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Final Fantasy: The evil within

G/S/B Master

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Sare slowly awoke, blinking her eyes. She sat up abruptly, looking for the white feathers that she had last seen through her vision before she fainted. "Kari" she called, a little frightened.

"Yes?" Kari was there instantly, taking her hand. "Hey, are you feeling better?"

"Um..yeah, I'm fine." Sare answered. The feathers...must have been a dream... But... "I'm kinda hungry."

Kari laughed, "You never change. But I'm glad you're ok."

"Are the others ok?"

"Yes, they're fine. We all managed to survive. Makiyu's already up and out." Kari didn't mention Gerret.

"Oh, ok." Sare thought as Kari left to get some food. 'My dream,' she thought....'it had..angels. Angel feathers..and angels. Are there angels here? Or was it all just a dream?'

Kari came back in with the food, "Here you are Sare! Enough food to feed an army! And it's good too!"

Sare looked up, instantly snatching a pastry with her fingers, "This is awesome! mmf grmph smiirf! Wow!" Kari laughed at the spectacle, but then Sare turned serious. "Hey, Kari...I'm sorry that...I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you. I'm sorry I don't make a very good guardian."
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[COLOR=darkblue]"No! I don't care about your duties as a guardian to me, all that's important is that you're safe. I can protect myself! And even if I get into trouble, Dragoon and Fenris can help me." Kari assured her step-sister. But Sare was still upset. Kari squeezed her hand re-assuringly.
"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine by myself. But you, be careful." Kari said before walking away to check on the other occupants.

Kari walked past the beds. Duke and Gerret were still unconscious. She sighed and sat on the chair next to Gerret. She was worried about him, he had been out for a long time and he had injured himself on purpose to weaken the enemies.

He was lying on top of the blankets. Someone had cleaned and bandaged the wound in his stomach. Kari placed a gentle hand on it and closed her eyes. She muttered her spell of "Angel's Tears" and the wound started to close up. Then Kari rested her cool fingers on his temple. Light started to flood into him from her fingers. His breathing became steady and she knew he was just asleep now. She got up and grabbed a tray of food and set it on the table next to him.

Kari walked to Duke's bed. She healed any of his wounds and placed her fingers on his temple. He started to wake up. Kari didn't know because she was concentrating on charging him up. She became aware of his awakeness when a hand closed around her fingers and drew the away from his temple. Kari's eyes snapped open and he looked into Duke's eyes.

"That's not good for you, Kari." Duke said, releasing her hand.
"I had to wake you both. Everyone else is awake except the two of you." Kari muttered. She was feeling sleepy and drained after giving out so much energy.

Duke felt incredibly stronger after the charge up and picked her light form up. He walked to her bed and put her down before returning to his bed where Kari had already put a tray of food for him.

Soon Kari started to breathe evenly and showed she was asleep again from exhaustion.[/COLOR]
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OOC: I'm guessing jro13 gave up on the rpg and also kitty. BUt I'm going to give them one more chance of both of them posting here.

[SIZE=1][COLOR=royalblue] Makiyu walked along on the streets with staring eyes on him. He would be staring too if someone had a sleeping moogle on his head. It was a while until Slitzkin woke up. Makiyu lost balance when the moogle woke up as it was tilting to the left side of his head and he was gripping on Makiyu's hair. Makiyu almost felt like his roots were being pulled right off the scalp. THen he fell down but the moogle landed on his feet. Some kids including young girls giggled. Makiyu received a huge headache but then suddenly he had a cold chill on his spine. And someone was behind him. Breathing down his neck. Makiyu saw everything stop moving, even time. Makiyu was glued to the ground and every limb of his body was frozen. THe only thing that was moving was his eyeballs. He looked at the moogle beside him, he was frozen stiff, with a surprise expression on his face. Makiyu breathed heavily when the figure behind him said, "We have a score to settle Makiyu."

Makiyu felt everything in his body getting warm. THen he relized he can move again. He looked behind him and saw Razaiki. He was face to face with his enemy. But his enemy looked different. He had an extremely pale skin and his skin seem to contour every bone in his head. Makiyu was shocked about his change and slowly backed away. Until he bumped into an invisible wall behind him. Razaiki grinned and then a swirl of dark fumes surrounded his hand and it formed a sword of a black color. Razaiki gripped the handle and relaxed his arms.

