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Digimon: A New Evil


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Duskmon: (Thinking) Damn it! There's no way I can win this alone. I've got to get out of here. (Out loud) You're better at this than I thought. I'll have to finish this later.

Matt: What's the matter? Scared?

Duskmon: No, but I can tell you are. You don't know what you're doing, and you're not sure what will happen. You're afraid of what might happen for that reason. It's quite obvious, really. No, I'm leaving because I know when I should leave.

(Duskmon runs off. Once out of sight, he devolves)

Karanlik: (Thinking) They were smarter than I thought. They kept their Digimon partners out of sight. I'll have to be more careful next time. But not yet. I can't try again until I figure out what happened. Why did I attack Turuiemon? I should have accepted her help. I wanted to accept her help. So, why did I attack her? I just don't understand. Well, as long as I work alone, it shouldn't mean anything. Unfortunately, if those tamers stick togeather, which they probably will, i won't be able to take them out on my own. Unless... maybe if I figure out how to activate the other spirit. If I'm right, and it is more powerful, then I might have a shot. Maybe that wacko Virtualmon knows. He probably does. After all, he gave me the digivice and spirits. He probably knows how to use them. I have to contact him. Let's see here... how did he say I could contact him? It was this button, I think. (He pushes the button on the side of the D-Tector) (Still thinking) There. Contact should be established. (Out loud) Virtualmon, are you there? This is Karanlik. Are you there?

Virtualmon: What is it?

Karanlik: I need some information. I'm trying to activate the other Spirit, but I can't figure out how. Do you know?
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Turuiemon dissapered out of sight again and continued to follow. After a smal while she lost all intrest with this peticular human and De-Digivolved back into Lopmon. She got on top of a building and sat there for a moment... "Hmmm"

"You want them dont you?" A identicle bunny walked up next to Lopmon but it was cream with green instead of brown with pink.

"I want who?" Lopmon mummbles

"Friends, Fun, stuff like that..."

"Maybe...what do you care"

"All I know, Lopmon, is that you are going about it in all the wrong ways..." The cream one mummbled,

"What do you know... Just get outta here Terriermon... I dont need you..." Lopmon pushed him away with her long ears.

Terriermon understood his sister needed more help than he could offere so he left. Lopmon stood up and opened her ears. She was sent gliding away from the building. "Darn i never asked Duskmon what I wanted to ask him... Course him attackin me wasnt very nice... I never attacked him... All I wanted to do...was help."

Lopmon glided towards a quiet part of the park where she sat in a tree. She just watched the emptyness around her... She was still a little angry about Terriermon trying to get into her buisnes but deep down inside she knew her brother cared. But she doesnt care...
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Virtualmon: Initially, the other Spirit will only activate when triggered. It is triggered in the same method as your first Spirit. After that, you will know how to use it again.

Karanlik: Got it.

Virtualmon: Any progress?

Karanlik: I've identified four of the tamers, but was unable to take care of any of them. They teamed up. I had to get out of there. I'm hopeing that the other sprit will help me.

Virtualmon: It should.

Karanlik: Out. (He terminates communications) (Thinking) So, if I want to use my other spirit, I need to create a situation similar to when my first spirit activated. It probably needs to be more dangerous, though. Well, that's no problem. I just have to fight those tamers again. I'll do that now, before they go somewhere else and I lose them.

(Karanlik Spirit Evolves to Duskmon and returns to the basketball court, where the tamers still are)

Duskmon: I'm back.

Matt: Whatever happened to knowing when to leave?

Duskmon: I also know when to return. Are you ready for round 2?

Matt: Bring it on.

Duskmon: You're not fooling anyone by acting tough. It's clear that you're scared.

Kyuubimon: But I'm not. Dragon Wheel!

