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Digimon: A New Evil


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Gypsymon walked to the edge of the sand, towards the forest.
"There should be plenty of easy prey over there. Once I'm satisfied, I'll regroup with Karanlik and we'll finish the Digidestined while they're vulnerable and out of their element."
Gypsymon had continued to walk as she thought, and nearly didn't notice a Wormmon dozing in a tree.
[i]Perfect. An appetizer.[/i]
Gypsymon went back a ways and digivolved into Witchmon. The noise awoke the Wormmon, but it was too late for him to move. She lunged foreward, and the Wormmon let out a scream.
"Big Brother!!"
"[i]Double Impact![/i]"
Two shots struck Witchmon in the back, dropping her mid lunge. She winced quietly and whirled around. A Beelzemon stood behind her, both guns still smoking.
"How dare you mess with my little brother! You're lucky that he wants you for himself." The Beelzemon started to glow, and an Impmon took his place. "I'd turn around if I were you."
"[i]Moon Shooter![/i]"
Stingmon hit Witchmon in the same spot that Beelzemon had hit her. She sunk to her knees and de-digivolved. Stingmon landed beside Impmon.
"You're obviously injured, so I won't continue. Let this be a lesson to you to never mess with anyone in this area."
Stingmon picked up Impmon and flew away.
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[COLOR=darkred]Honru stood up and started walking around the valley.Wizardmon lingered behind.
"If you harm her in any way I will destroy you".Wizardmon said angerly and followed Honru.Karanlik looked at the digimon strangly and he got up and ran after Honru.Honru stopped walking and waited for Karanlik.
"By the way my names Honru what's yours"?
"It's Karanlik".
Wizardmon followed behind Karanlik and stared at him angerly.Karanlik looked behind him and looked at the digimon's love for the girl.Honru frowned she knew she shouldn't trust the boy but that voice seemed like a digimon when she had told Magemon about it he said the digimon was Virtualmon.
"Karanlik do you know a digimon named Virtualmon"?
"Why do you ask"?
"Well Mage..er...Wizardmon was sure that was the digimon that was on my computer screen last night".
"The one told me to join him rember I told you about that".Honru said.
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Chocomon looked at the others and realized they were flying. Chocomon blinked and wiggled a bit. She soon got free of the pack and wiggled all the way out. She still glared at the back of the humans head and leapt off the pokemon and fell towards the water.

"Bye" She said as she landed in the water and watched the others continue flying away. "Hmm..."

Chocomon looked around, "Figures they would ignore me... Kinda surprising though. Ah maybe they will notice meybe they wont. If they do im sure they will both be glad Im gone."

Chocomon wiggled a bit and she began floating or swiming in one direction. A small rookie digimon swam under her and rose to the surface with her on its back.

"You...uh lost?" The digimon said.

"Not really lost but I do need to get to the land... Who are you?"

"If you be givin me your name ill be givin you mine."

"Fine... Chocomon."

"Chocomon eh? Hmm think i have heard that name before... Ah well my name is Otamamon and Ill take you to shore."


"No Problem... but hey werent you with those humans?"

"I uh... No."

"Hmm...alright hold on!" The little digimon moved its tail and swam towards the nearest shore.
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Karanlik: (Thinking) Holy shit! Just the kind of person I didn't want to meet! But it's a good thing I decided to do the fakeout. Virtualmon wouldn't have been happy if I had killed her. (Out loud) Yes, I know Virtualmon. Believe it or not, he's the one I'm working for.

Honru: What?!

Karanlik: I'm doing this for him. It's a good thing I didn't kill you, because he wouldn't have liked that. He seems to want you to help him. It's a good thing I tricked you.

Honru: What?

Karanlik: I decided to trick you. I acted like I couldn't control myself when I became Velgmon, but I could. I wanted you to underestimate me, and I also wanted to make sure you didn't know anything. Trust me, I could have easily taken you out as Velgmon if I had tried to. Anyways, if Virtualmon really wants you to help him, then you should be able to contact him with your digivice. I'd stay with you, but there's something wrong with me right now. I don't know what, but it made me attack an ally before. I don't want that to happen again. If you need to find me, I'm heading toward the desert area. It's the only place I have any reason to go to. (Karanlik walks off, headed toward the desert)
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[color=dark red]Gypsymon stomped away, full of jealousy. She thought, "How come I can't Digivolve to Mega yet? I can't even Digivolve to Ultimate!" Then, Clair spoke to her... "Don't worry," she said in a comforting tone, "you'll Digivolve to Ultimate quite soon, I expect. But first, you must defeat that group of Patamon over there." "Patamon, huh?" Gypsymon murmured to herself. Then she wandered off towards the woods and saw a group of Patamon playing around and having a good time. "Clair was right, as always," Gypsymon thought as she snuck up on the Patamon.

