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Digimon: A New Evil


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[color=dark red]Cadomon, Kinemon, and Driavamon fought against Galfmon, Dryphonmon, Beelzemon, and the others.

Driavamon focused on Beelzemon. "Sleep Wave..." she cooed, staring right at Beelzemon, emitting hypnotic waves from all over her, making Beelzemon drowsier by the second. Within a few seconds, Beelzemon fell into a deep trance, then his mind went completely to Driavamon's control. Dinobeemon saw this and rushed over to stop her. "Masquerage!" he shouted, trying to catch Driavamon off guard. But it didn't work... "Psychopath!" Driavamon fired the attack at Dinobeemon. Meanwhile, she said to Beelzemon, "Now, Beelzemon, go attack your friend there. Corona Blaster!" "Corona Blaster!" Beelzemon shouted, firing the attack at Dinobeemon. While the two of them were fighting, Driavamon turned to WarGrowlmon and Zudomon, saying "Well, you two Ultimates are my next victims."

Meanwhile, Cadomon was fighting Dryphonmon. The storm that was coming did not worry her. She just waited for Dryphonmon top have a go. Soon, two thunderbolts came crashing down on Cadomon, who used her telekinetic powers to redirect the attack back to Dryphonmon, who was taken by surprise, having just focused on her attack. "You can't beat me," Cadomon sneered, "if you don't pay attention. Spellbind!" She fired the attack at Dryphonmon, who became tangled in some sort of string. By the time the string had unraveled, the sky had returned to normal: a clear, starry night. The thunder and lightning were gone too, and the same went for the dark clouds. "Well, Dryphonmon," said Cadomon, "looks like you'll have to try something new in ordeer to defeat me." Dryphonmon tried to make the swirling clouds reappear again, but that ability seemed to be disabled at the moment... Meanwhile, Cadomon attacked Taomon with a Super Psyblast, making her De-Digivolve back to Renamon.

Galfmon and Kinemon fought, and it appeared to be a tie. Curse of the Darkness and Dark Force combined to form a giant sphere of dark energy, which exploded the second it was made. Both Digimon fell back and got up again. "Grrr... stalemate," Galfmon muttered. "Well Kinemon, I must say I'm impressed. But it's not over yet! It's not over until I destroy you!"

Meanwhile, the angel Digimon that was watching the fight emerged, revealing herself. She was white all over, except for her eyes, which were bright blue. She looked sort of like a white Angewomon except without the headgear, wearing a long white gown, and holding a wand with a bird's head on it.[/color]

OOC: This Digimon sure sounds a lot like it came from Cardcaptor Sakura...

[color=dark red]"Hello there, fellow fighters," said the Digimon. "I am Clowmon, and I have been sent here to end this fight. Cadomon, Kinemon, Driavamon, Galfmon, Beelzemon, Dryphonmon, WarGrowlmon, Renamon, Zudomon, Tullimon... It ends here. Our fate is sealed. Card Spell!" she declared, forming cards all around her, all with pictures of Digimon on them. She struck one of them with her wand, and the card glowed while the others vanished. A Zephyrmon was summoned from the card, and she started to attack... "Plasma Pods!" she shouted, attacking Galfmon. After that, Galfmon attacked Zephyrmon, causing her to disappear. "So Clowmon," he said, making an assumption. "You fight for the side of evil, right?" "I fight for neither side," Clowmon answered, acting like she was trying to keep a secret. Kinemon knew what her secret was, due to the fact that she could read minds, but she didn't tell anybody.

"Vortex Portal!" Clowmon announced. She threw her wand into the center of the battlefield, between the two sides, and started transfering her energy into it.

Meanwhile, Honru and Phantomon were watching over Clair, who had transformed into a harmless little girl. "What's Clowmon doing?" Honru wondered, holding Clair. "I dunno," Clair answered. "I don't have ESP anymore, remember?" Phantomon couldn't stand by any longer. "I'm with Clowmon," he declared. "I don't know what side I'm on either. I don't know who to listen to anymore." Honru nodded. "Honru," Phantomon continued, "I'll go see what Clowmon's up to. You wait here." "No," Honru announced, "I'm coming with you." She nodded and ran along with Phantomon and Clair to the battlefield, where Clowmon was finally done with the energy transfer. Then, without warning, a vortex appeared from Clowmon's wand, and Clowmon flew over to the center of it, turning into data. The energy transfer required a sacrifice. Meanwhile, the vortex swallowed up everyone, transporting them to different parts of the Digital World, and all the Digimon De-Digivolved back to their Rookie forms.

The Digidestined were all transported to the beach. Honru and Magemon were transported to the forest. Karanlik and Angel (the vortex made them De-Spirit Evolve) were transported to the mountains, and Gypsymon and Clair were transported to the Shadow World, in Virtualmon's realm. Cadomon, Kinemon, and Driavamon all fused with Clair again, turning her back into her original form as opposed to the little girl she was before. Virtualmon appeared. "So," he said in a weird accent, "where's Karanlik and Angel?" Gypsymon frowned. "That's a long story..." she muttered. "But to make it short, they decided to... they decided to convert to the good side..." "They WHAT?!?" Virtualmon shouted, feeling betrayed. "Gypsymon, Clair, how did you let this happen?" Clair then told Virtualmon everything: the conflicts in Karanlik's mind, the fact that Virtualmon did nothing for him after saving his life, how Angel agreed with him, everything. "Well... Well then we'll just have to beef things up a little for us," Virtualmon decided. "Clair, you need a new amplifier, a better one. Gypsymon, you need to Digivolve to Kalimon and practice your attacks. Meanwhile, I'll try to round up allies." He chuckled to himself, thinking, "We will never be stopped. NEVER."[/color]
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Karanlik: That's a new one.

Angel: Where are we?

Karanlik: I have no clue.

Angel: So, what do we do?

Karanlik: I'm going to contact Virtualmon. He probably doesn't know about what we did yet. (He contacts Virtualmon) Virtualmon? This is Karanlik. Are you there?

Virtualmon: Yes. Is Angel with you?

Karanlik: Yes.

Virtualmon: Where are you?

Karanlik: I don't know. There's something I have to tell you. It's about Clair and Gypsymon. They've gone over to the other side.

Virtualmon: They say that it's the two of you who have gone over to the other side.

Karanlik: Of course they have. It's an obvious thing to do.

Virtualmon: But why would they go over?

Karanlik: I don't know.

Virtualmon: Stay where you are. I will send someone to find you.

