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What Anime Would make a Good Video Game?


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To put a twist on the other thread, "What Video game would make a good anime?".

I personaly think that Boogiepop Phantom or Silent Mobius, would make great games. you would track people/monsters down and defete them. And yes, I am insane.

Downsides to those: It would be short, the animes are short so the game would be short unless they added more things to do, like side quests, or for SIlent Mobus, you could play as Lucifer Katsumi, or Katsumi. It wouldn't matter if they added Lucifer Katsumi or not, but it would add some to the game and you could be evil *wink*;)

But for Boogiepop, it would be kinda hard, I'm mean who would you play as Boogiepop or another charactor for each little part?

*dead* Hm... I wounder what would happen if they did turn more animes into games then they already do.
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I'd love to see an open world RPG based on Cowboy Bebop, where you would make your own character and explore everywhere from Venus to Callisto. I think Trigun would make a cool RPG and first person shooter (maybe). They already have an Inuyasha fighting game I think for the PS1, but I'm sure that sucks...
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Meh. Boogiepop Phantom (which happens to be one of my all-time favorite series, just so you know) [i]might[/i] make a good video game, but not if it were purely based on fighting. One of the main pleasures of watching Boogiepop is slowly learning how all of the characters' stories intersect, so I'd like a BP game to include just as many plot twists and puzzles as the actual show.

I think that it'd be best if you played as either Nagi or Boogiepop ([spoiler]Toka, not Boogiepop Phantom[/spoiler]), or had the ability to switch between them. Since both get to see decent amounts of action, the game wouldn't have to be purely intellectual.

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i]
[B]Meh. Boogiepop Phantom (which happens to be one of my all-time favorite series, just so you know) [i]might[/i] make a good video game, but not if it were purely fighting-based. One of the main pleasures of watching Boogiepop is slowly learning how all of the characters' stories intersect, so I'd like a BP game to include just as many plot twists and puzzles as the actual show.

I think that it'd be best if you played as either Nagi or Boogiepop ([spoiler]Toka, not Boogiepop Phantom[/spoiler]), or had the ability to switch between them. Since both get to see decent amounts of action, the game wouldn't have to be purely intellectual.

~Dagger~ [/B][/QUOTE]
LIke I said before, Boogiepop is the best,[spoiler] and I call both Boogiepop Phantom and Toka, Boggiepop for some reason.[/spoiler] (It may be because I only need to see one episode, the 1st :sweat: ) *nods* it is kinda too much fighting based. but its so cool, and it's not really mainstream which makes it less possible. *sigh* darn those mainstream junk!
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[color=midnightblue]Well, aside from .hack, considering it [i]is[/i] a fictional video game (and real, too, but I won't get in to that)..

Noir may make a good game. The series has nice plot, good animation, pleasant character designs, among other pros. But at the same time, it would be a pretty short game (Unless you had to play through it as multiple characters).

Evangelion has already produced quite a few good games, particularly Iron Maiden 1 and 2, plus the brand-new Playstation 2 game. Maybe a small fighting game might be good- You could select between the five Evas and the Angels [spoiler](Other than Kaworu, maybe..)[/spoiler]. Then perhaps it could be in third-person perspective, and play like Virtual On, if anybody remembers that game.

And.. Well, that's all I can think of right now off the top of my head. Plus I'm being kicked off my my parents. I may add more later.[/color]
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[color=darkblue][font=trebuchet ms]Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust could get a second shot. Sure, you might be a tad disappointed after playing Jalenco's Vampire Hunter D for the PlayStation, and any mention of the mediocre title is enough to dissipate any hopes of a quality D game. Then again, you need look no further than a game called [i]Otogi: Myth of Demons[/i] for the XBOX. While the title is a commercial failure, it's one of those under-appreciated gems that simply need a little attention. Otogi is an action title that controls somewhat like Devil May Cry, only the camera can be controlled, and the levels aren't connected to each other in the same vain. In fact, they aren't connected at all.