"Gypsymon Digivolve to..."

"Poison Storm!" Witchmon shouted as she fired the attack at the four Patamon there. They winced in pain, one in particular who got hit with the most poison needles. One Patamon rushed over to the injured one and tried to comfort him, while the other two attacked. "Boom Bubble!!" But the attacks didn't make a dent in Witchmon, them being Rookies and her being a Champion. "Thunder Spell!" Witchmon declared. A direct hit for the two Patamon. But then, the last Patamon standing got mad...

"Patamon Digivolve to..."

"Oh great," Witchmon thought to herself," "this is not my lucky day! I need luck! Power! Anything!" Then a voice called to her... something saying "Now!!" to her. She stood in a trance for a while and then...

"Fist of Fate!" Angemon shouted as he aimed a punch. Witchmon quickly dodged it. "Thunder Spell!" Angemon dodged it. "Come on," Witchmon thought, "I'm just trying to do my job!" She megan saying that out loud, almost so that Angemon could hear her. Then, Angemon attacked again, scoring a direct hit. But Witchmon did not De-Digivolve; instead, when she glowed, something weird happened...

"Witchmon Digivolve to..."

"Spirit Needle!" Arukenimon shouted as she threw hair everywhere, causing several Kabuterimon and a MegaKabuterimon to appear. She then laughed menacingly, declaring "You'll never defeat me, Angemon! Kabuterimon, attack!" Electric shocks flew everywhere, all hitting Angemon with a full blast. "Spider Thread!" Arukenimon declared at the same time, hitting the three Patamon with the attack, turning them into data that she absorbed. She did the same with Angemon.

"Ah yes," Arukenimon said with a sigh of relief, "that was most refreshing. Now I must find Karanlik and the Digidestined before they Digivolve further!"

* * *

"Interesting," Clair thought. "My prediction was right, as always. Just wait until I join her. Hey, that's an idea! Maybe I should do that!" Then she spoke to Virtualmon aloud. "Hey, Virtualmon, mind if I go out into the Digital World to help out Arukenimon?"
"Arukenimon? Don't you mean Witchmon?" Virtualmon asked.
"She just Digivolved a few minutes ago."
"Your powers are strong, but I can't risk you getting destroyed. You're the most valuable ally I have, you know."
"You're so sweet... Anyways, I know I can handle those Digidestined with Arukenimon's help. Will you let me? Please?"
"On one condition." Virtualmon then rummaged through a drawer and took something out. "Ah here it is! Clair, this is what I call an Alpha Spire. You should put it on your hat or something. It's been specially designed to amplify your powers." "Thanks," Clair said as she laughed evilly under her breath. "I can feel the power already," she muttered to herself. "Now I know that I will succeed."

"Just for a little test, try to throw me across the room without touching me," Virtualmon said, sounding like a teacher giving a pop quiz. Clair gave him a weird look, then smiled and laughed softly. "Piece of cake," she muttered under her breath. Then she focused her mind on him, trying to make him move... At the same time, Virtualmon floated in midair and his body glowed, trying to prevent himself from moving. But within a second, he flew across the room with ease, crashing into the wall. "One second, not bad..." Virtualmon muttered, sounding dizzy. He then shook his head vigorously, getting back up and floating again. "Well, I guess you can go now," he said to Clair, trying to make a smile out of his robotic face. Clair then left the room and went through the portal to the Digital World.

* * *

Arukenimon walked through the woods, changing into her human form. Suddenly, she heard something that sounded like a blast up ahead, in a clearing.

