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P.D.A (public display of affection)


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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hack Helba [/i]
[B][size=1]Umm dude shes grounded, lol.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

I'm with AzureWolf on this one. Unless your girlfriend is grounded for the next six months or so, you can both wait to get physical until you have access to a more private space. School should be an environment for learning, not hooking up.

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[FONT=arial]PDA's involving tongue, and stuff that's further on from there are going too far, imo. it'd be really hard for somebody to mess up holding hands lol, so that'd be fine, along with normal hugging, etc. Don't think there'd be anything wrong with kissing, as long as tongue isn't involved, as said before. to sum it up in a nutshell, the PDA's that could be disgusting to look at if the wrong person did it are the ones that shouldn't be allowed at school, imo.[/FONT]
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I remember last year there was a couple who were caught having [spoiler]oral sex[/spoiler] in the weight room upstairs in the gym. The kids were sent home for a couple of days and after that the teachers have never been the same. They watch the security cameras for the littlest things and will chase you down in the hallways if you are even seen about to kiss. So the kids have to get creatice with it. My girlfriend used to drop her books and I would bend down to get them for her but I really was rubding her leg. We also had well placed objects that blocked the teachers view. There are alot of blind spot in the school were the cameras aren't. The bathroom in one of them, but thats kinda risky because the person who doesn't belong gets suspended. I rent out the janitors closet for a fee of $5.00 for 10 minuets. My P.D.A has gone pretty far but then I remember why I come to school and that I could just save it until home, but the fear of getting caught is such a turn on and sometime you just have to play your chances.
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I can't stand it personally. Anyone that is even holding hands at school should be immediately sent to the counselor to discuss what they were doing. Maybe bring the parents into it. School is for learning and should only be used for learning.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i]
[B]...I see as the act of stupid, horny freshmen.

Hey, I resent that, buddy!

Anyway, the main claim of the anti-PDA rules is that PDA causes distractions. Know when most "stupid, horny freshmen" act such? During class? No. Homeroom? No. Assemblies? No. Lunch and changing classes, folks. That's when it happens, over eighty percent of the time. What is the distraction if you're walking to your locker and you grab your girl's ***? What is the distraction of sharing lunch [in creative manners] with your one and only?

Actually, I find that teachers screaming out "PDA! PDA! GO TO DISCIPLINE!" more annoying and distracting than a girl giving her man a nibble on the ear.

And Harry, look at it this way; we can learn academics and Sex-Ed all in one day. Haha.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chaos [/i]
[B]Hey, I resent that, buddy!

Anyway, the main claim of the anti-PDA rules is that PDA causes distractions. Know when most "stupid, horny freshmen" act such? During class? No. Homeroom? No. Assemblies? No. Lunch and changing classes, folks. That's when it happens, over eighty percent of the time. What is the distraction if you're walking to your locker and you grab your girl's ***? What is the distraction of sharing lunch [in creative manners] with your one and only?[/b][/quote]
How are kids supposed to get to class on time if they're too busy having sex in the hall ways?
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[COLOR=darkblue][FONT=century gothic] My school has PDA rules and a dress code as well. Nobody abides them. They make out in the hall, hold hands, hug, you name it. So the school is doing nothing about it. Apparently they don't care about how students and teachers are dressing either. Quite frankly, the school doesn't really care. The rules are there because they are.
I don't really mind seeing PDA here and there around the halls, so long as they stay out of my way. I have lost count in how many times I got really annoyed with couples stopping right in frony of me and kiss and hug, or they walk slowly down the hall hand in hand, blocking your way and wasting your time trying to get to class. PDA can be annoying at times, though, they can be a bit interesting....like kiss a random person day...weird I know lol. Some teenagers are going to kiss and hug...nothing is going to stop PDA, not some silly rule, at least.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Unfortunately, although I live in a very liberal area, some teachers have used an anti-PDA rule, rarely if ever enforced, to use as a form of bigotry. I've seen teachers walk by straight couples making out without batting an eye (hell, a seventh grader performed oral sex on one of her peers IN SCHOOL and IN A HALLWAY once, and they didn't get punished, as far as I can tell. Maybe a suspension..), but when to boys hold hands, that'll get you detention, and anything farther will be suspension. This is only a problem with one or two teachers though, and I hug and hold hands with guys and girls all the time and haven't gotten into trouble. *shrugs*