(Kyuubimon's attack hits Duskmon, who quickly recovers)

Duskmon: Not bad. Deadly Gaze! (Kyuubimon dodges and attacks with another Dragon Wheel. Duskmon jumps over it, and Falconmon runs into him. Duskmon pushes off of Falconmon, turns around, and hits him with a Deadly Gaze before landing. Guilmon fires a Pyro Sphere and hits Duskmon, but it doesn't do too much. Duskmon runs over and grabs Guilmon, throwing him into Kyuubimon. Falconmon then hits Duskmon from behind with a Toe Rocket. Duskmon charges Lunar Plasma, then jumps towards Falconmon. Instead of attacking, he pushes off of Falconmon and attacks Kyuubimon. He's about to hit Kyuubimon with a Deadly Gaze when Falconmon hits him with another Toe Rocket. Kyuubimon recovers and attacks with Dragon Wheel. Duskmon stops the attack with Deadly Gaze, and is then hit from behind by Falconmon's Toe Rocket and Guilmon's Pyro Sphere) Very good. But I'm not finished yet!
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Lopmon looked in the direction of the courts... Duskmon was back and harassin the tamers again. It looked like fun but Lopmon wasnt in the mood anymore to be seen by anyone. She sat in the tree in the quiet end of the park. But the feeling of being bored got the best of her and she wandered back towards the basketball court. Once there she noticed Duskmon was having a little trouble with the Digimon that teamed up. She stayed out of sight for if she were to take a hit from duskmon as Lopmon she wouldnt last long.

"Hmm... I stilll should ask him... But I would hate-" Lopmon rolls her eyes "just HATE to interupt him again... Ill wait till either side gets defeated... Hopefully the tamers will lose strength."

"Why do you do this? Why do you hate humans so much?" Terriermon drops down from a tree above the bush she hid in.



"Losing your tamer before you even meet them does something to ya get it! Go back to yours and leave me alone... Go back to the Digital world... you dont understand." Lopmon didnt care what the twin had to say and he finally gave up and left again...

Unfortunatly Duskmon had heard her voice and knew where she hid... He did not give away her position though. He continued to fight Kyuubimon and the others... But it did not look so good for Duskmon in Lopmon's opinion...
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[size=1][color=999999][i]Angel walked around the streets, listening to the fighting that would happen around her. She then heard a large explosion. Wondering what it would be, she ran to the sound to see what could hae made such a sound.

Duskmon fights against several digimon. A human with a digimon spirit. Someone just like her. Smirking, she walks towards the fighting and looks intently at them. Suddenly, her digivice began to glow. She begins to digivolve. She turns into Succubimon.

Rising into the air, Succubimon sends a blast of dark energy towards Guilmon, who runs after Duskmon.[/i]

"Grr. Who's that? Show yourself." [i]Guilmon demanded.[/i]

[i]Succubimon began to laugh.[/i] "If you wish."

[i]Out of the shadows, a female digimon with dragon-like wings had appeared. She wore a ninja-like mask that covered her face, but let her hair fall. She wore a black armor that only covered her upper body. Her raven black hair fell down to her waist. Her nails grew to about 12 inches in length and shined in the light. Succubimon retracted them back.[/i]

"I am Succubimon, Moon Warrioress. I only fight along side the darkness of evil." [i]A red orb appeared within the center of her palms.[/i] "Or should I show you?"

[B]OOC:[/B] Ok. Here is an image that might help you get an idea of what Succubimon might look like. What she wears and how her hair might look, at least. [URL=http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Bridge/4887/bakuretsu-hunters/bh-tira2.JPG]Tira Misu[/URL][/size][/color]
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OOC: I think I'll give Witchmon another attack...
[color=dark red]Gypsymon wandered around; she had lost Karanlik. "Oh darn, where is he?" she wondered. She decided to ask someone, but she didn't know who to ask. Then she thought...

"Virtualmon!!" Gypsymon thought out loud. She started to run towards the portal to the Shadow World, almost tripping on her eight legs. She finally came to a large tree in the park with a hole in it. She stuck her head inside the hole and watched...