"Psychic Storm!!" Clair shouted, defeating a few Palmon and a new Digimon named Flowamon. This Flowamon belonged to a girl named Katrina, who was sitting nearby, crying. "Now don't cry, little girl," Clair cooed. "Bad things happen. And you just so happened to be in my way." Then, she took out something that was similar to a Digivice, but different. "You see," Clair continued, "I'm (almost) a Digispirited. But I'm kinda half human, half Digimon, you know..." Then she ran away, leaving behind a stranded Katrina.

After about a minute of running, Clair halted quickly. She had nearly ran straight into Arukenimon. "Oh there you are," she said to her, happy to see her in person rather than on a screen. Both of them walked through the woods towards the desert, hoping to find the Digidestined there.[/color]
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Otamamon waved goodbye as it leve Chocomon on the shore. Chocomon wandered into the forest near the beach and stoped near some ground grape like fruit. She nibbled on some and then wandered into a small hole in the trunk of a tree where she sat for a while and rested.

After about 10 minutes she flet that familliar feeling and crawled out of the tree. She glowed and digivolved back into Lopmon. Lopmon shook her head and ears before walking to the nearest climable tree to see where she was exactly so she could figure out where she is going.

She noticed Duskmon walking towards the desert and the sudden urge to ask him a question again over throws her current thoughts. She looked around again and noticed something of intrest... Yoko Village.

Lopmon lept from the tree and glided with her ears towards the village. She would get info or food... Lopmon still had things deep in her mind bugging her. Like what was that boy thinking...she should have attacked him... that foul...yet strangely caring human. Lopmon shook her head and landed by the village. She slowly approched.
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Duke brushed himself off and looked around. They were on a long beautiful beach. Thanks to their jumping through the vortex, they now had now idea where they were.

"Guilmon, where are we?"asked Duke.
Guilmon shook his head."I don't know."

Duke tried again. "Can you sense any of the others?
Guilmon shook his head again. Duke pulled out his D-Ark but the others were too far away for it to detect.
He looked out over the water, it looked beautiful in the sunlight.
He snapped out of his trance long enough to see that something was disturbing the water's surface. A large Seadramon shot up out of the water. Without hesitating Guilmon plunged into the cold surf. Swimming powerfully and with suprising agility for such a lumbering dinosaur. "Pyro Sphere!"
"Ice Blast!"
Seadramon's attack overpowered Guilmon's, but missed him.
"DigiModify! White Wings Activate!"
Now with wings, Guilmon leaped up out of the surf and hovered in midair. His claws ignited and he slashed them downward through the air. "ROCK BREAKER!"
It slashed across Seadramon's face, making him really mad.
His tail hit Guilmon and threw him into the sand, and he gingerly got up. "DigiModify! DigiVolution Activate!"


Guilmon DigiVolve to..........Growlmon!


Growlmon leaped at Seadramon. One of his claws extended and he slashed at Seadramon, making him become mere data. He absorbed it
"Nice work!" shouted Duke.
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Gomamon calmed down and jumped back to the ground .

"Thanks Maria i feel alot better".

Maria smiled at her Digimon. then she spoke to him.

"Gomamon, we gotta go to the digiital world. Theres a portal come on lets go".
Gomamon looked at his tamer with a shock.

"What? No way im letting you go there. Its too dangerous you'll get hurt. I....."

Too late Maria ran through the portal and Gomamon sighed and ran after her. Then suddenly Gomamon and Marai found themselves on a beach in the digital world. Gomamon smiled.

"I like this beach. It brings back good memories".

Maria nodded then looked up at the sky. She had a shocked expression on her face. Because someone or something was flying towards the beach. It looked like a giant bird.
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(Karanlik had become Duskmon to move faster. When he reached water, he had changed to Velgmon to fly over it. While doing so, he sees a girl with a Digimon partner. He lands by them and devolves)

Karanlik: Hello.

Maria: What the heck?!

Karanlik: You have a Digimon partner. Instead of me having one, I can become a Digimon.

Maria: Who are you?

Karanlik: My name's Karanlik.

Maria: I'm Maria.

Karanlik: Who's side are you on?

Maria: What?

Karanlik: I need to know who's side you're on.

Maria: I don't know what you're talking about.

Karanlik: Wait. I've seen you before. You were at the basketball court, weren't you?

Maria: So?

