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Final Fantasy: The evil within

G/S/B Master

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[B]OOC:[/B] If people think I'm posting too much or too long then tell me. I have nothing to do...I'm so bored....

[COLOR=darkblue]Kari woke up 10 minutes later. She got out of the bath, dried and changed. Kari decided to go to the Elders and see how it was going with Gerret.

Kari only brought her shukusen and told her mother, not wanting to talk to her step-father. Kari took a quick look at Sare and saw her asleep. Kari smiled and left the house. The village lighters had lit up the tall lanterns on posts to light the dark streets of Riverside. Kari walked into the house of the Elders and saw another strange man standing near the doorway. Kari tapped him on the shoulder. He spun quickly.

"Who are you?" Kari asked him.
"I'm Duke. And you?" the man answered.
"Hikari Sanai. What are you doing here?"
"Well Hikari, I've come to warn the people of your village."
"Call me Kari, and warn us about what?"
"There's a man and his guardian. He's a summoner and he's riding a large dragon monster...I think he wants to destroy your village and/or kill you." Duke said.
"Hmm...Well it's a good thing I've already rescued Fenris." Kari said.
"Who or What's Fenris?" Duke asked her.
"Fenris is a large wolf. It's one of the fayths that I'm out to collect." Kari explained.

"Don't stand in the doorway where we can't see you Kari. And bring that young man along too." Elder Sun called.

Kari smiled and shook her head. They amazed her everytime. She bowed to them and stood between Gerret and Duke.

"We've finished with you Gerret. You can choose if you wish to travel with Kari or if you wish to leave for the Tonberry Caves or if you choose to go by yourself, just wait for Kari. Now, young man, step forward." Elder Sun said.

Duke stepped in front of the panel of elders.

"My name's Duke." he stated.
"What business do you have here?" Elder Cheng asked.
"I have come to warn the people of your village.There's a man and his guardian. He's a summoner and he's riding a large dragon monster...I think he wants to destroy your village and/or kill Kari." Duke answered.
"Elders, is it--?" Kari started.
"Ace Wallace and his guardian." Elder Cheng finished.
"At least I've rescued Fenris so they won't be able to get him." Kari said.
"It's getting late. I've written this letter for your mother and step-father. I've apologized for the strangers that I have asked to stay with you and if she can give these two a bed to sleep on and meal for the morning. Duke. We have decided to send you with Kari, her step-sister Sare, one of her guardians Makiyu and perhaps Gerret if he decides to stay along." Elder Sun said hading her a sealed document.
"Goodnight Elders." Kari said bowing.
"Goodnight Kari. We'll be there to see you off." Elder Sun said.

Kari walked out of the house with the 2 new strangers following her. She walked into her own home and gave the letter to her mother. She offered them beds. Duke took a bed, Gerret said he'd feel more comfortable on the wooden floorboards. Duke slept in another spare room next to Makiyu and Gerret slept on the floor in the spare room next to Sare. Kari stiffled a yawn and got into bed. She placed the shukusen in her bedside drawer and changed into night clothes. She blew out the lantern on her bedside drawer and pulled the covers over.[/COLOR]
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Gerret laid on the wooden floor. This was definatley much different then the caves or the forest. He felt sorry for attempting to destroy the once beserked girl. He took his knife and dimly lit his lantern. As quiet as death he snuck out of the room. As he passed by Sare's door, he reached for his back in his tunic and pulled out a pure white feather. He left it by her door and went out into the rain.

With his hood over his head, Gerret shuffled his way towards the house of the elders. He knocked on the door. There was no answer. He knocked again, and then he heard light footsteps getting closer. The door opened and it was Elder Sun.

"Why Gerret, you should get rest it is quite late." He was surprised to see the paleface stranger.

"I know, I am sorry for disturbing you."

"Now now, come in out of the rain."

The two walked to the table and had a seat. Gerret place his lantern on the side of the table.

"Now Gerret, what's on your mind?"

"I wish to join Kari on her quest." Sun took a look at his rusty dagger. Then he gave Gerret a surprised look.

"I'm hoping not as her Guardian.."

"No. I am a summoner myself."

"A summoner!?"

"She will need help. I will assist her untill we must fight ourselves."

"I see, well do as you please. But I ask you not to harm her or her sister in any way."

"I understand."

"Very good then. Now hurry up before the others wake."

Gerret bowed his head and went out the door, knife and lantern in hand. He was very wide awake. Trying not to track mud in the house. Gerret scaled the wall into his room. He stood against the wall for the rest of the night...
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OOC: Just as planned. ^_^. With three summoners, this will be quite the predictament.

Makiyu put his sheath on the desktop and making sure that the sword is firmly inside of it. He took of his road coat and put on the hanger right next to his bed. Then he took he boots off and layed on the bed.

[i]"This is the most strangest twist of fate ever. I wonder who this Garret character is. *sigh* Where are you Razaiki?"[/i] Makiyu thought to himself. Suddenly his eyes became lazy and his vision blurred. His eyes turned blank and it seemed like he stopped breathing. Makiyu fainted, but he was really tranced.....

