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Digimon: A New Evil


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Karanlik: (Whispering) Because I'm not in full control of myself right now. Before you all arrived at the basketball court, I attacked a digimon that was trying to help me. But I didn't do it. It wasn't me that attacked the digimon. It was something else. And I don't know when that something else will make its next appearance. Until I've figured out what it is, I want to be around others as little as possible. Now, go over to where the others are. Make sure Honru told them to attack. When they do, you go in with them. Trust me, I know what I'm doing. Go now.
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[color=dark red]Arukenimon giggled in a sinister tone as she looked at the Digimon and their tamers on the beach. Maria and Gomamon, Duke and Guilmon, Matt and Hoodmon, Impmon, Stingmon... versus Succubimon, Duskmon, Arukenimon, Honru and Wizardmon, Clair... "Hey perfect!" Arukenimon whispered to the others. "This battle will be five on five! We're evenly matched! That makes it more interesting." "Yes, it does," Angel whispered back. Karanlik and Honru nodded. "Well," Honru declared, "I think it's time to attack." She put on an evil smirk. "Yes, I know," Clair whispered back. "Let's move it!" And with that, Arukenimon, Honru, Wizardmon, Succubimon, and Clair all jumped out from behind the bushes and attacked...
"Thunder Ball!"
"Dark Mind Attack!"
Arukenimon fired a few Spirit Needles around, creating an army of Dokugumon this time. Succubimon was also getting ready to attack...

The attacks surprised the Digidestined and the Digimon. Then they began to Digivolve, into WarGrowlmon, Beelzemon, Silphymon, Zudomon, and Paildramon. Wizardmon also Digivolved to Phantomon. The fight began.

"Psychic Storm!" Clair shouted. All the good Digimon around her got hit, except Beelzemon, who had dodged it.
"Acid Mist!" Arukenimon declared. The attack hit Beelzemon. Then she thought to herself, "I must Digivolve again! But when?"
"Desperado Blaster!"
"Laser Eye!"
"Corona Blaster!"
"Vulcan's Hammer!"
"Spider Thread!"
"Psychic Storm!"
"Atomic Blaster!"

Turuiemon just sat by and watched, deciding whether to fight of not.[/color]
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(Karanlik wasn't paying attention to the battle. Instead, he was examining his digivice)

Karanlik: (Thinking) Four buttons. One calls Virtualmon, the other two activate my Spirits, but what does the other one do? (He pushes the bottom button. Images of both spirits appear on the screen) (Still thinking) That was obvious. That button activates both at the same time. Now all I need to do is trigger the process by activating them both when I'm in danger. And I can easily get myself in danger. That battle is perfect for what I need. There's a risk that I'll attack the ones on my side, but I'm willing to take it.
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OOC:Stingmon originally had different digivolutions, but I think that I like the Paildramon line better, mainly because I couldn't find an acceptable mega form for him.

A few of the Dokugumon jumped in front of Clair and the others, blocking the combined attacks of the good Digimon. Beelzemon aimed at Phantomon, who was attacking Zudomon.
"[i]Poisen Cobweb![/i]"
Beelzemon avoided the attack and kicked the Dokugumon into the water.
"[color=indigo]These stupid bugs are just annoying enough to get in the way. Time to even the odds![/color]"
"[i][color=indigo]Spirit Thread![/i][/color]"
The threads hit a couple of the Dokugumon, turning them into Devidramon.
"[color=indigo]Much better.[/color]"
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OOC: sorry i havent posted in a while. i didnt know this would be on the main page(why cant i figure these things out?) if i am still in, heres my post.

*a young boy and a Gatomon stood at a far distance watching the fight, waiting for the right time to enter.*

Stripe: I'm not sure you should do this Kantro. Theres ten people, and your gonna fight them all?

Kantro: Well, I'm tired of there being both good and evil in this world, so I'll just destroy all of them. And thanls to this jewel I have, it will give me the power I need....BEAST SPIRIT EVOLUTION!

*a fireball surrounded Kantro as he emerged out of it as BurningGreymon*

BurningGreymon: Stay here Stripe. I can handle this.

