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Finally after a long day the last period ended with a ring. Everyone leaped up and ran out of the room as fast as they could. But Matt had something else in mind. He was just leaving when..

"Hey! Wait!" he heard the familiar voice of Kari. He turned and saw that with her was Ceris and James.

"Ceris and I are going to swim practice... I don't know about James but ya know... you coming?" she finished.

"Uhh ya! That's where I was going! So umm... let's go!" he exclaimed. The four walked confidently through the halls towards the pool. Matt couldn't wait to see who would make the team. This would be fun.

When they finally arrived at the pool area, they noticed alot of students showed up. This also meant alot of them would be disapointed.

"Let's begin. First we will do a warm-up excersize and then some laps. I'll be watching you..." explained the teacher. He started the warm-up with some jumping jacks and went on from there....

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[size=1]Shin streched and ran in place for warm ups, and after he was down he sat down, waiting for more information on what they will be doing. Everyone else started to sit down near the pull, and the teacher walked by them.

"What we are going to do is do laps. I will see who gets in or not. Only ten of you will get in. That will be the swim team," he said. Only ten? Alot wouldn't make it, but Shin hope he did. The teacher started to count them. "Seems even. Two of you will go up againist each other, and whoever wins is on the swim team."

The teacher pointed to a boy with blond hair and a girl with brown. "What are your names?"

"Matt Perrigry." the boy with blond hair said. The teacher wrote it down, and looked to the girl.
"Lilly Fern." she said. They both got into the pool, and the teacher shouted "Go". The two jetted to the other side, both Matt raced pasted her. Matt won, and the teacher crossed out Lilly's name. Two girls cheered for him near Shin.
"Now," he pointed to Shin, and boy. The boy had grey hair, and red eyes. He gave Shin a nasty look, and Shin looked away. "Your names?"
"Ken Robertsons." the other boy said. The teacher looked at Shin.
"Shin Hakai." he said. He got into the pull. The water was cold, but he readied for the race. He heard "Go!" and he raced to the other side. He touched it, and raced back. He looked next to him to see the boy. The teacher blinked.

"........ Both of you are in......." he said as he lefted the names unmarked. Shin looked back at the boy. He didn't know what to say, but he felt strange near him. Shin took a seat near the pool, and waited for the next race to begine.

OCC: For the rest of you who are trying out, just follow the same kind of thing. You don't have to win also, just to let you know.[/size]
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Ceris stretched, wondering who her opponent would be. Mr. Smith (the swim coach) was so odd this year. Why was he doing try-outs like this? Probably to make sure that she wasn't on the team this year, she thought grimly. He had probably had enough of her 'attitude' last year. Well, nothing to do but to try.

Mr. Smith glared at her, "Next up, Ceris Opel and James Leonheart!" Ceris quickly tried to hide her surprise. When had James decided to try out? From what she remembered, that kid had never done anything except skip class. She looked over at him, and saw him wink at her. She looked back down at her feet, fighting her blush.

They both took positions, and at the whistle, both were rocketing through the water. The students who were watching were betting on who was going to win. The girls were asking each other how much they knew about James; they avoided the subject of Ceris, since she scorned their ditzy type.

Ceris cut smoothly through the water, calm now in its familiar embrace. She had practiced through the summer, swimming laps everyday at the neighborhood pool. She used her slight embarrassment at being nervous into energy, kicking harder and making her strokes smoother and faster. James kept up right along with her, although she didn't know it. She fought the temptation to 'see' into him and cause some acid build-up in his muscles... She was determined to win this fair and square.

James was barely keeping up with Ceris. Jeez she's fast, he thought, keeping in pace with her. She must have trained. Suddenly there were at the wall, and both flip-turned in unison, starting back. For some reason he really wanted to win. He didn't touch his powers; they would be near next to useless in the water.

The end kept getting nearer, and then it was over. Both stood up in the water, looking at Mr. Smith.

He coughed, "Neither of you made it."

"What??" Ceris asked in disbelief.

He shrugged, "Well, you tied. So neither of you won."

Matt and Kari now spoke up, "But neither of them lost. So they both won. You have to let them on the team." Most of the students were nodding their heads, and glaring at Mr. Smith. Ceris held her tongue, fighting back the torrent of words that she could feel building up...and the majority of them would probably not aid her cause... James looked at her and almost laughed.

Finally, Mr. Smith sighed, "Fine. You're both on."

Ceris smiled, getting out of the pool and getting her towel.
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Brandon spent all day trying to get information about the person he saw in the pool, finally he got his locker number and name.