Karanlik: So you're on the other side. See, I'm the guy who was Duskmon. So I'm afraid that I have to kill you. And I'll use my stronger Digimon form, just in case you have any hidden tricks.

(Karanlik Beast Spirit Evolves to Velgmon and takes off, circleing overhead)

Gomoman: You have to make me digivolve!

Maria: How?

Gomamon: Use the card! Swipe it through your digivice!

Maria: I'll try. (She swipes a digivolution card through her digivice. Gomamon digivolves to Ikakkumon) Whoa!

Ikakkumon: I don't know if I can win, but I'll do my best.

Maria: Be careful.
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Lopmon wandered into the village and was approched by the learder... A biyomon.

"Hello stranger... What is your buisness here..?" It asked holding out its hand.

Lopmon shook it carefully, "Uh... I come to gether some information and perhaps some easliy carried food... I have a lot of traveling to do."

"Such a small digimon... Why are you alone?" A birdramon lands behind her.

"uh... Why do you ask?" Lopmon turned to see it was the same birdramon from the past.

"Oh because the forest and beaches are over flowing with humans now adays. Just thinking you were with one..."

"Uh...riiiiight. Ill just be moving on now..." Lopmon took a step forward only to feel one of birdramon's feet latch on to her. "Hey let go! I never did anything to you... recently."

"Drop her!" The Biyomon shouted.


"I dont care. Im still in charge here... Now if you wish to be like that go somewhere else... We dont tolerate that kind of behavior here." Biyomon shouted.

"Argh..." Birdramon opened her wings and flew away after letting go of Lopmon.

"So sorry about her. She thinks she can do what ever she wants just because she naturaly digivolved faster than I did. Ever since an attack on the village a long time ago she hasnt been very nice..."

"I see. Where might I be able to gather some rations and perhaps some info on evil digimon?"

"Um.. a few huts down there is a hut about three times larger than all the others. Lots of Yokomon gather there... Im sure you can get information there."

Lopmon entered the hut and noticed about a dozen Yokomon chatting with each other. She set out on gathering what she needed.
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Impmon and Stingmon continued to fly towards the coast, but stopped when they came upon a sobbing girl. Thye landed right next to her.
"[color=darkgreen]What happened[/color]?"
"Some girl...attacked us...killed Flowamon...Arukenimon came...they went to the desert, I think."
Katrina had started to calm down as she spoke.
"[color=darkgreen]Arukenimon...you don't think that it's the Witchmon that we met up with before, do you?[/color]"
"[color=purple]Must be. Take her to the Gomamon village at the coast. They'll take care of her there.[/color]"
"[color=darkgreen]Where are you going?[/color]"
"[color=purple]To go and deal with Arukenimon and her friend. [/color]"
"[color=darkgreen]Will you be okay by yourself?[/color]"
"[color=purple]Don't worry little brother, I've got a couple of tricks up my sleeve. If I need help, I'll call for you.[/color]"

Stingmon picked up Katrina and flew towards the water. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Impmon begin to digivolve.
[i][color=darkgreen]Good luck big brother.[/i][/color]
As he got close to the guts that the Gomamon lived in, Stingmon noticed a disturbance in the water. An Ikkakumon was being attacked by a strange, birdlike digimon that he had never seen before.
[i][color=darkgreen]A Gomamon from the village! He needs help more than this girl does. That thing looks really strong; I might need to digivolve...[/i][/color]

"[color=darkgreen]That guy over there needs help. I'll put you down here, but I'll be right back.[/color]"
"Okay, but hurry back."
Stingmon put her down, and looked over to the fight. The birdlike digimon was gaining the advantage.
[i][color=darkgreen]No time to digivolve! I hope that this form is enough![/i][/color]
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Matt spotted a beach up ahead. He could barely see it though. He took of his backpack and looked inside.

"We're hear. Time to come ou--" Chocomon was gone. "CHOCOMON!"

This surprised everyone. "What is it?" asked Kari.

"It's Chocomon! She's gone! We have to go back! She must've fallen! She could be eaten by now! C'mon! Turn around!" he grabbed Falconmon's feathers but Falconmon barely felt it.

"Sorry, this is a one way digimon. Besides.. we have company. Jump off........ NOW!" Falconmon said as he turned upside down. Kari and Matt started falling but Renamon grabbed Kari in the air and Matt landed in the water, swimming back to shore where he met Renamon and Kari. Looking up he could see Falconmon attack Velgmon.