OOC: that jewel gives him the ability to go to EmpererGreymon at will as long as he's either in beast form or fused form. Hope thats OK!
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OOC: Marcus, the fusion form for your spirits is Aldamon.


(Karanlik runs toward the battle, not bothering to spirit evolve. he runs around, deliberatly trying to get into harm's way. When Zudomon attacks Clair with a Vulcan's Hammer, Karanlik jumps in the way. As he's about to get hit, he presses the bottom button on his D-Tector, activating both spirits at once. The two spirits combine, and Karanlik fusion-evolves into Galfmon)

Clair: I didn't expect that.

Matt: Shit!

Kari: This is [i]not[/i] good.

(Instead of attacking, Galfmon just stands there)

Kari: What's going on?

Clair: Why doesn't he attack them?

Honru: I don't think he can control himself yet.

(Galfmon seems to flicker, then devolves. Karanlik lies motionless on the ground)

Honru: What happened? Is... did he lose the fight for control?

Clair: No. I sense something more going on in his mind.

Honru: What do you mean?

Clair: His battle is not yet over.

(Karanlik stands on a featureless surface. He is facing himself)

Karanlik: Who are you?

Other Karanlik(OKaranlik): I'm you.

Karanlik: You aren't me. I'm me. You're someone or something else.

OKaranlik: Obviously.

Karanlik: And you're the reason I attacked an ally. You did it, not me.

OKaranlik: You're fast.

Karanlik: What do you want?

OKaranlik: The same thing you want. Control.

Karanlik: You... you're why I wasn't able to control myself the first time I became Velgmon. And it was you who tried to control me as Galfmon.

OKaranlik: Correct. I couldn't try when you became Duskmon, because that spirit is too weak. I could only do one short thing, which was make you attack an ally. I tried when you became Velgmon, but you fought me off. the beast spirit alone wasn't enough. But both combined made us even. So now we're here.

Karanlik: You used the spirits against me?

OKaranlik: Yes. A spirit is needed only to reach a form, not to maintain it. After you fusion Evolved, I was able to latch onto the dormant spirits and use their energy to boost mine temporarily. But I could never more than tie you in that situation, which is what happened. That brought you here. This is a representation of the battle that will occur in your mind. Nothing that we do here actually happens. Our wills are clashing, and this is how we percieve the fight. (Two metal poles appear by each of them. They pick them up) Whoever wins will be in controll of the body. Whoever loses will cease to exist.

Karanlik: Then prepare to die.
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[size=1][color=999999][i]Succubimon flew above the digidestined and a large, shadow net appeared above them. She threw it on top of them and it began to raise by itself. She laughed as they tried to get out of the net. Kari, Matt, Maria, and Duke struggled to get out of the net, which was getting stronger and stronger the longer they struggled and it held.

Laughing evilly, she created a large, shadow cage and threw the humans into it. As she flew in the air, she was still laughing and was hit by one of the digimon. When she turned, it was Beelzemon. She growled and out of nowhere, she had created a whip. Beelzemon looked to it and readied his guns.[/i]

"Venom Whip!"

[i]She directed the whip towards Beelzemon and it had become a snake with venom dripping from its fangs. It latched itself onto Beelzemon's neck and it bit down hard. He struggled to get it off, but the more he tried, the more the whip bit down. Succubimon hovered laughing at him. She then drew the whip back and watched as he fell to the ground onto his knees.[/i]

"In pain, are we? Well, then. Let us make you better."

[i]Succubimon flew towards him and lifted his chin towards her and she blew him a kiss, saying an attack as she did.[/i]

"Succubus' Kiss."

[i]Beelzemon soon went under her spell and he stood. He grabbed his guns and she ordered him to shoot his friends. He walked into the battle and shouted his attack. He had shot WarGrowlmon.[/i][/size][/color]
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Lopmon sat in the bushes watching that battle. She wondered what she was going to do. She had this nagging feeling she was on the wrong side of things but did not know how the others would react if they knew. None of them cared for her, none of them liked her, and most of them had no idea who she was.