"Gypsymon," said Virtualmon, who appeared on a screen in the tree hole. "My best ally, what do you want?"
"I need to know where Duskmon is."
"Hang on. Clair, please locate Duskmon for me."
A girl that looked sort of like a blue Arukenimon in her human form was sitting down at a desk with a computer on it. There, she searched for a Digispirited that had Spirit-Evolved to the Warrior of Darkness. "Aha!" she declared with an evil grin on her face. "Duskmon is in the basketball courts in the park. There's a huge battle going on there, and we are losing. Gypsymon you better Digivolve fast, to Ultimate if you can."
"I'm on it!" Gypsymon said with a bow to Virtualmon. "And don't worry," Clair added, "I'll help you if you are losing. You know that I can use my powers through this computer screen..." She laughed evilly, and Gypsymon took her head out of the tree, the screen turning off at the same time. She started heading over to the courts.

Sure enough, as Clair has seen, threr was a giant Digital Field in the courts, and it sounded like a battle was going on in there. Gypsymon smirked and decided to join in...

"Gypsymon Digivolve to..."

"Poison Storm!!" Witchmon shouted as she entered the field. The attack barely missed Kyubimon. "And there's more where that came from!"
"Who are you?" Succubimon asked.
"I'm Witchmon, and I'm on your side. Virtualmon told me you needed backup. Clair's also backing us up. I heard she can use her attacks from far away."
"How so?"
"No clue... I'm not even sure of what kinds of attacks she knows... After all, she IS half Digimon, but I might imagine her powers are similar to mine... Well enough talk and let's fight! Thunder Spell!"
The attack hit Guilmon, who had attacked Duskmon (who absorbed the attack).
"Pyro Sphere!" Guilmon shouted. The attack was headed right for Witchmon while she was trying to attack Kyubimon! But then something strange happened. A blue fog hovered in the air for a split second, and Guilmon's attack was stopped in midair. Instead, it was redirected to Kyubimon.
"Hey that's not fair!" Kari shouted. "Where did that come from anyways?"
"Witchmon, is this a trick?" Duskmon asked. But Witchmon was dumbfounded. Who stopped Guilmon's attack? Surely it was none of the Digimon present... or at least that's what everyone except Witchmon thought.[/color]

OOC: Spoiler: [spoiler]Clair stopped Guilmon's attack![/spoiler]
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Lopmon stared at the new digimon arrivals or at least one human digimon thing. Lopmon rolled her eyes and stayed in the bush where she hid. The battle was turning but lopmon wondered if that was what Duskmon wanted. Lopmon shruged to herself and moved on. She watched guilmon's attack get messed with and smiled.. [i]How neat...What fun![/i]

Lopmon stood up but noo ne saw her because she was much shorter than the bush so she was sill technically hiding. "Gosh at this rate Ill never ask my question... Ah I hate it when they waste time..." Lopmon thought to herself and wished she could digivolve again but couldnt at the moment...

She leap out into the battle field anyways. Lopmon looked around. Kari rolled her eyes, "Aw not you again! Wont you jsut go away?"

"Sorry but hey... Im bored again... Tiny Twister" Lopmon sent the Attack at Kari... It had the same dust and ice shards like the attack she did earlier. "Haha!" Kari barely got aside from the mini twister in time.

"Thats not very nice!"

"Who ever said I was nice?" Lopmon laughed but thenstopped for a moment and thought to herself...[i]One person...did... She did before i could meterialize... but that does not matter any more now does it... Yes it does... No... it doesnt.[/i] Her thoughts were torn for the moment. Her expressions looked as if she was arguing with someone who wasnt there. [i] They dont... Yes...Yes they do...sort of.... Hey she abandoned you...get over it and kick these kids butts!...oh...right...[/i]

Before Lopmon could set her thoughts on the right track and go back to playing with the humans she was hit with a fireball. It had come from Guilmon who had regained balance and fired the attack while she wasnt paying attention. Lopmon went skidding backwards and up against a decorative rock. Lopmon tried to sit up but felt a little to weak at the moment.

Digivolving to Turuiemon earlier took alot of her energy and she wasnt prepared for guilmon's attack. She let out a sigh and fell unconcious.