OOC: May edit this later. I'm in a hurry.
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Sare woke, sweating and in a panic. A cold sweat covered her body, and the sheets were twisted around her. She looked at her familiar surroundings, and then breathed slowly, trying to calm herself. A bad dream...a nightmare that she couldn't remember. They usually came after she had been a berserker, an effect of the guilt that overwhelmed her afterwards. She wanted to cry, but no tears came.

Instead, her heart twisted in agony as she thought of what had happened. Luckily, though, it hadn't been a very strong berserker this time, since it was caused by her own feelings. If one of her family had been threatened, the whole village would have been dead. Sare closed her eyes at the thought, trying to push it away to the back of her mind.

She got up and looked out the open window, breathing in the cool night air. No more sleep for her tonight - how could she go back to sleep? But she knew that slowly the nightmares would fade, and in a week or two she would be sleeping soundly again. Until she went berserk again.

She paced quietly in her room, unaware that Kari heard her steps in the next room. Her stepsister knew better than to interrupt Sare; everyone needed some moments alone, and this was one of them. The sweat dried on Sare's body, and she brushed her hair out of her eyes. It was so beautiful outside tonight...the moon was almost full, and the sky was clear and full of stars. The rainstorm had passed quickly, leaving everything clean and sparkling. Time for a run, Sare thought.

She opened her door, and then crouched down to inspect the thing lying on the floor. It was a pure white feather. Sare wept silently, the feather in her hand.
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[size=1][color=green]OOC: It's been a while since my last post, but jro13, when Kilgorin says "Boy", he's supposed to mean Rhox. Just clearing that up. Also with the "father-figure" thing, tone it down a little maybe? I meant for Kilgorin to be Rhox's teacher. Forget about it though, I have no idea what the hell's going through [b]your[/b] mind. I mean, I told everyone to lay off about the Fayth thing, and you go on and keep doing it?! Get it right!
I could bitch on about this, but I'm a bit late. If I had been here to post straight after your last post, I would have gotten you to "please delete the post and do it again". But like I said. Forget about it.



[i]If you'll [b]excuse[/b] me, I was speaking to [b]Rhox[/b]. The entirety of the Universe doesn't revolve around you.[/i] Ace was taken aback as Kilgorin said this. [i]And I was only your, so called, "father-figure" when I had my own body. When I became banished to this pitiful form, removing any duties a father-figure would have.[/i]
'Okay, okay, take it easy.' Ace made a rude hand motion toward the sword after he said it.
Trying to think of some other topic to change to, Rhox blurted out, 'So what actually happened when you become a sword then?'
[i]Well, the ancient magic used against me was so powerful that it removed all but a wisp of my power. I could still control mortal minds, but only to a certain extent, until they would be doing something against their will. This wasn't to my liking, so I mustered all my remaning power and banished my last swordbearer to the afterlife, near the tree you found me. The last burst of magic left me stranded. All I could do over time was regain strength. Eventually you found me, and through your magic and fighting skills, I managed to absorb some of your permanent life force. This hasn't made any difference to you, you shouldn't need it. But anyway, since you fixed my sword form up, I've been regaining power ever since. That's why I recently started speaking to you. And then I gave you the idea of finding Ace here. And now, we are at the current point of time. We are almost at our destination, prepare to land.[/i]
The two humans sitting atop Yoki just sat there, staring into the deepenning dusk.

OOC: Hey, where are we supposed to be going anyway??[/color][/size]
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OOC: Heh, I will be PMing everyone about where to go. For now Kari and Co. is doing fillers (or extra things) for the night. Jro13 and Co, I dunno where you're heading. Do some fillers. and jro13, please understand the post first before posting.

[i] "Darkness of Zanmato. Darkness of Anima. And Darkness of Gilathorn," roared a bone chilling voice. "Wake up and seize this land for evil'![/i]

Makiyu stood up and saw he was in his hometown at night. THe same man that took Razaiki was up on a tower. He seemed to be summoning 3 creatures. Razaiki however was hanged by his neck to the side of the tower. Makiyu stared at Razaiki's corpse with stone cold fear. Makiyu couldn't move at all. Suddenly 3 figures apppeared. One that resembled a dog with sharp teeths, one resembled a deformed mutant with manacles on his wrists and ankles, and one resemble a Dragon with various markings on him. All 3 was drawing black energy from Razaiki. Makiyu however was still frozen with fear but his emotions soon stirred with confusion.

[i]"Now my creatures, destroy this pathetic town and make a home for the underworld." howled the man on the tower. [/i]

"This is the end." said a boy nearby Makiyu

"Wha?" said Makiyu. "What do you mean?"

"Your hometown, Maiken, will be demolished."

"We have to stop them then!"

"THere's no stopping the 3 great creatures of the devil,"

"Why not?"


Makiyu faced towards the 3 monsters again and relized they were spitting out some sort of energy that destroying his hometown.