She stood up and quietly went along the bushes untill she got a better look at the cage the humans were in. No matter how many times she told herself she came back to the same thing... She wanted to help... But she had no energy to digivolve again... And she couldnt digivolve to ultimate for she had no tamer. She felt more alone than ever before.

"Its times like these I wish I never hatched..." Lopmon mummbled to herself.


ooc: lol im still having trouble getting into things now... I have been really sick lately and my mind doesnt work so well when im sick so when i feel better perhaps my posts will be better.
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[b]OOC:[/b] Takuya could you please stop making my character sware. ^^'

"Double Impact!" yelled a hypnotized Beelzemon. The shots flew straight at the unexpecting Sylphimon. THey hit straight in his back and he fell to the ground. Beelzemon walked over to the unconcious digimon, gun pointed at his temple on his forehead.

"Noooo!" yelled a tired and painful Matt. With that there was aloud bang and glittering sparkles flew from where Sylphimon lay. Matt's digivice did not crack though. The colour changed as odd as it sounds. It went from the white and brown to a brown with purple.

"Huh!?" said Matt, still shaken up.

No egg came to revive the poor lost digimon soul. This hurt Matt very greatly.

"He.. he's not coming back.." whispered Matt, his voice travelling in the wind. Finally the team of humans were able to get out of the stupid net and stayed a distance away from the battle. Matt tumbled backwards in to an unsuspecting Lopmon.

"Get.. off... mee!" her call was muffled by Matt's back. He got up and crouched behind the bush.

"Lopmon! Your safe! Good. But what d'you think you're doing!? You could get hurt." said Matt staring at the chocolate covered Digimon.

"Hey now that Hoodmon's gone, I'm safer then [i]you[/i] are."

This was true. Hoodmon was gone and Matt no longer had a partner...[/color]
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Beelzemon aimed for War Growlmon again. He powered up the Corona Blaster and Fired. One of the Devidramon that he had created attempted to catch the blast and was destroyed. Beelzemon's Finger wavered on the trigger before the readied himself to fire again.
[i][color=teal]That gives me an idea...[/i][/color]
"[i][color=teal]Desperado Blaster![/i][/color]"
Paildramon fired at two Devidramon at once, destroying them both. Beelzemon wavered again, this time nearly lowering his guns before slowly raising it again.
"[color=teal]Everyone! Destroy the Devidramon! that will help my brother to regain his concentration! I'll deal with Succubimon![/color]"
Paildramon flew towards Succubimon, but Arukenimon got in his way.
"[color=teal]I don't have time for you[/color]"
"[i][color=teal]Cable Catcher![/i][/color]"
Cables flew from Paildramon's wrists and restrained Arukenimon. She would be busy for a while.
Suddenly a strange, red, winged digimon crashed through the underbrush, in between Succubimon and Paildramon
"[i]Pyro Barrage![/i]"
OOC: What happened to Kyubimon? She just sort of dissappeared...
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Lopmon saw the human looked very upset, "You ask what im doing? Im watching the battle... Entertaining."

"You think watching my partner get destroyed is entertaining!?" The human looked very angry at her statement.

"No... it wasnt Entertaining..." Lopmon said as she walked a few steps away from the Human. She felt very uneasy being by the very creatures she hated so much.

Matt looked in the other direction... Seeming still very angry, "Then why do you say such things"

Lopmon used her ear like a hand and poked the human, "Im sorry... I know what its like to lose a partner. Do you realize your standing three feet from the very digimon who attacked you guys in the real world?"
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OOC: If everyone else matrix digivovled, well, Kyuubimon is now Taomon. And Corona Blaster isn't 1 of Beelzemon's attacks, but rather Beelzemon Blast Mode.

"Double Blades!"

His blades glowing, WarGrowlmon slahed visciously and repeadtedly at Beelzemon. A good hit would wake him up. Or so he thought.Beelzemon flipped over slashes, ducked, weaved, sidestepped, and blocked slashes. He then gave the cyborg dragon an uppercut.

"Pyro Barrage!" A flaming digimon had hurled itself at him, WarGrowlmon being the largest digimon there. He stopped the attack with his arms.
"Double Blades!"