"Good Job guilmon! Its about time she shut up!"
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Duskmon: (Thinking) This isn't exactly what I planned, but it'll work. At least, it will if I don't attack them, too. But I can't trust myself to not attack them. I can't risk attacking them, but I could use their help. But if they leave, I might be able to manufacture a situation where my other spirit activates. I could probably do the same in this situation, but if it works, I'll be even more dangerous to my allies(sp?) as well as my enemies. But I didn't ask them to help me, and I'm here so that I can get my other spirit activated. I'm not going to change that. So I'll go one-on-one with a Digimon that has an advantage. those Tamers will think I bit off more than I could chew, not knowing that I want to lose. And when I'm almost out of the fight, I'll Make it more dangerous. I should be able to activate my other spirit that way. (Out loud) Kyuubimon's mine!
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"Has everyone forgot about me!?" yelled an angry falcon digimon. "Talon Rocket!" his two rockets fired from golden puches on his under belly. Two new ones replaced them quickly but the fired ones were headed straight for Witchmon. Suddenly, as if time froze for the rockets, they stopped and fell to the ground exploding on contact.

"Stupid Witchmon!" yelled Matt. He was angry. Really angry. But he controlled it and saw that a cocoa coloured digimon layed against a rock, unconcious.

He walked towards it and picked it up, craddling it in his arms.

"What are you doing!? That thing's against us!" yelled another tamer.

"I don't care. It may awaken and attack me, it may even grow up hating everything around it. But it's hurt and doesn't deserve to [i]die[/i] here." with that Matt walked away from the battle field but not far away. He could still see everything.

"It's ok... You may be a prankster. But I can't stand the thought of an innocent digimon dying like this." he laughed. "You probably think I'm a giant suck-up." he finished.
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Kyuubimon: You want to take me on?

Duskmon: Yes. And I don't plan to lose.

Kyuubimon: Neither do I. Dragon Wheel!

Duskmon: Deadly Gaze!

(The two attacks hit and cancel out. Duskmon charges Lunar Plasma. Kyuubimon attacks with Dragon Wheel, and Duskmon jumps over it. He charges Kyuubimon and attacks, but Kyuubimon moves out of the way. She then attacks with Fox Tail Inferno and hits Duskmon from behind. Duskmon turns around and fires a Deadly Gaze, but Kyuubimon dodges and attacks with Dragon wheel, hitting Duskmon. she then charges him, knocking him into the basketball hoop's pole. She attacks with Dragon Wheel again before Duskmon can recover. Duskmon tries to get up, but can't)

Kyuubimon: I win.

Duskmon: Not... quite yet. I'm... not done yet

Kyuubimon: You will be. Dragon Wheel!

(After Kyuubimon begins her attack, Duskmon devolves. Karanlik doesn't attempt to get out of the way. Instead, he waits for the attack to hit, holding his digivice)


OOC: Nobody save Karanlik. I've dropped enough hints that you probably know what's about to happen.
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Honru sat in front of her computer screen and was busy typing.the screen suddlenly went blank.
"What the?"
The screen turned back on and it was fuzzy a dark figure appeared and looked a lot like a digimon.
"Your a tamer are you not"?The figure asked.
"Uh ya I guess".Honru stamered.
"Join us".The voice said then the screen blacked out again and the orignal screen appeared.Honru stared baffled then noticed something floating in the air.
"Magemon, don't do that"!
"Do what"?
"Sneak up on me".
"Oh,you remeber when you said that if attacked that digimon you would own".
"Ya why"?
"Well were you being seroius"?
"No your my only friend".
"Well I was only trying to protect you".
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know".Honru got up and walked to the window and opened it up.
"Where are you going"?
"For a walk".Honru climbed out the window and jumped to the tree outside her window and jumped out of the tree.She climbed over the thick stone wall surrunding her house and jumped into the street and walked down the street.
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(Before Kyuubimon's Dragon Wheel hits Karanlik, his digivice glows. Then, the attack hits. Only Karanlik isn't there anymore. His Beast Spirit had activated, and he had Spirit Evolved into Velgmon. Hnow flies over the battle, and Falconmon flies up to meet him)

Falconmon: Talon Rocket!