Karanlik: Understood. (He terminates the connection) Shit! Clair and Gypsymon already told Virtualmon about what we did. We need to get out of here. I wouldn't put it past Virtualmon to figure out that we ended up here. And we can't Spirit Evolve and fly, because we'd be too conspicuous. we have to stay on the ground. Come on. (they start off down the mountian)
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[size=1][color=999999][i]Not liking the idea of not being able to Spirit Evolve, Angel walked down with Karanlik. There was so much that she did not know about him and there were so many things that she did not want him to know, but as they journeyed down the mountain, she was bound to open up.[/i]

"How'd you get to meet those digidestined fools?"

"Do you really want to know how?"

"Yeah. How'd you get to meet them?"

[i]Karanlik sighed and Angel looked to him. He stood about a foot taller than she, which would have intimidated her, if she was not the way she was. She then looked to forward and waited for his answer. She was wondering whether or not she could trust him still, even after the battle.[/size][/color][/i]
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Karanlik: It began four years ago, just after my 13th birthday. I snuck out of the house with some friends, and we TPed our math teacher's house. None of us liked her very much. Anyways, when I got back to my house, it was burning. I ran away as fast as I could. I didn't have anywhere to go, so I stayed on the streets. Soon, I joined a gang. After almost two years, everyone in the gang waskilled by another gang, except for me. That same day, I found the digivice and spirits. A couple weeks later, the gang found me. They were about to kill me when I became Duskmon for the first time. That saved my life. It wasn't that long ago that Virtualmon-well, it was Clair, actually-found me. I learned that Virtualmon left the digivice and spirits for me to find, meaning that he saved my life. So, to repay him I agreed to get rid of the Tamers. I saw kari's digivice and followed her to the basketball court. You know the rest. So what's your story? Why were you there?
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[color=dark red]Virtualmon was on the computer, trying to gather up new allies. Kalimon was practicing her attacks. Soon...
"Clair?" asked Virtualmon. "I need you to go find Karanlik and Angel for me. And take Kalimon with you." Then he turned to Kalimon, who was right in the middle of an attack. "Kalimon, I need you to turn back into Gypsymon again, so that you don't look suspicious to anyone else. Now both of you, go."

Clair and Kalimon nodded, and Kalimon turned back into Gypsymon. "Agreed," they said in unison.

Karanlik and Angel were heading down the mountain. Clair and Gypsymon suddenly came out of a portal near them. Karanlik was taken by surprise, and Angel was later on as well. "Well, you two, what brings you here?" she asked. Karanlik turned away. "You're the last two I expect to see," he muttered, as if he was angry with Clair and Gypsymon. "Virtualmon sent us here, as you may already know," Clair explained. "After all, we're his only allies now..." "I have to ask you two a question. Why did you decide to be on Virtualmon's side? What did he do to help you?"

Gypsymon paused, then started. "Ever since I was a little Dotmon, I was a happy little Digimon, with lots of friends and having the happiest time of my life with them. Those were the days... Then, there was one point when I Digivolved to Rookie and everyone else was still in their In-Training levels. Suddenly, this totally evil Digimon named... Flowamon, I think... interrupted us..."
"Who were your friends?" Karanlik interrupted.
"They were... um... I don't remember... there was... Pagumon, Yaamon, Kapurimon, DarkViximon, Waxmon, who Digivolves to Candlemon, then... I don't remember the rest... Anyways, Flowamon seemed nice and I asked her if she wanted to be my friend but she just attacked me and everyone else. She was so violent! She destroyed all my friends and left me with no one! "I barely managed to fend her off, but I was so lonely and depressed after that... I tried to kill myself many times but I failed... then... he came. Virtualmon came out of nowhere and said to me, "Hey, little Digimon. I'll be your friend. You can be on my side." He kept his word, and I inally got my first home and my first happiness in a long time. Of course, I've always been on the evil side; I like to cause trouble, you know, but... it bothers me... and I don't know why..."
"I see..." Angel said in a somber tone. "That's kind of sad."
"Hmmm... Virtualmon saved your life, like he did to me... Clair, what happened with you and Virtualmon?"

"It was the most frightening moment of my life," Clair said. "Before I met Virtualmon, I was a little girl that knew nothing about Digimon. I was always looked to as being weird, but... I just wanted to be normal. One day, I wished to have my life changed and not have anyone tease me anymore, that I could be strong and nnot be the weak little girl that I was. Then, out of nowhere, Virtualmon appeared. He sort of kidnapped me and took me to the Shadow World. I was kind of frightened back then. Anyways, Virtualmon put me in a cell and started doing some sort of research. Then there was a giant flash, and the next thing I knew, I was totally different... I found out that I had been transformed into part-Digimon. Now I'm made of data!"
"If you hated Virtualmon so much," Karanlik blurted, "how come you're on his side?"
"I was just getting to that. Something inside of me told me that everything would be OK. But when I was transformed into part-Digimon, I felt different, in a good way... I felt as if I could see everythin clearly, as if I could suddenly predict the future or something... and I felt this great energy about me that I felt was not weakness. I felt power for the first time, and it felt just wonderful. I felt brave and not shy anymore. I didn't know how to thank Virtualmon. You see, Karanlik, he does have a good side, but it will be hard destroying his evil side. Ohhh... I may sound supid saying this, but I'm beginning to miss what little family I have... I wish... I could go home for just a short time... But how can I in the form I'm in? Oh well, maybe some other time. I can wait."

"Another life-saving case," Karanlik thought as the group headed down the mountain. "Hmmm..." And he decided not to think about life-saving situations and tried to figure out how to destroy Virtualmon's evil side.[/color]
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ooc: Well goodness .... pfft.... There goest those plans... *Sends a curse to LRB * Ill post again but im no longer where i was before i guess.... Not that me posting is gonna do anygood (I always seem to get misplaced lol)

Lopmon walked slowly through the trees till she got to the outskirts of the forest. By then she was depressed and sat down on a large rock near a tree. She glanced up at the nearby mountaisn and some small forest patches on their sides. She rolled her eyes at the nice weather and suddenly wished there was some freak blizzard she could get lost in and frozen into a block of ice.

"I wonder what I-"

"Well looks like you were stupid enough to leave the Village... Now You...are mine!" A familliar voice called from above.

Lopmon glanced upwards, shielding her eys from the sun, and she saw... Birdramon. "Oh nuts not you again... Blazing Ice!"

Lopmon opened her mouth and shot a large blasto f ice at the bird who just melted it with a meteor wing. The attack flew at Lopmon who leapt off the rock just as it exploded into a bunch of pieces.

