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[Baka Entertainment] Preview

Hittokiri Zero

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I was talking with a couple of people online a week or so ago, and the short explanation of what happened was... we decided to make an online anime magazine. Similar to AnimeFringe yet different at the same time. Attached to this post is a demo of the cover I have created although if you look at it certain problems/mistakes will be visible, I do intend to go back and fix those laters and a list of what i'm talking about can be found somewhere in this post below. Anyway the tentative title for the anime magazine is "Baka Entertainment" and I have yet to work out a suitable logo, it'll be bi-monthly which should give me enough time for a new layout every month. Hmmm.... anything else? Oh yes... as for page content/layout i'm trying to go for something unique in that i'm trying to create a layout that looks exactly how a magazine would if your looking at (one page on the left, one page on the right, 2 page magazine spread).

As for the graphic itself this is the version where I was applying some sorts of distortion to the perspective and size. It was really just a test and I plan to go back and redo the entire perspective thing but a few problems on it are:
- I shrank everything a tad to much so some things may be hard to read.
- On the lower right side of the image, it looks like a page is jutting out, I'm still trying to figure out how that happened -_-...
- The magazine shouldn't come to a point =| . I completly forgot about this one when I made it but oh well...
- I might possibly redo the pages :P.

Well yep yep, i'll try to upload or attach the full non-distorted version of the cover later. [b] But any comments/criticism would be appreciated.[/b]
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Guest MetalSonic700
Dude that is cool as crap! A lot better than my drawn covers. If you ever finish the magazine Id love to see it! I once hand wrote a 96 page mgazine with poorly traced pictures!
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I think the magazine looks really good and "professional" (for online standards anyway), and I really wasn't suspecting something so well done when I first read through your post. Great job.

My only complaint would be the title. I mean, "Baka Entertainment"? Would you be proud of reading a magazine called "Dumbass Weekly"?
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Yeah that's why i'm trying to convince the other guy to let me change the name x___X. The only reason why I don't have alot of leway with that is because he's buying the domain name so it's basically his money we are spending on the site, so unless I decided to branch off and leave him in the dust there's only so much I can do x___X. But isn't the literal translation of "Baka" more along the lines of "Idiot/Dumb" not "Dumbass" well either way i'd have to agree that the title does sound "dumb" XD.
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*claps* wonderful. I love your work on this Hittokiri. I see what you mean about the pages, that does look a bit strange. Two problems with it I feel. One: the preview is too small. Make the image larger. Two: The magazine's proportions seem a bit off. It seems too long for the width. Either widen it, or shorten it. The dimensions just look off to me. Aside from that, I have no gripes. The font and colours used for the Mag Title are great, the layout is terrific, the picture great, the use of graphics and positioning of text.... it all combines to make this a very well designed and interesting piece.

Aesthetics: 8.5/10
Technical: 8/10
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hittokiri Zero [/i]
[B]But isn't the literal translation of "Baka" more along the lines of "Idiot/Dumb" not "Dumbass"[/B][/QUOTE]

It's hard to be very literal with merely insult words, especially with languages that have no connection with each other like Japanese and English. Rarely is there a hard and fast definition for any given word, but a few variations.

"baka" has a more insulting tone to it than simply "idiot" or "dumb" I feel. I mean, kids throw around "idiot" and "dumb" all the time and no one's really offended by it anymore. "baka" is a bit stronger than that... a lot of times it depends on the context in which it's used on how it should be translated.
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Yep Baron, I would have to agree with you the dimensions are not really magazine-like. It's more of a cross between a magazine and a graphic-novel =O well kind of... Anyone this next post/image should explain why the magazine cover is the size that it is =O. ---> click attachment NOW =) <---

As you can see I wanted to make a layout that is really magazine-like, one in which you have two pages side by side. Now the biggest challenge i'm facing is making a layout such as the one stated above but still making it so that each page has a relatively decent load time :rolleyes:. Well that's "a" problem I face i'm currently up against many more :bawl:... Anyway this was a demo I came up with today, but i'm not sure if i'm liking it -_o. Mainly the "grade" thing is throwing me off, and the stars to the left... just don't pay attention to those.

(On a side note for this demo purpose I copied the review + info off of Anime Academy, so in other words that content there is NOT mine and is theirs =O).

(on another side note the colors you see I really just threw in there for this demo, although I do have a particular fondess towards using that red and yellow together, as for the Orange Cowboy Bebop text that is something that will definatly be changed >_>...)
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3 simple words to sum it up: I.Love.It

The image you used in the top right, looks lovely. the layout, lovely. Colours, meh, to be honest im not feeling the grey, but still its not like that brings anything down.

I love how the page is set out but the thing that sticks out, for me anyway, is the stamp effect on 94%, I know its simple but it adds so much to the effect you're trying to achieve. The little things make it stand out.

great great great. ^_^
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It's looking really nice, actually.

I'm kind of saddened because you beat me to the punch, so to speak. I had an idea for something surprisingly similar to this months back, but it was to be more about music, movies and games than actual anime. Your seems more along the lines of something that would work in PDFs though, where as mine was more of a magazine made in HTML heh. I know there are so called online magazines now, but the idea was rather different. It's hard to explain I guess. James showed interest, but it never got off the ground. Too many other things happened lol.

So, my point is that I'm glad to see that someone has the motivation to go through with such a time consuming idea. I think, in the end, it could be rather rewarding despite the heavy involvement.

Good luck.
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