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Digimon: A New Evil


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Karanlik: I do not kill people while they're defenseless, but this is a very different situation. you're refusing to defend yourself. I will not back down because you refuse to fight.

Angel: Just do it, and get it over with.

Karanlik: No. This is not a normal situation, so normal ruls don't apply. You are right that I don't trust you, but I think I trust you enough to ask you to do something for me. As soon as everybody has been found, we're going to enter Virtualmon's realm and do battle with him. Clair has to open the portal for us, but I don't want her to pass through it. Virtualmon might have some measure of conrol over her actions. that is also why I can't risk fighting in my strongest form. I don't think Virtualmon can do anything with the spirits, but if I tap into the additional energy, he might be able to do something.

Angel: What does this have to do with me?

Karanlik: I don't think Clair will want to stay behind. She'll want to fight. I want you to make sure that she stays behind. if she fights you, trust your instincts. Don't plan your moves ahead of time, because she'll know them from your mind. Don't act, react. And, is all else fails, just get between her and the portal.

Angel: I think I can handle that.

Karanlik: One last thing. if she does that splitting into three Digimon thing, target the little girl. She'll be helpless. Now, let's go. they went this way. Come on.(the two of them head off after the others)
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[color=darkred]Clair overheard what Angel and Karanlik were saying. She turned away from them, folded her arms, and closed her eyes. Meanwhile, Kari and Renamon, who had Digivolved to Kyubimon, went towards the Digidestined. Clair stopped them. "Hey, can I come with you?" "We're going to loook for the Digi..." Kari started. Clair interrupted her. "Yes, I know where you're going. I'll just explain the situation to everyone. Listen, before we go, there's something I want you to tell Karanlik and Angel. Virtualmon is weaker then they think he is. And they also underestimate me. Got that?" "I have no clue what you're talking about," Kari commented. "I can't read minds you know." Clair blushed. "I'll do it then," she declared.

Clair walked up to Karanlik and Angel. "Don't want me to go, huh?" Karanlik and Angel exchanged looks, forgetting that Clair could have read both their minds already. "I know that you think that Virtualmon wants to control me, but let me tell you this: he is weaker than you think. I found that out after he transformed me into what I am now. He is, however, an expert at talking people and Digimon into things. He just kidnaps innocent people and Digimon and makes them work for him. He has no real powers of his own, except for levitation. That's it. He's easily overestimated, but now we can see right through his claims."
"So you're saying you want to come with us?" Karanlik asked. "Sorry, but..."
"Yes, I know you're still not convinced. I wasn't trying to convince you. I'm just giving you that message. But you won't need me anyways; just don't let him talk you into going over to his side. And if you do need me, well... I'll know. I'm going to go home now, back to the real world with Gon and the rest of my family. Kari's going to help the Digidestined home as well." Karanlik and Angel nodded. "So," Clair continued, "let's open the portal. Dark Mind Attack!" There was a tiny black hole in the air, and when the attack hit it, it turned into a portal. Karanlik walked through it, and Angel and Clair stayed behind. As the portal slowly closed, Karanlik said, "Don't worry, I'll be OK!"

Angel kept a close eye out for Clair. She had the strong urge to fight her, wishing that she would try to open the portal again. But she didn't. She kept her word and wandered out into the mountains, where the Digidestined were. Kari was already there, helping the Digidestined through the portal to the real world and explaining to them that Karanlik could handle the situation. Impmon and Wormmon stayed behind. Clair watched them, and then, someone tapped her on the shoulder... "Lopmon!" "I brought back this," Lopmon said, holding a Digi Egg in her arms. It was reddish with purple stripes and had a yellow and red charm on it. It reminded Clair a lot of Arukenimon's hat... "Is that Gypsymon's Digi Egg?" she questioned. "Yep," Lopmon replied. "But don't worry; she won't..." She stopped. The Digi Egg was glowing. "It's gonna hatch!" she exclaimed. Sure enough, the egg burst open to reveal a cute little ladybug Digimon named Dotmon. Dotmon squeaked and hopped away a little, stopping and facing the two.