"Cant I ever encounter someone who doesnt want to kill me?" Lopmon shouted to herself as she fell to the ground. "Tiny Twister..."

The small attack was deflected by the birds wing, "What is that all you got?" The bird landed on the ground and stomped closer to the small bunny. "And here I thought you were stronger than that."

"I..Uh..uh... Blazing...Fire" Lopmon figured that was a mistake the moment the fire ball left her mouth "Uh Oh.."

"Uh oh yes.. Meteor Wing" The flame attack hit Lopmons small flame and it grew larger. Birdramons attack absorbed lopmons... The even larger attack soared at the digimon and hit. Lopmon went flying with rocks and dust and flames. She hit the ground and rolled into a rock. She barely could glance up to see birdramon coming closer.

All the while in Lopmons mind... all she could say over and over again was...[i]"What did I ever do to deserve this!"[/i]
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Karanlik: Assuming you're right, the only way to get rid of the bad part is to destroy the whole thing, which will kill the good part, too. But there may be a different way. I need more information.

Clair: Like what?

Karanlik: Well, that's one thing. (He punches Clair in the face) Didn't expect that, did you?

Clair: You'll pay for that.

Karanlik: We'll see about that.

(He Fusion Evolves into Galfmon, then freezes. After a few seconds, he devolves and collapses)

Angel: I've seen this before.

(Karanlik stands up)

Karanlik: He's been taken care of.

Angel: What? Karanlik, what are you talking about?

Karanlik: I'll use that name.

Gypsymon: You're not Karanlik, are you?

Karanlik: The body is, but I am not.

Angel: You're that... whatever that was in his digivice!

Karanlik: Correct. I took Karanlik by surprise. He thought that I was gone. I caught him off-guard, and it was easy to get rid of him. (He faces Clair) You can read my mind, right? If you can, then you know that what I say is true. And you know what I want. I need to speak with Virtualmon. Can you take me to him?
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[size=1][color=999999][B]OOC:[/B] I may not be able to post as much this month because my internet is not up yet because I moved. So, I give permission to Nefertimon and Takuya to use my character.

[i]Angel looked to Karanlik, or whatever was inside his body, and knew that the real Karanlik was either gone or he disappeared somewhere else. This was not a good thing. She knew that something had to be done, but there was nothing that she could do at the moment.

Clair looked to Karanlik and then to Angel. She sighed and contacted Virtualmon. Angel crossed her arms and walked further from the group. She looked around and heard a distant roar. She ignored it at first, but it came again. This time it was even louder.

Looking back to Clair, Karanlik, and the digimon, she knew that they did not hear the roar. She looked carefully around the area and saw a shadow that resembled something of Megadramon. He was soon flying above the group. But, no one had noticed that he was.[/i]

"Now, why would Megadramon be flying around this area?" [i]Angel had thought to herself.[/i] "Could it be that he's searching for somethign?"[/size][/color]
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Karanlik: Well?

Clair: He's agreed to speak with you, but he wants me to be there.

Karanlik: Why?

Clair: He doesn't trust you. He doesn't think that you can do anything to him, but he wants to be sure. After all, he doesn't know what you truly are. you might be able to leave Karanlik and enter him. If you try, I'll be there to keep you out of him.

Karanlik: That's acceptable. I wouldn't trust me is his position. After all, Karanlik betrayed him. Plus, he really doesn't know what I want. And he certainly doesn't know what I can do to him if I try. truthfully, I expected him to say no. Now, shall we be going?
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[color=dark red]Clair said to Angel and Gypsymon, "I'm taking the fake Karanlik to Virtualmon. You two stay here, all right?" Then she thought, "Karanlik is acting strange, as I predicted. Now I predict he'll turn back into himself soon..." Then she led Karanlik to the Shadow World again, not looking at him and keeping her eyes closed the whole way. Karanlik tried to talk to her, but she wouldn't listen. She was somehow sort of mad at him.

Meanwhile, Angel and Gypsymon were still in the mountains. Angel was watching Megadramon, and Gypsymon ran over to her to find out what she was doing. Megadramon suddenly landed in front of both of them... "I bet," he growled, "that you're a friend of Virtualmon, am I right? I saw your fight, and I was disapppointed when Clowmon had to stop it. I'm going to get her back... and then, I need to get Virtualmon back for what he did to me!" "What are you talking about?" Gypsymon asked. "Well," Megadramon continued in a booming voice, "That robotic freak held me as a stupid slave for so long that I became angry and decided to destroy him! Hey Angel, are you trying to stop me?" Angel thought a moment, deciding which side to go on. Now that Karanlik wasn't with him, and that the Digidestined were all far away, Angel would have been outnumbered, if it weren't for Megadramon. "I'm with you," she declared. "So, Megadramon, how did you break free of Virtualmon's control?" "Long story, better get going," Megadramon answered. And Angel rode on Megadramon, looking for the portal to the Shadow World. Gypsymon stood there, surprised. "Hmmm... I knew she'd convert..." she thought. "The nerve! I'll go try to find the Digidestined, one by one. How about the Kari girl first... Yes, she's the perfect target." And with that, she started to head over to the beach.

To get to the beach, Gypsymon first had to go to the forest. There, she saw a battle between Birdramon and Lopmon. Suddenly...

"Lopmon Digivolve to..."

"Gauntlet Claw!!" Turuiemon shouted. She rushed toward Birdramon and attacked. Birdramon winced and yelped in pain. Then she fell to the ground and De-Digivolved back to Biyomon. Gypsymon then came out, surprising Turuiemon, so that she De-Digivolved back to Lopmon. "Gypsymon! What are you doing here?" Lopmon said, startled. "I'm looking for the Digidestined. By the way, who are you? I've never met you before." "Oh I'm Lopmon," Lopmon answered. "But don't worry. I'm kind of on your side."
"Heh. That's funny. Virtualmon never told me about you."
"Who's Virtualmon?"
"You mean you fight for the side of evil and you never heard of Virtualmon before?"
"I don't work for him, if that's what you're trying to ask; I just hate humans."
"Oh. And why was the Birdramon attacking you?"
"Old friend."
"Old enemy, you must mean..."
"Yeah... We met when I was still a baby; she tried to eat me..."
"That's terrible... Hey, mind if we get rid of her?"
"Sounds good to me. But I don't have the heart. I prefer to destroy humans. You do it."
"OK. Psywave!" Gypsymon declared. The attack hit Biyomon and turned her into data, which Gypsymon absorbed. "Well," she said, "I got rid of your 'old friend'. Now how'd you like to help me get rid of the Digidestined now?" "OK! At least that won't make me seem weak. Only problem is, I need help with Digivolveing past Champion..." "I'll transfer some of my energy to you. Here. Now let's both Digivolve!" "All right!" Lopmon exclaimed.

