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Master and Commander - The far side of the world


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Finally, I got to go see this movie yesterday after a long whiles wait.
I havn't read the books, but the movie was great. I expected it to be being it had 4 stars and good reviews. The action was good and so was the drama and tension between the characters when they were going after the "Phantom". Although, I wished the fight sceen near the end had been a bit longer and more gory (Too much LOTR for me) I was still pleasure to see Billy Boyd pull a gun from his belt.
So, who else has seen the movie?
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I saw the movie, and was quite impressed. Granted, I thought they spent a little too much time on the doctor's sub-plot, but on the whole, it was a very good film, and quite interesting. I'd recommend it for anyone who likes war movies or the like.
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To be perfectly honest, I didn't like this movie at all. Perhaps I was simply in a bad mood (I had to go see it after being denied entrance to Matrix Revolutions, but that's a different story). However, I discussed Master and Commander with my parents shortly after we watched it, and they seconded most of my thoughts on the film, so I like to think that my opinion remains unbiased by impatience or irritation.

First of all, M&C is just a little bit too long. I have no issue with watching lengthy movies, as long as every minute of screen time is meaningful. Plot-wise, this film simply seemed to wander; I just couldn't tell where it was going or what it was trying to be. I found the friendship between the captain and the doctor to be far more interesting than any of M&C's action scenes. Though they've been touted as utterly brilliant, I don't see what's so special or innovative about its battle sequences.

I'm not a film buff. Perhaps truly appreciating this movie requires a greater understanding of its genre and the medium, but regardless of its potential hidden merits, I wouldn't want to see Master and Commander again.

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