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Duel Monsters: Quest for Exodia


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* a strange looking humanoid was walking around the cliff when he knoticed a rustle in the bushes. the young fox-like boy went to inspect it*

What was that?

OOC:this is my half saiyan, half mobian character, Matt. if i need to be a Yu-gi-Oh! monster, please PM me to tell me. if not, heres what Matt lookes like: Tails, but with black fur(not orange), grey fur(not white), and has 1 tail with a scar over his left eye.
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The Fortess Whale bellowed and shook the DS off. The slab fell down and landed on what looked like a green rock. Suddenly, it shook! It was a Crab Turtle! DS attacked, but the Crab Turtle pummeled him. CT then punched him into LF's cave and crept into his burrow.

AB shook his head and saw DS land on him. The ground underneath them gave way, and they fell into a vacuum of water! They rushed along, and were deposited on a desert island.
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[COLOR=#503F86]"Damn it to Ha Des' lair! Where am I going?"

The Mystical Knight looked around him; all he could see was endless desert, sparsely populated by dark red rocks, obstacles to the shifting sands of the Konami deserts.

He walked ahead a few paces, then stopped. His neck felt warm.

It hardly seemed surprising, seeing as he was in the desert. But this was different. He reached a claw under his metal armour and scratched his fur. The turquoise metal was beginning to heat up. He looked down and saw a small red spot appear in the centre of his chest.

Suddenly, a beam of light shot into the distance and disappeared into the sand clouds.

"Oh right, that way," he muttered. Maybe the Gravekeepers were paying more attention to him than he first thought.[/COLOR]
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[color=indigo][font=century][size=1]In a well-guarded area of the Demon Realm, the Archfiend forces were gathered. The DarkBishop approached the TerrorKing slowly.

"My Lord," he said. "I bring news from Hades' empire."

The King nodded. "Proceed."

"As expected, the other kingdoms have joined together, and have sent several of their warriors to retrieve the missing Seal."

The King nodded again. "Your recomendation?"

The Bishop grinned slightly. "My King, should Hades fail to retrieve the Seal, the Demon Realm will doubt his abilities as a ruler. They will be ready to accept the idea of someone like yourself taking command."

"First...the mission to retrieve the Seal must fail, correct?"

The Bishop nodded. "That would be prudent."

The TerrorKing made a motion, which summoned his strongest warrior, the ShadowKnight.

"Take a small group of VilePawns and eliminate the search party," he said. "Leave not a soul alive."

"Understood, my lord," the Knight replied.


Twenty minutes later, the search party was intercepted by the ShadowKnight, and a group of seven VilePawns.

"I am very sorry," the Knight said. "But, by orders of the TerrorKing, ruler of all Archfiends, you must all die."[/color][/size][/font]
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Dream Clown looked at the eight Archfiends and blinked.

"Yer mighty big fellers aren't ye?" he said.

One of the Vilepawns slashed at him with his swordarm. Dream Clown cartwheeled to the side and drew out several colorful balls, which he promptly began to juggle. The other Vilepawns chased after him as he skipped away, more and more juggling balls appearing from nowhere. The Flame Swordsman and Shadowknight Archfiend came together quickly with a clashing of swords.

Dream Clown jumped into the air, tossing the jugglign balls down on the Vilepawns. Upon striking the Vilepawns, the balls detonated. The Vilepawns ran about, trying to dodge the explosive rain. Meanwhile, Dark Magician Girl had run up behind them, and was systematically blasting them to pieces.

Meanwhile, Shadowknight had knocked Flame Swordsman to the ground. Grinning viciously, he aimed his blade to hack off the Swordsman's head.
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Swinging her scythe madly, Dark Witch managed to bring down one of the Vilepawns. She scanned the battlefield quickly and noticed that Flame Swordsman was in trouble.

DW flew up behind the Skullknight and held her scythe's blade dangerously close to the chess-monster's neck. "Hurt him, and I can promise you that you'll die."
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[color=teal]The Flame Swordsman crawled away and quickly stood up. A huge sweat drop appeared on the back of his head. He almost lost his head there. His face suddenly turned from his usual goofy to a really harsh look. He gripped his sword as it bursted into flames.

"Thanks Dark Witch," FS said as his eyes flashed with flames, "but please move." DW moved her scythe and flew backward. FS charged at Skullknight. His sword was representing the anger that burned inside of him. Dark Magician Girl quickly turned around. She gasped as she watch FS.

"What are you doing FS," DMG yelled as she hugged her staff. FS seemed to not notice DMG yell at him. He jumped, slashed down on SK, and landed behind him. FS stood up and looked at SK. His sword died down as SK bursted into flames from the slash he left with his sword. DMG shook her head in relieve.

"Hey," DW said as she looked at FS, "you're not so bad when you're being tough." FS did a goofy grin and gave DW the peace sign. A huge sweat drop appeared on the back of DW's head. She had spoken to soon. FS was already back to his usual goofy self.[/color]
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[color=indigo][size=1][font=century]The VilePawns were dropping like flies, but the ShadowKnight wouldn't be so simple to defeat.

