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Blink 182: New Album


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They do have a song on Madden, its the current single.

I personally haven't really liked 182, they were just way too much pop for me. I watched some crap special on MTV about them recording the album over a long time and how it was different from their previous style. It sounded pretty good, and I bought it a little while ago.

I was pretty disappointed by it, I like it somewhat but its way too polished. It sounds weird, but the type of sound they were going for I think they would do well to have produced it themselves or just not made it so "clean" sounding. Basically it starts to sound completely orchestrated rather than intuitive. "They tried too hard" and spent way too much time analyzing their songs and it shows.

Now that I've passed beyond being super-redundant, I still plan to listen to it a bunch more to see if I like it better.
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Let me start off by saying that "All of This" is now my favorite Blink song ever.

They've really matured in their style of music. I would never have placed "Stockhom Syndrom" as being from the ame guys who named an album "Take off your Pants and Jacket."

I didn't like "Obvious", or "I'm Lost Withouit You" all that much, but "Always" and "The Fallen Interlude" more than make up for it. And, of course, there's AoT.

As for "Feeling This"< it's just a feel-good song. What's not to like?
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[size=1][color=chocolate]I don't plan on getting the new Blink 182 CD. I just think Blink 182 is too 'pop-ish' for me.

The only song I have ever known was 'Feeling This' (off of MTV.) It isn't the best song in the world, but I do enjoy it. I'm not really a big fan of this group, and don't plan getting the CD either.
Yes...go MTV...[/size][/color]
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I haven't bought the CD yet but my friend had and he played a few songs. Telling from their older album i like alot of songs (Adams Song, Dammit, Stay Together For The Kids, etc...) So I listened to the songs and really liked it! They are a really amazing band.. however i think the side project, Box Car Racer, should make another return. my opinion:P
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  • 3 weeks later...
I love Blink 182 and I bought the album about 3 weeks ago. my fav songs are "Always" and "Down" and "Go". My boyfriend likes "Feeling this". It apparently reminds him of me. I don't get it coz the whole song is about sex. Is he trying to send me a hidden message here? hehe I actually like all the songs on the CD heaps except "The fallen interlude". I don't think that should've been included on the album.

All in all a great CD though. Recommend it!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Even though I'm really into softer music I LOVE BLINK 182!!!!!!!!!!:love: :love: I got the CD for X-mas and, I was soo happy, I heard it 5 times that day!!! :D

Personally, my favorite songs in this CD are "All of This" and "Stockholm Syndrom", but I also like "Violence" , "Miss you", "Feeling This" "Here's your letter", "Asthenia"(even though it's almost a minute of soft noises before they start singin..I can't really make out what those soft noises say, all I know is they are actual NASA recordings... :( :confused: ), "Easy Target" and "Go" (I know these are almost all the songs in the CD :D...jeje ) but I'm not very fond of "The Fallen Interlude" or "Obvious" and the rest of the songs are ok.. :)

In conclution, This has to be one of the best CDs I own, and I strongly recomend it!! :D :toothy:

HetepKa :toothy: :freak:
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Hmmm, what to say of blink-182? I'm not too completely sold on this album personally. Perhaps it's just not my style or taste.

I've never hated the guys by any stretch of the mind but I've also never really got into their music. It just seems a little too much like the bands that preceeded them and doesn't seem to tickle my fancy. Green Day would do the job for me in a heartbeat over these guys, but they still seem to have their redeeming qualities.

First, though they sound and sing a lot like some other "punk" types that have come before them, they still manage to mix in plenty of themselves to set them apart from others, just not enough to me. It seems, though, that they really tried hard to get that kind of attitude away from people with their new album that has just been released.

They looked like they were in a downward spiral since they started releasing stuff that became more "pop-like" with every song, something they didn't want to do and something that was detracting from their intended musical style. You can definitely tell that they went more back to their roots with this album and it does bring some breaths of fresh air back into the mainstream punk industry where all sorts of clones are popping up out of nowhere.

Decent album to me, though not a show stealer by any means. I'd give it a 3 star out or 5 star rating for their effort of going back to what they do best. Most definitely better than some of their previous stuff, they are on the right track for sure.
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