My opinion? Meh, who cares. If there's nudity or sex involved, I think that should be restricted, and I think making out between classes is a bit unruly (save it for Lunch), but holding hands and hugging and kissing is all okay in my book.
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i dont see a problem with public affection, if you see someone hugging or kissing some one els and it affends you, its probubly because you dont have a girlfriend/boyfriend. it should push you harder to get a girlfriend/boyfriend. thats all the people have a problem with is there jelouse, and cant get there own girlfriend/boyfriend so no one els can hug or kiss in public that they can see.

well thats my opinion
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There's a limit to what should and shouldn't be done. Like my boyfriend and I were at SeaWorld yesterday, and we cuddled up watching the Shamu show and held hands and even kissed a few times, but we would never make out in a public place. Or grope each other, or anything like that. It's rude to do that, cause not only do you embarass yourselves, you make other people uncomfortable. I don't like it when people make out in front of me, I'm not gonna do it in front of everyone else
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all u guys should stop complaining!!! at least u have the oppotunity to have PDA's :)

I go to an all boys private school in London. And don't even go there.... YES I DO STILL LIKE GIRLS.... however, we do receive girls into the sixth form (meaning when we finish our GCSE's and it 17) and yes there is some of it going on there.... i rember when I was younger (entered the school at 11 btw) teachers were telling those older kids off for holding hands and kissing each other....

now though it seems to have quitened down. our school isn't like some undercover lust thing though (most of the time) and I think that the perfect balance has been achieved, the couples can show that they care for each other, and the teachers know that they wont go any further (again.. most of the time ;)....
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  • 2 weeks later...
Well, I sure dont' think that they should put a lot of restrictions on that one. I also see it a lot, and it doesnt' really bother me. Holding hands, yeah thats ok, but it kinda gets a lil, ee wee bit annoying when they kiss and make out. restrictions are ok, but not as far as holding hands.

Next thing you know they're gonna be making so public signs of embarrassment.
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Guest Midnight Rush
well as far as holding hands or making out is concerned no problem in my book. in fact, if you wnated to find a quiet and private corner and go a lil farther (make study halls fun :P) i wouldn't care
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hells Fire [/i]
[B]I rent out the janitors closet for a fee of $5.00 for 10 minuets. My P.D.A has gone pretty far but then I remember why I come to school and that I could just save it until home, but the fear of getting caught is such a turn on and sometime you just have to play your chances. [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=hotpink][size=1]If this is true, OH MY GOD. Whatever you are doing that you need the privacy of a janitor's closet to do it in for ten minutes, then you obviously don't need to be doing it in school!

In my high school, PDA was against the rules (Mrs. V would chase you down just for being close, lol), but some people could get away with it. I personally don't like PDA. I don't do it myself because I think it's rude to do that in front of other people. And by this I mean making out. It's one thing to hold hands or to hug someone. A light peck on the cheek or the lips doesn't seem to bad either. But when your tongue is penetrating the lips of another person, then you've gone too far on school grounds. The last thing I want to see is some nasty couple slobbering all over each other in public. It's absolutely disgusting.

So next time you want to make out, don't do it around me.