"Makiyu, this is for the good." said the child.

"Huh?!?!?!" "How is destroying a city for the good?" questioned Makiyu

"You'll find out soon enough. For now, we will meet again." ssaid the child and he walked away.

"Wait!!!! When will we meet?" yelled Makiyu.

"Don't frieght. Just beleive." said the child and he disappeared....

THe 3 creatures finished destroying the city piece by piece. Makiyu looked around him and saw dead people everywhere. Then the 3 figures charged up their attacks and did the final blow, taking everything away. Even Makiyu....

Makiyu woke up on the bed. He found himself yelling and brawling on the the matress. He stopped and stood up. He walked towards the window and right in front of him he saw a a beam of red light that turneds into a great explosion. Makiyu flinched and widen his eyes. He couldn't beleive it. It actually happened. Makiyu denied it and watched the explosion. A shockwave appeared and it blew Makiyu away but he slammed to the wooden door. He stood right back up slowly and thought about the explosion.
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[COLOR=darkblue]Kari had woken up when she heard Sare wake up from a nightmare. Sare often got nightmares after an incident with her berserker. Usually Kari would help comfort her, but not after a berserker, those were times she needed alone. Kari sat up in bed and listened as Sare paced next door. Kari decided to get up. She looked out of her window at the dark curtain of night with pin-pricks of light that they called Stars and the crescent of moon that ruled over the night as the sun ruled over the day. Kari sighed as the night breezes blew into her room, cooling her. Kari heard Makiyu wake up in the door on the other side of her bedroom. He had a nightmare too. Kari wondered if tonight was the night of nightmares. He seemed panicked soKari decided to see what was wrong. Kari walked out of her room and knocked on the door. She opened it and closd the door, stepping to the side. There was a beam of red light that turned into a great explosion. The explosion let off a shockwave and Makiyu was slammed into the door. Kari bent down to see if he was alright. She healed some scrapes on his back from the encounter with the door and sat him down.

"Tell me what happened." Kari said sitting with him.

Makiyu explained the dream and told her that the explosion had been the dream coming true.

"So....Your hometown...." Kari said quietly
"Maiken is no more..." Makiyu said sadly.
"I'm sorry. But when this thing is over. You're free to stay here with us. You'll always be my guardian." Kari said kindly.
"Thanks....If you don't mind....I need to think about this." Makiyu said. Kari understood and left the room. Kari did a little patrol and visited all of the rooms except her parents and Sare's room. She saw the man Duke on a bed in another spare room and saw the human Tonberry, Gerret, sleeping against the wall. Kari smiled. She'd met so many new people in only a day. Amazing. She yawned and headed back to her room. She listened for Sare but didn't hear anything so she went back to bed. She couldn't wait until tomorrow.[/COLOR]
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OOC: If anyone is reading this, I will not PM people about te destination. Everyone should read this post. Our next fayth is in Guardania

" Ugh, poor Razaiki. Those 3 creatures, their powers were unimaginable." whispered Makiyu. He reached for his forehead and wiped his blood off it and gone to sleep.....

"Hey, wake up sleepyhead," said a voice.

"Ugh, I don't wanna go to school mama," whined Makiyu

"I'm not your mama," said Garret.

Makiyu opened his eyes and punched Garret in the stomach. Makiyu felt so embarassed. He grabbed his sheath, attached it to his belt, grabbed his coat, and ran out the door. Makiyu ran down the hall when suddenly he bumped into Kari. She fell down and Makiyu was swumg backwards. He finally got his balance and reached out for Kari's hand.

"Oh sorry." apoligized Makiyu as he pulled Kari up

"Thats ok," said Kari. "Why are you running,"

Makiyu was stuck. He didn't know what to say. THen Garret's voice said "Hey Makiyu, where are you?"
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Gerret wasn't punched extremley hard, but a punch was a punch and he was holding his stomach. He went into the hall to see Makiyu standing beside Kairi.

"Well, he's up..." Gerret said under his breath.

"Yep, lets go." Kairi smiled and replied.

The 5 made their way to the Elder's home so they could begin their quest. Elder Cheng greeted them at the door.

"Awake finally, lets get you started."

He showed them in, and they were greeted by the other 4 Elders.

"Now then, we feel you should start in Gardania. We sense a fayth has awakened there. This will be the best place for you to start." Sun explained.

"Sounds good, and not too far!" Sare shouted.

"The quest begins..." Duke scratched his chin and mentioned whimsicly.

"Thank you." Kairi bowed her head.

Elder Sun put a hand on her shoulder and she look up. "Good luck Kairi."

As they walked out of the home, Gerret tapped Makiyu on the shoulder. As he turned around he got punched in the gut.

"Your welcome." Gerret gleefully said as he walked onward.
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Sare laughed at the two, especially now that Makiyu was chasing Gerret everywhere, trying to punch him back. Now that the sun was shining, her bad dreams were forgotten, and only the new day lay ahead.