The two attacks hit Burning Greymon and floored him briefly. Beelzemon and WarGrowlmon fought each other again, but it seemed Beelzemon came closer every minute to snapping out of Succubimon's control.

Taomon was busy attacking all the Devidramon. "Talisman Spell!" she cried, destroying a large group of them. Beelzemon stopped and grabbed his head.

Zudomon and Clair were still fighting each other. "Vulcan's Hammer!" the digimon shouted. Clair narrowly dodged. "Psychic Storm!" she retorted.

Phantomon suddenly jumped at Zudomon. "Dark Mind attack!" He said.(I'm assuming thats his attack) "Psychic storm!" The two attacks hit him in the stomach, making him stagger backwards. Phantomon slashed his sycthe quickly, before a "DOUBLE IMPACT!" slammed into him strecthing him on the ground. Beelzemon was back.

"Desperado Blaster!" shouted Paildramon at full force. It slammed into Succubimon, flinging her backwards into the beach. "Cable Catcher!" He caught her in midair and flung her into a tree.

"Spider thread!" The attack hit Paildramon completely tying him up. He dropped into the ground. Arukenimon grinned and stomped on him reapetedly.
Someone grabbed her from the back, however, and flung her into the ground. It turned out to be WarGrowlmon. He aimed his powerful cannons at her.
It hurt.
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"Do you realize your standing three feet from the very digimon who attacked you guys in the real world?" she said.

Matt thought for a bit. "Yes. But I also know you are the very Chocomon who looked at me and said that I'm not a big suck-up."

"Well.. whatever makes you sleep at night. Now if you don't mind, I must be going." said Lopmon as she started to waddle away.

"Wait!" yelled Matt. He didn't know why he said it but he just didn't want to be un protected. "...please. Don't.. don't leave."

The Lopmon spun around looking at Matt. "Look--" but Lopmon was cut of because on of Taomon's attacks was reflected and was headed straight for her. She looked around it was too late to do anything so she closed her eyes expecting turn to sparkles. But she was pushed over, and when she opened her eyes she saw Matt lying on the ground, inces from where the attack hit.

"..wh...why?" said Lopmon.

"Because you were in danger and I was able to do something about it."[/color]
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(Karanlik and OKaranlik are fighting, and they're evenly matched. When Karanlik attacks, OKaranlik blocks. Okaranlik's attacks are blocked by Karanlik. but Karanlikis beginning to tire, while OKaranlik isn't. Karanlik knows that he'd have to win soon. So instead of blocking OKaranlik's next strike, he drops under it and throws one of his poles, which hits OKaranlik in the face. Karanlik knocks him to the ground, then smashes his other pole into OKaranlik's chest as hard as he can. He then jams in into OKaranlik's chest)

OKaranlik: V... very good. But you... haven't... won yet. He... will still... have what... what he wants.

(OKaranlik dissapears)

Karanlik: (Thinking) That son of a bitch! It all fits now, and that son of a bitch is going to pay. He wasn't doing me any favors, so I won't do him any. Now it's payback time, and payback's a bitch.
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Lopmon seemed shocked and yet angry at the same time, "I can ....take care of myself you know!"

"Oh really? Just back there a few seconds ago you would have been Digi Dust... you call that taking care of yourself?"

"If I get destroyed so be it..." Lopmon looked around, "Looks like you Friends need help"

"What good can I do now?"

"Now see here, Human... You ca-"



"I have a name... And my name is MATT... not Human."

"Matt...well whatever... Moral support? Go cheer them on? Something... Share your cards with them? Nothing I can do even if I wanted to..." Lopmon looked out at the battle and it wasnt looking good, "Looks like if someone doesnt distract the lady Beelzemon is gonna make Digi Toast out of everyone..."

Matt just stared at her and grined, "Thought you didnt care..."

Lopmon was caught off guard, "Well I... Uh... I dont... Ah what do you know..."
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OOC: Dark Mind Attack is one of Clair's attacks.