"Oh not him!" complained Matt.

"Look! An Ikkakumon! It looks like it's on our side too!" pointed out Kari.

By now, Renamon had already charged into battle aswell. Kari used her Digivolution card. Kyuubimon jumped onto Falconmon who charged at the Velgmon. They both attack at the same time creating two rockest surrounded by blue flames.

"Talon Rocket!"
"Dragon Wheel!"

Then, to their surprise, a giant horn like torpedo charged just infront of the attack so it was now even stronger. That's when it hit Velgmon. A huge explosion was created and Kyuubimon jumped onto the opposing Velgmon, bringing him to the ground.

"Dark Vortex!" yelled Velgmon. A red beam shot from him and flung Kyuubimon into the sky. She landed in the water and slowly swam her way back. Just as she was about to reach the shore, Falconmon was hit right into her. Velgmon stood up and screached. Kyuubimon charged him again with..

"Dragon Wheel!" she yelled. This time, Velgmon dodged the attack but was rammed in the back by an opposing Ikkakumon...[/color]
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(Velgmon turns around and hits Ikkakumon with a Dark Vortex at point-blank range. He takes off. Falconmon returns to the air and fires his Talon Rockets. Velgmon dodges and attacks with Dark Vortex, knocking Falconmon to the ground. He swoops down and picks up Ikkakumon, droppng him on Falconmon. He flies behind Kyuubimon and rams her, knocking her into the other two)

Velgmon: Time to end this. Dark Obliteration!

(A large, red circle form on the ground, with the three digimon in the middle. As soon as the circle is completed, an energy dome starts forming from the circle in two halves)

Matt: I don't like this.

Kari: Kyuubimon, get out of there! Now!

(Kyuubimon gets up and runs toward the edge of the circle, followed by Ikkakumon. Falconmon tries to fly out, but Velgmon knocks him back down with Dark Vortex. Kyuubimon makes it out of the circle. Ikkakumon posistions himself under Falconmon, who lands on his back. Velgmon is about to hit them with Dark Vortex when Stingmon slams into him from the side, knocking his aim off. Ikkakumon makes it out just before the dome finishes forming. A second later, it dissolves. Everything that was in it is gone, leaving only a large hole in the ground)

Matt: Holy shit!
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Growlmon came striding up. He dropped Duke off his back as the fiery blast soared towards Velgemon, who dodged the attack.

"Dark Vortex!"
"Dragon Wheel!"

Kyuubimon's attack slammed into Velgmon's, knocking it away.
Duke ran over to the others.
"Talon Rocket!"shouted Falconmon as he took to the air. The attack slammed directly into Velgmon but didn't do all that much, to his suprise.
"Foxtail Inferno! Pyro Sphere!"

The two fiery blasts slammed into Velgmon making his feathers catch fire. He dove into the water.
"Did we beat it?" Kari wondered.
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They stared at the water a bit. Then finally, with a big splash, Karanlik/Velgmon came flying out.

"Dammit! There's too many of you! You finally figured to work as a team. I'll be back with 'friends'! Mark my words..." with that he flew away.

Everyone DeDigivolved their digimon and grouped together, introducing themselves to Maria and Gomamon.

"I'll be back when there's trouble." said an Impmon. "Badda Boom!" He yelled, throwing a fireball at the ground. When the smoke cleared he was gone.

"That was.. odd." said Matt, breaking the silence.

"Ehh.. ya." said Maria, who now had her Gomamon on her head.

"Guilmon what is it?" said Duke. His Guilmon was growling. All of the sudden a large red beam hit a spot right in front of the group sending them flying. A Velgmon appeared over the explosion.

"Surprise surpise. Foolish tamers. I didn't actually think you'd fall for it!

Matt got upand realized there was something in his hand. It was a blue card. Instantly he knew what to do.

"DigiModify!" he yelled, swiping the card through his D-Arc. "Matrix DigiVolution Activate!"

"Hoodmon, Matrix digivolved to... Sylphimon!" yelled the new digimon.