And I am guessing that this is only a problem in high school. Here at college people are more mature than to make out in front of others.[/color][/size]
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I think it shouldnt matter if you do that or not, just as long as you don't do that stuff where it might sicken people. What if your girlfriend lived 30-40 min away and she got a bus to school everyday? You wouldnt be able to see her much so the only time you could see her alot is at school. I think it should be aloud:)
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Nothing is as bad as my school! Ya your school doesn't allow P.D.A. but at my school, the teachers are allowed to give you detentions for touching a girl! Ya its private and all but my point is that my school is far much worst than yours. But ya I do think it shouldn't be a rule. the reason my school made this rule is because there were some people f***ing in the bathroom and **** but anyways...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i]
[B][color=hotpink][size=1]I only see my boyfriend one day a week if I'm lucky, but that doesn't mean that my mouth has to be on him constantly when we are in one another's presence. That is a lame argument.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE]
[color=violet]I sympathize with that remark. I [i]might[/i] get to go down to Ft.Hood,TX (I'm in Western NY) before my husband deploys for [b][u]IRAQ[/u][/b] But that's only provided I have someone to go down there with me.
After that I won't get to see him until atleast November of this year, but they could extend his tour to June of 2005. That's over a year of not seeing my husband!
As for P.D.A. yes, we hold hands and kiss eachother in public, but we don't paw eachother like some people I've seen. And we do give eachother breathing room for Kali's sake!
I do have a good PDA story tho. Lincoln and I were doing our weekly grocery shopping and he decided to give me a quick kiss on the lips in the middle of one of the aisles. Well, this lady coms by with her cart and her kids and shouts. " This is a super market."
I turn around and looked at her and say. "[i]Really?[/i]" Then I turned to Lincoln and said. "Honey, I believe we took a wrong turn. This lady says this is a supermarket."
Needless to say that woman's face was redder than the tomatos we had in the shopping cart. And yes it may have been wrong, but it was funny[/color]
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There's a guy I know who got detition just for [i]holding a girl's hand in the hall.[/i] I'm sorry but that's a little much. I don't think ther's anything wrong with just holding hands, hugging, kisses on the cheek, or lips as long as it isn't tounge. Making out in the halls isn't the wisest choice considering at my school the couple will already be broken up. Heh. But there is such a thing as going too far. As long as isn't distracting who really cares?
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******P.D.A.******************* naw...no big deal, only that its the most GAYEST THING EVER!!!!! S now I can't even hold my boyfriend' hand while walking down the @#!* hall!!!!

bullcrap ):\ AHHHHH!!! (speaking in japanese) !!!!!!shita ga moeteru!!!!!(just burt the heck out of my tongue)I'm eatin' soup right now....ow...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i]
[B]How are kids supposed to get to class on time if they're too busy having sex in the hall ways? [/B][/QUOTE]
[color=violet]I stopped having sex in the hallways a few years ago-all those people staring! It was quite emberassing:twitch:
I now have sex in the middle of grocery stores as shown in my previous post. The produce section is one of my favorite locations.
Besides, if the kids would all learn to have quickies-they [i]could[/i] get to their classes on time![/color]
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Um...as far as placing restrictions on PDA goes, I don't see hand-holding as a problem (My bf and I almost got demerits for it our sophomore year), but at a Catholic school, there's no need to make out in the hallway. It's often very disgusting and being pushed [i]way[/i] too far. My freshman year, there was one couple you'd just see [i]everywhere[/i] making out. My point is, that's not what school's for: It's a place to learn and make friends, not make out.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiHorsewoman [/i]
[B][color=violet]I stopped having sex in the hallways a few years ago-all those people staring! It was quite emberassing:twitch:
I now have sex in the middle of grocery stores as shown in my previous post. The produce section is one of my favorite locations.
Besides, if the kids would all learn to have quickies-they [i]could[/i] get to their classes on time![/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=hotpink][size=1]I HOPE you are joking. Because if you're not... O_o; That's illegal in the state of Georgia. Sodomy laws and all.[/color][/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i]
[B][color=hotpink][size=1]I HOPE you are joking. Because if you're not... O_o; That's illegal in the state of Georgia. Sodomy laws and all.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE]
I notice a distinct lack of sodomy in her post...

[quote]Besides, if the kids would all learn to have quickies-they could get to their classes on time![/quote]
Psh don't encourage them or they'll be subject to ridicule later by their wife/gf about being quicker than a speeding bullet.
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