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Lord Of Teh Circles: Teh Fellowship Of Teh Circles

Guest MrSonic

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Guest MrSonic
This is a parody of Lord of the Rings. To join, you must have seen or read Fellowship of the Rings.
A loooooooong time ago, like a bazillion years ago, there were a bunch of Rings created. And they were really strong. But there was one ring stronger than the rest. It was so strong the user could use it to blow up the world! Okay, mabey not that strong. But you could take over the world with it. Okay, what the fuck am I saying. It turns you invisible. That's it! Other than that, it don't do shit! Nothing! Nada! Okay, where was I? Well, the ring was given to Samon, this really evil dude. He was like, BIG! But the forces of good got together and had this really big battle. There was arms and legs and other shit every-where! And the king of the world, James, cut the ring off of Samon's hand. And he killed Samon. And he could have gotten rid of the ring, but he kept it. So he could use it to go in girls locker rooms. But one day, something happened to him, I forget what. And the ring ended up at the bottom of a lake. Then this creapy guy named Butters found it and killed his brother. Then he stayed in a cave, waiting for the day he could use the ring to go in a girl's locker room.
Okay, here's the stats you need:
Name: Duh
Who you're making fun of: (if you don't know the name, give a description)
Species: Midget, Fat@$$, Slut, Stupid, Hippie, Crackhead,
Description: Duh
Bio: Duh
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[size=1]Mmmmmmmmm.....why not?

Name: Alicia
Who you're making fun of: Legolas ('cept I'm a girl)
Species: (Wow, what a choice! Lol.) Slut
Description: Really pretty I guess...uh...sluttiest mideval clothing possible (no idea what that'd be)
Bio: She spent most of her life in the bathrooms of bars...need I say more?

Wow...that was short. ^_^ [/size]
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Guest MrSonic
Welcome aboard, Alicia and Duh. I'v decided to be the characters not chosen. Now about that sluttly mideval armor... it would probably be revealing. Yes, very revealing. Dude, that would be hot. REAL Hot. Oh, wait, what movie did I see with a hot mideval chick. I can't remember.
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[size=1] Lol. Okay well, what do you mean "the characters not chosen?" Yeah, I guess it should be a little revealing, but nothing that would feel at home in a Hentai strip or something...:cross: Maybe like...Xena...yes...that's good...
So.....how many people are you aiming for?
I'm going to get you and MGuyPersonDude mixed up, because you have the same avatars...Lol. [/size]
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Guest HumaniodTyphoon
Name: Bob
Who you're making fun of: Gimli
Species: Fat@$$
Description: Looks exactly like Gimli but with fat pockets out the armor
Bio: Been a dwarf fat@$$ all his life, and so here he is.
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I am so in this XD

Name: Merffles
Who you're making fun of: Frodo
Species: Midget
Description: He's short and stuff and smells like cabbage and lives in a midget-hole in some town. But besides that fact, he likes his ale. He's teh sexah beast that every girl in middle earth wants to get with. He looks like Frodo, except, he doesn't :)
Bio: He's lived in his midget-hole in that one town for a long time. His uncle dude disappeared and whatnot and left him some ring. Pretty much it :<
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Name: Fruits
Who you're making fun of: Boromir of Gondor
Species: manSlut
Description: He's tall and handsome, with shoulder-length brown hair and a dashing smile, but he's incredibly flamboyant. He has an obsession with small hobbit like creatures, especially those with shiny jewelry.
Bio: Hailing from the city of Glomps, Fruits is also the older brother of Flames and the son of Dummy, a pyromaniac. Fruits was sent to find a weapon that would help effectively stalk into a girls locker room without being seen. o.0 Fruits also loves big round....shields. ^_^

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[color=336666]This should be funny!

[b]Name:[/b] Sam I am
[b]Who you're making fun of:[/b] Samwise Gamgee
[b]Species:[/b] Midget
[b]Description:[/b] Some lame-o midget that lives in a town full of midgets. He is super hott but really fat.
[b]Bio:[/b] He lived in that town for a long time.. like his whole life. But then his friend's unlce died and now they have to throw a ring into a kiddy pool of lava or something.[/color]
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Guest MrSonic
Thanks for joining you guys. With Dragon Warrior on here, I know it will be hilarious. Just a few more members and then we can start.
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A Few Questions

[size=1] 1) About how many more people need to sign up?
2) The plot's going to be the same as the Lord of the Rings, but a parody, right?
3) Uh...okay, so a [/size] couple [size=1] of questions...

I'm looking foward to this! I've only seen the movie once, but I can watch parts I'm going to write again...so when I write, it'll go...with the flow...

(to post below this) [/size] YIPEE!
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[color=blue][size=1]I wanna do a happy dance!! Oh, can I still join?

Name: Lazi
Who You're Making Fun Of: The Elvin woman whom Aragorn is in love with. Her name escapes me at the moment.
Species: Hippie. YEAH!!
Description: Long blue hair with green spots (most likely her snot), a dress with bright/neon colors (like pink, orange, light blue, ect.), and shoes that belong to only those from the seventies (they make her seven inches taller).
Bio: Does drugs... a lot... Kicks men in the nuts... a lot... Cheats on her boyfriend... a lot... A total catch, don't you think? Oh, and she lives in the town of elves or whatever and pulls pranks on everyone who lives there. I mean [i]everyone[/i].

Okay... that's it. Hope I'm in. Oh, and one more thing, I've got school from 8 in the morning till 3 in the afternoon, and I've got a piano lesson *tries to break piano* so I won't be in the beginning... if I'm in. So... if I'm in, put my character in the story and I'll start playing her as soon as I can.[/color][/size]
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[size=1] Well, I don't come into the story 'till much later, so...I won't be doing it a lot in the beginning either...
I've got school until 4:00 and I'm never EVER on in the mornings...my homework takes forever so don't expect me to be on unless it's a weekend...I'm usually on from 4 to 5 in the afternoons, too...like now...[/size]
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Name: Skeve
Who you're making fun of: Sarumon
Species: Stoner
Description: long shaggy hair and beard, old cord pants, bob marly tee shirt, and a hemp hoodie
Bio: This old stoner dude who thinks he can do magic when hes stoned. Cause he can. He doesnt know how, he just does dude. Chill
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Guest HumaniodTyphoon
Ok, lets be off... wait
potato chips: check
enough peeps to kill a horse: double check
Mountain Dew Keg-Sized: Che... WHo drank MY MOUNTAIN DEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Grabs axe* Whoever did shall die... Skeve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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[size=1]Hey guys...after reading the beginning posts, no offense to anyone or anything, but...I'm going to quit...so...uh...just...try and do without "Legolas". Yeah...okay. *akward moment. runs away on the back of a giant ferret* [/size]
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