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Something I've Noticed


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[color=blue][size=1]I apologize if this topic has already been done, or has been discussed before, but I wasn't paying attention, so here's my stab at it.

I've had dreams that I want to decifer, or know the meaning of them. They make absolutely no sense, but I enjoy the flying part. It feels like swimming, for one reason or another, and in other dreams of flying, it'll feel like running fast or gliding. But every time I dream of flying, I dream of someone. He's wearing a hood so I've never seen his (or her for that matter) face and he (or she again) seems about my height.

I walk up to him/her and we engage in this DBZ style of fighting. I kick his/her *** and then I'm sent into this swirling and seemingly endless apiss(sp?). THEN I see the guy I like. Normally by then I wake up.

Now, I've had this dream only four times, and it comes once a week on no specific day. It just... kinda happens like all dreams. Well, if anyone wants to try to give me their opinion on what it means, or just to critic my sanity, post now!!

~Dreams Of The Positively Insane~[/color][/size]
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You kick his *** in DBZ style fights..I'm guessing you like fighting or just think about it a lot. You probably also enjoy flying as well.

Who's the hooded guy? Do you have any guesses?
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[color=blue][size=1][b]Solar:[/b] What I'm normally thinking about is dinner. It's at least three hours after dinner that I begin to feel sleepy, so I'm pretty hungry.....

[b]Crusader:[/b] My guess as to whom the hooded guy is would have to be either a superior in my life (my parents, teachers, etc.) or a vision of death. Oh, and I do fight and think about fighting a lot..... I'm a violent person.

Anymore ideas? I'm completely open to suggestions or comments about my dream and those described.

~Kicks A** DBZ Style~[/color][/size]
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[color=crimson][size=1]Well to tell you the truth I Could give you many different reasons on what this could be all about but the most likely reason is it's only a reoccuring dream and that it really means nothing. Otherwise I could give you many ideas but it probably is nothing more then a reoccuring dream.[/color][/size]
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[size=1]My friend Michelle has a [i]Dream dictionary[/i] I'll have her check out your post and tell me what it means. Shes really good at it to, I'll tell her about my dreams everyday and she'll tell me what the dream meant. Certain things that appear in dreams are what shows the meaning. I just got off the phone with her too, Ohh well its 4am im going to bed.

Sorry I'll have to get back to you[/size]
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  • 3 weeks later...
I don't know about the dream, Most of it is proven that most your dreams has to do with thinking about something or someone that you like, and there are different situations....like saving your loved one in a dream, or finding him and untying him/her, Saving them from death.

I think it mostly has to do with that. I have had a couple of dreams like that, but most of the time they are unexplainable. Well, i like these kinda dreams, becuase for me, every time you dream about it, you go farther and farther into the dream.
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Ok, i got one for you, hell i got like 1000 odd dreams that i can remember, but this one was one i just woke up from.

So it is set in the closed mall fashioned like a museum. You know, long halls and but the hallways are all dark because the mall is closed. For whatever reason Jim Bellushi is in it playing santa/and old tenent and friend of my family. Anyway, a whole bunch of people that i guess i am supposed to know are there for a party for Jim. A bunch of stuff happens that just makes no sense. A bunch of assassins and junk come out and start this huge battle. We fight them off and someone notices that Jim's daughter is missing. So everyone looks for her in the mall and no one can find her. Then we all meet back up to do one of those walking status report talk like things and I wake up.

Odd, but before I went to bed I was watching The Italian Job and before that I was on the forum, before that I was teaching pee wee wrestling, and before that I was working. This sort of dream happens to me all the time, I think it is funny, sept I didnt get to find out what happened at the end.
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weird dreams sometimes have no meaning, they can be just jumbled pieces of your memories. Like left over thoughts that never came up during the day, or things you feel that you don't acknowledge.
The hooded figure might represent something you have recently accomplished since you say you win.
Maybe you just like the feeling of being in control and fighting in the air.
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The dream, Kitty, is probably an expression of your feelings in everyday life. The person you are fighting is not necessarily a human being you encounter, but rather an obsticle that you feel you need to get around. If you've never seen their face, it means you don't know what feeling it is exactly that is causing the dreams. After you defeat them, seeing the face of the person you like probably means that this obsticle is preventing you from being with them, and only by overcoming it can you achieve happiness with this person.
That's what I think. I analyze my dreams all the time. Otherwise, I would go crazy(er).
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[size=1]Somehow, I don't think she's going to get any more solid input than has what already been offered.

Dreams have meanings, they don't have meanings, they're about someone you like, they're suppressed thoughts, they're what you've been thinking about all day... Well, I suppose if you offer every possible solution, [i]someone[/i] has to be right.

Good luck guessing which, Kitty. [/size]
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