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[color=indigo][i][size=1][b]"Kala, Crawford has informed me of a secluded cabin not to far from your position...."[/b]

Kala's eyes snapped open. She had forgotten that Crawford was a cognative as herself. She blushed slightly in the embarrassment of her mind spill and at the fact that Crawford could see her.

[b]"Do you know any landmarks we could go by?"[/b] Kala looked around the woods, abundant and lush. She began to walk several paces away from Vedette and Zsuzsanna.

[b]"......Stop, you are standing on a trap door...Crawford says it's a tunnel..it will lead you about ten minutes walk to this cabin.."[/b] Schuldig instructed Kala on how to open this trap door.

[b]"Kala, what are you doing?"[/b] Zsuzsanna and Vedette were now standing behind the Russian.

[b]"This door..."[/b] Kala strained, but lifted the heavy oak door,[b] "will lead us to a safe haven. Come on, Zsuzsanna, you first."[/b]

Kala held the door up as Zsuzsanna jumped down six feet. Kala then motioned Vedette to enter next.

[b]"Zsu, help Vedette down. Her ankle is screwed up enough,"[/b] Kala instructed, her voice above a whisper, her everseeing eyes darted through the dark.

Zsuzsanna nodded and held out her hands to Vedette. She sat down and slowly slid herself into Zsuzsanna's arms. Taking one last look, Kala steadily sunk down to her rump. Vedette and Zsuzsanna held Kala up as she struggled to keep the water-logged door from crushing her head.

[b]Good job, Kala....Now girls, it's a straight tunnel...Once you get to the cabin, stay there until I dispatch the men....[/b] Schuldig's voice comforted the girls.

[b]Thank you, Sir...[/b] Kala smiled and helped Vedette down the tunnel.

A wave of relief and hope washed over Kala. She looked at Vedette's and Zsuzsanna's faces and knew they felt the same way. Kala hugged Vedette lightly and they continued down the dark, musty tunnel.

Suddenly, a vision...It was light, colorful, joyous...A group of men..one stood out amongst the others...Tall, lean, dark hair, lightly tanned skin, a magnificant smile......Kala knew who he was, and he gave Kala a light, hopeful smile...Brad Crawford.

Kala knew then, the girls would be safe.[/color][/size][/i]
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[color=green][size=1] Ken smiled slightly as his fingers gently traced over the body of his lover. The soft smile grew as soft sounds made their way to his ears in response to his fingers.

Satisfied for the moment, the florist lifted the guitar (shame on all you dirty minds!) from his lap, running a few lithe digits over the beautiful instrument's strings. He knelt, laying it in its soft black leather case and slipping it under his bed. Quickly replacing the boxes that sat in front of it, he briefly checked to make sure the black shape was thoroughly hidden from view.

If Omi and the other guys found out that he had taken up such a 'gentle' hobby, he would never hear the end of it. It had been enough when they found out about his photography - he still sometimes got quips and comments from time to time. But like the photographs, the melody that his fingers found calmed him and helped him find that peace in which they all were so seldom shown.

He stood, grabbing his jacket and slipping it over his shoulder as he went up to the flower shop. It was a fairly nice day outside, and the flowers all seemed to agree, stretching their faces towards the warm rays of the sun. As soon as the light hit his rusty cerulean eyes (ok, Ken?s eyes are different colors all the time? I don?t have an explanation? so just bare with me, cause I guess he?s just a freak?), they brightened to shinning pools of deep Caribbean waters.

Squinting a bit, he let a soft grin spread over his face. Today was a perfect day for a nice, long ride. He didn?t see any of the others in the immediate area, and took his chance, maneuvering around the many flower arrangements toward the front door. Freedom!

Pushing the door open, he practically knocked a young lady over, quickly apologizing with a lop-sided smile. Of course she forgave him easily. No one could resist the charm.

Jogging to the side of his bike, he grabbed his helmet off the handle bars and took his keys out of his pocket. The mild-mannered florist was ready for action, transformed into a wild biker that twisted the road and wind to his will!

He slung his leg over the black leather seat. He could taste the open air now?

Flipping the keychain to the correct key with a flip of his wrist, he grinned. So close?

Helmet on, keys in the ignition, Ken was ready to ride, ride, ride?

Until his cell phone went off.

Damn it all. [/color][/size]
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[i][color=lightpink]Zsuzsanna continued to carry Vedette down the tunnel, keeping a good hold on her so she didn't drop her or anything like that. She didn't want her to walk on her ankle more than she really needed to. And Zsuzsanna didn't mind it at all, becuase to Zsuzsanna, Vedette was light as a feather. It made her wonder if she didn't eat enough at times. Looking over at Kala and seen a smile running across her face and picking up the small image she had as well, seening her swooning over Brad Crawford. Teasing lightly, pulling Kala back to reality.

"Hey over there. It'll be very soon that you can see Brad all you want. Just right now, we've made it" Zsuzsanna said in a teasing like way, trying to just lighten the mood a bit, wanting to see if Kala would get mad at her for seeing the same thing as she did.[/color][/i]
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Crawford stood before the team, his hands clasped firmly behind his back in a buisness like pose.