Locker: 543

Brandon started to write a note while walking down the hallway. It states "I dont think your the only one that can do something like you did in the pool, if you wanna talk call me on my cell *fake number* and we'll talk more". With that Brandon finally reached Jedgar's lokcer, he didn't know the combinaiton so he phased through the door and placed the note in there.

(Hmm, there's no one in this hallway...so I think i'll have a little fun) thought Brandon. So he started to phase through all the lockers and into some empty classrooms, walking through desks and walls.

"Sometimes when your bored, have a little fun!" stated Brandon as he continued his fun.
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Since Matt finished his run he decided to go to the bathroom. As he was walking down the halls he realized that he forgot his notes in math! All he had to do was run in and back out. Nobody was in the halls so it wouldn't be bad if he just had his bathing suit and a lifeguard t-shirt on.

He finally came to the door and pushed it open. This is where it got harsh. There was a kid pushing his way through solid objects without moving them.

"Well. I guess I'm not the only one then." said Matt. This surprised the kid and he stopped "phasing" in the middle of an object.

"It's not what you think it is!" he yelled, phasing out of the desk. Matt confronted him softly and reassuringly.

"It's ok. I'm an S.H. too."

"S.H.?" he asked.

"Super Human. So I guess I should tell you my "power"?" exclaimed Matt. He was a bit excited.

"I think I know now. I remember seeing you underwater for 5 minutes in the pool. I thought you just held your breathe for a long time but I take it that's your power?" explained the kid.

"Yes and lots of other things with water aswell. My name's Matt.. your's?" questioned Matt.

"Brandon. The name's Brandon."[/color]
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James grinned and got out of the pool. He didn't know exactly why he tried out, probably just to be doing something. Whatever, now he was stuck with it. The chlorine hit his nose like a hammer, and he hoped silently that being there was a good thing. James watched Mr. Smith grumble and moan as he put his and Ceris's name on the acceptence list.

He almost laughed at the teacher's expression, when he turned and glared at him. James quickly looked away, the last thing he wanted to do was get sworn out by another teacher. He slowly walked towards the door to leave when Mr. Smith's voice stopped him. "Not yet, Leonheart. Wait until the end of tryouts."

"Why? I already went."

"Just wait until the team is made."

James sighed. He didn't want to be stuck here longer than he needed to, he had things to do. He turned and spotted Ceris on the other side of the pool, and decided to go over. "You did pretty good out there." She nodded. "Thanks. You too." He grinned, seeing that she stopped giving him the cold shoulder. "Course, the teacher here don't like you much either. Not exactly a teacher's pet, are ya?"
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"I could say the same for you," Ceris replied, nodding in Mr. Smith's direction. James looked over and saw that the coach was still glaring at them, not even paying attention to the race at hand.

James grinned, "Well, what can I say. I'm just not too fond of overly pompous-"

"Careful," Ceris interrupted, "water carries sound, and it doesn't take much to echo in here." She looked at Mr. Smith again, but he had turned away. She breathed a sigh of relief, and looked back at James. "You know, I don't think hanging around you is going to help my image much..."

James looked at her, surprised at this sudden brush-off.

She smiled wryly, "I'm just kidding. I don't have an image to keep, as you already know, but a sense of humor is always a good thing to keep around."
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Tr'shiel took note of everyone who was there swimming and just kinda sat in the background not wanting to break any consentration. She just sat there reading a book greatful to be out of a crazy first day of school.

She saw James and a girl called Ceris standing about after James run. She would have congradulated him but didn't. She sat where she was still reading. Looking at everyone else who was swimming knowing that she wouldn't be a part of the group.

It may have been her culture dfference that stopped her ,but then she realized she was just as American as the others and got off her butt. The book was stuffed into her bag and she started to moved down the sepps slowly so that she wouldn't slip( Her shoes weren't the right type to wear.)

She approcached both of them slowly and yelled lightly to James. Trying not to disturb the Coach.

"Good job James," she spoke straightening her bag. " So you gonna join the team?"

He looked at her for a moment before speaking to her.

"I'm not sure yet, but you know you hurt me when you ran into me this morning." He started to rub his arm and looked at Tr'shiel.

"Well I thought a strong person like you could handle a little bump like that." James stared at her awkwardly getting a little annpyed with her presence. "But I apologize for hurting you."

Tr'shiels accent had slowed her speech for a while knowing she couldnt talk as fast as she usually did. She looked at Ceris and said hello to her as well realizing how rude she was being.