[color=dark red]"Shadow Scythe!" Phantomon sneered.
"Venom Whip!" Succubimon yelled.
"Cable Catcher!" Paildramon announced.
"Atomic Inferno!" Aldamon declared.
"Vulcan's Hammer!" Zudomon declared.
"Corona Blaster!" Beelzemon shouted as he turned into Blast Mode.
"Talisman of Light!" Taomon shouted, having defeated all the Devidramon.
"Dark Mind Attack!" Clair announced.
Karanlik was talking to himself, finally gaining control of both his spirits. He prepared to attack...
Arukenimon, meanwhile, was hit by WarGrowlmon's Atomic Blaster. She fainted. "Atomic Blaster!" WarGrowlmon shouted again, trying to make her De-Digivolve. But it didn't work. Instead, Arukenimon rose up into the air, some strange energy field lifting her. She began to laugh sinisterly... "You've done it, WarGrowlmon. Now, Digidestined, bow down before me!!" She then glowed, and then...

"Arukenimon Digivolve to..." Arukenimon changed, looking like a cross between a devil and a vampire, like a female version of Myotismon with a staff with a skull on it...

But then...

"Paildramon Digivolve to..."

Kalimon stared at the newly Digivolved Imperialdramon and laughed. "So, you think you can defeat me, huh?" she sneered. "How about a little taste of my powers?"
"Mega Crusher!" Imperialdramon shouted in fury. Kalimon dodged the attack with ease, flying around him on red bat wings. "Web of Doom!" Kalimon declared, throwing a huge black web on top of Imperialdramon.
"You think a little spider web will stop me?" Imperialdramon teased, trying to brush the web off with his arm. But the web stuck to it, and soon enough, Imperialdramon became tangled in the web. At the same time, the web sapped his energy, making him De-Digivolve back to Wormmon. Wormmon started to run for his life and just barely escaped the battlefield before Kalimon could hit him again. Then Beelzemon faced her...
"You witch! How about a piece of me?"
"Fine then. Another victim." Kalimon tapped her staff on the ground, and a swirl of dark egergy appeared in a circle on the ground around her. "Dark Spirits' Command!" Kalimon shouted. "Come forth and obey! Destroy him!" Within moments, Flowamon and Warblemon, plus a few Patamon, appeared. (Those were all Digimon defeated by the villains. Remember them?) "Digivolve, my friends!" And the Digimon digivolved into their Ultimate forms: Tullimon, Parakitamon, and four MagnaAngemon. They all began to attack...

"Lunar Laser!!" Tullimon declared.
"Inferno Beam!" Parakitamon shouted.
"Angel Rod!" all the MagnaAngemon shouted at once.

Clair was the first to notice Kalimon's army of dead Digimon. She smirked and continued attacking the others. Galfmon was fighting Aldamon, and Clair was fighting WarGrowlmon and Taomon atthe same time. She seemed to ahndle it well; twice, the heroes' attacks backfired due to Clair's powers... The villains seemed to be winning, but there was something going on with the Digidestined... Clair sensed a great difficulty inside while she was fighting. It troubled her, but she tried not to pay any attention to it. She told Succubimon, but that was it. She didn't understand what Clair was talking about. Weird...[/color]

Oh finally, here is a picture of Virtualmon. He's a little guy and looks weird, but he can do a lot! And those things that look like wheels aren't wheels; they're hovering devices.
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Katrina climbed up the ridge until she had finally reached the beach. She knew that Stingmon had told her to stay put, but it had been so long since he left her. For a long time, all that she had heard were screams, shouts, and explosions. Even though she didn't have a Digimon, she hoped that she could help somehow...

Tullimon and Parakitamon had missed Beelzemon completely, but he had to stand still to absorb the blows of the MagnaAngemon. Together, the four were able to noticiably hurt the mega. He wouldn't be able to withstand another direct attack.

Wormmon was furious with himself for his foolish bravado. He had shown off in front of th others in an effort to impress them, but his effort backfired and nearly got him killed.
"[color=green]If only I had more ener... Wait! the energy that I took from Velgamon! It's risky, but it should do the trick.[/color]"
He tapped the energy and became Stingmon almost instantly. He tapped it again, more energy this time, but he had taken too much. He had glitched and become Dinobeemon.
The rabid digimon ran towards the battle, unable to control himself, and charged towards Beelzemon.

