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Editing thread titles


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I wonder this...how come members can't modify titles of threads they've created? This has happend to myself a few times (and probably other members) where I've messed up on the thread title but can't go back and edit it; I can only edit the little subject line in the post.
As far as I know, only mods can change anybody's thread title. But can't we edit our own titles? (Example, in the Art and Design forum, I have a banner thread entitled "The Woners of PaintShop Pro" when I had meant for it to say "Wonders". And I can only edit the little subject line in my post.)
Heh, sorry if I'm making a lot of ruckas about nothing. v.v
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Mmm, that's an interesting point. I can see a few reasons why members might not be able to change titles, but instead of listing them here, I'll let a member of the staff do it. Lesser chance of any misunderstandings.

But really, if you do make a thread title mistake, just PM the local Moderator, and they should be happy to do it. As a former Mod myself, I can tell you that it isn't too bothersome of a task.
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I'd certainly like to be able to change my thread's title, for example, if I typed teh instead of the.

I don't see anything wrong with it, it's not like any same person would type up a thread titled, for example, [b]Intllegent Dragonball discussion[/b], and then use the title change to make it [b]OMG!!!1 TRUNKS HAIR is sooK cr@zeh![/b] if they did, the post can simply be locked up.
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[color=#707875]The reason that members can't change their thread title is simply because the vB software does not allow it.

The only way to allow it would be for us to actually change the code. I don't know how complex it is to allow something like this though.

In any case, it's not going to happen at the moment. At least, not while we're working on the new version of the boards. I don't have enough programming resources at my disposal to do anything other than v7 (and even v7 itself is quite a chore).[/color]
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It's pointless to me. If you titled your thread that badly, then you can always ask a mod to change it. I think allowing members to do this as they please would result in a lot of threads having name changes for little reason. Remember all the people who changed their names when that was allowed? It was overwhelming.

So you'll have the problem of people changing the name of their threads and no one knowing what's what anymore.
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