Kari came over quietly, "Are you okay? I heard you last night?"

Sare nodded solemnly, answering quietly, "Yes, I'm fine. Sorry I woke you up." Kari smiled in answer, letting Sare know that everything was fine. They both turned back to the group, and saw that now all three warriors were embroiled in the chase.

Kari laughed, and then ran off in the right direction to Guardania, "Catch me if you can! Last one to the fayth is...something!" Everyone watched her go, and then tore off after her, laughter everywhere.
Sare watched, and shook her head, "Aren't they all supposed to be more mature than me? But they're all still kids...kinda weird. Am I going to be like that too?" She laughed, and then started to run too, but her mood wasn't the same. Memories of the night invaded her happiness in the day, and she kept in mind that single white feather at her door. And wondered, when would the next dark thing come?
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A long stretch of road lay before them.

"I wonder how far Guardania is from here," said Gerret, keeping his eyes on the road.
"It shouldn't be that far," Kari answered.
Duke turned around to look at Makiyu and Sare. "Hey, what's wrong, you two?"

Makiyu was lost in thought, still remebering what had happened to his hometown. Sare was thinking about what challenges lay ahead of them.
Both ended up denying they had any worries, however.
Duke wondered himself about what kind of fayth they would find. Then he remebered Yoko, which led him to think of Ace and Rhox. Could they be following them at this very moment?

He turned around and looked at the sky. He didn't see anything, but he was sure that Ace and his companions were not far behind them. Remembering what Yoko had done to Razzaria, he quickened his pace.

"Hey what's the rush?" asked Gerret.
"Come on you guys," said Duke," we should hurry, before that fayth awakens."
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Kari and Co. followed the yellow sand road. Makiyu's mind was still twisted in his hometown's destruction. After 5 hours of seem like endless hours, a guy in a moogle constume jumped out of no where and yelled, "Hello, welcome to Guardania! Where we host the 20th Moogle festival!" Everyone leaped up in the sky but landed safely. "Sorry, I'm just so excited about tommorrow." said the moogle man.

"Thats ok," said Kari. "Do you know where the temple for Guardania is?"

"Um, it's closed for preparations for the festival. You could stay here for the night and wait for the temple to open."

"Do you know where an inn here?" asked Duke.

"The moogle inn is at the middle of the town, with a huge moogle statue around. You can't miss it. Just go straight." said the man.

"C'mon gang," yelled Makiyu cheefully. "Last one to the inn is a rotten chocobo egg!"

Makiyu rushed into the town. Then everyone else ran after Makiyu. Makiyu, in every direction, he see is a moogle poster or decoration. [i]"Yeesh this town is sure dedicated moogles."[/i] Makiyu stopped when he saw a huge moogle with a soldier in statue form. Kari and Co. caught up with him and they huffed and puffed.

"Next time.... don't...leave....us...behind...like....that..." said Gerret slowly.

"Sorry, but this town is so...so... how do you say it.... EXCITING!" yelled Makiyu.

"Hahaha, you caught "moogle fever" " said a woman.

"Huh?" asked Makiyu.

"Never mind that. My name is Akira." said the woman.

Everyone greeted her. They talked and they all checked in the Moogle inn.

"Well, since we have today as a weekend. Lets split up and find some fun here." said Kari.

"Good idea." said Makiyu.

Every splitted up to every corriders of Guardania. Makiyu stopped by the movie theatres. He continued walking since the theatres only had moogle movies. He then stopped by a pub and leaned back in the door.
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Makiyu turned at the sound of his name being called. He saw Sare running towards him. "Is something wrong?" he asked.

"Oh, no, I just saw you and wanted to say... Hey, wait a minute, isn't this a pub?" She narrowed her eyes at him. "You know, you shouldn't drink. It's not healthy for you. And Kari doesn't like men who drink."

Makiyu almost choked, "What? Kari wha...? I think you've got the wrong idea about me and..."

Sare laughed, hitting him on the back, "I'm just kidding. I don't know what kind of guys Kari likes, and I don't even know if she likes you. So don't worry, I was just teasing. By the way, where is she? I was going to go with her when we split up, but then I lost her. Have you seen her?"
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[b]OOC:[/b]Where are all the Baddies? They havn't posted in a while.
[COLOR=darkblue]Kari walked around Guardania. She was a bit puzzled about their Moogle Festivities. Everything seemed to be about Moogles. Kari went to several shops for supplies and items. Kari was walking around when she heard a sound. Kari rushed over to the source, in an alley and saw a young girl being surrounded by a gang of boys. They were shouting things to her. Kari stepped forward.

"Stop that right now!" she called to them.

Everyone turned to look at her. The boys scoffed.

"Who are you, lady?" one of them said.
"I'm a Summoner. And I demand that you leave her alone." Kari stated.
"You? A Summoner? I haven't seen or heard of you."
"Because I'm not from Moogle Land. I'm from Riverside."
"We don't believe you." another boy said.
"Don't make me Summon." Kari warned, she didn't really want to waste her energy on showing boys she was a summoner.
"Go on! We want to see you summon." they chanted.