"Gypsymon Digivlve to..."
"Tarantillamon Digivolve to..."
"Arukenimon Digivolve to..."

"Lopmon Digivolve to..."
"Turuiemon Digivolve to..."
"Antylamon Digivolve to..."

Kalimon and Kerpymon then headed off in search of the Digidestined, hoping Clair would return soon too. Kalimon told Kerpymon about Clair being on their side all the way.[/color]

OOC: Hope that was OK, Blanko...
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[size=1][color=999999][i]Angel had sensed the Shadow World's portal nearby the top of the mountain. She pointed to the peak of it and Megadramon had stopped there. Angel stepped off and pointed her digivice towards that area. A large black hole had appeared and Megadramon quickly grabbed Angel and the two went into it and they suddenly appeared somewhere other than the mountains.[/i]

"Now, all we have to do is find Clair and Karanlik. Where would they be?"

"How about we just follow the voices?"

[i]Angel looked to where Megadramon was looking at and she suddenly heard Clair and Karanlik's voice. She smirked and nodded. This way, she would be able to help Karanlik come out of his state. And it would show that she could not be controlled or even be on anyone's side other than her own.[/size][/color][/i]
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Kerpymon seemed alright with things and yet there was a tug but her virus form held it back. She hovered along the ground as they went. There was a craving to destroy (OOC: hehe). Kalimon eyed Kerpymon and decided to break the silences.

"Sooo.... Why do you hate humans then... if you havent heard of virtualmon?"

Kerpymon raised a big purble arm and waved it in the air, "Well..." She lowered her hands, "A long time ago I was meterializing in the real world. I was to be joining my partner on the other side. I could see her face... the surprise of the even happening in her room. But suddenly the connection was being messed with... at first I figured it was a virus but then... I began to go backwards... back to the digital world. Suddenly the room was filled with flame. I heard her scream... Then the computer fried and the connection was lost. I was then back here in the digital world. Ever since then I have hated humans with a passion."

"Hmm... Why though?"

"Well... She left me... Abandoned me... I hated her for that and all humans too. Once i returned to the digital world I was in my baby form again... Had to restart from the energy flow I guess... Thats when that... OLD FRIEND decided I was dinner. That alone made me hate humans even more. So ever since then I wanted to destroy which ever human i cam across... But back then humans were a rare sight here in DigiWorld. So I found myself a portal went went to the real world... where I ran into a group of kids fighting duskmon. I helped as Turuiemon but Duskmon attacked me so I left... But the urge to destroy those humans was to great... It was fun messin with them so I returned only to get hurt... With each encounter I wish to destroy (OOC: hehe) Them even more."

Kalimon just thought to herself, "I see..."

OOC: been a while... wheeeeew im low on ideas as you can see
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[color=darkred]Kalimon and Kerpymon headed over to the beach. Meanwhile, Clair was doing something...

"I sense that Angel is coming. I must be alone." Clair got up and ran. Suddenly, she came to a portal, leading directly to the Shadow World. Clair paused, then entered the portal, which closed behind her. A shadow appeared: the shadow of Lucemon...

"O my fallen lord Lucemon..." Clair chanted, "Rise!" A cloud of data appeared before her. "Lucemon, your data is as good as new. Let the ritual begin!" A portal appeared below the cloud of data. Soon, data from more fallen villains from long ago appeared: VenomMyotismon and Sakkakumon. She then said a little rhyme...

"Sakkakumon, VenomMyotismon, hear my call!
Let out your strength and rise above all!
Evil falls, good rises again,
Unless a new power is awakened within.
Evil, conquer the Digidestined!
Failure, heroes, out of the question!
Data, possess a friendly soul,
Take over the Digital World as a whole!"

Sakkakumon and VenomMyotismon were brought to life! (Shouldn't Kalimon have done that?) The three Digimon flew out of the Shadow World and turned into energy balls. The orbs flew out and hit two Digimon: VenomMyotismon's sphere hit Kalimon, and Lucemon's hit Kerpymon. The third (Sakkakumon) hit Clair, who left the Shadow World. All three Digimon acquired new attacks: the attacks of the Digimon whose data was contained in the energy balls. The Digidestined all heard an explosion and knew there was something going wrong...[/color]

:devil: Mwahahahaha! Evil will triumph! (sorry to offend you, Digidestined...)
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(Alone, Karanlik continues on to where Virtualmon is)

Karanlik: Yes, I know you wanted Clair here, but she left. I don't know why.

Virtualmon: It doesn't matter. I was told that you have some questions for me.

Karanlik: Yes, I do. I realize that you probably don't feel ready to tell me some things, but I'll ask you a few questions that you'll surely feel safe telling me the answers to. First, what exactly do you want me to do? I'm assuming it's still get rid of the ones you told karanlik were called Digidestined.

Virtualmon: Correct.

Karanlik: Now, Karanlik's fought them before, and they're very tough. Is there anything you can do to make it a little easier?

Virtualmon: There is still energy that Karanlik hasn't learned how to release. The knowledge of how to use it will come to you at the proper time.

Karanlik: I can accept that. And, lastly, why did you manipulate Karanlik the way you did? Why him?

Virtualmon: Because the method I used eliminated a potential problem, and caused a potential enemy to hate humans. The Lopmon that's been showing up was origionally going to be the partner of Karanlik's sister.

Karanlik: So you somehow made the house burn down while Karanlik was out, killink his sister and making Lopmon very upset. She probably thinks that Karanlik's sister abandoned her or something like that. Karanlik was driven into the streets, where he was toughened up. You then saved his life by leaving him the digivice and spirits. Clever. Now, I really must be going. Put me where Clair is, will you?
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OOC: Takuya, I'm sorry I'm late replying to your PM, but I finally answered your questions.

[color=darkred]Kalimon looked at herself and wondered what had happened. She looked more like VenomMyotismon than herself. She then looked at Kerpymon, who resembled Lucemon a little. The two looked at each other in a panic, wondering who could have done this to them. Then, what looked like a blue, single-eyed, winged Sakkakumon flew towards them. Kalimon took a guess at what that Digimon was...