"Static Shock!" said Sylphimon, firing a large ball of electric energy.[/color]
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Lopmon was now in the forest again.. She had no information ... the puni yokomon knew nothing and the food rations werent much so she left the village. She heard battleing and decided to check it out. She got in a nearby tree and noticed velgmon and the others fighting. A new digimon was there and lopmon noticed it was Matt's partner.

"Hmm... interesting." Lopmon watched the two fight a bit and got onto ground level. She hid in the bushes for a bit.

"Ahaha" Velgmon fights with Sylphimon and as he's keeping the newly digivolved ultimate busy he thinks of a plan,... [i] nows my chance to destroy at least one of the kids[/i].

Lopmon notcied Velgmon seemed to be thinking and staring at matt... "UH OH!" Sudden thoughts of back at the basketball court rushed through Lopmon's mind and she couldnt just let that happen to matt no matter what he was... Bird digimon OR human... He helped her she had to help him somehow. She quickly changed into Turuiemon.

"Lightning Kung-Fu!"

Everyone was shocked and looked around except matt who kept his eyes on the attack that was just fired at him. He was about to run out of the way when suddenly Matt felt weightless as he flew in another direction. Just in time too... the attack hit where he was standing. Turuiemon meterialized and sat Matt back down on the ground.

"You didnt fall to the ocean?" Matt asked.

"Yes but I jumped...not fell. I hitched a ride on a fast Otamamon. Not that it matters... "

"What... I thought you hated humans!" Velgmon shouted.

"I do..." Turuiemon shouted back. "But you pathetic excuse for a human wouldnt understand if it hit you in the face....your very ugly face." Turuiemon then dissapered out of sight.

"Static Force!" Sylphimon shouted again...sending the attack at Velgmon. It hit and Velgmon flew backwards a bit. "Thanks to that hatefull rabbit I caught YOU off guard!"
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Velgamon went reeling, and he ended up running right into Stingmon. The insect digimon latched himself onto the weakened Velgamon's back, and extended his spines on his wrist.
"[i][color=darkgreen]Ultimate Spiking Strike![/i][/color]"
Stingmon repeatedly struck Velgamon in the back and base of the neck.
"[i][color=darkgreen]Evil Antenna![/i][/color]"
Stingmon used his antenna as a conduit to absorb more of Velgamon's energy.
"[color=darkgreen]Everyone attack now! This is the best chance you'll get![/color]"
Stingmon fell off of Velgamon, overwhelmed by the extreme energy he had just absorbed. Unconcious, he fell towards the water below.
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[color=dark red]Clair and Arukenimon walked through the woods, heading towards the desert. Then, suddenly. Clair stopped. "I sense someone coming," she said, making Arukenimon stop too. "Who is it?" Arukenimon asked her. "Beelzemon. A Mega Digimon. Arukenimon, I'm afraid we won't be able to beat him unless you Digivolve." "Again?!?" Arukenimon exclaimed. "I've had enough Digivolving for today... now I have to Digivolve [i]again[/i]?" "Yes; sadly, it's the truth. My predictions never fail, and my prediction is that Beelzemon will defeat us both if you don't Digivolve! Unless... hmmm..." Clair thought a moment. "Unless I help. Now that's a thought."
"What are you muttering to yourself now?" Arukenimon shouted.
"I said that you might not have to Digivolve if I help you."
"Great! But... are you sure?"
"No problem. I'm sensing that this one's a piece of cake."
Clair heard footsteps near them; Beelzemon was coming. "Now!" she shouted. The signal.

"Spirit Needle!" Arukenimon shouted. This time, an army of Beetlemon and MetalKabuterimon appeared. Arukenimon also made one thread into a Stingmon. The Stingmon went in front of the group.

"Hey, Beelzemon, there you are!" the Stingmon shouted. "I've been looking all over for you! I camejust recently. Meanwhile, please don't harm this group of Beetlemon here! They're my new friends!" Beelzemon looked at Stingmon for a while, then muttered "Oh." "That's strange," he thought. "How did he get here so fast? And why did he decide to help me? I told him Witchmon was a piece of cake, didn't I?" Suddenly, one of the MetalKabuterimon shouted, "Leave this place or be destroyed!" "Leave our friends alone!" another one roared. Clair and Arukenimon hid in the center of the group, unseen by Beelzemon. Stingmon flinched and said to Beelzemon, "I think we should get out of here. They greatly outnumber us, five to one!" "No," Beelzemon chuckled, "I think we should have a little fun. Double Impact!" The attack turned a few of the Beetlemon into data. Meanwhile, Stingmon rushed into the group and hid with Arukenimon and Clair. Then he vanished.

