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To marathon or not to marathon?


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If money and time allow for it, I enjoy to watch a series in a sitting. A sitting for me would be like one DVD of a series a day. I think because when I was younger and would watch a series like Robotech on tv (back in the mid 80's) it was only shown one episode a day during the weekdays. I knew if I had it on tape I would just watch it all. Now that I have the chance to see an entire series in just a matter of days, I take advantage of that opportunity. :D

Of course, as many of you, finances are a big issue. I can only marathon as fast as my bank account says I can....which isn't very much at all. Bummer. :(

There are exceptions to this rule of marathoning though. I would never ever think about trying to watch all the Ranma 1/2 episodes in a row!! Now that has me thinking, does anyone know how long that would take? How many hours or days would it take to watch all the Ranma 1/2 episodes and OVAs? Now that is a scary thought!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest CyberMesh
Aah, marathoning. I'm famous for that. Almost every series I've seen that's 13 episodes or less I marathoned. That includes the Onegai (Sensei & Twins) series, I My Me Strawberry Eggs and Saishuu Heiki Kanojo (She, the Ultimate Weapon). I have marathoned a few longer series as well. When I first had access to the second season of MKR I watched all 29 episodes, all in a row. 10 hours of any good anime is pure bliss, and MKR is no exception, even if it's a magical girl/"mecha" anime ^-^. I also have the complete Rurouni Kenshin series on DVD, and I marathon it all the time, usually going through full discs (at 8 eps per disc). I usually have to do repeat viewings to pull in all the points of the story though. That's what happened with MKR- I finished it, and then went, "What happened in the middle? I don't remember ^-^". Marathoning is the most fun when you watch anime in pure Japanese, no subtitles, after you've seen it a zillion times. I do it all the time and it's such fun to have people walk up to me and ask if I understand what the characters are saying. Technically yes, because I've seen it before, and there is also truth to the statement, because if you watch japanese dubs long enough the language starts to become second nature to listen to and you can actually pick up words and phrases. Anyways, I'm getting off topic. Marathoning is really fun, and if you have the time you should definitely try it :)
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Guest ScirosDarkblade
I marathoned Trigun, but in two big chunks rather than one. I also marathoned Love Hina on one occasion, and that was pretty rough because I'd already seen it before and those Christmas and Spring specials aren't the most exciting thing in the world.

I'll marathon Evangelion when I borrow it from one of my friends this week. I've already "marathoned" what's released of the manga, but that doesn't count because reading isn't as tiring. Especially on a nice, sunny day.

The best marathoning experience I've had was watching Season 1 of "24" on DVD all in a row. That was really freaking good. It's too bad seasons 2 and 3 are completely retarded.
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[color=green]I'm a fan of marathoning, actually. Once I start, I want to finish, completely and know everything! I have recently marathoned Fruits Basket, Serial Experioments Lain, Candidate for Goddess and Mirage of Blaze. My worst experience with these 4 was Candidate. I just didn't like it, but I just kept watching to see if it got deeper or better...it didn't. I really enjoyed the others though.

I enjoy taking it all in at once, and not waiting on cliff hangers. when I was watching FB, for instance,if I had to wait for a day or week between episodes 25 and 26, I may have just gone mad...I have little amounts of patience, and I keep it for iportant things, like people. [/color]
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