Katrina looked at the battle. She saw no sign of Stingmon anywhere, but she did see a digimon that looked a bit like...
"Flowamon? Is that you?"
Katrina watched as Tullimon aided and protected Kalimon and Clair, who were obviously the digimon that had attacked her earlier.
"Flowamon, what have they done to you? Come back to me..."
Katrina held out her digivice and prayed. Suddenly, a glittering, blinding light shot out of it, engulfing Beelzemon, the charging Dinobemon, and the digimon that Kalimon had ressurected.
Dinobeemon flashed several times, becoming Paildramon, Imperialdramon, and finally settled on Fighter Mode. Beelzemon was restored, and the zombified digimon were brought back to true life.
"What just happened?" Kailmon pondered incredulously.
"[color=teal]Two things. First, the tide has turned, and you're outnumbered. Second, I believe that my friend Katrina holds the fabled Crest of Life.[/color]"
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[size=1][color=999999][i]Succubimon was blasted with an Atomice Blaster from WarGrowlmon. She turned to him and growled. She then felt something pulling her. It was her Beast Spirit calling her. She sent WarGrowlmon a Succubus' Kiss and flew off. She found Clair and told her of what she was going to do.[/i]

"A beast spirit, eh? Go ahead. We got this."

[i]Succubimon nodded and vanished into the shadows and landed within the deep forest in front of a temple. The temple had two large statues in the front and a large crescent moon symbol above the entrance. She smiled and walked towards the temple.

The pull was tugging harder and the presence was great. Succubimon knew that her beast spirit was within the temple. She smiled and walked into the main area of the temple. A shining spirit was atop a column. Nothing was there to stop her and nothing would.

Out of nowhere, a group of Goblimon appeared out of nowhere and stood their ground to fight against Succubimon. She was amused. Soon, the group fused together to create FlareRizamon, a fire ultimate. It was going to be interesting.[/size][/color][/i]
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OOC: I don't know what the effects of Galfmon's attacks are, and I don't like the names either (I think they're absolutly awful, to tell the truth), so I've made up his attacks from scratch. And for those of you who don't know what he looks like, a picture is attacted.


(Galfmon manages to pin Aldamon to the ground. Aldamon prepares to fire at Galfmon, but stops when he notices that Galfmon is doing nothing)

Galfmon: (Thinking) It's time to reveal my little change of plans. (Galfmon releases Aldamon. Aldamon doesn't know what's going on, be he realises that Galfmon doesn't want to fight him anymore, so he turns his attention to Phantomon. Galfmon also chooses a new target. Distracted, his target doesn't notice) (Out loud) Curse of the Darkness! (A black energy sohere forms in his hand, and he throws it at his target, Kalimon. Caught totally off-guard, she's hit by the sphere. She falls to the ground, unable to move, although she can still speak. The fighting stops, and everyone watches Galfmon, shocked by his betrayal) You didn't think I'd lose, did you? If you did, then you're dumber than I thought.

Kalimon: What are you talking about? And why the hell did you do this?

Galfmon: While it's true that Virtualmon saved my life, he did me no favor, so I owe him nothing. For what he did, I'll make him pay.

Kalimon: What?

Galfmon: There was a... presence of some kind within my digivice. It's what made me attack an ally, it's what made it hard to control myself as Velgmon, and it's what stopped me earlier. It tried to destroy my mind, and gain control of my body. We fought within my mind, and I defeated it. He said to me, and I quote, "Very good. But you haven't won yet. He will still have what he wants." That's when it all fell into place.

Kalimon: What do you mean?

Galfmon: You don't see it yet?

Kalimon: No.

Galfmon: The presence was obviously in the digivice from the time I found it. Now, as the one who left the digivice for me, Virtualmon is obviously the one who put it there. It tried to control me, obviously at Virtualmon's orders. The son of a bitch saved me to control me against my will. He did no favors, so I owe him nothing. What he actually did, I won't tolerate. Payback's a bitch, and I'm going to be the one to give him his. Matt, Kari, everyone, listen up! You can choose to leave, or you can choose to stay. But know that my attack will wear off soon, and it won't work as well if the target has been hit with it before. I'll do whatever the majority decides, but I recommend we staand fight. We have the advantage now, and we should use it.
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"We'd better stay and fight," said Matt.
Duke agreed. "We'll finish them off now."