(Falconmon's attack hits Velgmon, but it doesn't have much of an effect)

Velgmon: Was that your best shot? Too bad, because you'll need more than that to stop me! Dark Vortex!

(Velgmon fires a red energy beam, which hits Falconmon, knocking him down. Instead of following up on the attack, Velgmon flies around wildly for a few seconds, then lands away from the battle and devolves)

Karanlik: (Thinking) God damn it! That wasn't supposed to happen. I enter a fight I know I won't win, then intentionally almost get myself killed, all to activate the Beast Spirit. And when I do, I can't control the damn thing! That fucking Beast Spirit has a mind of its own. That'll make using it difficult. I'll have to learn how to control it. At least now, I know what to expect. That should make it much easier to control it next time. But untill I'm sure I can, I'll have to use it only in situations where a lack of control won't mean much.
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"You probably think I'm a giant suck-up." the boy said.

The small digimon that was now known as Chocomon opened its tiny eyes and somewhat stared and glared up at the human...

She then shook her head.

"You dont think...I'm a giant suck up?"

Again the small blob shook its head slowly and opened its mouth, "I can tell you care... heh.. its a lot more than anyone else has ever done." The small thing looked around and then back up at the guy holding her.

"Hey whats your name...now?" He asked..

"Cho... Chocomon" and with that the little digimon shut her eyes and fell unconcious again.


OOC: heh... I know i said Chocolmon cant speak... but I am gonna change that a little. Conomon cant speak but Chocomon can speak a little.
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Matt put the small digimon down. He gathered a whole bunch of leaves and grass, placing them inside his backpack. He then picked up Chocomon and layed her inside the bag. He had enough leaves in there that if she stood up she could see outside the pack.

"Let's go back there. Falconmon needs me." He started to run towards the battle feild with the zipper mostly closed.

"Falconmon!" he reached his digimon "Falconmon. Are you ok?" he said. The giant bird got up and looked at Matt.

"I need a D-Card!" with that he flew back to the battle scene.

Matt scrummaged through a small pouch on his side and finally picked a card.

"Digi-Modify!" he yelled "Invisimon Stealth, Activate!" he said as he pulled the card through his digivice.

"There, that should keep him camoflauged for about 5 minutes..." said Matt. He then raced over to Kari who was on the back of her Kyuubimon.

"Come, Kari. I need your help with something." said Matt intently.

"But what about the others--"

"Just come on!" with that he left and raced to his skateboard, picking it up and skating off. Kari followed him on her blades. Finally they came to a small cave with a swirly vortex in the middle. They had to grab a tree so they wouldn't get sucked in. At that moment, Falconmon unstealthed and was flying above them. He had followed Matt.

"Now Kari. This is a portal to the DigiWorld. I know none of us have been there before but if you can lure them here then they should be transported instantly to the digiworld. I'll be wating there! Now hurry!" yelled Matt. A bit shocked, Kari bladed off.

"Digi-Modify!" yelled Matt, swiping a card backwards through his D-Arc. "Digivolution De-Activate!" Falconmon instantly turned to Hoodmon and fell into Matt's arms.

"You ready?" Matt asked both the digimon.

"Ready as I'll ever be." replied Hoodmon.

"Huuh?" was all Chocomon said.