"Clair? Is that you in there?" Kalimon questioned. "Hahahaha," Clair answered. "I have taken on a new name. I am Psychomon, and I have summoned the power of three fallen Digimon with Lucemon's help. Now, we can conquer the Digital World and destroy the Digidestined for good!" Soon, Psychomon sensed something again... "Kari is coming. And she brought the Digidestined with her." Kalimon and Kerpymon followed her to where the Digidestined were, all having high spirits and great confidence.

"Who's that?" Honru asked as she saw the shadows of three Digimon approaching. She looked at Wizardmon and shrugged. "Over there!" shouted Kari, who had led the group, followed by a confused Taomon. Everyone's Digimon Digivolved to Mega, and the battle began when all three Digimon were spotted...

Then, something strange happened. All the Digidestined except Kari and Honru were transported inside Psychomon. "Where are we?" Dinobeemon asked as he De-Digivolved back to Wormmon. Everyone else De-Digivolved and were transported into different chambers. Everyone was alone, except Impmon and Wormmon, who were together. (Psychomon couldn't bear the thought of those two being destroyed separately.)

"Why have you betrayed us?" Kalimon asked as she was attacked by both of her opponent Digimon. "It's a long story, no time to explain," Honru replied, wearing a menacing smirk on his face. Only Kerymon, Psychomon (she had red Honru's mind), and the Digidestined knew what that reason was...[/color]
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(Karanlik appeared on the side of the battle)

Karanlik: (Thinking) It looks like a lot's happened in a very short time. (Out loud) I have absolutly no clue what's going on here, but now obviously isn't the time to find out. It's fight time, and I know enough to fight who's on which side is obvious, and I don't think that those two stand a chance. So let's do this. (He's about to become Galfmon when he stops) Wel, that was quick. I guess now's the time. (Thinking) I should have known that that's what did it.

(He pushes all four buttons at the same time. The digivice glows black, then Karanlik himself is enveloped in a black glow. He becomes a new digimon: Megidramon X)

Megidramon X: This is very good.

Honru: Not for us.

Megidramon X: No, it's not. For you, it's very bad. Hell's Fire! (A blast of fire seems to erupt from the ground beneath Sakuyamon and invelops her. When the fire dissapears, she falls to the ground) Fire's Rage!

(Megidramon X throws a strangely glowing fireball at Sakuyamon. When it hits, it seems to flow into Sakuyamon. She picks herself up off the ground)

Kari: Something's not right.

Megidramon X: How perceptive. You are correct. She is not your friend right now.

Honru: What do we do now?

Megidramon X: There's nothing you can do.
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OOC: I wonder what happened to the people who RP'd the Digidestined? Oh well, I guess I'll take over them until they return...
[color=darkred]"You're going down!" Kerpymon and Kalimon shouted together. "Nightmare Claw!" "Shadow Cross!" The two Digimon fired their new attacks at Sakuyamon, who was turned into data. "Sakuyamon, noooo!" Kari shouted. "You'll pay for this!" "Yes, they will," Honru declared. "Wizardmon, time to Digivolve!"

"Wizardmon Digivolve to..."
"Phantomon Digivolve to..."

"Trump Sword!" Piedmon announced. Kalimon just laughed. "Dark Spirits' Command!" Sakuyamon was brought back to life, except on the evil side this time. Meanwhile, Kerpymon was busy trying to get Kari to surrender. "OK, Kari, hand over your Digivice." "No, I won't!" Kari retorted. "Yes you will," Kerpymon demanded, "or I shall banish you to the Shadow World!" At this Kari stood still, and Kerpymon took her Digivice...

"Spirit Strike!" Sakuyamon shouted as she fired the attack at Piedmon. "Skull's Curse!" Kalimon declared back at Piedmon. Both attacks hit him with full force. "Sakuyamon, don't attack Piedmon!!" Kari shouted. But Kerpymon shut her up. "Another word from you and I'll destroy this thing!" She held up the Digivice threateningly. Meanwhile, Piedmon fell from the force of the two blows driven to him, and he De-Digivolved back to Magemon.

Meanwhile, Maria wandered around in what seemed like a dark and wet cave. "Where am I?" she thought, in somewhat of a panic. Gomamon looked around curiously, checking the place out. Then, what looked like a red Kyubimon appeared out of nowhere... "Welcome visitors. I am Zorramon, and I have been sent here by you-know-who to accompany you." "Who do you mean by you-know-who?" Maria said in an angry tone. She thought Zorramon was an enemy. "And what do you want?" "...You don't know Psychomon? I want many things from you..." Zorramon cooed in an evil tone.

Duke found himself in a soccer field, but there was no one there. He looked at Guilmon and wondered where everyone was. Then... "We are Yingamon..." "and Yangamon!" two cute little Digimon similar to Veemon and wearing athletic outfits introduced. "Wanna play with us?" Yingamon asked in a squeaky voice, holding up a soccer ball. "Yeah," said Yangamon, "play with us!" So the two of them started to play. Yingamon and Yangamon versus Duke and Guilmon. They played for a while, and Yingamon and Yangamon were winning...

Matt ended up in what looked like a deserted amusement park. It was dark and foggy, and there were rides all around, none of which were operating. It looked kind of spooky, like a haunted house... While Matt and Hoodmon were looking around, something moved in the shadows, startling them both. Then they heard some music in the distance and followed it... it led them to a door, which they decided to enter. Balloons were all over the room they entered, and there were tables with cakes on them. However, there was no one there...

Kantro wandered around on a snowy mountain, cold and seeking warmth. Then he Spirit-evolved to Agunimon and felt better. He also saw a purple bunny Digimon approaching. The Digimon was sad-looking and had stars on her ears. "Whoa, who are you?" Agunimon asked. "I'm Psymon, and I'm cold and lost..." the Digimon cried softly. "Well that's just too bad, 'cause I'm not helping you," Agunimon sneered. Psymon then got an angry look on her face and attacked... "Mega Psyblast!" What a powerpack!

Psychomon sat alone, a distance away from the fight. She was in a deep trance, focusing only on controlling the envorinments the Digidestined were in. "Maria, Duke, Matt, Kantro... They're all mine." She laughed evilly to herself, knwoing that it would end soon for them.[/color]
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  • 2 weeks later...
(Megidramon X devolves, and Karanlik walks away from the battle. Once he's out of sight, he circles around and makes his way toward Psychomon, unseen)

Karanlik: (Thinking) Psychomon's obviously distracted. That's good, because Clair s obviously Psychomon, and she's the most dangerous. Plus, I have to play it safe. I can't use the new form. I'll have to stick with Galfmon, which should be more than enough with Psychomon so distracted. This should be very easy.