"Hi, Ceris right," she strecthed out her hand hoping Ceris would accept it. "My name's Tr'shiel, nice to meet you."

Ceris replied by reaching her hand out to the girl and nodded," Nice to meet you to..."

The conversation was left there for a moment before Tr'shiel tried to liven things up a bit.

"You were great out there too" she said softly

"Thanks, but how about you, are you going to try out?"

"I don't think I can swim that well either. So I think I'll stay on the side lines."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[color=green]Jedgar stopped by his locker to deposit some of his unneeded books before he went to the swim team tryout. No sense in carrying home books for subjects in which he had no homework.

Throwing down his books, Jedgar noticed a note stuck on the inside of his locker. Odd, nobody had his combination?

He unfolded the piece of paper and read the message.

A chill ran up his spine. Someone knew. Someone had seen him. Damn.

Jedgar emptied the contents of his locker into his backpack, tripling the weight. After making sure he hadn?t left anything behind, he tossed the note back inside the locker and slammed the door. He wouldn?t be returning to this locker.

In fact, he was now really spooked. Someone had seen him in the pool. Which meant that person would likely be joining the swim team. Guess that was out of the question.

As he walked to the school?s main office, he pulled his schedule from his pocket. Just one more thing to do before he went home. He opened the office door and waited to be noticed as he stood in front of the main desk.

[B]Secretary[/B]: ?Is there something I can do for you??

[B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Yes, I?d like to change out of swimming class?

[B]Secretary[/B]: ?Are you sure, it?s a gre-?

[B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Yes, I?m sure.?

[I]The secretary sat down at her computer, and opened up to his schedule[/I]

[B]Secretary[/B]: ?What class would you like to switch to??

[B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Tech. Ed.?

[B]Secretary[/B]: ?Ok, it?s done. I?ll notify your swimming teacher.?

[B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Thanks?

[I]Jedgar turned around a left the room at a brisk walk.[/I][/color]
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Brandon was still shook up that someone had seem use his powers, but was kinds releaved that he was talking to someone that knows what he is going through. Brandon was still a little shakey though.

"There's nothing to be nervious about" stated Matt as he sat down on one of the desks.

"I know, its just...well i'm still a little shocked thats all. By the way, do you know anyone else that has a unique gift?" questioned Brandon.

"Naw, not really" Matt answered. They both talked for about 10 mins. on the subject. Then they both shared on how they received their powers and what it feels like to use them.

"Oh man look at the time, i gotta get back to the pool. It was nice meeting you Brandon" gasped Matt as he got up and left
the room.

"You too, see ya' later" replied Brandon. After that, Brandon, checked JAdgar's locker to see if he had gotten the note. So Brandon phased through the door and came out with a shocked expression "Everything is gone.........but why?"
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"Hey, can we go yet?" Ceris asked, yelling across the pool to Mr. Smith.

He glared, "If you go, you have to do 10 laps more than everyone else at first practice!"

Ceris thought, and then shrugged, "Heck, why not? You guys up for it?" She walked out, waving to Mr. Smith, "See you at practice coach!" He glared.

Then she turned back to Kari, Matt, and James, "Hey, you guys coming or what?"
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James grinned. "Ah, why not?" He walked out, waving to Mr. Smith as he left. Mr. Smith's face burned red with anger. "Well, I guess that's a save for a save." He said, turning to Ceris. "What? When did you ever save me?" James grinned. "I saved you from the office, remember? You never thanked me for that, by the way." Ceris sighed. "Oh yeah. You turned. I would have never thought of that."

James grinned before recognizing the insult. "Hey! It's not the brain to do it, it's the guts to do it. You would have never turned if I hadn't egged you on."

"oh, really?"

"Yes really." He grinned, and turned to Kari and Matt. "C'mon! Get the led out!"
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They all walked down the halls, Kari and Matt somewhat less jubilantly than Ceris and James, since they didn't want to swim 10 extra laps. As they passed the cafeteria on their way out, they heard a large group of people.

"Leave me alone! I didn't do anything to you! What's your problem?"

"Little f*****, think you can talk to us that way?" The sound of a fist hitting flesh echoed, and someone groaned.

Ceris ran over immediately, throwing the doors wide open. She saw one of the jocks standing over a short, little kid, with all his cronies behind him. They were some of the richer kids of the school...and they had obviously been torturing the poor little kid.