"I'll take that as a yes." with that, Matt jumped in the portal along with Hoodmon. They traveled through time and space and finally landed in a desert...
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OOC:I have question is this paced on the card swip thing.Because I didn't really watch seson three.
Honru walkd down the street and walked in to the park.She saw a boy with a digimon dissappear into a swirly vortex .
"What the"?Honru said.She pushed a button on her black and blue digi-vice and Magemon appeared.
"What"?Magemon asked.
"What is that protal"?
"It leads to the digtal world".
"Oh lets go".
"What but why"?
"I want to see what it looks like there now come on".
Magemon didn't move for a few seconds but then followed Honru.The wind blew harder and she felt like she was being sucked in.As soon as she put her hand in the vortex both her and Magemon went into the hole.When Honru opened her eyes she looked around her and noticed that she was in a forest.When she looked over at Magemon he wasn't there.Instead there was another digimon that had a hat and a brown hair sticking out.
"Who are you".Honru asked.
"I'm Wizardmon the digivolved form of Magemon".
"Wait your Magemon just another step up the ladder"?
"Yes I guess".
"Where are we"?
"In a digatal forest in the digital world."
Honru stood up and dusted herself off Wizardmon flew up into the air and looked around and came back down.
"I can fly us out of here but if we get attackedwe'll have to go down".
Wizardmon picked her up and flotted up and flew towards the nearest valley.
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Gomamon stood there looking at the other digimon. He wasnt moving at all. It seemed he was really nervous about something.
Maria called to her Digimon.

"Gomamon whats the matter? Gomamon?"

Gomamon turned to his tamer with little tears in his eyes. Then he ran up to Maria and jumped into her arms.

"Sorry i could'nt digivolve back there Maria. I was scared about something. I dont know what"

Gomamon looked at his tamer with his shiney green eyes. Then he really started to cry.

"Maria please don;t be mad. Please dont be mad. I couldnt help it"

She smiled and cuddled him.

"Dont worry Gomamon. I'll help you to digivolve."
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Chocomon glanced around unaware of where they were, "Huuuuh" She questioned.

"Apparently we are in the desert... Fun. Wish i brought my shades..." The boy said.

Chocomon didnt feel comfortable being with a human... She never did... but the desert got to her most... It brought back memories she wished she had forgoten. Her attention turned to the human again... She couldnt figure out why he was doing this even after she atempted to attack Kari and the other kids and digimon. She still hated humans but deep down inside she was truely confused about it.

"Why?" Chocomon asked.

"Why what?"

"Why... Help me?" That was all she could spit out... Silence came from the boy and his partner.

"Hmm" Chocomon just shut her eyes... "I hear something..."
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[color=dark red]Witchmon watched Kari, Matt, and the Digimon leave through the portal in disgust. She thought to herself, "Darn, they're getting away!" She tried to jump in the portal after them, but it closed too quickly. "Darn!" she shouted and looked back as the digital field disappeared behind her. Kokomon, Kyubimon, and Hoodmon had gone through the portal as well, leaving her and Karanlik behind. "Yes, they have gone," Karanlik sighed as the portal started to vanish. Then, something weird happened...

The portal mysteriously glowed and started opening again! Taken by surprise, Karanlik and Witchmon looked at each other then jumped into the portal together. At first, they were spinning around in a vortex of nothingness.

* * *

"Hee hee hee," Clair laughed evilly as she stared at the computer screen. "Witchmon and Karanlik are going to the Digital World too, but I might as well give them a break. Now let's see, where should I put them? The forest? The lake? The mountains? The ocean? Hmmm..." Then she closed her eyes and pressed her fingers to her head. Seconds later...

* * *

Karanlik ended up in the forest, and Witchmon came out on the beach.

"Hmm... Clair must have opened the portal again..." Witchmon thought as she De-Digivolved back to Gypsymon. "Hey where's Karanlik? ...Oh well. I'll find him later. I'm getting hungry--data hungry," she smirked and giggled to herself. She then walked off in search of Digimon.

* * *

Meanwhile, Karanlik wandered around in the forest, not spotting Witchmon or anyone else he recognized. Suddenly, he saw...

"Hello there," a girl called to him. It was Angel! "I see that the Digidestined have escaped. Don't worry, I'll find them... I hope..." Then someone spoke to her telepathically: "Angel, the Digidestined are in the desert, not too far from where you are. Witchmon--er--Gypsymon is on the beach; I put her there for a purpose... Anyways, you need to find the Digidestined before they find new ways to Digivolve! Now go; I'll lead you in the right direction." "Karanlik, did you hear that?" Angel said in an unsure tone. "What?" Karanlik wondered. "And why were you standing there like you were thinking about something?" "That was Clair," Angel muttered. "She wants us to follow the Digidestined, who are in the desert. Gypsymon's by the ocean. Anyways, we need to follow Clair's instructions very carefully now to get to the desert... otherwise the Digidestined will find new ways to Digivolve. We can't let that happen!" And with that, she and Karanlik headed towards the desert, Clair telling them where to go all the way.[/color]
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[b]OOC:[/b] Sorry if I'm not posting much.