"Electron Cannon!" shouted one of the MetalKabuterimon. It hit Beelzemon, but Beelzemon got up and struck back. Clair whispered something to Arukenimon, who turned into her true form and emerged from the group, right after Beelzemon destroed the remainder of the MetalKabuterimon with a Corona blaster. However, Arukenimon stole half of the data. "Acid Mist!!" she shouted, shrouding Beelzemon with the attack. Beelzemon braced himself. "Dark Mind Attack!!" Clair declared, firing the attack past Beelzemon's defenses and scoring a direct hit. Then, Arukenimon trapped Beelzemon with a Spider Thread, after which Beelzemon lay there, immobilized. Clair hit him with another Dark Mind Attack, causing him to De-Digivolve all the way back to Impmon. Before Arukenimon could fire another attack, Impmon ran away back to where Stingmon was. Arukenimon and Clair giggled at each other, and Arukenimon turned back into her human form. "Good one!" Clair congratulated Arukenimon. "See, I told you you wouldn't have to Digivolve!" And they were thinking about the battle for the rest of the day.[/color]
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Stingmon lie nearly motionless under the water.
[i][color=darkgreen]Too much power... I need to burn it off somehow.[/i][/color]
he raised an arm up towards the sky and fired off a moon shooter. The attack blazed into the sky and hovered in the sky, like a flare.
[i][color=darkgreen]Still too much power...I'll have to digivolve to [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Jewelbeemon.html]Jewelbeemon[/url]...[/i][/color]
Stingmon began to glow with a blinding light...

Impmon walked towards the sea with the false Stingmon, still cursing himself for being played so easily. Suddenly, he saw his brother's signal in the sky, and recognized it easily.
"[color=purple]So brother... What happened to that girl and her digimon?[/color]
"[color=limegreen]They're both fine. I brought them to safety and came to help you.[/color]
"[color=purple]I knew that you would[/color]"
A circle of energy appeared around the false Stingmon and restrained him in ice. Impmon digivolved again.
"[color=indigo]Since you're not really my brother, you won't mind this at all![/color]
Beelzemon reached into the imposter and pulled out the spirit needle that created him. He then absorbed the data of the the dissolving digimon before it could completely dissapear. He did the same to the spirit needle.
[i][color=indigo]Electron Cannon, Moon Shooter, and Spirit Needle. Those three new attacks should do nicely.[/i][/color]
Beelzemon spread his wings and took flight in the direction of the light, itching to test his new power on anyone who threatened his family.
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OOC: The fake Stingmon was already destroyed, but oh well.
[color=dark red]Arukenimon and Clair were STILL wandering through the woods when... "Beelzemon has gained new attacks!" Clair blurted. "Arukenimon, this time you NEED to Digivolve to Mega! If you don't, we'll both be destroyed. Now let's find the Digidestined. Maybe they will help us to get what we want." "Yes, they will," Arukenimon said in a "we're going to get you" tone. Clair then stopped again...

"We're here! The desert! If we go through here, we will come to the village, then the beach!" Clair announced. Arukenimon was deep in thought. "As soon as Clair and I get there, we will sneak up on the Digidestined and take them by surprise. Hopefully Karanlik and Angel will be there helping us out, and hopefully Virtualmon will send some new soldiers down here. We need more, after all. I can't wait to Digivolve to Mega at last..."