Beelzemon turned to face Kalimon who was struggling to her feet.
"You're going down," he said simply.
Kalimon glared at him. "Web of Doom!" she cried, flinging her attack towards the other mega. Beezlemon dodged it and opened his Corona cannon. "Corona Blaster!" he roared. Kalimon flew around it and swung her staff at Beelzemon, hitting him in the head, then slamming him towards the ground, creating a crater. She flung her attack at the mega, who narrowly dodged it.

Flying upwards, he smashed Kalimon in the jaw with his fist, then punched her again in the stomach. Circling her, Beelzemon continued the punishment with a flurry of blows. He kicked her into a tree, sending it over with an almighty crash. Beelzemon then aimed his cannon at Kalimon point blank. "How did I lose?" Kalimon growled. "You're an inexperienced Mega, while I am used to this form," Beelzemon explained.
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[size=1][color=999999][i]Succubimon heard this and she flew to him. She knew that he trusted her and now it was time to see if he could be trusted. She nodded and knew she would stand and fight.[/i]

"I'm with you Galfmon."

[i]Galfmon turned to her. His expression was no longer in confusion.[/i]

"I can trust you, but the question is do you trust me?"

[i]Succubimon hesitated before answering.[/i] "I'm not sure at this moment, but I need to get my beast spirit and you're the only one who can help me."

[i]Galfmon looked to her still. Succubimon looked to him.[/i]

"Wherever you go, there's always going to be a battle and battles are what I love. I am the Warrioress of the Moon, might I remind you."

[i]With that, Galfmon had one standing beside him. He waited for others to join as did Succubimon. If not, then a bloody battle was what she waited for.[/size][/color][/i]
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OOC: Hey! How come everyone's turning to the good side?
[color=dark red]Clair, Honru, Phantomon, and Kalimon left the group, deciding to travel off alone. Clair was angry, very angry. And so was Kalimon. Both of them paced around in the forest, wondering what to do. Honru and Phantomon were discussing a plan. "We should figure out a way to Digivolve further," Honru suggested. "We're way behind..." She sighed, unsure planwise.

"MagnaAngemon Digivolve to..."
"Parakitamon Digivolve to..."

Kalimon's army of Digimon had Digivolved to Mega at last. Clair fired Dark Mind Attacks everywhere in frustration, completely upset. She decided to go back to the fight, but staying on the other side. A strange feeling overcame her, as if she was unable to control herself. "Psychic Storm!!" she shouted, hitting some of the Digimon with the blast, especially Beelzemon and WarGrowlmon. She also hit Galfmon with the attack. "Galfmon, if you are planning to go against Virtualmon, I have no choice but to get in your way. Kalimon's not here, but I can take you on alone. Come and get me!!"

Galfmon stood there, wondering why Clair had become so crazy all of a sudden. Everyone else decided to attack, and Galfmon did the same later on.
"Curse of the Darkness!"
"Solar Wind Destroyer!!"
"Corona Blaster!"
"Talisman of Light!"
"Static Shock!!"
"Atomic Blaster!!"
Clair instantly called upon her telekinetic powers, hoping for the best. The attacks hit and stopped before her, hovering there for a while.

Meanwhile, Kalimon was in the forest, practicing her attacks and nearly destroying the forest. Honru was wandering out to the desert, wondering where Clair ran off to. She suddenly found her there, trying to fend off all the good Digimon's attacks. Honru gasped in fear and ran towards her. Clair was focusing her mind on getting the attacks back to the other Digimon, and the opposing Digimon fought back with all their might, the Digidestined's Crests and Digivices glowing. It was a tie until...

"Tullimon Digivolve to..."