At any rate, while playing the third level of the game I couldn't help but imagine how amazingly fun would be to play a similar title with the Vampire Hunter D license. Sadly, it will just remain a dream for now.

On a related note, according to OPM Bandai's working on a Cowboy Bebop game for the PS2, slated to release sometime in '04.[/font][/color]
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I agree with a Cowboy Bebop RPG, that would be great. If they made it into a PC style RPG, open-ended and if the gameplay was similar to Morrowind and the like. Man, i would wet my pants...

Scryed would also look appealing if you made your character and would either pick or make your own altar ability. Then go through the game developing it, oh yeah and you have to pick whether your a native altar or an altar working for HOLY. And you would go on jobs for the respective place you started.

Last Exile, too, although i've only seen 4 of the episodes. It does seem like an original game concept. Getting a vanship, participating in races, and doing jobs. If somehow a game developer could get a game like that to draw you into it i think it would be kickass...
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Last Exile would indeed make a fantastic video game. It could be incredibly multifacted, encompassing everything from purchasing the parts to build your own custom vanship to commanding an entire fleet of airships in a spectacular aerial battle similar to those featured in the original show. Perhaps you could start small and work your way up--i.e. begin as a simple vanship porter, then slowly gain more power as you earn money and complete jobs successfully. By the end of the game, you might be supervising multiple ships. This type of video game would only be hampered if it featured Last Exile's main characters, although I suppose it'd be nice if they popped in for an occasional cameo.

[quote][b]They already have an Inuyasha fighting game I think for the PS1, but I'm sure that sucks...[/b][/quote]

Yes, yes it does.

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I never even thought about being able to cammand a fleet of ships. That would be awesome to see, i dont think it should feature any of the main characters. Even if it is rare, i would rather have it be a freeform RPG that simply took place in the Last Exile world and time. Maybe altar egos of the main characters, but not an exact replica of them...

Still cant the thought of commanding the ships outta my head, if it looked anything like the show (animation-wise) it would be...stunning. It would be like the first time you look at the sunset on Dantooine in KOTOR.
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I was thinking Initial d, too. But its just another take on the street racing genre which has been overused lately. I would rather be able to play as any of the drivers and not just the main character, see how their racing careers went. I already know how the tofu guys did, i wanna some of the others...
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Yes, I'd like a Cowboy Bebop video game. Choose characters and travel to places, trying to defeat the villain. (although in the end I know what happens, but I guess it shouldn't be a big deal though, unless someone hasn't seen Cowboy Bebop)
I think there is a Rurouni Kenshin video game, but I'm not sure if it is still sold. Just sold in Japan I think.

Yes, I have the InuYasha video game, it is very easy. The creators make it seem like an adventure, but it ends so quickly there hardly is an adventure.
The graphics also do suck, but thank god it's in Japanese. *throws chair at Kagome's dubbed version voice actor* NO IT'S NOT [i]THAT[/i] SQUEAKY!!!

Though I like the fact his demon form is actually in the game. Don't see that often now do we?[/size][/color]
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Hnn. So many animes, so little...uh...umm...
Well, I think Trigun would be a really cool game, like an RPG. It'd be neat to be able to switch between the characters. Reliving the events, from the beginning when Vash and Knives were kids to the end where [spoiler]they get into that shootout and Vash ends up winning[/spoiler]. That's just me though. ^^;
I also think Rurouni Kenshin would make a spiffy game. Whoever produced it could also split it into the different sagas. And it would have a very different ending from other games, [spoiler]since Kenshin dies in the end, unlike most video game heros[/spoiler]. Oh the possibilities [size=1]TM[/size].
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Anime to videogame? That's a hard one. I'd see Vampire Hunter D but that's already been done. So I might have to go with... Sin. It's this really cool exceptionally violent anime I saw once or twice. Lots of gore. In fact it'd probably be banned as quickly as Manhunt if it were made into a game.
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