(He Fusion Evolves into Galfmon)

Galfmon: Curse of the Darkness! (The attack hits Psychomon head-on, freezeing it in place) You always were too cocky, Clair. I guess being able to read minds does that to you. But even you can be fooled. You made a very big mistake, and that was relying(sp?) too much on your telepathic abilities. You don't get one mistake in this business. You get none. Black Sphere! (He fires a large black energy sphere at Psychomon. When it hits, it invelops Psychomon, then contricts, fitting itself to Psychomon's form as it does. When it's as small as it can get without releasing Psychomon, it flows into Psychomon. Suddenly, the energy explodes from within the Digimon, who falls to the ground, severely damaged) And if you do make a mistake, you pay with your life.


OOC: yes, I took Clair's powers into account. I'll explain how she was fooled in a future post.
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OOC: OK, now I'm mad... Just kidding! So now Karanlik's on the good side, huh?

[color=darkred]Kalimon finally knocked Piedmon out and rushed over to Psychomon. "Psychomon? Please, speak to me!" Psychomon winced and turned back into Clair, who walked away somberly. Millions of thoughts flooded her head, horrifying thought to make it worse. She fell into a sort of depression.

Meanwhile, Kalimon looked up fiercely at Galfmon. The spirit of Sakkakumon floated next to her. She had a deadly anger in her fiery eyes, and she was staring straight at Galfmon. As she stood there, Galfmon laughed. "You are going down too," he declared. "Anger alone won't get you this time." Suddenly, Kalimon stopped, receiving a telepathic message from Clair. "Please help me, Kalimon. You're my only hope. I know what I have to do now, and that's my little secret. But all I can tell you is, don't hurt Galfmon like he hurt me. I can handle it. Take possession of Sakkakumon's spirit for now, and talk things out with Galfmon. I'm sure he'll trust you, but only if you change yourself completely..." "Has Clair gone mad?!" Kalimon thought. "She's supposed to be on my side! Why is she telling me not to hurt Galfmon? She betrayed me, and I don't like being betrayed... She's probably planning to turn to the good side and restore peace to the world with Karanlik and the Digidestined! I can't let that happen! I got business to take care of, but I'll take Clair's word and not touch Galfmon." And with that, she stomped off away from Galfmon, who was confused and turned back into Karanlik.

"Clair!" Kalimon shouted, rage in her eyes. Clair looked up sadly; it was Kalimon. "Not now, I don't feel like figh... Fighting?!" Clair paused for a moment to think. "Wait... Kalimon, you heard me wrong. I have not betrayed you; I have other plans! I have some business to take care of in the Real World, and it has nothing to do with Virtualmon! Ohhh, I see you still don't understand. You leave me no choice. Dark Mind Attack!" Kalimon dodged it. "Web of Doom!" Clair dodged it. Clair stood still, praying that she would be okay. She didn't even want to fight in the first place! "Psychic Storm!" she cried, hitting Kalimon with the full force of the attack. Then she called telepathically, "Karanlik!!!"

Karanlik received the message. He thought to Clair, "...You're still alive?"
"Yes, but I mean no harm!"
"What do you want?"
"Please, this may sound strange, but... I've decided to return home. Back to the Real World. My family needs me."
"I don't trust you."
"Karanlik, I'm on your side now! I can't focus on two things at once; I'm fighting Kalimon, who is still with Virtualmon! I just want you to forgive me for what I did to you!"
"I still don't trust you."
"Karanlik, think!" But as soon as she sent that thought, Clair got hit with the full force of Kalimon's Nightmare Claw attack and was unable to get back up. "And finally," Kalimon announced, "Web of Doom!" "This is the end," Clair thought. "Please, I'm getting so worn out that I can't use my powers..." She closed her eyes and let fate do its job.

"Stop it right now!" a boy shouted. A dragonfly Digimon named Dragonflymon (appropriately) blocked Kalimon's attack and swept it away with a giant sweep of his wings. "I'm Gon," announced the boy, "and you are threatening to destroy my little sister! Stop this right now!" Clair sat up, staring at Gon, awe-struck. "Allie, it's you... but you... changed..." Gon walked over to Clair and sat by her. "Remember me, your big bro?" As they spoke, the battle between Dragonflymon and Kalimon raged on. Gon sobbed. "Yes, it's... me..." Clair muttered faintly. She barely had the strength to talk. "I go by... Clair now," she stammered, "and yes, I have... changed..." "Oh Al...Clair, what happened to you?" Gon cried softly. "Nobody can go from being four to being twenty-four in just a few months. What happened?"

Clair explained the whole thing to him. "Virtualmon... totally evil Digimon... kidnapped me and... took me to this lab where he... turned me into what I am now... I was so scared and... and the process was painful... Virtualmon said that he turned me into a Digimon-human 'morph', and called me Clair from then on. I even got special powers and everything! And... I guess I was just too fascinated with my powers that I lost control of myself and began to take orders from Virtualmon... He ordered me to destroy the Digidestined and I followed his every command, and he rewarded me, and I was happy for once. But I could not see what is happening at this moment, even though I was practically psychic..." Clair then was unable to talk anymore and lay down again. Gon cried even harder and bent over her. Clair eventually told him the rest telepathically... "And now... I realized that I was just possessed earlier and now I'm free. Now I know what I must do: work together with the other Digidestined and destroy Virtualmon for good." Gon was amazed that Clair could talk to him telepathically and sad that she had to be in this much pain and depression now.


"Web of Doom!" Kalimon declared, knocking the exhausted Dragonflymon to the ground. "You didn't really expect to beat me, did you?" she laughed as she headed for Karanlik. "Web of Doom..." she whispered, and Karanlik was caught in the web. She laughed evilly to herself and kept watch over him, unseen.[/color]
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Karanlik: You just made two mistakes.

Kalimon: And just what are they?

Karanlik: You forgot that size matters. And you know what? You I don't have any problems with going all out against. There's no risk if I do it now, after you attacked Clair-your other mistake. I have no worries about doing this now.

(Karanlik triggers the evolution into Megidramon X. The differance in size allows him to break out of the web)

Megidramon X: You won't survive this encounter.

Kalimon: We'll just see about that. Web of Doom!

Megidramon X: Inferno Cross! (Megidramon X forms a cross-shaped fire blast. It hits Kalimon's attack and burns through it. Kalimon dodges the attack) Fire's Rage! (Again, Megidramon X throws the odd fireball at Sakuyamon, with the same results) Two-on-one, Kalimon. i don't think you can handle it.

Kalimon: What's that supposed to mean?