[COLOR=darkblue]Kari thumped in the sand, creating a large cloud of dust. She groaned and stood as she realised she was in a desert. She removed her blades again and stood. Renamon stood next to her. Kari squinted in the light and grabbed her silver, reflective sunglasses. Kari noticed that Matt wasn't too far away. She ran to them and looked around cautiously.

"We gotta get out of here. I think they're following us but they've arrived somewhere else." Kari said as she grabbed Matt's arm.

Hoodmon flapped above them tiredly before landing and perching on Matt's shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Matt asked.
"It's still air around here, he has to flap too hard to stay up and it's tiring him so he'd rather perch on you." Kari explained, still pulling Matt.
"Wow, She's good." Hoodmon said.

Kari stopped and let go of Matt's arm. Kari started to whisper to Renamon and then grabbed one of her paws. Kari held out a hand to Matt.

"Hoodmon, keep hold of Matt's shoulder ok?" Kari said as Renamon disappeared, taking them with her.

When they reappeared, they were in the middle of a forest.

They unlinked and looked around. It was cool and dark as the canopy covered the view of the sky. Kari sat on a log and sighed.

"I don't know what happened to Duke. He didn't come with us...Maybe he found another way..." Kari said hopefully.[/COLOR]
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Karanlik: (Thinking) I think I can trust Angel, but she can't trust me. Not even I can trust myself right now. Not only can I not control myself as Velgmon, but even as Duskmon, I might attack Angel. I can't risk that. (Out loud) I can't stay with you, Angel. Something's happening to me, and I need to be by myself until I know what it is. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. (He turns around and walks off) (Thinking) I have to figure out what's going on with me. But I don't know how to do that, so until I can figure out what to do about that, I'll work on controling myself as Velgmon.But first, I need to get far enough away from Angel that there's no risk I'll attack her.
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[b]OOC:[/b] Sorry it's so long! ^^'[color=royalblue]
Matt climbed a tree to the top, looking out into the forest. He spotted a boy. But not just any boy, Karanlik.

"Uh-oh! We gotta get outta here!" said Matt, climbing down the tree.

"What!? Whyy. We just got here. Besides, I'm not going back to that desert." said Kari, promptly.

"It's Karanlik. He's in the forest." whispered Matt.

"Oh.." just then, Kari grabbed Matt and Renamons hand.

"Renamon!" commanded Matt "To where-ever!"

"Err... gotcha" replied Renamon who, obviously, didn't like taking orders from anyone else than Kari.

They disappeared and reappeared in a room with pink walls and they were swimming in water.

"Where are we?" Kari's voice echoed in the room. Matt touched the wall with his hands, he grabbed out pink gooey stuff.

"Ow!" said a big booming voice. "That hurts ya know!"

"Oh no..." Matt and Kari both took out their digivices.

The Sea Animal Digimon
[i]This digimon may be big but is also very peaceful. It only eats Kelpmon so if you're not a Kelpmon then your just fine.[/i][/quote]

"So.. we're inside you!?" yelled Hoodmon, who often ever spoke up.

"Hold on!" yelled the booming voice.

"BLASTING SPOUT!" everyone in the water rose and instantly shot out of the Whamon's spout. By the time they landed, Whamon, was gone.

"Great... we're stranded in the middle of an ocean." said Matt.

"Well I'd get us out of here but it takes energy you know. Especially taking 3 other people with you... twice, and for such a long distance... it's hard." said Renamon.

Matt pulled out his digivice. "Digi-Modify!" he yelled, swiping a card through his digivice. "Digivolution, Activate!"

Falconmon arose and Matt jumped on the back.