"So, do you think you can call a truce with Dotmon? She's free from all evil, as almost all baby Digimon are," Lopmon said innocently. Calir sensed something wrong in the tone of Lopmon's voice. "You're hiding something," Clair muttered, "and I know what. This is not like you. You normally hate humans. You're my enemy." "Errr..." Lopmon mumbled, forgetting that Clair could read minds. "...Right... I... All right, I STILL hate all humans, and this little Digimon here is mine. I'm mad at you because you destroyed my best friend!"
"So, we'll fight for Dotmon! Do you get me there?"
"Whoa, take it easy... You're normally not this mad, but if you eventually Digivolve to the menacing Kerpymon, then..."
"You're right! Lopmon Digivolve to..."
"Turuiemon Digivolve to..."
"Antylamon Digivolve to..."
"...Kerpymon! Now, we start. Lightning Spear!"
"Psychic Storm! I hope you remember, I still pack the power of a Mega."
Kerpymon winced as she wat hit by the attack. She looked up, and Clair was no longer there; she had merged with Sakkakumon's spirit again and become Psychomon... "Grrr... Thousand Spears!" Kerpymon shouted, firing the attack at Psychomon, who floated to the left to dodge it. Then, she was absorbed by Psychomon and was forced to De-Digivolve back to Lopmon. "You are no match for me," Psychomon laughed. "I hate to do this, but... Nuclear Explosion!" Lopmon turned back into a helpless Conomon and was released from Psychomon, who turned back into Clair. Sakkakumon's spirit was sent back into the shadows, never to be called upon again. Clair lay there, unconscious, and Dotmon stood by.

"Dotty! Dotty!" Dotmon cried, jumping on top of Clair. Clair just barely managed to recover. "...Dotmon?" she whispered, almost unable to speak. She hugged Dotmon and closed her eyes.[/color]
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(Karanlik walks toward Virtualmon's area)

Karanlik: (Thinking) When Virtualmon figures out that I'm against him, he'll want Clair here. At that point there will be an open portal. That's my chance. Clair will be with at least some of the others. Force Virtualmon through the portal, and not olny will he lose the home field advantage, but I'll have help. (Karanlik reaches Virtualmon) Hello.

Virtualmon: I told you to have Clair contact me.

Karanlik: That's what I meant to do, but events got out of my control. But as long as I'm here, there's something I have to tell you.

Virtualmon: And just what is that?

Karanlik: Clair can read minds, right? So, how could she not know what I was about to do?

Virtualmon: What are you talking about?

Karanlik: Even telepaths can be fooled. I know how to do it. The method was one I origionally mastered for undercover work. It involves thinking like what you're pretending to be while still keeping your own thoughts. It's usefull when pretending to be someone else, because if you think like who you're pretending to be, you'll act like that person. It can be used to fool telepaths, too. I learned this when Clair didn't anticipate me punching her. She can only read my surface thoughts, so if the thoughts are ones I don't agree with, she still thinks that I do. That's how I was able to pretend to be under the control of that thing you put in my Digivice. Everything I've done since then has been leading up to this moment. You know, you should have kept your mouth shut and not revealed all of that about my sister. Before I knew that, I just wanted payback. When you told me that, it became personal. Now, it's finally come down to you against me.

Virtualmon: I still have allies. You have been against both sides, and so have none.

Karanlik: Allies don't matter if they aren't here.

(Karanlik Fusion Evolves to Galfmon)

Galfmon: This is a one-on-one encounter. And I intend to win.


OOC: What are Virtualmon's attacks?
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OOC: Virtualmon has no attacks. However, he can create Digimon, but only one at a time.

[color=darkred]Clair was about to go home when she had a vision: Galfmon was about to fight Virtualmon. She was angered by what he had said about her, thinking, [i]Karanlik's supposed to be on [/i]my[i] side![/i] Then, he spoke to Galfmon, [i]Galfmon, please listen one more time. Virtualmon can create Digimon, just telling you that. Also, I repeat, I am not your enemy anymore! Trust me! I sort of went through what you went through with becoming good again. I had many conflicts in my mind as well, and finally I decided to turn good. Now, defeat that virtual creep for good![/i]