"Makiyu, remember at elementary school? You and your pests humiliated me in front of the whole town?" said Razaiki in a high tone.

Makiyu remembered that moment for the rest of his life. Etched in his brain for eternity. As it is one of his most treasured moments.

"Well, you sent me to trauma school and it wasn't pleasant. And I was insane for 10 years. And when I recovered, I was determined to kill you. BUt the duel I challenged you in wasn't enough. Not enough blood to spill. NOw I can fullfill my wish, becuase I signed the contract with the dark lord." explained Razaiki in a cold tone.

"What? WHat do you mean signed the contract with the dark lord?" asked Makiyu.

"It's simple. I sold my soul to the lord and he offered his services to me. Anything I want, he gives." explained Razaiki.

"You're still insane today Razaiki." said Makiyu.

"Am I?" said Razaiki. " Well, insane or not, I'm going to kill you right here, and it will be a cruel and slow one."

Makiyu was again frozen and he can only watch as Razaiki lifts the dark sword and slashed Makiyu. But then suddenly a green glow surrounded Makiyu and the blow was blacked by it. Razaiki back away and yelled in pain, dropping the sword. Makiyu can move once again and he walked towards Razaiki, only to stop when a puddle of black substance appeared and a hand was raised. It grabbed Razaiki by the waist and pulled it down into the substance. THen he saw time wasn't stopped anymore but before he knew it, he was kneeling on the ground in pain and was knocked out. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
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Meanwhile, Gerret was dreaming...

[i]He was in a huge pearly white castle, large support beams on both sides of him. A long icy blue carpet rolled on in front of him. It was a beautiful celestial palace.

He looked down at his usually draped arms, and then glanced at his shoulders. He had no shirt and his wings were exposed. He looked up at his bangs and saw they were tinted blue. What was happening?

"Archangel Gale, turn around."

Gale? Who was Gale? Gerret scratched his chin untill the voice boomed again.

"Archangel Gale!"

Gerret decided to turn around, only to find his nose rubbing against the tip of a sword. The weilder was another person with wings. This person looked much like himself, but older.

Against his will, he ended up calling him. "Brother Tsu"

"Archangel Gale, the Seraph needs to see you."

Why was he calling him Gale? And what was a Seraph? Again, he called out without notice. "Yes, I know."

But he didn't know. He started to follow, who he had called Tsu, down the massive hallway. Untill they were face to face with a woman with eight wings. She began to speak to Gerret.

"Gale, you have killed three other Angel guards, whilst defending from the invasion of rouges. An archangel would never make such a foolish move under any circumstances. Do I make myself clear?"

Rouges? What was this lady talking about? He hadn't fought any Rouges. Words slipped from his mouth yet again. "Yes, Seraph."

"Since you are an angel of a high rank, you will not be removed of your wings. You will serve down on earth untill peace is restored."

Tsu opened his eyes wide with fear. "But Seraph!"

"That is the final word, now Gale, BEGONE!"

Gerret, or Gale, started to sink through the floor, down to his punishment. Tsu dropped his sword and ran to Gerret.

The Seraph called out once more "Only when peace is restored, will you be able to return..."

Before Gerret fell all the way through, Tsu yelled to him "A human finds an oppertunity and takes it, but an angel always has an oppertunity." Gerret had spoke those words before! Then he had realized what this was all about. This was what happened before he woke down on earth. He fell all the way through, it seemed endless. Down and down, faster and faster...[/i]

Gerret woke, gasping for breath...
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Sare heard Gerret struggling in the next room. Thinking that he was in danger, she ran into the room, her hand on her weapon. "What's going on???"

Gerret looked at her, breathing hard, and his eyes wide, "What? Huh? Oh, um...nothing's going on." He looked at her again, his brows raising. "Isn't it kinda dangerous running around with weapons? Don't poke someone's eye out kid."

Sare shook her head. "Right, whatever. Hey, has anyone seen Kari around? And where the heck did that guardian of hers go?"

Gerret rubbed his eyes, pondering the dream at the same time. "Which guardian?"

"Makiyu of course! He should be protecting her! I don't trust him alone with her, and if she went with him, I should be there watching them!" Sare said indignantly. In actuality, she did trust Makiyu, almost looked to him as an older brother, but as a young adolescent, couldn't let others know that.

Gerret shook his head, hiding his smile.
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