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Ooooooh picture time

Rhys Mayiessen

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[color=seagreen]Lol I haven't put anything up here in a while so I thought I would just show you this one, though I did it in a hurry. Tis Malik Ishtar....Smiling! Oh my god! Ahem anyways the only thing I like about this pic is the eyes...don't ask me why, to you they might look weird.
;o; you can see all my mistakes where I went out of the line, that what I get for using a big brush I guess.[/color]
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Lol, to me it looks like he is mixed with a chibi, I think it's cute ^^.
I know this one person who makes eyes kind of like that, I think it might be some kind of style.

Anyways, I think it is pretty good, although his pointy chin bothers me and the whole left side of his body is crooked, I think it is ok. He really is crooked looking though *tilts head*

[b]Rating: 7.8/10[/b]
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I can't see the big over-the-line muck-ups myself, so you must have managed them pretty well. I love the grasp of tone and the colouring - very nice. His eyes are well done - but really creepy without pupils! [Heh, I haven't ever seen this character, so I wouldn't know whether or not he had pupils, of course.] I like the creases around the neck and shoulders, but the line where the two sides of his waitcoat is too vertically straight around the stomach to fit their bulge.

I have to agree that at some points, like the black lines extending from the eyes, the shoulders and hairline, is a little too asymmetrical, but generally I think the picture is very strong. The shadows are believeably captured, and I really like how you've done his gold jewellery.

I look forward to more, and well done!
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[color=seagreen]Pah maybe he's a little crocked because he's in the wind. Unless you think that hair stands out like that on their own K.K.C.
I know about the line down his clothes, I noticed that after I had already inked it.
It not my fault his eyes are asymmetrical, I drew them both by hand, their two different eyes thank you very much.[/color]
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[size=1][color=chocolate]*Looks and K.K.C.'s post and yells*
Exactly what I would put. The chin does seem a little pointy, and the body gets a little weird.
I love it how you did the hair though; it looks as if it is flowing in the wind. Cool.
Heh, never seen eyes like that before. They sure caught my attention.[/size][/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rhys Mayiessen [/i]
[B][color=seagreen]Pah maybe he's a little crocked because he's in the wind. Unless you think that hair stands out like that on their own K.K.C.
[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

[size=1]Yes, but when the wind is blowing the body shouldn't look crooked. I think you might have mis-read my post. The hair looks fine, It's just the rest of the body.[/size]
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