Honestly, I think Kel and Neal would make a better couple. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]"I can't not be his friend, even if I can't be his love."

Kel said that about Neal, and it's a decent quote. Neal and Kel were/are best friends. If they had gone out--what happens when they break up? Do you know how hard it is to be friends with someone you once liked/loved, knowing that's gone? (Remember how Kel [spoiler]tried to hide from Cleon when she realized that special feeling was gone?[/spoiler])

So, yeah. As much as I love Neal, I would have been upset if he had been paired off with Kel. They fit better as friends. (Honestly, I think if Kel's going to be in another relationship, it's going to be with Dom. He's like Neal Lite. :p)

And Daine and Numair--[spoiler]their relationship did progress more.[/spoiler] I'm not sure what you mean, because you've read [i]Protector of the Small[/i], right? How'd you miss that? Numair even mentions is in Lady Knight (although Kel was teasing him.) Or did you mean youwanted to see more of it in [i]The Immortals[/i]? I'm confused.[/SIZE]

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ashley_the_blr [/i]
[B][color=royalblue]I loved Lady Knight all the way until the ending. I hate when she does that. She also did the same thing with Trickster's Choice, but at least there we will eventually find out what happens next ,even if we have to wait until October. (I am just grateful she is not like the author Garth Nix. In Lirael, he just made a complete cliffhanger, plus the book was 400 and something pages. Grrrr...)[/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Havn't read [i]Tricker's Choice[/i] yet, although I mean to...sometime soon.

(Heheh, Garth Nix. I loved [i]Sabriel[/i] and nearly literally fell over when I first saw [i]Lirael[/i] at the store. You know what's really bad, though, was how long I had to wait for Philip Pullman's [i]Amber Spyglass[/i] after I read [i]Subtle Knife.[/i])[/SIZE]
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Alright, being a big fan of Ms. Pierce, I could (and, hopefully, will) add a lot more to this thread, but for now I'm just going to comment on Tricksters Choice, as that is the most recent in my mind.

The two things that I really appreciated the most in this new Tortall book was Pierce's seeming deviation in character and setting. Yes, it's still a strong female character, and yes it's still set in the ever magical Tortall, but that is where the similiarities end.

Unlike Alanna, Daine, and Kel, Aly is, on the surface at least, a carefree, [i]playful[/i] character. She uses her dry wit and sarcasm with great gusto, and is bold and audacious in a way that none of the previous characters were. All 3 of Aly's predecessors knew what they wanted or needed, and didn't spend much time deviating from that. In that way, they were very much so in touch with reality, even if they dared to defy it.(ie: Alanna is consumned by her desire to become a knight, Daine is caught up in how to survive and deal with her powers, and Kel's main goal to make it as the first known girl knight in training). Aly seems to float upon a constant cloud, and is arrogant at times, which can (and I'm sure, will) lead to her downfall. She has no real purpose or sense of direction, and seems almost lost at times.

However, look a little deeper into the character, and you see an insecure person wanting and needing her mother's approval desperatly, searching for some sort of niche in life, something to hold her airy personality down [spoiler](ie: In the beginning of the book, she often wonders and wishes she knew what it would be like to have a lover).[/spoiler] Yes, that was all once sentence. Run on? I think not!

As the book goes on, you see she has something to anchor her personality [spoiler]with her new responsiblity taking care of Sarai and Dove.[/spoiler] She takes it very seriously and chastises herself harshly when she fails. [spoiler](As she did when the assasains broke in and Sarai was forced to kill the redheaded woman to save her father.)[/spoiler]

I shall be quite interested to see what sort of trip Pierce takes this character on.

As I mentioned before, the second big thing that made the book new and interesting for me (despite obvious trends in Pierce's writing), was the setting. It was the first book to take parts of Tortall and put them in a jungle, tropical sort of sense, and it reminded me very much of a resort island in which the locals live off the land while the rich battle for it. I loved the way she portrayed this less 'well to do' raka, she really gave them a sense of soul and purpose. The Code of Chivalry, while quite lovely, leaves something to be desired in the way of 'why are you risking your life for this?' Pierce fills the gap here nicely. ^-^

And thats my...eh...10 cents. Lol.

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