Sakuramon was a Samurai Digimon, with the attacks Flower Dance, Solar Blade, and Hyper Cut. She ran up to where the other Digimon were standing and attacking Clair, and she did the same as they did. "Solar Blade!!" she shouted. Within seconds, Clair's concentration finally broke, and all the attacks hit her. Kalimon, meanwhile, was coming out looking for Clair and tried to save her, but it was too late. There was a giant explosion and lots of smoke. Kalimon stared at the cloud of smoke in a panic, hoping Clair didn't die from the attacks. But no Digi Eggs came out... "Dynatomicmon, blow the smoke away!" she ordered, and Dynatomicmon did as he was told. The smoke cleared, and in the place where Clair had been was a sphere of energy...

A voice spoke from the orb. "Hahahaha. I predicted this would happen. You thought I had finally been defeated, but no. Oh no. I'm back, and better than ever..."

"Digi Split, activate!"
"Execute Split Evolution!!"
Clair stood there, in a trance. Suddenly, three copies of her appeared, and the original glowed and devolved into an innocent little girl, who ran out of the sphere and near where Honru was. Meanwhile, her three copies morphed into three separate Digimon, all different. One looked like a dark angel similar to LadyDevimon except white, the second looked like a cross between Witchmon and Sorcermon, and the third was a glowing blue dragon.
"Driavamon!" the Dark Angel Digimon shouted.
"Cadomon!" the Sorceress Digimon shouted.
"Kinemon!" the Psy Dragon Digimon shouted.

[quote][i]Driavamon - Unknown Level - Psychopath, Sleep Wave
Cadomon - Unknown Level - Super Psyblast, Spellbind
Kinemon - Unknown Level - Aqua Pulse, Dark Force[/i][/quote]

While Driavamon, Cadomon, and Kinemon got ready to attack, a nearby Angel Digimon stood there, watching the fight. It wasn't Kerpymon, but it was a Mega Digimon, an unknown one...[/color]
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[size=1][color=999999][B]OOC:[/B] Interesting. It seems that I did not put that I had found and gotten my beast spirit, Dryphonmon, ^_^;;;. Sorry. But, just know that I did.

[i]Succubimon looked at the three mega and then to Galfmon. She knew she was going to be in for a battle that was grand and great. She then flew high into the air so that all could see and she called forth her beast spirit.[/i]

"Beast Spirit Evolution. EXECUTE!"

[i]Succubimon's beast hybrid began to take form. The tail, body, hind legs, and wings of a dragon had appeared and shown the fierceness. The armor of the dragon shimmered in the sunlight and shown the black and dark blue of it all. Then, the head and front legs of the gryphon began to show and those who looked had seen that the true form of the Dryphonmon was shown.

Suddenly, black clouds began to roll and thunder was heard. Dryphonmon dived down towards those below with a swift movement and stood beside Galfmon. A large obsidian orb was embedded into the center of her chest.

All were confused and they looked to the new digimon. The three digimon, Driavamon, Cadomon, and Kinemon looked to her as well. They were not as surprised, but they stared with suspicion. There was legend of Dryphonmon and whoever controlled the power of the beast, was known to be the Mistress of War, Lady of Shadows, and the true Moon Goddess. There was not much known as to who would control Dryphonmon, but it had said that three tests would be shown in her path and if she passed each with the way she needed, then it was said that she would be the true controller of the spirits.

Driavamon looked to the two digimon and smirked. Dryphonmon's eyes began to turn black with yellow slits as she stared at the three unknown digimon. Galfmon stood unexpressionless.[/i]

"Is this an invitation to a fight or not?" [i]Cadomon had questioned the two.[/i]

"We grow impatient with your stalling time." [i]Kinemon had exclaimed.[/i]

"The choice is yours, fight or be prepared to die." [i]Driavamon had threatened.[/i]

[i]Dryphonmon smirked. She was suddenly covered in an aura of illuminating black. Galfmon looked to his partner and nodded. Driavamon then waited for an attack. Dryphonmon was able to sense things before they happened and she knew exactly how to elude each attack with wind-blowing attacks and water-flowing evasions.[/i]

"The Lady Beast of War is here and I am ready to fight those who come my way."

[i]With that a great roar erupted from her voice and the thunder grew louder and the black clouds swirled faster and lightning followed.[/size][/color][/i]
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