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SPIKE TV! First Network For Men! Have you seen....

Ryoko T.D.C.

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Yeah, well I'm a girl anyway.........but, have you ever seen MXC on spike TV? It's like, the funniest show ever! It's on TNT. It's like from China or Japan, and they have english voice overs. Its like a game show, but weirder then a game show. So if anyone has seen MXC, post!

~~Love always, Ryo.~~:smooch:
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Im not sure if this is the same show i have seen. Is it the show where chinese people haave to do stunts and they sometimes get hit by boulders and stuff??? If it is that is the funniest show! The stuff they talk about while they are playin the games and the way people act. It makes me laugh.
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I love the Spike it really was made to be funny I love Gary the Rat a show with the main character voiced by Kelsey Grammer from Frasier it is a very funny show. Another show I watch is Stripperla I think thats how its spelled the main character is voiced by Pamela Anderson shes a stripper by night and super hero by later night its kind of funny.
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[i][color=lightpink]Ohh!! I'v seen this show! I loved it too. I thought it was really funny and interesting, even though its not the translation but it's still humorus. I was wrestling my friend while watching it and we stopped when it came back on. ^.^[/color][/i]
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Guest Midnight Rush
Lol yes, MXC is hliarious. Vic Romano and Kenny Blankenship are abosolutely hilarious. Always full of puns (Captain Tenneal = Captain and Tenneal) and jokes, it really makes my sides hurt. Only problem is that most of the time it is a repeat thats on. Does anyone konw when new epidsodes show?
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Guest Midnight Rush
yeah, I think Guy LeDusch is just a poke at seedy lecherous pervs. he certainly is a perv lol, no style at all, not at all. lol anyways, what was your fav. episode? I loved the one where they have the terrorist attack using squirt guns and the US marshals on cloth ponies.
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Go Get Elimanted!!! Yeah I probably spelled that wrong but hey it's a three day weekend. Cut me some slack. :p yeah I love MXC. For a time all me and my dad did on Saturdays was watch it. We missed it this weekend...*sighs*....oh well. The way it's dubbed...well it deffinatly was dubbed for a men's network! Heh. It makes me actually want to see the orignal, Tekeshi's Castle, as Transtic Nerve pointed out. There is something funny about people breaking their spines on the log thing. Either that or I'm just a little messed up..wait I am. My bad.*turns on Matchbox 20's "Unwell" and starts singing along*
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All are my favorite! But if I had to choose one, it would be the one where this girl tries to catch this ball before it hits the mud, and it smacks her right in the face! And this guy goes up to her and says, "Hey, wanna here a dirty joke!?" and she says, "Don't come near me or I'll rip your f***ing balls off!" It was so funny! I fell to the floor laughing!
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MXC!!! One of the greatest shows ever. The only show that you can literaly watch only two minutes of it and laugh so hard you start to cry! lol. I love watching this show! It sure brightens my day, watching other people get hurt. I wonder if anyone has ever gotten suck while trying to get across the drying cement? My fav. will always be the one where they have to walk across the moving logs. This one girl, i mean, she fell, her body litteraly bent in half! It had to be painful but it was so damn hilarious! I couldn't stop laughing!!!! Great show...great show...
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[color=darkblue] Yes, I've been seeing this show MXC for like a month now, and it's plain hilarious. I mean, how can this people take so much hurting? And the voice overs are great too, just too funny. Father Laffy Pants, Pen-Dejo(wich is a bad word in spanish), the names go on and on. A very good show.

But I guess it's just no fair that they make fun of Japanesse or Chinesse people this way. They are obviously not saying what the translation is, so that's a minus in my point of view.

"Remember, Don't get Eliminated!"[/color]
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[color=crimson]It always seems to be on, so when ever I have nothing better to do, I put it on. Most Extreme Elimination! It's so funny. I love the voiceovers of the competitors. Some are kinda rude, but others are hysterical. "Oh, look, a birdy!" >falls off log< It's a very interesting show.

~Lumi ^_^[/color]
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