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New Animation Style Test

Dragon Warrior

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Well, you've all seen my animations (or have you...) and have seen that I either use stick figures or goofy picture-like thingies (or have you...). Well, I'm trying something new. Though, it takes forever and makes the file quite large, it looks great once it's done. I'm still improving on it, but here are some current tests... Graphic-looks will be improved.

My test dummy, Dane, glady shows us his running and sword skills in these two animations I made. Yay, Dane!


[IMG]http://myimages.fourvalve.com/dragonwarrior/Dane-Swing.gif[/IMG] [/center]
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They're really great ^_^. The only thing is that the last frame of Dane swinging his sword goes much faster than the others, if you slowed that down a bit, it'd look perfect. Also, the tip of Dane's sword seems to not be colored in most of the frames, I don't know if you meant that to be the sword's shine or not, but I think it would look better totally colored in. Good job, though! You never cease to amaze me, DW!

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Haha. Nice work DW. These animations looks great. Dane is only a test dummy though- not important enough to recieve expert colouring. Poor fella. lol.

Really, though this looks great, I am perfectly content to see stick figures. Then we can view your comic genius quicker. It is your choice- but these animations do look excellent.
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Dane's just a test dummy. I didn't think he'd become popular XD Yeesh.

Anyways, some more tests have been done with Dane. This time I tested his actions with a yoyo and being hit by a car in the same animation.

If you have any ideas of things you want to see Dane do, post 'em. I need to challenge my animating skills :<
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That's funny! I like when the yo-yo falls to the ground afterward. And I like how you made the way Dane was hit by the car realistic: the way he moved, flew, and everything. Oh, and I have something I'd like Dane to do! I'd like him to hop on one leg, rub his tummy, pat his head and say "I am a 'dummy'" five times. Can you do that? If you can that'd be really kool!

Good job!


P.S. Tell Dane I said sorry for requesting he did something like that.
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Haha! Syk is always getting demeaned/killed/hurt. Must be something about him. A fallguy attitude or something.

Anyway, this animation is quite good. I love how Dane flew through the air, and his pose was marvellous. The blood was pretty good [I loved the crumpling body], and overall this animation style is progressing well. Speaking of which- when will Mr. T be ready for viewing?
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He's already up now :) I posted it a couple of minutes ago. It is, afterall, Otaku Movie Night.

Anyways, here's one of Dane falling. Ya know, just for the hell of it.

EDIT: Bytheway, those are strings or such for added effect, NOT falling lines. God knows if I wanted falling lines they wouldn't look like that XD
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