The two had reached the end of the desert and walked through the village, trying to look innocent. Luckily, no one recognized them as villains. Then... the beach. It was there. Arukenimon and Clair put on sinister smiles, and they hid in the tall grass, waiting for the right moment to attack.[/color]
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(Velgmon is outmatched, and he knows it. He knows that he can't win the battle the way it's been going, so he leaves. He flies away, but makes it look like he goes farther than he does. What he actually does is devolve close to the Tamers and then make is way back to where they are. He hides and watches them)

Karanlik: (Thinking) whenever I have the upper hand, they always come back and drive me off. There has to be something I can do that they won't be able to counter. it's likely that that incomplete feeling has something to do with a new form. Both spirits seem to have something missing. Maybe I need to combine them somehow. And I'll certainly need to be in danger again. I'll do that later. For now, let's see what they're up to.
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"Maybe you need some help".Honru said.
"Honru what are you doing here"?Karanlik asked looking at her.
"I contacted Vitralmon and he told me to help you as test of my determetion to help him".
"Well we'll attack them later but stay with me for now and be quite".
"Fine".Honru crouched down by Karanlik and waited.Wizardmon floted down by her.
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(Karanlik spots Clair and Arukenimon hiding, and points them out to Honru)

Karanlik: (Whispering) You go over there. Tell them to attack. you go in with them. Andif they ask questions, you tell them that I've been in situations like this before, and I know what I'm doing. (Honru moves over to where Clair and Arukenimon are hiding) (Thinking) I just left the battle. If they all go in, the Tamers won't be able to rest. They'll still be weakened by the battle I just had with them, while Clair and the others are fresh. I'll help if I need to, but they should be able to handle it. Meanwhile, I want to see if I can figure out the spirit-combination problem.
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Turuiemon sat in a tree branch near the beach. She observed the others. Her yellowish clothes barely moved but her bandanna around her neck waved in the wind. Her purple fur was warmed in the sun yet cooled in the shade as well. She watched the others wonder where Velgmon had gone and she watched them sit for a moment to gain their breath.

The ground was black where Matt had once stood before Velgmon attacked. Turuiemon sighed when she thought about how she saved a humans life. She shook her head which made her ears move as well. "Why? Why Turuie Why?" She kept asking herself.

"Because deep down you dont exactly hate humans..." The voice spoke again.

"Go away would you... Why do you pester me so?"

"To make you see... Not all humans hate. Even Karanlik has a heart... Im beginning to thing you dont."

"Brother just go away. I hate humans... and couldn't care less about digimon... Go ahead... say i have no heart. I probably dont."

"Matt cares... Humans care... He wouldnt have moved you if he didnt care. Now will you open your eyes and see what i have to show you?"

Turuiemon looked to her right and saw Terriermon sitting next to her. "What now?"

"Look down...."

Turuiemon played along and glanced down to look at the group below. They were tired yet seemed full of hope. Matt was a little shooken still but seemed greatfull to not be part of the black burning hole next to him.

"So what? Oh boy hes a live... everyone jump for joy." Turuiemon rolled her eyes and looked over to terriermon only to see he was gone. "Whatever... " Turuiemon jumped out of the tree and landed on the ground. She sighed and walked slowly untill she got a strange feeling. She devolved back to lopmon.

"Oh great... Well whatever." Lopmon wandered through the forest a bit untill she grew tired of green. She wandered back out onto the beach and sat down in the sand. She used her ears and made a small mound of sand. She opened her mouth and fire hit the sand. The sand melted and hardned into a neat shaped glass disk.

Lopmon looked to her left and noticed the few shadows off in the distance. She knew it was the humans but at this moment she didnt care. She continued to blast the sand around her... Although she couldnt figure out why.


ooc: long but doesnt go very far... only because i have no idea what to do... Lol its kinda hard when you play someone whos alone alot..heh.
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[size=1][color=999999][i]Angel had entered the desert and still the thought of what Karanlik was fresh on her mind. Something about him needing time, needing to stay away. She shook her head and noticed that she had entered an area in which she may need her spirit. It was her turn to find her beast spirit- Dryphonmon.

Changing into Succubimon, she took flight and flew above the sands searching for those who may be an ally. She had found them. She had seen Clair and Arukenimon, Karanlik, and many others. She nodded and flew down to Karanlik unnoticed for the shadows shrouded around the whole area as she came down. She changed into her human form and walked to Karanlik.[/i]

"Karanlik. A word."

[i]He turned to see her walking towards her. He seemed confused about what she wanted. At a time like this, there was no time for errors.[/i]

"It's about time you got here. So, what do you need to talk about?"

[i]Angel stopped in front of him and looked him straight in the eyes.[/i]

"Tell me why you told me to stay away."

[i]Karanlik looked to Angel. She stood there awaiting an answer from him.[/i][/size][/color]
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