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What are you going to do?


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[color=009966]I would love to become a writer, and then an artist on the side. That way, once I finish a book, I can do the coverart and character art. ^__^

As for colleges, I'm not certain. Pennsylvania has some good art schools, and I'm seriously considering Pennsylvania College of Art and Design, but it's still pretty far away and I would still have to find a way to get home when vacation comes around. But I have plenty of time (well, maybe not as much as I think) to think about it since I'm only a freshman. :)[/color]
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[color=#006699]Well. The first thing I do after graduating high school will be to get a job at Raquespace, upgrading and repairing networks. I'm reading a few text books and messing around with linux on another computer. I have 3 years to learn this stuff, then I'll pass the exam and work in that department. I've already visited and know quite a few people that work there, it reminds me a bit of Office Space. [i]Very[/i] relaxed work envirement.

But after a few years of working there I'll be able to pay for college (no way in hell am I taking out a loan). I plan on going to UTAustin and majoring in creative writing. After that I'm honestly not sure, I may pursue writing, since that's always been my passion. But I could probably do plenty of other things.[/color]
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[size=1] Yeah...my childhood dream has always been to be a writer, but now that I've gone through five more years of school, my horizons have broadened a little bit. I think it would be fun to become a fashion designer, a culturalist, a cartoonist, or a...*coughnewsanchorcough* Lol. I'm thinking about going to Middlebury College in (try and guess) Middlebury, Vermont. It has a lot more writing classes than any college I've checked out and they do so many language classes! Arabic, Chinese, French, German (which is probably what I'll take since I'm taking it now and will throughout middle school), Italian, Japanese, Portugese, Russin, and Spanish. I wish they had Korean though, because I have some wierd obsession with pretending I'm Korean...uh...*coughcoughsneezehackdie*
There's so many majors you can get, too...Like...37 or something.
The campus, too is absolutely gorgous! And, since it's up in Vermont, there will be snow which will make it even prettier. But, unfortunately, if you have a dorm room or house on the campus (which is what I'll have to ahev since I live in Georgia), you can't have any pets except fish and gerbils (hamsters, etc.) NO FERRETS! AGH! *quickly leaves* [/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wiccansamurai [/i]
[B]Meh, I want to be a manga artist, but my mom says no. So I'll go to Columbia or the Art institute in Chicago, probably do something with animation. It was my mom's ideas to go to these, but I'm still not mentioning animation for now. [/B][/QUOTE]

Do you live in Chicago, then?
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Yeah, I live in Chicago. In the actual city, though. It's nice when people mention that they're from around here. Seems very rare on OB heh.

Those are both decent schools, from what I've seen. Hopefully you'll be able to get into one or the other no problem. Would be a nice career choice.
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[size=1]I live in Australia. At this point in time, I'm planning to go to go [url=http://www.uts.edu.au]The University of Technology, Sydney[/url] and do a [url=http://www.hss.uts.edu.au/careers/writing.html]Writing Course[/url] there. Possibly a [url=http://datasearch.iim.uts.edu.au/hss/courses/ug/action.lasso?-database=uts_course_courses&-layout=websearch&-response=detail.lasso&uts_code=C10099&-search]Bachelor of Arts in Communication[/url], which can lead me into Publishing and Editing as well as Writing.

So, yes. Those are my plans at the moment.[/size]
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Although I'm having a tough time deciding what school i want to go to, (heh..I'm a senior, i better get moving!) i definately know what i want to do.

I want to be a radiologist, or as they call it in the field, a Rad Tech. I find the human body fasinating, and after spending this last semester in the hospital in the different areas, i've found that this is the place for me. I couldn't stand being a nurse, there's just way to much writing involved. With radiology, all you do is take the x-ray, put it in the computer to load, scan the patient's name, scan the x-ray, scan your name, what the x-ray was for, and what exatcly it was. And poof! you're done! Not only that, but it has a sort of relaxed atmosphere. Then, once i have spent a couple of years just doing regular x-rays, i hope to move up into the Heart Cath Lab. That was a very interesting place to go, and it seemed very interesting.

Some of the things that i will likely be doing on the side: while in college,
1.)working at my job, pissing people off when i tell them they can't return something. (heh...great fun!)
2.) contiuning work on my book. (which currently has 47 pages! yeah!)
3.) drawing characters for my book
4.) partying!!! :)

Hopefully i will someday be able to turn my book into an anime, but i'm not so sure that will work.

Some colleges I'm planning on attending is Newman University, which has already given me a scharship, and maybe either KU, or WSU. (considering they would be a lot cheaper.)
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by duorocks17 [/i]
[B]4.) partying!!! :)[/B][/QUOTE]

[size=1][color=darkred]That's something that I'm weary of. If I start partying early, I'll never stop, and then my studies will be scarce, and my grades will surely drop.

Partiers, beware.. you're in for a... uh.. bad thing.[/color][/size]
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I'm just really happy there are so many nice art schools near-ish. I don't know, I just kind of wish I had a choice to go to college. I would anyway, but being given a choice would be much better. My mom wants us all to go to college... Oh well, maybe I'll be lucky and get a dorm! (Not a chance in Hell. I'm not allowed to move away till I'm twenty. ^^;; My mom is so weird.)
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[size=1]Look, I'm alive! . . . I just don't post much . . . O_o;;

Anyway, onto the topic at hand.