Kari sighed and shook her head. She called out for Dragoon and it appeared in a more spectacular way. A large portal opened in the sky and Dragoon zoomed out and roared loudly before flapping down to Kari. Kari patted her Dragon friend and let him leave.

Everyone outside of the alley had stared at the Dragon as it appeared. Sare saw it and knew that that's where Kari was. She ran along the streets and into the alley where Kari stood.

The boys gulped and ran away. The girl remained. Kari talked to her and told her everything would be alright.
"Just say I'll come after them with Dragoon if they pick on you again, k?"
"Thankyou Ma'am." the girl said before running off.

Kari turned to see Sare standing at the entrance of the alley. Kari walked out and looked at her step-sister.

"The group of boys wre picking on her, then they didn't believe I was a summoner." Kari explained before Sare asked.
"Alright, let's go! I was looking for you."[/COLOR]
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[size=1]OOC: Sorry I haven't posted in a while guys *sweatdrop*! I thought jro13 might think about actually doing something in this, but so far no. I'll have to think of something for his character to do if he doesn't post in the next two days.

[color=green]"Where is it we're going anyway?" asked Rhox.
[i]You [b]don't[/b] know? We're off to Guardania. There should be a Moogle festival about tomorrow. While they're all getting ready for that, we can quickly get the fayth and leave unnoticed.[/i] Kilgorin replied. [i]Unless a specific [b]someone[/b] has to go blowing everything up.[/i]
Rhox turned to look at Ace.
Ace shot a pissed off look at Rhox and Kilgorin.
"Well, anyway, can we land soon? I'm getting tired and hungry." Rhox said, turning back to look into the sun. "Just because we're the bad guys, doesn't mean we don't need to stop for rest."
[i]Being a sword, I no longer have the luxury of getting hungry. But I do get tired. Of your [b]complaining[/b].[/i]
[i]Don't start. Please. I can't stand it.[/i]
"Will you two [b]both[/b] shut the hell up? I'm trying to concentrate here!" Ace snapped.
Yoki started to land.
[i]Speaking telepathically, eh? You do realise it wastes your energy. Especially since you're blocking us out.[/i] Kilgorin stated matter-of-factly.
"Well it works, doesn't it? Keep yourself out of my business!"
"In case you didn't realise, he [b]became[/b] your business the minute he started talking. He'll get what he wants, and if he wants to be nosey, he'll be nosey." Rhox said.
Yoki touched down on the outskirts of Guardania.
An odd man in a moogle costume came running up to them.
[i]Ace, let Yoki leave now. You are too physically drained to have it around here much longer anyway. And we don't want to be sent away from this place without collecting the next Fayth.[/i] Kilgorin directed this at Ace only.
"Hello there!" said the moogle-man as Yoki lifted off and vanished. "Quite a beast you have there kid. You a summoner? Yes? Well that's great! You're just in time to book in at the Moogle Inn for the weekend celebrations! While you're here collecting your next fayth, stay and enjoy yourselves!" he handed them a little map, directing them to the Moogle Inn, and ran off.
The two boys just stood there and looked at each other.
"This place is weird. The sooner you get that fayth, the sooner we can be out of here." said Rhox.[/color][/size]
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[B]OOC:[/B] Hope no one minds me bringing this back up. I addded the Flashback for fun.

[COLOR=darkblue]The village was still preparing for tomorrow's festivities but they already had the sideshows and such things up.

Kari walked around with Sare following her and sometimes dragging her to places she wanted to visit. Kari tagged along, seeing that Sare was happy in such a festive place. The happenings of the night before pushed away. Sare won several moogle plushies from games and gave one to Kari. It was wearing a blue kimono with a scarlet obi and held a glaive like Kari. Kari laughed at how it was so alike to her.

Kari and Sare headed to a Café for lunch. They ordered and ate. Kari watched her younger step-sister. Kari worried about her sometimes. What would happen if Kari wasn't around and something happened to her. What if Sare went Berserk and Kari didn't know. Kari's thoughts were interrupted by Sare.

"Are you done yet? I still wanna go look around." Sare said with lots of energy.

Kari finished her food and payed before getting dragged away by her hyped up step-sister. Kari's mind started to wander again and she thought back to the day she had first met her step-sister, at the time it was only future step-sister.

Kari was 14, making Sare 13. Kari walked beside her mother.

"Mama, where are we going?" Kari asked.
"We're going to meet your future Step-sister, Kari."

Kari was puzzled. A step-sister?! Would she be nice? What would happen? Would her Step-father be nice? Could he ever gain the trust that she gave her mother and deceased father had?

Kari's mind had been full of thoughts and questions. When they arrived at a restaurant they entered and sat at a table with a girl and a man sitting at it.