Megidramon X: Simple. I turned Sakuyamon against you. And I seriously doubt that you can handle both of us.
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[color=navy]OOC: Sorry about my long absence, I've been preoccupied, and I didn't really want to interfere with the sidestories that were developing.[/color]

[color=#000080]Impmon and Wormmon sat in the dark cavern that was Psychomon(Sykkakumon) for a long time. They were almost completely drained of their energy, and they needed the time to regain their strength. [/color]

[color=purple]"Even at full strength, I don't think that we'll be able to break out of this place." [/color]
[color=seagreen]"It never hurts to try, big brother." [/color]

[color=navy]The two brothers stood up and tried to digivolve, but all that the duo could muster were non-blast mode Beelzemon, and Stingmon. They hammered on the wall with Double Impacts and Moon Shooters for what seemed like hours, but they weren't able to make the slightest dent in Psychomon's side.[/color]

[color=darkslateblue]"I give up, there's nothing that we can do if we don't fully digivolve. We might as well-"[/color]

[color=navy]Huge amounts of dark energy filled the cavern, suffocating Impmon and his brother in its dark depths.[/color]


[color=navy]The world went blank as Megidramon X detonated his Darkness Sphere. [/color]

[color=#000080]Leafmon awakened to see that he was in his DigiEgg. [/color]


[i][color=pink]No, I only regressed your forms because it would have been far too difficult to keep all of you in your complete forms. [/color][/i]

[i][color=palegreen]Who's there?[/color][/i]

[color=navy]Leafmon and Kiimon burst out of their surroundings and looked around. They were what seemed to be a shining fog. They could make out other DigiEggs and what looked to be sleeping human infants.[/color]

[i][color=pink]Don't worry, you and the digidestened are all safe. We are all inside Sykakkumon's digispirit. I am the essense of Flowamon, empowered by Katrina's digivice. [/color][/i]

[i][color=plum]Katrina's crest of life has a few impressive powers... [/color][/i]

[i][color=pink]Indeed. We do not have much time here, I am using the digispirit as an energy source, but it will not last long, and all is lost if the evil digimon reabsorb the spirit. Trust in your former enimies, and beat back the darkness. Also, please protect Katrina, you lot are all that she'll have, now that I'm gone. [/color][/i]

[color=navy]A blinding white cross appeared on Leafmon and Kiimon's backs. It empowered them fully, giving them the feeling that they could push their limits, if not surpass them. [/color]

[i][color=pink]You two are bound to Katrina now, until I return, that is. Go now, while your allies still have the upper hand. I will release the others soon after you, but you must defeat Kailmon now! Align yourselves with anyone who would aid your cause. [/color][/i]

[color=navy]Two shining lights emerged from the Sykkakumon digispirit, breifly ceasing the raging battle. The two orbs exploded outward, to reveal Beelzemon Blast Mode and Imperialdramon Fighter Mode.[/color]

[color=teal]"We're Baaaaack!" [/color][color=navy]Imperialdramon told Kailmon. [/color]

[color=black]"Oh boy, we've missed you both [i]so[/i] much," [/color][color=navy]A voice responded to him. It was Kerpymon, with Kailmon's mini-zombie army not far behind her. [/color]

[color=teal]"I guess that this won't be as easy as we first thought that this would be, huh?"[/color]

[color=indigo]"Ya think?"[/color]
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Megidramon X: Where's Katrina?

Imperialdramon: Why should we tell you?

Honru: Because he's on our side. That's Karanlik in there. I'm not sure exactly what he's doing, but he is fighting Kalimon right now.

Kari: He did something to Sakuyamon, too. They can contro her. How do I get her back?

Megidramon X: With Katrina. She's done similar before.

Kalimon: She won't do it again. She'll be dead now.

Imperialdramon: That's a lie. She's still alive.

Megidramon X: Then find her and bring her here. And do it quickly.
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[color=darkred]Kalimon found the spirit of Sakkakumon and absorbed it into herself, releasing all the Digidestined to a mountain that was pretty far away from where she was. "I assume Clair doesn't need this anymore. And by the way, I now have all the Digidestined's Digimon's attacks. Psychomon must have recorded all their attacks and acquired them, transferring them to the spirit of Sakkakumon, which I now hold. I won't be easy to beat, Karanlik! Oh, and size doesn't matter; power does! Skull Cross!" Kalimon drew two perpendicular lines with her staff and fired the "beam" at Megidramon X. Megidramon X came back with an Inferno Cross. The two attacks collided and exploded, damaging all Digimon on the battlefield, including Sakuyamon, Imperialdramon, and Beelzemon.

"Spirit Strike!" Sakuyamon shouted, hitting Kalimon with the full force of the attack. Imperialdramon and Beelzemon also attacked, making Kalimon De-Digivolve to Arukenimon. Kerpy retaliated against them, acquiring the spirits of VenomMyotismon and Sakkakumon. "Now I hold three spirits!" Kerpymon cackled. "Watch this! Vulcan's Hammer! Thank you, Zudomon." The attack tried to hit Megidramon X, who dodged it. "Inferno Cross!" The attack hit Kerpymon, who got back up again. Meanwhile, Arukenimon was creating an army of DinoBeemon with Spirit Needles. "At this rate, I'm going to go bald soon..." she mumbled.

"Thanks, Arukenimon! Now you got even more things to worry about." The three DinoBeemon attacked Sakuyamon, Beelzemon, and Imperialdramon while Kerpymon faced Megidramon X alone. Arukenimon stood by, watching.

Meanwhile, Katrina walked through the forest, eventually spotting Clair and Gon. She was sad because Flowamon had died while talking to Kiimon and Leafmon. But she brushed it off soon when she saw Clair. Then she grew mad. "Wait," Flowamon's spirit called. "Clair is no longer our enemy. She has decided to go over to the good side. She's in bad shape, and so is her brother's Digimon partner. Please, help them with your crest!" The healing process started.

Back in the battlefield, Arukenimon's insect army had been destroyed. Everyone was now facing Kerpymon, who was very pissed off. "You're all going down! Crimson Lightning!" The attack hit everyone, but it didn't make a dent in Megidramon X. "Inferno Cross!" The well-charged-up attack hit Kerpymon at the weak spot and caused her to De-Digivolve all the way back to Lopmon. All the Digimon looked at her threateningly, except Sakuyamon, who noticed that Arukenimon was gone. "Hey, where's Arukenimon?" she shouted. "Grrr..." Megidramon X muttered. "She must have escaped... that Kerpymon was a destraction..." Everyone De-Digivolved back to their Rookie forms and Megidramon X turned back into Karanlik. "OK, everyone, look for Arukenimon!" Karanlik ordered.

