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Lord of the Rings: Da Ranger! (Drawing)

Dragon Warrior

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Duuuude, that is so cool! LOTR rocks and so does your drawing. I like your shading too. 8/10

EDIT: Some more reasons I gave you an 8. It's sorta crooked and his left foot seems to be hanging out of nowhere. But that's pretty much it.[/color]
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He looks like he's top heavy, but just slightly because of how he's leaning forward. Just some proportional problems, like the arms being a tad short. Very well depicted, and shaded. The metal highlights (or leather) are done wonderfully. His feet seem to position him in a ballet pose, though... The bulging pack under his cloak (I'm assuming) doesn't seem to match the weight it suggests.
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Oooo! You get bonus points for having such a cool subject! hmmm...the shading is very cool, and a very neat style I might add! maybe it's just me but his legs seem a lil short, or maybe it's just because his cloak his long, I dunno. Great job overall!
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