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Deliverance and Godly Gifts(Rated C for Christian)

Heartless Me

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Well this is big for me and i had to share it with someone so it might as well be a bunch of people i really don't know. I have been wiccan for nearly 6 years now but recently something wasn't right, something i could feel in the depth's of my very being. I felt a calling, a feeling that i had not since before i had given up the gift of salvation that god gave. So a few weeks ago i searched for the source of this calling and found myself back at the steps of my old church the sunday before Christmas Eve. I sat near the back of the church and listened to the sermon the praise and the worship. I felt a warmth rise up within me that i had not felt in a long time, the warmth of Gods love which i had been blinded from.

The next day God gifted me with a very special christmas angel, her name is holly go figure. ::laugh:: But anyway she makes me so happy and to top it off she is a christian as well and it makes me very happy i now have someone that i can actually share Jesus with instead of following the hard trail with only the Son to guide my path. But that's only a small detail of what god has given me, the true gift happened today.

Now none of you really know this about me but before I was a wiccan, I had been a member of a Pentacostal church from the ages of 9 until I was about 18 years of age. When I graduated from high school I had stopped going to church for reasons i'm not quite so sure of. But today when I was at church I was swept away into the worship and the warmth and felt God enter my body and start to work through me, it was the most amazing thing i've ever felt in my life.

I felt such serenity and grace I cannot describe. For those who are not knowledgable of some Christian denominations, Pentacostal believe highly in the holy spirit of the trinity working gods will through the body of man, mainly in the aspect of speaking in tongues and the gifts of prophesy. But back on track, when i felt him work through me I spoke in the language of the spirit, His power was so vast and overwhelming I could no longer stand. When I fell and finally opened myself to him, all i could do is weep and lay there infront of the entire congregation, but was I self concious about being viewed by so many people? No. Normally I would but I knew that God was there with me too and he was giving me strength, I was delivered from the sin I had let myself fall into once again. Anyway I really just needed to tell someone that and I thank you all whoever reads this and responds and if you don't have something to respond to positively, please do not respond at all.

Much love and God bless

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[color=003333][size=1]*cough* Mushrooms *cough*

But really, I'm glad for you. It's always a good thing when people find out what's been missing from their life, no matter what it is.
You'll always be a good friend and a valiant member of the LNO, Arikel.[/size][/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heartless Me [/i]
I had stopped going to church for reasons i'm not quite so sure of. But today when I was at church I was swept away into the worship and the warmth and felt God enter my body and start to work through me, it was the most amazing thing i've ever felt in my life.

Much love and God bless

Randy [/B][/QUOTE]

So true. It is an amazing feeling. You just reminded me of when I became a Christian.

I myslef am a Baptist Christian, but I bleieve in strong workings of the Holy Spirit also, and when God touched my life, I remeber, estercamp 2002, All I could do was weep for all the sins I had comitted, the Holy Spirit was [i] convicting me[/i] and I felt so much better for it.

bearing that in mind, I'm really happy that you found God again, and had that tremendous experience, i hope that in the latter part of this year and beyon that God really blesses you and enriches you for the choice you have made on that day to follow him.

My prayers are with you as you take on this journey.

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