An hour later, the group returned with no sign of Arukenimon. "No way!" Karanlik shouted. "Grrr... how could I have been stupid enough to let her..." "I got her!" a voice shouted. It was Clair! She was with Gon and Dragonflymon, and she was using her powers to hold Arukenimon still. Arukenimon hovered in the air, unable to speak or move. Clair released her, and at that moment, she shouted, "I can't believe that you would do such a thing, Clair! Acid Mist!" "Psychic Storm!" The two attacks combined, and they accidentally hit Dragonflymon, who De-Digivolved to his Rookie form, Skitomon. "Grrr..." Gon muttered. "Oh well, bad accident. Clair, you're going to have to do this on your own." "OK!" Clair declared. "Dark Mind Attack!" Arukenimon dodged it. "Spirit Needle!" She created a new Digimon named DarkDragonflymon, who attacked. "Dark Psy Fire!" DarkDragonflymon annouced. The attack hit Clair, but she hardly took any damage because of her slight immunity to psychic attacks. "Psychic Storm!"

Meanwhile, everyone else crowded around Lopmon, who was cornered. Karanlik Spirit-evolved to Duskmon. "Join us, or we'll destroy you," Duskmon threatened. Lopmon shivered, not knowing what to say. She eventually nodded briskly, acting as if she had just been under mind control. "I... agree..." she stammered. She couldn't believe she was taking orders from a human.

Meanwhile, the fake DarkDragonflymon had been destroyed by Clair, but Arukenimon Digivolved to Kalimon. "Web of Doom!" she announced, trapping Clair. But Clair used her powers to break free. "Dark Mind Attack!" Kalimon struck back with a Skull Cross, but the Dark Mind Attack cut right through it and hit Kalimon, who De-Digivolved all the way back to Gypsymon. Clair walked up to her and said in the same threatening tone as Duskmon, "Join, us, or I'll destroy you." But this time, Gypsymon refused, attacking Clair with a Psywave. Clair was unaffected by the attack. "Then you leave me no choice. Psychic Storm!" The attack hit Gypsymon with full force, turning her into a Digi Egg, which soared off towards where the Digidestined were. She was finally destroyed! "That was too easy," Clair laughed. She then walked over to Lopmon and said, "Now that you're on our side, will you help us join up with the Digidestined and destroy Virtualmon?" Lopmon had to say yes. "Good," Clair declared. "Let's go find those Digidestined!" Karanlik agreed. (He had devolved from Duskmon.) And off they went.[/color]
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Karanlik: Katrina, you think you can help Sakuyamon? Now that I'm not able to maintain the effect, it will wear off in a couple minutes.

Katrina: I'll try.

(Katrina's crest activates. Sakuyamon glows, then stops moving and looks around before devolving to Renamon)

Renamon: What happened?

Karanlik: You were destroyed, Kalimon brought you back under her control, I took control of you, then Katrina here put you back to normal. Also, we've all agreed to work together, minus Gypsymon, who you know as Kalimon. Clair got rid of her. Which reminds me. (He grabs his digivice) Nobody say anything. Not even a whisper. (He contacts Virtualmon) Virtualmon, come in. This is important.

Virtualmon: What is it?

Karanlik: Gypsymon went against us. Clair and I had to destroy her. Unfortunately, as Kalimon, she managed to to a good bit of damage to Clair, who's unconcious right now.

Virtualmon: I need proof.

Karanlik: I know I know. You can't trust me, because Karanlik's betrayed you once already. Well, I'm afraid I don't have any right now. Clair's out, so she can't confirm it, and I can't show you because this device doesn't do images. But when Clair wakes up, I'll contact you again. No, better yet, I'll bring her to you. I'd do it now, but she can't open a portal while unconcious, so I can't get to you.

Virtualmon: No. Have her contact me when she wakes up.

Karanlik: Smart, not letting someone you don't trust get to you. I'm starting to like you. Oh, and by the way, I think I have Angel convinced to stay on our side. (Pause) Someone's coming. I have to go. (He terminates the signal) There. Now Virtualmon thinks Clair's injured. That buys us some time to locate the others. We'll need everybody for this. Everyone who's on our side, that is. So, we first have to find everybody. Oh, and the thing about Angel was so that I can "leave Clair with her", which will allow me to ask Virtualmon a few questions before we take him on(The group notices Angel coming toward them) You start searching. I'll deal with her.

Honru: Isn't she against Virtualmon?

Karanlik: She just wants to fight. She'll go to Virtualmon's side, because if we get rid of him, we'll be done with fighting. She won't like that, so she'll fight us. If we lose, those with Virtualmon will still have more fighting that they can do. Trust me on this one.

Honru: All right. You do seem to know what you're doing.

Karanlik: If there was even one time that I didn't, I'd be dead. (The others leave, leaving Karanlik alone with Angel) I was wondering when you'd show up. You're too late for the battle that just finished, but I'm going to give you a fight anyways.

Angel: Why? I saw who you were with. Aren't we on the same side again?

Karanlik: You'll switch again at your next opportunity. More fighting if you do that, after all. No, I can't trust you, so this ends here. Of course, I'd be able to destroy you without a fight if I went all out, so instead, we'll do this a different way. (He draws his two poles, which he keeps strapped to his back {OOC: I mentioned these when I signed up}, and throws one to Angel) I assume you can use that.

Angel: Yes, but I don't want to fight you. We have a common enemy, and we should work together against him.

Karanlik: I only work with those who I can trust. I can't trust you, so I refuse to work with you. And I can't have you showing up in the middle of our next planned battle, so I'm taking you out now. Only one rule: no becomming a Digimon. Aside from that, anything goes. Let's get this over with.
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[size=1][color=#999999][i]Angel looked to the pole and then to Karanlik. She refused to fight him. She threw the pole down and shook her head. She wouldn't hurt someone who wished to fight her if his intentions were right.[/i]

"If you could not trust me, then kill me now. But, I will not fight you. I'd rather die than fight you and lose the things that were dear to me."

"Dear to you? What is?"

"My spirits helped me realize that it wasn't the spirit looking for her lost love, but it was me, looking for someone to trust. I was wanting to step down and let that person help me."

"Trust is a large issue and I do not trust you."

"You've told me that. And I wish not to fight you. So, I tell you this. Kill me now, since I will not fight you."

[B]OOC:[/B] Here's a picture of what LadyErismon may look like. Just imagine her with black clothes, black hair, and black dargon-like wings.[/size][/color]
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