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Why so many questions??..


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Have you ever had a time in your life in which you question everything? I am now in that time. Some of my questions include, why was I put on this earth? What am I going to do with my life? Does he like me? lol Questions like these...

I know those questions are trivial and can be answered my noone other than my Lord...(sorry if I offended anybody with that..:sweat: )

Well, anywho, have you ever had a questioning time in your life? If so, how'd you deal with it?


(OCC: I hope I'm not being to vague with this...I don't want to be yelled at! :sweat: )
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Inuyashafan418 [/i]
[B]I know those questions are trivial and can be answered my noone other than my Lord...(sorry if I offended anybody with that..:sweat: )[/B][/QUOTE]

Oh man, that's it. I'm just downright pissed. How could you say such a thing?

I'm reporting this to James. I hope you're banned.

...really, how is that offensive? You mentioned religion? Oh boy.
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wristcutter, really hope you're joking... I wasn't offended. That was more of an opinion thing, anyway.

We go through all of our life asking questions. Its the way humans are. Some of these questons will never be answered. But it doesn't matter, most of the ones we really want answers for, all we have to do is search hard enough, and we'll find it.
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Yeay, he was jokeing.

Do you want to talk about the meaning of life? I can help with that.

A while back i reached the conclusion that there is no god, and no meaning of life but to have fun (why would we be here for any other reason anyway?), but then i thought deeper. How could something like the Big Bang create something living that has emotion like us? It was indeed a perplexing issue, so i dug deeper into my own mind.
My brother had a dream once. He was thinking about the meaning of life and--- ok, lets stop for a min... for now, lets just think of dreams as our subconcious mind. We know that dont we? Of course. Your subconcious mind is the part of the mind that just carys out natural orders like breathing and heatbeat and digestive functions, stuff like that. Its like a mindless robot minion that carys out orders without hesitation. That is how dreams work. The last thing you think about is the last thing you robot minion hears, so logicaly he carys the last order you gave him out untill you wake up, thus your dreams. (Note: Humans dream every night, they just say they dont dream sometimes because they forget the dreams the second they wake up.)
So, like i was saying, my brother was thinking deeply about the meaning of life one night and he falls asleep. meanwhile, the robot last hears "What is the meaning of life?" so he trys to figure it out. My bro ends up dreaming about him in the future as a FBI agent in a shootout in a werehouse. Sounds farfetched, i know, but just listen. The dream goes on with various highlights of the battle, but he ultimatly gets shot and dies.
Then it skips to the future once more and the world is beeing covered in a pink wave, engulfing everything in its path and swallowing the world. he some how knows that this substance is the most powerful emotion called 'love'. (Note: This event will probably not be pink, but the robot minion just knows that sam would recodnise the color as the color of love... really, just bare with me.) Then he sees a light, which he insists is god. then the light turns pink, and dissapears, and with it all things.
After much disscution we both agree that there is in fact a god, yet none of the traditional gods that people worship (see "The fith dimention" at the bottum of this post for more info on why), and he created humans so that he could harvest the emotion 'love' for himself and so he could fell it for himself. Thjat is why we are here.

The first dimention is left and right. the second is forward and back. The third is up and down. The fifth is like a book, and the forth (time) is like the pages of it. Every thing in the book is already writen out. We already have our stories, our destinys. You cannot change these, so it is best to just forget about it and live your life. If you say "I make my ouwn destiny, and ill prove it by killing myself!" and you go kill yourself, its not like god didnt expect it. He planed you to say that, and planed for you to do that. Everything will come together one day, all of our purposes united, and that will be that end of the world, and the end of our meaning. But when we are dead, we will be able to go to the fifth dimetion and read the book of human history. Im looking forward to that day.

And i know i didnt answer any of you previous questions, but i jsut had to say all of that. :)
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Inuyashafan418 [/i]
[B]And yes, wristcutter and wiccansamurai, I did mean the Religion part...My parents always drilled it into my mind that people could be offended by religion [/B][/QUOTE]

And they certainly can... but there's a big difference between "I am of such-and-such faith" and "Those of such-and-such faith are idiots". Not EVERYTHING related to religion is instant offense (unless you're Jesse Jackson).
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I'm starting to think we need some warnings in the Rules about wrist cutter's posting style because every thread it seems someone doesn't realize his level of sarcasm heh. Then again, I guess that would kill off all the fun.

Personally, I'm mostly past the questioning stage. I think in general, you never really stop asking questions... but what I mean is that I no longer concern myself over these things as much as I used to. I'd rather just live my life and worry about these other things when they actually become relevent or answerable. Some of them never will be.
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[size=1][color=chocolate]I'm in like the 'questioning stage' your in now Inuyashafan. I do ask myself why I was put on this world, and seem bored with my life and ask why am I bored. Myself I don't even know the answer.

