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First CGed Artwork [my Pride/Joy]


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[size=1] This is a picture I drew a pretty long time ago, but I started coloring it today. ^_^. It was my first computer-generated colored picture that I made, so don't get evil on me. =_=.

--Special thanks to OtakuSennen, since he told me how to actually use the fill tool correctly. *sweatdrops* Paint Shop Pro kicks arse. :toothy:

Comments and criticism are welcome![/size]
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This is really great for a first CG. you actually have lights and darks as well as a semi clear outline. I have taught many people how to cg and I have to see this is one of the best first attempts I have seen. I think as you practice you will become very good at cging, and I look forward to seeing more of your work.
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[COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]Beatiful for your first shading, maladjusted. You've done a great job on choosing the colors to fit the character. I love the way you've shaded, I really love the eyes. Need to work on lines though. Hope to see some more of your cg-ing skills latter. Great job.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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It sucks! Heh, not really, just here to be a pain in the a**. I vaguely remember this drawing. The only problem I really noticed is she doesn't have any whites in her eyes. The shading is wonderfully done, as every wrinkle is shaded. Her hair and eyes could be glossier, but they're fine the way they are now. The highlights are great, too.
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That's a great first cg. I wish I could do it that good on my first try. You picked very nice colors for her outfit. And did a great job of shading and highlight. Your are gonna be very good at this. I can't wait to see the next one.
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>.< Please don't ask me to say I like the drawing. There are some parts, like the socks which are great, but the rest has some serious problems. Now, as for the colouring... thats pretty damn good. In the rags wrapped around the walking stick/cane/sword/whatever is great, and the hair isn't too bad either. Compared to the rest of her, the line for her chin is too thin. The overall colouring is quite good, and you have used shading techniques etc. I think you could possibly have cut back on some of the shading, but I don't think this piece is too badly coloured.

For the colouring work: 7.5/10
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[size=1].bmp=teh devilness

My first photoshopped picture doesn't even bear mentioning.


Good first go. The coloring is is actually pretty good--it's just the outline that is really irksome. I like the colors, heh. (I think it would worry me if you had colored one of your pictures brightly.)

[random semi-related comment] CGing is just something that evolves with time, I think. Not necessesarily with quality...but different styles, and how people do things. [/size]
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I like this and I'm not going to sit and tell you what I think works or doesn't. I think people are being a bit too picky on the actual artwork in this case... I don't know how someone's personal style can be "wrong" in and of itself, but whatever.

I will say, however, that the last thing I'd personally recommend with coloring in images via these programs is using the fill tool.

The fill tool is not a good item in general. It's good for large fields and rare situations, but I wouldn't say it is good for most drawings. You managed to pull it off here well enough, but I wouldn't recommend it for anything you do that's more complex.

You're best off creating an outline of the character using a selection tool and playing with that. Filling it in with whatever, mostly the brushes. I find this comes out the best in the end.

However, I think the main issue is simply the outline of black around here. There's things you can play with in any image program to adjust this (levels is good in Photoshop, no clue in PSP) and help make it less of an issue. In some cases, you might just have to retrace that in the program by hand... The pen tool should become your best friend in terms of drawing lines, shapes and actual selections. Master that thing.

Of course, these are just my suggestions and you're free to do as you like :sweat:
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[size=1]Thank you all for the comments/criticism. Much appreciated.

>.< Please don't ask me to say I like the drawing. There are some parts, like the socks which are great, but the rest has some serious problems. Now, as for the colouring... thats pretty damn good. In the rags wrapped around the walking stick/cane/sword/whatever is great, and the hair isn't too bad either. Compared to the rest of her, the line for her chin is too thin. The overall colouring is quite good, and you have used shading techniques etc. I think you could possibly have cut back on some of the shading, but I don't think this piece is too badly coloured.[/i]

Er...it wasn't meant to be a sock. *relooks at picture and laughs* The picture itself is one that I can also point out countless numbers of mistake. I drew it some time ago, so the only reason I picked it to color was because it was the cleanest one I had stored on my computer. To deal with the chin thing, it used to be pretty thick, and after I posted it on OB, I went back and made it much thinner and reloaded it. I gave up on the other lines halfway through, though. Other than that, Baron, you read my mind. Everything you pointed out is what I thought. ^_~

[i]The fill tool is not a good item in general. It's good for large fields and rare situations, but I wouldn't say it is good for most drawings. You managed to pull it off here well enough, but I wouldn't recommend it for anything you do that's more complex.

However, I think the main issue is simply the outline of black around here. There's things you can play with in any image program to adjust this (levels is good in Photoshop, no clue in PSP) and help make it less of an issue. In some cases, you might just have to retrace that in the program by hand... The pen tool should become your best friend in terms of drawing lines, shapes and actual selections. Master that thing. [/i]

You're right, the fill tool does suck on drawings like these. I started out coloring the picture by using the fill tool on the girl's head, but after it took me a very long time of cleaning the head up, I used the paint tool to just color in everything else.

And....while our wonderful Semjaza Azazel is playing with his Photoshop, he has no clue of the evil that is PSP, lol. The outlining and cleaning of the pictures in PSP is pretty bad when compared to Photoshop. I used the Polykarbon Tutorial in cleaning scanned pictures, but I had to stop when it continued on with people who owned Photoshop. I don't know whether it's the quality of my scanner or PSP's extend in cleaning/outlining pictures that made my outline especially crappy. *shrugs*[/size]
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