I've thought about what I want to do after high school, but, then again, I haven't. Because what I'd really love to be is a novelist (a.k.a. someone who writes novels) but most of the time you have to work second or third jobs to keep a regular cash flow going and I just don't want to have to deal with all the strain. ^^;; But I still hope to get a novel I've been writing (since 7th grade, hee) published. *shrugs* But it's just a goal, not really a job choice.

So I think I've settled on something that I'd like to do: psychology. More specifically, art therapy. But therein lies the problem:

College. Or University, if you so prefer. Really, I'd like to go to a college that isn't anywhere [b]near[/b] Oklahoma, but my choice of colleges really depends on if I manage to snag a scholarship or not. Getting a scholarship would really help to ensure I get to a good college, but, if I don't, then I'll just probably try somehting that majors in psychology but is still affordable. *shrugs*

Mum and Da said I really shouldn't worry about college just yet and just concentrate on my grades for the rest of the year, because if I don't get good grades, then college is a very far-away dream. But, oh well. I'll probably really start thinking about college next year (when I'm a 2nd semester junior).

But until then [i]c'est la vie[/i], I guess.

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Well, this is a different and difficult choice I have to make, and it starts with my last year of high school.

My school offers a Grade 12 (or level 7 as we call it) education. If we chose to take the extra year, and pay that much more in tuition, we can choose most of our classes and immediately become eligible for entry into a university out of the province. I could have a year off school, and be able to study somewhere away from home, which I would certainly miss. On the other hand, I could skip the level 7, and go to college for two years until I go to a university in town where I can still live comfortably at home.

So, I guess I'll have to decide where I'm going to university before I finish high school.

As for what I am planning in terms of occupation. Definetely something to do with writing. My best guess would be screenwriting or adapting literature to film, as I am told that most of my ideas would adapt more easily to the screen then paper. (Maybe too much TV?) That, or I could be an English teacher.

There's still much to think about, though. Hopefully I can figure out more about what I want to do in the near future.
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As soon as I graduate from high school, I want to go into the apprenticeship program for carpentry. I enjoy making things out of wood very much and I love art. I just want to basically make cabinets and I also want to be a full time professional artist in drawings and other cool things out of wood. The apprenticeship program also has many benefits. Like, only cracking the books one month per year. The program lasting only two years, and getting paid $30 dollars an hour whenever you work and learn out on the field. So, this career is pretty cool.
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[color=blue][size=1]For a while now, i've convinced myself that i was too young to be thinking about what I would do when i grew up and what college I would go to and such...but alas, i'm not 10 anymore, and i'm 15 and in 9th grade. My sister went to OU, and I've visited the campus, and i think it's a really nice school. But what really matters is what you want to do when you go to college...and i know a lot of you have said "writers" but I really do want to become an author. Or a journalist. Or something to that effect. I've been writing short stories and directed some short movies that me and my cousin have (badly) put together (but I wrote most of the plots and scripts) and I think that it would be really fun to do that.[/size][/color]
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Me? I wanna be a writer, I've even started writing my own book! People say I'm talented at it, and I love to write, so, why not? But If that doesn't work out either, I could always become an artist.

Eh...who knows what the future holds, maybe I'll end up as a Chipendale(sp?) instead...
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[color=violet]I'm a bit [color=green]jaded[/color] so don't mind me. I went to college for one year and wasn't too impressed with it. College really isn't for everyone so don't let people tell you you have to go or you'll be stuck flipping burgers for the rest of your life-or pumping gas. After all, you can go top college and still pump gas and flip burgers.
My best friend's ex-boyfriend graduated from RIT and he hasn't gotten a job yet. On the other hand, my other friend's husband was in the military for 10 years and now gets paid 21 dollars an hour to fix air planes.
As for what I did after college-well, I worked full time, I made decent money and then I met Lincoln and got married. I moved to Texas babysat and then moved back home recently. And I'm a cliche college drop out right now, I work at McDonalds.
My husband is a high school drop out, he's in the Army, going to Iraq and going into either communications or taking the entrance exam to be a NYS Trooper.
Well, okay, now that you know that about me, you can point and laugh and ask me if I want fries with that.[/color]
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here's my idea; it's easy to find choices for yourself, hard to make a decision that you'll stick with. for example, in kindergarden, I wanted to be a singer up until second grade, when I wanted to be a writer. third grade, I wanted to be an actor. in fourth and fifth grade, I wanted to be a lawyer. in sixth grade, I wanted to be a writer. and here I sit in seventh grade. Right now I'm pretty sure that one of my current choices is going to be my future career. My choices are;
a cook/baker
clothes designer
interior designer
something else creative
or a combonation of the above

If I cannot do something with some creativity in it my life will be very boring to me. I'm always drawing my friends in study hall, telling my friends what would make their room look good, or [I]voulunteering,[/I] yes, [U]voulunteering [/U] to make dinner. I'm a sad story, arn't I?

P.S.-know any good art collages? :rolleyes:
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