But I guess it is just a part of growth for the questions of why you were put on the earth; usually a teen/preteen thing. Like I stated before, I'm going through these questions, and I hope I get over it. I'm pretty sure I will because I'll drive my other mad questions about school into my head and forget how bored I am. Okay now I know the answer to my question why I am bored. I need more things to do. Hey what a coinsidence, solved a problem.[/size][/color]
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Guest cloricus
Wrist cutter's posts make annoying newbie?s mindless ramblings worth reading, so when you finish you know there will be a post right underneath it with a good laugh in it. :)
[quote]I am now in that time.[/quote]Yes you do seem to be.[quote]Why was I put on this earth?[/quote]To have fun, reproduce, work then die.[quote]What am I going to do with my life?[/quote]What ever you want to do, flip a coin to decide if your desperate.[quote]Does he like me?[/quote]Ask him.

[quote]I know those questions are trivial and can be answered my noone other than my Lord...[/quote]Wow!!!!! 1337 |'/\/\ 60|)z0r!!!! I answered your questions correctly; you must now bow down to me!

Common; really...
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Everyone reflects on their lives from time to time; if they say they don't, they're either lying or very shallow.

My only difference in opinion here rests with personal belief. I feel that the answers to such intimate questions only come with time and self reflection. You know, as we grow older, our reasons for living change considerably. That is, I doubt one's priorities at sixty compare to their own at age twenty. So, we have to live life to weigh it. It's only when we begin to approach the twilight of our lives that we can look back and analyze everything accurately.

That's the way we should determine what our place in life is, I think. It's a conclusion we should all reach for ourselves instead of relying on anyone, including God, to simply give us the answer.

I can't even categorize rhetorical questions regarding peer attraction with that subject though. Those questions do have readily attainable answers you can find through relationship building. That is, by actually speaking with people and feeling them out.
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Guest lavalamp
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i]
[B](unless you're Jesse Jackson)[/B][/QUOTE]

Too hilarious.

I've never viewed questioning as a negative thing. There's a lot of beauty that comes from questioning what you're not supposed to. Instead of looking at this point in your life as a phase, embrace it and make it a positive piece of your permanent proverbial personality puzzle.

Alliteration, anyone?
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Charles [/i]
[B]That's the way we should determine what our place in life is, I think. It's a conclusion we should all reach for ourselves instead of relying on anyone, including God, to simply give us the answer.[/B][/QUOTE]

Sounds good to me. If God simply gave us all the answers we wouldn't really grow very much, now would we? :p

Most of the deep questions like the meaning of life and your reason for being here, are never really going to be answered, or [i]your[/i] answer changes over time. Some of the other answers come from experience, and some from actively asking the question.

Sometimes I find the answers come but I don't realise for a long time later. I'll pray for something and then six months down the line realise that my prayer was answered when I wasn't even looking.

You're quite right in that "those questions are trivial and can be answered my noone other than my Lord", so probably the best way of acting on that is to let him decide when you need to know these things, in some cases.

Note that this doesn't mean simply expecting him to give you all the answers, but allowing him to answer them in his time
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[QUOTE]Have you ever had a time in your life in which you question everything? I am now in that time. Some of my questions include, why was I put on this earth? What am I going to do with my life? Does he like me? lol Questions like these...[/QUOTE]

[COLOR=darkred]actually i have gone through that where i seemed to question everything from existance to the most simplest things ^^; but sometimes it is good to question you learn more things about yourself and will maybe dig deep to answer them..
anyways this time wont just be now..it happens frequently over periods of time as you grow older ^_^; so anyways
good luck with that and search for the answers deep down you might be surprised X3 [/COLOR]
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[size=1]Everyone questions such things at times. Everyone wants to know the answers. But we won't find out until we die, because then we'll be able to see in hindsight. Yes, he did like you, and [i]this[/i] is what you did with your life.

Basically, everyone has the questions they want answered, and...the only way to answer them is to wait. Heh.

No one should be offended by a simple delclaration of faith, although it's a sad fact that it happens at times.


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[size=1][color=darkred]In the past month, I have questioned everything I've ever done, what I'm going to do, and who I've become, wondering if my life is even important. I've found that it is, but it sure is a suck *** life.

This past month has tested my will to live and to survive. I've become stronger in everything I do because of it, but that doesn't mean there isnt pain along with it. Because of that pain, I've questioned everything from [i]who are my true friends?[/i] to [i]am I worth anything to anyone?[/i].

And in the end, as I've been told, everything works out. I'm still waiting for that end.

*end ramble here*[/color][/size]
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