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tHe VaMpIrE ChRoNiClEs


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In the year 1575 a village was covered in darkness controlled by an evil human king gifted by a mage with powers of near immortality. He dared anyone to challenge him and his amies one man stepped forward from the village to stop him he left on a quest to find enough people to challenge the kings goons
Will put in sign in form tomorrow on the 14th and will also finish the beginning story.

Sign in Form

race (human werewolf vampire)


Name: Daniel Delarosa
powers: Telekinesis super jump and speed fire control
Weapon: a sword with a curved blade and also fire covering the blade And another blade the glows blue they are both Reaver swords
Race: Vampire
Age: 26 (300)
height: 6'5
weight: 202
Bio:He is the last of his family he has been living peacefully in the town purged by evil but he found out that he is the only one able to find warriors quick enough.He is actually a quiet person who tried to live in peace but thanks to the new evil he has to face he cannot live in peace at all which is why he is trying to fix which is funny because he cannot live without the blood of humans. Every night he would kill someone in the town but he never got arested because he was feared the only person who did not fear him was a young human girl who always seemed to cling to him (( <-- she will need to be played by someone)) He never noticed the evil but this is probably because he had quit paying attention to the winds since he moved here.

we need 7 people to be on his side and 7 on the kings side plus the king so i need 15 people this number may be edited because i am starting it soon as at least 5 are on each side
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Guest satanicdios
Name: Steph
Powers:Telekenesis, telepathy,
Weapon: Swords, Hands,magic, everything anyone gives me..
race : vampire
Age: 18 (260)
height: 5'8
Weight: 160
bio: last of her family. wants revenge for the king killing her family..
( I will be on ur side botosai)
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Name: Xavier.
Powers: Mind control, Superhuman strength.
Weapon(s): KatarsX2, Iron staff.
Race: Vampire.
Sex: Male.
Age: Unknown.
Height: 5'8.
Weight: 178
Bio: Searching for his past.
Description: Wears a long black trenchcoat thats hides his weapons.
(I want to be on your side botosai.)
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[size=1][color=navyblue]Hey guys, welcome to the boards. A few things.

First of all, I'd ask you all to put a little more effort into your posts. If you could step up a bit on proper grammar and spelling, that would be wonderful. We try to keep a certain standard of quality here in the arena and these don't quite cut it yet.

Also, your sign-ups could use some work as well. The RPG is nothing without its characters, and characters are nothing until you give them a good, detailed, thought-out background. If you want to make the story more interesting, you might try and improve on your character's stats some more.

For more information about all this, please check out Harlequin's sticky at the top of the forum - you might find it to be very useful. Any more questions or comments, feel free to PM myself or one of the other mods for further help.

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Guest HumaniodTyphoon
Name: Rynn
Powers: Besides being a Lycanthrope none
Weapon: A form fitting glove with spikes
race: Werewolf
Age: Unknown
Weight:123 lbs
bio: Rynn was orphaned as a boy by Peter Stubbe, the first true werewolf. Stubbe turned the boy into a fellow lupin and trained him. Over a millenia he has presented himself in legends but only he can seperate his past. He hates all forms of vampires but he can suck up his pride and work with one.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Name: Shanti Charlotte
Powers:telepathy, controls animals and some times humans
weapons:Daggers, whip, swords (she collects swords)
bio:Shanti was take in care of by her brothers for as long as she could remember after her parents died at a young age.She and her brothers were once very well respected artist. She liked to draw and paint and stuff. her twin brother Sean was a musican and her oldest brother Mase who was 19 made vaulable swords with nice designs on them. He always gave her one of his swords on her birthday because she thought they were pretty. One day they were attacked by a werewolf. They escaped with their lives. Soon after they changed in to werewolfs. Shanti and her brothers traveled for a while. Until they ran in to some of the kings men. They slaughtered her brothers who managed to get her to safe grounds before they died. Now Shanti wants the king dead.She carrys her brothers swords to honor them. her pesonality is very sweet. She loves music, art, and nature. But, she is also dangerous and violent at the same time. She easily gets angry.
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Name- Angelus
Powers- all vampire powers plus can cast spells and he has the gem of amara which means sunlight cant hurt him, can dissappear into shadows and portals, and can go to the future and back
Weapon- staff that has two plasma balls on the ends that change into any weapon, guns, stakes, and a lazer sword
race- vampire
Age- 366(looks 13)
height- 5"6'
Weight- 100
bio- in the future he was cursed by a gypsie who gave him back his soul wich means he is a good vampire but if he gets one second of true happyness he looses his soul again becoming evil:flaming:, he is from the future and has fururistic knowlegde. Has two pet white tigers.
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Name: Rannos Quiron
Powers: Is able to summon demons weaker than himself to do his bidding. Also can transform into a demon himself.
Weapon: A staff forged from the souls of mortals (Soulsteel) is used both as a quarterstaff and as a way to use a limited power spell. ( Dark Blast: Knocks opponent back 20 ft.) When in demon form has a black blade with runes scaling either side.
Race: Vampire
height: 6' 3"
Weight: 140 lb.
Bio: Born and raised by the spawn of darkness, he has been taught to hate werewolves and feed upon humans. He left his place among demons to set right the evil of the King. Mainly because he believes that only vampires should have the gift of immortality.
Appearance: Tall and thin with incredibly pale skin. He wears a black leather armor with a blood red cloak. He has blood red eyes with frosty wjiote hair. Attatchment is demon form.

*If you couldn't tell, I'm with Batosai
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Guest HumaniodTyphoon
Angelus, that's a good show. Of course the Ring of Amara was destroyed. Seems to be a lot of vapires nowadays. No one wants to be a werewolf. Too bad.
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  • 1 month later...
[QUOTE=Zantar Shadow]Name- Angelus
Powers- All vampire powers plus has futuristic knowlege,futuristic gadgets, and can go to the future and back.
Weapon- Staff that has two plasma balls on the ends that change into any weapon, guns, stakes, and a lazer sword.
race- vampire
Age- 130(looks 13)
height- 5"6'
Weight- 100
bio- In the future he was cursed by a gypsie who gave him back his soul wich means he is a good vampire but if he gets one second of true happyness he looses his soul again becoming evil:flaming:, he is from the future and has fururistic knowlegde. Has two pet white tigers.His mother named him Angelus.[/QUOTE]
OOC : Zantar Shadow doesn't want to be in this anymore so he gave me his charater. Do not pm him because I am him.
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  • 1 month later...
Name: Gash
Powers: Fast Healing, Superior Strength, Superior Agility, Canine Empathy
Weapon: Claws and Fangs (Only fights in werewolf form)
Race: Werewolf
Age: 18
Height: 6'ft 2"in (Human Form); 6'ft 10"in (Werewolf Form)
Weight: 175 lbs (Human Form); 450 lbs (Werewolf form)

"Gash" (as he calls himself) is a young lycanthrope who has truly embraced his beastly heritage. After living most of his life with abusive parents, Gash ran away to the forest near his home. He had always been told that there were terrifying beasts in those woods, but he never took the stories seriously. He always liked to run to the forest, because it was more of a stable home for him than the house he lived in with his parents. Eventually, the young boy came face-to-face with the monsters in the woods. The creatures nearly killed Gash, but the beasts sensed something in him and decided to let him live. The creatures in the woods decided to make him one of their own, so they infected him with their lycanthropic curse and allowed him to join their pack. After the boy healed, he returned to his parents' home and tore their throats out. Gash is now on his own, looking for other young lycanthropes to start his own pack with.
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  • 2 weeks later...

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