"I think the best course of action is to attempt a rescue ourselves, we know the terrain and the girls need our help." Unusual for the quartet of assassins to do anything unless there was profit or gain the plight of these girls tugged at them all, especially the Oracle and the telepath. Schuldig nodded his head in agreement, raising himself up from his chair he made his way to the door.

"Ya, we should leave immediatley..."

Resting a hand on Schuldigs shoulder Brad nodded, indicating for the rest of the team to follow.

"Any questions?"
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[color=orangered]"Only one."

Crawford raised an eyebrow at Nagi's unusual questioning of instructions. "Go on."

"We're in Japan..." said Nagi slowly. "And they're in the Swiss Alps. Forgive me for saying so, but getting there's going to take time."

"Then I suggest we start shortly," came Crawford's response, a business-like tone that the other three had learned to know and respect. In saying that, Crawford left the room, having left Nagi with the exact answer he had imagined he'd get.

"[i]'How do we get there?'[/i]" said Schuldig in a mocking voice as he too, passed Nagi in following Crawford. "Such immature questions. You should know better Nagi."

"You [i]live[/i] to annoy me... don't you?"

"Better believe it kiddo."

"Mouths that talk," murmured Farfarello, who had reached the door ahead of the German, "are heard." With that, the Irishman followed Crawford.

"I think that means shut up and get moving."

"I think you're right."[/color]
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[size=1]The tunnel was long and dark and at some parts, a tad narrow. The girls had to go through it one at a time, which meant that Zsuzsanna eventually had to put Vedette down. The French-American took the opportunity to pause, investigating the walls of the tunnel as she moved foward. Her fingers brushed against the hard, cold surfaces and she wondered what exactly they were made of. Perhaps a mixture of cement and something else..

"Vedette, you shouldn't really walk..." Zsu started, stepping towards her again once the tunnel had thickened out a bit.

Vedette, however, didn't quite let her finish that thought. "Zsu. I can walk on my own."

Zsuzsanna frowned, glanced ahead towards Kala who just shrugged, before sighing some herself. The two had both learned quickly that while Vedette was usually a very practicle girl, she also had a great deal of pride and could be extremely stubborn when it came to certain things. Obviously, this was going to be one of those things.

"Alright, Vedette. Just be careful... there's a few little drops here and there, and we don't want you to get hurt any more than you already are," she said, relenting.

Vedette dipped her head forward in thanks, her smile partially concealed by a few strands of dark ebony hair that had moved with her gesture. [i]"Bien merci."[/i]

Kala walked ahead of them, squinting her eyes so that she might see a little farther ahead. Whether she was just looking down the tunnel, or at something completely different, was lost to the other two. "I think we're almost there, ladies." She motioned for them to hurry, but there was a definite smile creeping across her features. They were getting so close. She could feel it. And it felt good.

As it came to pass, she'd been correct. A few stone steps led them further down to greet a large, wooden door with a couple rusty locks on it. Kala brushed her fingers over them, frowning slightly, before focusing on the door itself, and what it hid behind it. For a moment the only noise in the tunnel was the slow, steady breathing of the three girls. And then Kala stepped back, nodding once.

"Looks safe. Vedette, if you'll do the honors.."

Vedette gave them both a mock-curtsey before flicking her wrist at the door in a rather dramatic way. The locks snapped off and fell to the ground with a soft but audible thud. Zsu giggled quietly, and Kala grinned, shaking her head, before pushing the door open. [/size]
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[i][color=lightpink]Zsuzsanna giggled softly, putting her hands over her mouth, trying to muffle them a bit. Walking up behind Vedette and Kala, looking behind them just to make sure that no one was following them. She smiled when she say that the coast was clear for them, etting Kala and Vedette into the cabin first. She rushed in behind them and shut the door quietly and quickly.

"So...we wait for them now...don't we?" Zsuzsanna asked quietly and a bit confusidly. She smiles some at the thought of them comming to pick them up and get them all away from Rosenkreuz.

"Yes...they are comming to get us asap...They understand our possitions and reasoning." Kala replied to Zsuzsanna, while helping Vedette to sit down in a chair at least.[/color][/i]
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[size=1][color=999999][i]Terran sighed and knew that they were gone, but not gone from her grip. Zsuzsanna and Kala were still in her grip. Vedette, on the other hand, was harder to get to. Clenching her fists, she vanished from the courtyard and appeared in the training room.

With such anger sealed within her, Terran extended her nails and her eyes had become obsidian black and she ran towards the targets and slashed at them. She then felt something run around. It was a robotic dog. It leaped at her, but she lifted it into the air and she threw it to the wall. It shattered.

The training room still did not manage her anger. With that, she vanished from there and appeared by her father's side. He looked to her and was wondering what she needed.[/i]

"I need someone to take my anger out on. Someone we don't need."

[i]Her father nodded and snapped his fingers. A struggling traitor came into the room.[/i]

"No. No. NO! You can't do this to me!"

[i]The traitor tried to use his powers, but it was useless. He was under too much pressure to even make a small pulse. She sighed and knew that he would have to do.

The guards looked to Terran and gave her a small bow as well as to her father. Her father left the room, as did Terran and the guards with Theoden, the traitor. Terran and her father arrived at the second courtyard. The place where Terran practiced to hunt and destroy. They let him go and she watched him run. Her eyes became obsidian black with a slit of red and her nails had extended. The hunt was on.[/size][/color][/i]
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