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This is second B&W render for the competition I'm in. The first one was Fantasy, so i decided to make the second one Sci-Fi. In this one, I want to give off a vision of loss and slow turn into chaos. Right now, I haven't fully captured that. Any help on getting it right?
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I think the perspective leaves it too uninteresting. It's great that you were trying a new angle to make the picture from, but keep that exploding thing (in the background) at the center of the picture (or rendering?). I would like to see the mass exit from that angle.

Also, I'm not an artist, nevermind a CG one, so I don't know how hard it would be to had more texture onto the ships and... heads (?). I think it would still pay-off no matter how hard it is to do.

Hope that helps.
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It laughed at me...I laughed at it...We laughed together...And somehow I managed to finish it. In-between versions 2 and 3, I lost it and deleted most of the objects. Then, I made some new ships for the center focus, and put more emphazis(sp?) on action.

Even though I like what I did, I feel no satisfaction when I look at it. I guess you can't always win....
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