He flapped his dark wings and extinguished the flames the Swordsman had left on him.

"Tell me, fellow Swordsman, how do you intend to burn one whose entire body is plated with bone?" he demanded and he lunged at the Flame Swordsman.[/color][/size][/font]
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Harpie's Brother had been riding the thermals above the company between his errands and saw the fight. Despite what his sisters had warned him about feuds, he dove in. Using his speed he plumeted down toward a monster and attacked using the red curved claws his sister had given him years ago.

"What the?" He bounced right off and slammed into Dark Witch and knocked her onto the ground.

He scrambled to his feet and contemplated on helping his fellow winged beast, but instead joined the frenzy with swift slashes.
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Dark Witch stood back up, glaring at Harpie's Brother. She growled out at him, "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE FLYING!"

HB destroyed one of the few remaining Vilepawns and turned around to face DW. "Sorry, ma'am. Didn't mean to!"

DW pointed her scythe at him, "Watch it, or your head will make a fine addition to my collection!"
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[color=indigo][font=century][size=1]The Shadow Knight didn't much appreciate the interference by Harpie's Brother. "Never interrupt a duel between warriors!" he shouted as he advanced on his new enemy. "I am afraid I shall have to show you the error of your ways before..."

The Knight suddenly realized that his cadre of VilePawns had been destroyed; he was alone.

"Perhapsa retreat is in order..."[/color][/size][/font]
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"Now ther's a good idear." chuckled Dream Clown. "All 'o yer meenions are gone."

Shadowknight glared at him. Then, with lightning speed, he slashed Dream Clown across the chest. Dream Clown fell to the ground and rolled several feet away.

The other four monsters rushed in to aid their fallen comrade, but Shadowknight retaliated with unbridled rage. The Archfiend was in his element, oppressing one weaker than him, and Dream Clown's companions were unable to do anything about it. Flame Swordsman was sent flying with a backhanded fist. Shadowknight threw Dark Witch into Dark Magician Girl, and the two fell into a heap. Harpie's Brother was helping Dream Clown stand.

"Care to take anuther shot?" cackled Dream Clown. He was slumped over, hand on his chest. He was glowing with a mysterious orange aura. (His Effect beginning to work)

"Fool. You will die!" snapped the Archfiend, raising his swordarm to deliver an overhand blow. Harpie's brother jumped in to deflect the attack, but was beat aside Shadowknight's bone fist.

"Yer pretty frightenin, alrite. But I ain't scared 'o yah." taunted Dream Clown.

Shadowknight's eyes narrowed. The puny Warrior was just a little too confident. And that orange aura was yet to be explained. He decided that he'd better not risk it, turned, and left.

Dream Clown cursed. "Aw c'mon! I was gonna knock yer lights out!"
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[color=indigo][font=century][size=1][b]In the Lair of the Archfiends...[/b]

"...This is completely unacceptable!" the Terror King roared.

The Shadow Knight was on his knee in front of him. "Yes, m' lord. I accept full responsibility for my failure."

The terror King drew his sword. "You are aware of what happens to failures."

The Knight winced slightly, but didn't move. "Yes, m' lord; I know the consequences."

The King stood and raised his sword. However, a single hissing sound stoipped him. The King turned, and saw the Infernal Queen behnd him.

"My king," she said icily. "Far be it for me to interfere on matters of the court, but should you slay my only son, I shall promise you that you, and this kingdom, shall never know a moment's peace or happiness for as long as we shall live."

The Terror King frowned, then summon a pair of guards. "Take this mess away."

As the Shadow Knight was dragged off, the King turned to his Bishop. "This failure was unprecentedented. What shall we do?"

The Bishop thought. "Perhaps there are others wishing for the same goal we are. An allience may be in order."

The King nodded. "Make it so."[/color][/font][/size]
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Harpie's Brother cast a sidelong glance at DW and FS and decided then not to get on their bad side.

"I've never seen such wonderful fighting. Both of you are truly talented. I'm Harpie's Brother." He surveyed the scene and decided to say nothing more for fear of having his wings clipped.


A woman was tracking the company without their knowledge. She carried a sword and wore very little armor. Her name was Amazoness Swordswoman and she partly served Shadow Ghoul in the fact they lived near each other. Picking up the pace she crept near the friends and came close enough to hear conversations.

"He's in short supply of souls... I can fix that..."
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Shadow ghoul had scurried away from the scene when the archfiends had shown up, heading back to his cave. He stopped when he noticed Amazoness Swordswoman.

[i]"What are you doing here?"[/i] He hissed out, crawling over to her.

"I decided to help you gather the souls of these buffoons." She clearly stated.

[i]"Do I look that desperate?"[/i]

"Yes." She crossed her arms.

[i]"Well... fine. You can help if you wish."[/i]
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