She glared, "Picking on little kids again? What, did I whoop your butt so bad last time, that you're practicing on midgets?" James, Matt, and Kari followed. Kari immediately went over to Jedgar, who was on the ground holding his stomach. Unbeknownst to Kari, however, was that Jedgar had quickly turned his stomach to liquid at the same time the punch landed, diminishing the force of the blow. He pretended to be hurt, watching the group take on the bullies.

A tall kid with a slanted cap sneered, "Ah, it's the Nazi Ceris. Come to greet us again?"

"Nazi? I'll ignore you this time, and give you a chance to walk away. How about apologizing? To both of us," Ceris's eyes had narrowed, and she was barely containing her fury.

The kid laughed, shrugging and turning to his friends, "Hey, she's had a change of heart. She's not the Nazi anymore, she's Mother Theresa!" He turned back to Ceris. "As for the dwarf, he's not worth the effort of apologizing. And you?" He laughed and shrugged.

"Careful, Chris, I'd watch where I was going with this conversation," Ceris warned, her fingers twitching. James wondered if she was anticipating strangling the little bugger.

The kid called Chris turned, the ugly sneer on his face again. He readjusted his cap, and then smiled. "I think that YOU should be careful. You're outnumbered five to one. Think you can still whoop us this time?"

James now stepped forward, "Hey, she's not alone. I'll be lending my services to her for this round, if that's what she needs."

Chris smirked, "You? I've heard of you. James, isn't it? Yeah, the lazy kid who plays hookie and thinks he's some Jap gangster. Get lost before you get hurt."

Ceris turned to Matt and Kari, "Hey, will you two go and get that kid out of here? And check if he's ok." Kari and Matt started helping Jedgar up, (since he was still pretending.) She turned to Chris, and stepped forward, "Ok, are you going to match your big mouth?"

Chris's group surrounded him, "You're going to get it, I'm warning you Opel." They started to surround James and Ceris.

"Wait!" Ceris said, holding up her hand. James looked at her. What was she doing?

Chris raised his eyebrows, "Losing your nerve already? I understand - it's hard for a female to stand up to her superiors."

"Ha, funny. No, I was suggesting that we take this somewhere less obvious, and some place where there'll be no interruptions. I'm just thinking, which is more than your monkies can do." Ceris turned and led the way outside. They all went into a deserted playground.

She turned again, "Ok, ready now. But Chris, one thing before we start. Just a tip for next time: if your enemy is superior, than avoid her." She smiled, waiting for their clumsy attacks, James waiting as well...
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[COLOR=darkblue]Kari stopped when they turned the corner.

"Matt, you gotta get this kid outta here. I'll go help Ceris and James." Kari said stopping.
"What? No. You can't." Matt protested.
"You're powers aren't of any use Matt. I can use mine to help them. Please." Kari said.

Kari looked into his eyes and he gave in.

"Alright. Be careful alright?" he said.
"Don't worry. Just get him out of here." Kari said as she raced back around the corner and to the deserted playground.

Ceris and James stood together facing Chris and his gang.

"Hey guys, I'm here to help." Kari said as she stepped next to Ceris.

"What do you want new girl?" Chris asked, knowing Kari was new to the school.
"I want to kick your ass." Kari replied cooly.

Ceris and James smirked. Kari was a dangerous one to be around for those who were against her.[/COLOR]
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James grinned as Kari prepared to fight. "This looks interesting. Twenty bucks I can get that one's nose broken." James signalled to one in back. Ceris shook her head. "Naw, too easy. Now if you could take it off all together..."

"Hey!" Chris yelled, a sign of fear in his voice. "Enough chatter already!" James paid no attention to him. "Hey, you guys got an extra cronie or two stashed away somewhere? five don't go to well between three."

"Shut up!" James was enjoying himself completely. "Alright, alright. All talk and no play makes Jack a dull boy." He put his guard up and bounced on his feet, readying his power for quick action. There was a pause, as they waited for the first punch to be thrown. "Let's rock!" James yelled, as he, Ceris, and Kari all chose their targets. James ran at Chris, who predictably threw a punch. James ducked under it and threw a punch at a cronie behind him, square in the jaw.
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[COLOR=darkblue]Kari ran towards a boy. The boy immediately stanced. Kari stood still.

"So...What's your name?" Kari asked.
"Nick...But what does it matter? I'm gonna pound you into the ground." Nick said rushing forward and starting to attack her.

Kari yawned and easily blocked all of his attacks.

"Come on. You can do better then this." Kari said kicking him and pushing him back.

He growled angrily and continued his pitiful assualt.