Kari watched as her mother kissed the man and sat next to him, leaving the other seat for her, next to Sare. Kari sat and they ate. Kari and Sare didn't talk for most of the meal until their parents made them get to know each other. They talked through the rest of the dinner and soon realised they had a lot of things in common. Then something happened on their way home after dinner. The four of them were walking together when someone grabbed hold of Sare and ran away with her. They had all run after her. Kari and Sare had formed a tight bond over the hour or two that they were together. Kari had chased after them and put a trap ahead with what magic she had learned. The kidnapper was caught and Sare was taken home safely. She had gone Berserk when the man took her and she hadn't learned it's powers yet and it had worn her out. Sare had fainted and Sare was safe. From then on, Kari knew that if they were going to be step-sisters, Kari would have to help protect her in anyway that she could.
~*~*End Flashback*~*~

Kari watched Sare and smiled, she had and would continue keep the vow she made.[/COLOR]
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Gerret made his way for the local pub, to get a nice drink. Inside, it was full of chatter, and gleefull drunk men. They held mugs that resembled moogles and held a little over a pint.

"This place is also moogle happy..." Gerret held his head and sighed.

As he sat down, he was immeadiately greeted by another man, in a moogle suit. "What can I get you for, Tunbarry Boy!"

Embarrased, Gerret looked at his lantern and knife, and then looked around to see annoyed moogle crazy people.

"Eheh, its not what you think..."

Another man in a moogle suit jumped up. "Of course its not what [i]you[/i] think. We [i]know[/i] you love tonberries and HATE MOOGLES!!"

Gerret stood up with his lantern and knife in hand. "I wish not to hurt you."


Gerret had no choice but to flee from the tavern, with an angry moogle mob behind him. It was at that point, he realized, the sooner they saw the fayth, the better...
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"Hey, Kari, what's wrong?" Sare asked, noticing her sister constantly looking at her. "Do I have something on my face?" She scrubbed vigorously with her napkin.

Kari laughed at the comical sight, "No, you don't have anything on your face. Nothing's wrong; I was just thinking that I love having a cute little sister."

"Cute?" Kari laughed again at Sare's wry expression.

Suddenly, Sare pulled out a white feather, "Hey, Kari, do you know what kind of feather this is?" She handed it to Kari, who looked at it closely. It was like smooth silk, so soft you almost couldn't feel it.

Kari shook her head, "I have no idea. Where did you get it?"

Sare shrugged, but Kari could tell there was something more, "I dunno. Just found it. Hey, lets go! We're wasting time here, and there's so much stuff!"
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Makiyu was wristling by the tavern door when suddenly Gerret exploded out of the door and ran past him so fast a gust of wind blews in his direction. Then a bunch of men with red pom-poms on top of their heads busted out of the tavern door and ran after Gerret. Makiyu specifically heard one of them yelled, "KILL THE TONBERRY BOY!!!" He wiped the dust that was blown on his face when the mob rushed through and ran after the mob, unsheathing his sword......

"Gawd, this is terribly Moogle corrupted," moaned Rhox

[i]"At least it doesn't get any worse then this," said Kilgorin.[/i]

Suddenly Gerret had ran out of nowhere and bumped into Ace. Gerret fell but Ace didn't even budge.

"Watch where you're going kid." said Ace.

Gerret stood up slowly, but the mob caught up and running towars his direction. However Ace summoned his fayth and it appeared out of the skies. It landed hard but it shook the whole town. Makiyu caught up with the mob and past through it only to see the monstrosity.

"Don't take a step closer infidels." threatened Ace.

"Why not?" yelled Makiyu.

"Because, i'll turn this Moogle town into a ghost town." said Ace.

Makiyu's mind flinched by that idea. [i]" He couldn't do that. That kid doesn't have the guts."[/i]

"Take me to the fayth, and this town will live another day." said Ace forcefully.

"You can't!" yelled Akira walking to the town square.

"Heh heh heh, well then, good bye to this town. DESTROY IT!" yelled Ace.

The dragon flew up to the air and charged up a dark energy. But suddenly Gerret summoned his fayth. It broke through the ground and made an earthquake with every movement it tried to get through it's hole. Gerret managed to summon his fayth, and it is a giant tonberry. It finall got out of the hole and slashed with it's knife into the air to make an energy wave that blew the dragon fayth away, it made a scab through it's chest and the dragon fayth stopped his attack.....
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OOC: Do moogles talk?

Duke came running up and stared in wonder at the two fayths fighting. It was an amazing. He stared at the ground ahead of him and noticed a little boy in a moogle suit injured. Then he realized it was a real moogle!

He ran up to it, it seemed to be ok. "Are you allright?" he asked it.
It nodded. "Ok.." He looked up to see Yoko fly into the sky, away from the huge Tonberry.
"Dammit!" roared Ace.