"Hello lil' lady. Hows about a nice stranger like me give ya a ride?" said Matt, acting all cowboyish. Kari laughed and Matt pulled her up onto Falconmon. She swiped her card through the digivice.

"Digi-Modify!" she yelled. "Fairy Wings, Activate!"

Renamon sprouted wings, flying up beside Falconmon. By then Matt hjad already given Falconmon some Traning Gear to slow him down.

"Why the special gear, Matt?" asked Falconmon.

"Well you [i]are[/i] the fasted air critter around. We don't want poor Renamon way behind us." he answered. Kari and Renamon both grumbled.

"Yee-Haw!" shouted Matt, as Falconmon flew off, followed by Renamon.[/color]
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HOnru looked around the valley she then looked at Wizardmon and frowned she missed Magemon.She wondered if Wizardmon had the same persontilty as Magemon.Honru had grown attached to Magemon but since he had changed it was like she had to make a hole new friend.
"I'm still the same you know".Wizardmon said.
"Oh it's just you look different".Honru said.
A boy with black hair came walking out of the forest.He stopped and looked at her then his eyes widen when he spotted Wizardmon.
"Are you part of that little group of kids".He shoutted at her.
"What group of kids I have no friends".
"Really so your a digidestinted on your own".
"YA,I guess why do you want to know".
Wizardmon stood staring at the boy oddly.The boy walked closer.
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Karanlik: (Thinking) This is perfect. She's all alone, and he doesn't know what's going on. Of course, misleading him isn't an option. The other Tamers will see right through it. Besides, she's one of them, and Virtualmon wants them dead. so, I'll take care of this loner first. This is also a perfect opportunity to practice control of Velgmon. If things go bad, I should be able to defeat Wizardmon as Duskmon. (Out loud) I'm looking for all of you. I didn't expect to find one alone, though.

Honru: Why are looking for me?

Karanlik: Well, this one Digimon saved my life, so I have to repay him. He wants all of you dead, so I'm helping him out.

Honru: You're [i]what?![/i]

Karanlik: You heard right.

Honru: You would kill me just to repay a debt?

Karanlik: I've killed before. Besides, what does it matter? You're not that important, I don't think. You're one of the masses. It doesn't matter if you live or die, because your life isn't important. So yes, I will kill you to repay a debt.

Wizardmon: You'll have to go through me first!

Karanlik: That shouldn't proove too dificult. See, you don't know what you're dealing with. But don't worry. You're about to find out.

(Karanlik Beast Spirit Evolves to Velgmon)

Honru: That's a bad thing, right?

Wizardmon: Yes. Velgmon is very powerful. But I don't think that he is in complete control. If I'm lucky, and he doesn't gain conrtol, I can probably defeat him. But if he does gain control of himself, then I won't be able to.

Honru: Give it your best shot, Wizardmon.
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OOC: Takuya my charater is a girl.

Honru stared at Wizardmon he was braver than Magemon that was for sure.
"Wizardmon be careful".Honru said.
"I will be",Wizardmon answered,"Thunder Blaster"!
The attack hit Velgmon.Velgmon was haveing trouble controling himself.He de-spirted evolved and fell to the ground screaming.
Honru ran over to him.
"Are you ok"?
"Why are you helping me I have to kill you".
"BEcause I don't know any of those digidestioned you where talking about.I only know my digimon.I don't know why I'm a tamer but I am."
"I still have to kill you you know."
"Listen I got a message form some digimon yesterday when I was on my computer it said Join Us maybe it was your boss".
"What do you mean"?
"Maybe you can take me to your boss and if he still wants to kill me let it be".
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OOC: I meant to type "she", but I guess I didn't. I just edited it.


Karanlik: (Thinking) This is working well. She's underestimating me. She doesn't think I can control myself as Velgmon. But it was easier than I thought when I knew what to expect. What she doesn't realize is that I was in coplete control of myself, but acting like I wasn't. This way, I can find out what she knows, if anything. Then, when I'm ready to kill her, she'll underestimate me. That'll be essential if she has any hidden tricks, which I doubt. Still, it never hurts to be prepared.
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