Kari grew tired of the game and attacked him quickly. She feigned a punch at his head and swept his feet from beneath him. He hit the ground and Kari pounced on top of him growling. Her eyes flashed yellow like Tiger eyes and Kari's nails grew sharper than before and she scratched at Nick. He screamed as long red lines were visible through the new scratches in his shirt. Kari turned normal and knocked him unconscious.

Kari got up and looked for another one. Kari grinned as she saw two others. They were attacking Ceris and James too. Kari ran over and grabbed one of them from Ceris and started again.

Kari started by playing the name game again. His name turned out to be Sean. Kari thought while Sean tried to hit her. She didn't know what animal to attack as. Then she got a lightbulb. Kari pushed him back with a kick and her nose grew into a trunk. Kari picked him up by an ankle and dangled him off the ground upside down. Kari hit him like a punching bag as he hung. Bruises were already starting to form on him when she dropped him not caring. Her trunk shrank back and Kari looked down at him. He had bruises and there was a black eye forming around his left eye.

Kari just shook her head. "Don't under-estimate the enemy." she said smirking.[/COLOR]
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Brandon immediately ran towards the cafeteria after he was in the main office. He saw on the security monetors how some kid was getting picked on and how some other group of kids was helping him. Brandon finally got ot the doors and saw the fight had already started, he noticed one of the bullies was about ot his a girl in the back while she was fighting with someone else. Brandon quickly grabbed the persons fist and did some move that threw him to the wall.

"Who are you?" the girl asked

"Names Brandon, nice to meet ya" he said as he guarded her back. "I met Matt out in the hallway when i was coming here, said you could use a little more help" Brandon smiled.

"Well thanks, names Ceris and he's James" she stated as she knocked one of the bullies out. "Over there is Kari" she pointed out, then continued to fight. Meanwhile the boy who Brandon tossed to the wall threw out a knife.

"Your mine short-stuff" he growled as he charged Brandon. When he tried to stab Brandon his whole body went through him. So he tried and tried again, but to no prevail. Finally Brandon put his hand on the shoulder of the guy and he sunk to the ground and only his head was popping up from the tile floor.

"You shouldn't attack someone with a knife, they could get hurt ya' know" he stated as he left the person there and went back to the fight.
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Matt couldn't take it anymore. He brought Jedgar to a bench in front of the nurses office and knocked on the door, quickly running to the park.
"What are you doing here? You know your powers are useless." whispered Kari, keeping off an enemy.

"Yes. That may be true. But I'm still quite a fighter myself." replied Matt. He ran towards the last man standing, his face meeting Matt's fist.

"I think that's all of them." said Ceris, triumphantly. But out from underneath the playground came 5 more men. One with a chain. Another with 2 knives and the rest with spiked fists.

"What're you doin', picking on my little brother, Chris, like that!?" yelled the one with the chain. Who was obviously the leader. Then.. something odd happened; it started to rain. Matt just smirked. He faught well in the rain. Wether it be his powers reacting to it.. or just some more undiscovered powers he had. It didn't matter because this was [i]his[/i] territory.[/color]
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Ceris noted the new group that had appeared at the playground. She was also smart enough to know that this was an experienced one, not like Chris's little mock fight. But she also knew that she was not with normal people. Throughout the fight, she had seen their powers come to life. They had forgotten their disguises.

James's had been hard to catch, and she still hadn't totally confirmed it. His skill in making his power look normal was very high indeed.

Kari's power had been obvious when an elephant's trunk had suddenly appeared from her face. And for Brandon, well, getting stabbed with a knife fifteen times and not bleeding had kind of made it obvious. As for Matt, she had seen him in the water, and that had been enough.

Ceris almost thought that the others in the group were lucky - their powers could be used almost anytime. Well, sort of, but more easily than hers could. But she turned her attention back the the five advancing thugs, and yelled out, "I hope you have bandaids, because poor little Chris here looks like he needs a couple..hundred."

Chris's older brother swung the chain menacingly, "Cocky little bitch. I've heard enough about you from Chris to know you're not all that you say you are. But don't say I didn't warn you; you're going to be in a world of hurt in a couple minutes...and I hope you told your parents you loved them this morning, because by the time we're through, you probably won't have a tongue..or a throat...or a body. We'll eat you alive."

Ceris's eyes narrowed, and she didn't speak anymore. What kind of weirdos were these? She felt the others' comforting presence around her, and was for the first time in her life, glad that she wasn't alone in this fight.

And then her breath was forced out of her, as the advancing group started to...change... Their skin seemed to stretch..and their eyes grew yellow and discolored. Their limbs seemed to grow longer.. What were these things???
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