But Yoko came back down and slammed into Gerret's fayth, knocking it across the ground.
The moogle suddenly stood up and ran toward the battlefield. It stopped and did some Dance moves. A freezing, icy wind whipped into Yoko, causing some of its scales to be frozen over with ice.
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[size=1][color=green][i]Go, boy! Get onto the battlefield! Hit that summoner, full blast![/i] Kilgorin whispered.
"You got it." Rhox strode past the few people in his way, dodging and whirling until he reached Gerret.
He drew Kilgorin, which glowed a sickly green. Rhox lifted the sword above his head and made to bring it down...
Makiyu stepped in the way, drawing his own weapon.
The clash was immense, sending a small shockwave out in the air.
The little moogle that was casting spells on Yoko got knocked out.
"Out of my way you! Shouldn't you be guarding YOUR charge?"
"I was in the neighborhood." Makiyu replied simply.
"Aarrraagh!" yelled Rhox, stretching out a hand to his right, then conjuring a fireball and hurling it at Makiyu in one swift movement.
Makiyu stumbled back into Gerret.
"Watch your footing there, guardian! Wouldn't want to fall over!" called Rhox.
In the next moment, Makiyu was up again and he was mad.
He stood still for a split second then charged, yelling as he ran. His long sword was enveloped in red electricity.
[i]Strike when when I tell you, boy. Don't block, just strike.[/i] Kilgorin advised.
[i]Just, do it.[/i]
Makiyu ran closer.
All the while, Yoko and the Giant Tonberry were battling it out. It was fairly even, but Yoko had the advantage of flight on it's side.
Kari, Sare and Duke ran over to see what was happening with Makiyu, and saw Gerret on the ground, getting up. They ran over to help him.
[i]NOW!!!![/i] Kilgorin's voice rang out through the air, everyone in the town heard it. This stirred up a bit of a panic, and Makiyu and the others paused for a second and looked around.
Makiyu snapped out of the slight trance and made to attack, but Rhox was already bringing down his sword.
Makiyu was struck hard and fast, and fell to the ground, dropping his sword in the process.
"Don't get so distracted and you won't have to suffer a loss next time, bucko." Rhox said, turning his back.
Then he stopped and remembered what he was doing here in the first place.
"I thought of becoming a summoner once, but then realised how [b]drain[/b]ing it could get." He said as he turned towards Gerret.
He flung out his left arm and made clenched his fist. It glowed the same sickly green as Kilgorin had a little while ago.
Gerret fell to the ground and began to shiver, as a large green orb of energy shot out of his chest.
Rhox's clenched fist absorbed it, and he felt better than ever. He even felt more in charge than he did before, but little did anyone know, Kilgorin sapped some of the energy Rhox had drained from Gerret.
"Ace! Let's just go get that fayth and get out of here! This place is boring!" Rhox called.
"Not so fast there freak! You aren't going anywhere until you deal with us!" yelled Kari, "No one hits [b]my[/b] guardian and gets away with it!"
"Bring it on, wench..."[/color][/size]
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"You're...not getting away!" Gerret slowly got up and grabbed his knife, and with a blink of an eye, he turned it around and stabbed himself! Gasping for beath, he put his lantern down and started to glow white.


It was then that time froze, for only a second. Spirits of the departed were visible, and started flying into the souls of the people in the area. The moogle and the aeons weren't affected and continued their fight. Time started back up again.

Everyone felt a shock of pain. They all felt Gerret's trouble. Gerret pulled the knife out of his stomach and lifted the lantern. He stumbled towards Rhox, who was now kneeling on the ground.

"A human finds an oppertunity and takes it. An angel always has an oppertunity."

The two struggling aeons had no power, and therefore dissmissed themselves. The little moogle held his mouth in awe, and started healing the civilians. Everyone was on the ground in pain...

"I am sorry i had to do this, but we will all be ok." Gerret went over to Maikyu and dragged him towards Kairi and Sare. He did the same thing to Duke. It was then he stumbled towards the exit to town, but fell down into a blanket of pure white feathers. He was unconscious.
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[COLOR=darkblue]Kari doubled over in pain as Gerret cast the spell. She clutched at her stomach as her knees gave in. Kari looked up at Gerret as her vision started to become blurry.

"Why?" Kari whispered, not understanding.

Then she fell unconscious.

After a long time, Kari opened her eyes. She was back in the inn on her bed. Kari sat up and rubbed her head. Kari stood weakly and looked around.

She walked past the other beds and saw Makiyu, Sare and Duke still unconscious. She looked around but couldn't see Gerret. Kari picked up her glaive and walked out of the inn.

Kari walked along the streets looking for Gerret. Then she saw him. He was collapsed on the ground on pure white feathers. Kari recognised them as the one that Sare had showed her earlier that day.

Kari turned him onto his back and saw the wound in his stomach that he had used to give everyone pain.

"Why?" Kari asked again as she cast Angel's Tears.

The wound healed but Gerret was still unconscious. Kari pocketed some of the feathers and picked Gerret up. She hung the lantern off her glaive and Gerret still had a firm grip on his knife.

Kari carried him back to the inn and into his bed. Kari pried his hand away from the knife and set it and the lantern on the bedside table.

Kari heard a noise and whipped around. She saw Makiyu sitting up in bed. Kari walked over to his bed.

"Are you alright?" Kari asked.
"I'm fine, what about you? What have you been doing?"
"I went out to find Gerret and I carried him back. Do you know what type of feather this is?" Kari said pulling one of the white feathers out.
"I think it might be an Angel feather because Gerret said something about that. He said "A human finds an opportunity and takes it. An angel always has an opportunity."" Makiyu quoted.
"Hmm....He was lying on a large blanket of these when I found him unconscious." Kari mentioned.
"I wonder...." Makiyu said quietly.[/COLOR]
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OOC: Hmm, I wonder if people got Xra's messege about the feathers :shifty:.

Moogles do talk. Just add Kupo at the beggining or end of a sentence

It's still the Moogle Festival. So next day will be fayth searching :D.

[i]"I should hang out with Gerret more. He just gets shadier and shadier."[/i] thought Makiyu.

"I'm going to get some fresh air Kari," said Makiyu. "Do you want to come outside with me?"

"No thanks, I'll stay here with the others." replied Kari. "But do search for those summoners."

"Ok," said Makiyu as he stood up and took his sword from the desk.

As Makiyu stepped out of the inn, he stretched and rubbed his eyes. Then a moogle flew out of nowhere and landed on the ground near his foot. He was at least as tall as the height of his knees.

"You have have mail Kupo!" said the moogle as his red pom-pom bobbing on his head. THe moogle gave him a letter, but it felt unusually warm. Makiyu opened the letters and said,

Dear, Makiyu
I heard you became a Guardian of a great summoner! Congrats. BUt Maiken was unfortunately destroyed by these freaks. Razaiki acted strange during that time though. I sent this moogle with a parcel. It'll prove very valuable. I don't know where you are, but this moogle that I sent knows for some reason. Anyways, good luck, and don't let that lucky summoner die!
Your Friend,

Makiyu smiled. He never got a word from his friends for a while ever since that duel with his rival. Makiyu didn't understand it. Razaiki was hung at the time the 3 dark fayths attacked. And how did this moogle know his location? Makiyu asked for the parcel and he received a broken piece of a jewel. It was very radiant to light since it was glowing at the sun and it was emerald green. Makiyu scratched his head and wondered [i]"How is this valuable? This is meaningless."[/i]

"Komiko asked me to journey with you kupo!" said the Moogle excitedely. "My name is Slitzkin!"

"Makiyu," he replied as the moogle floated and landed on Makiyu's head. Slitzkin felt comfortable on his hair and fell asleep immediatly.
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[size=1]OOC: *jawdrop* You get a moogle to help you? Oh well, I'll think of something to twist the favour into my hands.
Also, can someone PM Kitty and jro13? Kitty is supposed to be jro's other guardian, but she hasn't shown up. I'm a little strapped for time these days. School's back. Yr 10 *sweatdrop*.
I'm going to post from when Gerret stabbed himself. Rhox and Ace have to somehow get away...

[color=green]Rhox saw Gerret pull out his knife and readied to parry or strike or whatever he would have to do.
Gerret brought his knife upwards...
And stabbed himself in the stomach?
"Uh...what the hell did you do that for? I don't think killing yourself is going to win any fights..." Rhox said, a little confused.
[i]YOU STUPID CHILD! TENSE YOUR MUSCLES AND DON'T RELAX UNTIL I TELL YOU TO! THAT IS THE JUDGEMENT HAND![/i] screamed Kilgorin through Rhox's mind. Ace also heard everything. Except the "you stupid child" part.
"Shit!" Rhox yelled as he felt the pain sear through his body from his belly, as though Gerret had instead stabbed him.
Rhox tensed his muscles, but the pain was intense. Overwhelmingly intense.
At that moment, everything seemed to slow down. Time froze, everything was still.
A hooded figure dressed in a long black robe rose out of the ground. He seemed to create his own misty shroud to prevent others from seeing who he was.
"So...what an interesting developement. The summoner Kari and her guardians have run into another summoner. An Angel. This Tonberry boy is going to get in the way of things...as for now though, Ace, Kilgorin and Rhox must get out of here somehow..." the shade spoke to himself.
The shade vanished and Gerret unfroze, everything was still in a current state of...lack of time (?). He didn't realise the gap from where the shade had come, but then, no one did.
The second that Gerret's time-stop lasted was over, and the souls of the departed shot into the bodies of the living.
Everyone felt Gerret's pain, except for Ace, who had vanished. No one realised that, either.
Gerret pulled the knife out of his stomach, his eyes filled with sorrow.
Rhox barely managed to get up, and decided to kneel instead and save enough energy to Drain Gerret.
"A human finds an oppertunity and takes it. An angel always has an oppertunity," was all Gerret said.
Gerret turned around to drag the limp, unconscious bodies of Makiyu and Duke towards those of Kari and Sare.
With Gerret's back turned on him, Rhox vanished.[/color][/size]
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