Next to Clair, Dotmon had Digivolved to another ladybug Digimon named Katydidmon. Conomon frowned at them both and hopped away from them. Predicting a happy ending with Karanlik being the hero, Clair told Katydidmon, "I guess we can go home now. I can't wait to see my family again..." "WAIT!" a voice called. It was Gon! Panting, he uttered, "Clair! I'm... so glad to see you. Should we... go home?" "You read my mind," Clair said, blushing. "Yes, we should go home, our family will miss us."
"Mom and Dad'll be surprised to see that you've changed..."
"I'll explain everything to them. But no big deal. I might even be a little more useful around the house, like I can easily move the big furniture when needed..."
"Yeah," Gon laughed. Skitomon laughed with him. "Hey, and who's the ladybug?"
"This is Katydidmon, the Fresh form of Kalimon. But don't worry, she's..."
"Katydidmon Digivolve to..."
"Well," Clair muttered, "that happened soon. Come on, Gon, Skitomon, Gypsymon, let's go home." And with that, she walked up to the closed portal and used her powers to open it. "Here we go," she declared as she jumped in. Gon and the two Digimon followed, leaving an angry Conomon behind. At least she was happy not to be with any humans anymore; even Clair had gone home and she knew Karanlik soon would after he defeated Virtualmon.

"Gon!" Gon's mom shouted, shedding tears of happiness and love. She hugged Gon so tightly that he could barely breathe. "Oh my boy, I'm so glad you're back!" Then Gon's dad walked in. "Hey son!" Then he saw Clair standing in the doorway, looking innocent with a hint of sadness. "And who are you? You remind me of my daughter Allison. And by the way, where is she? I miss her..." "I [i]am[/i] Allie!" Clair declared brightly. "I just... changed a little..." She then told the story about how she was kidnapped by Virtualmon and became a half-Digimon. She also told them about how she had turned evil and then good again. "You're a half-Digimon, huh?" said Dad, who knew a little about Digimon. "And who is that little critter? I know Skitomon, but who's the spider-ladybug-thingy?" Gypsymon frowned at thise words.

"I'm Gypsymon," Gypsymon declared. "I guess I'm Clair's partner now." "Oh, so your new name is Clair?" Mom asked. "What, you don't like Allie anymore?" "Virtualmon gave me a new name, and I kinda like it," Clair answered. "But most of all, I'm glad to be home." The family talked for a while, (Mom and Dad were surprised when they found out about Clair's powers!) and the sun set on an almost peaceful Real World. It was an almost peaceful Digital World too. The only thing left was the fight betweeen Karanlik and Virtualmon...[/color]

OOC: Takuya, time for you to finish this. It's your time to shine.
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Galfmon: You always have others do your work for you. I think it?s time to see how well you do on your own.

Virtualmon: I don?t.

Galfmon: You don?t have a choice. (Virtualmon breifly glows black, and data seems to focus on a point in front of him. The data forms into Kalimon) Oh.

Kalimon: Web of Doom!

(Galfmon devolves, causing the attack to miss. Karanlik quickly becomes Duskmon, hits Virtualmon with Deadly Gaze, then positions himself between virtualmon and Kalimon. Kalimon attacks with Web of Doom again, but Duskmon slides to Velgmon and flies over the attack, causing it to his Virtualmon. Velgmon lands and devolves, and Karanlik becomes Galfmon again)

Galfmon: Surprised? Unlike you, I realize that power isn?t the only thing that matters.

Kalimon: That was luck. Power matters most.

Galfmon: You really sound like Kalimon.

Kalimon: That?s who I am.

Galfmon: It?s completly obvious that Virtualmon created you. He?s too afraid to fight me himself, so he made you to do it for me.

Kalimon: That makes little difference.

Galfmon: True. Of course, this could get difficult if he keeps creating Digimon. Fortunately, it's very obvious that he can only have one at a time. Otherwise, he'd have made more than one. That means that I have the advantage.

Kalimon: We'll see about that. Web of Doom!

(Galfmon devolves to Karanlik, causing the attack to miss. He then becomes Megidramon X

Megidramon X: Fire's Rage! (Kalimon dodges, but Megidramon X hits her with another one) You've just lost your help, Virtualmon.

Virtualmon: Then I'd better go get some more.

(A portal opens)

Megidramon X: Bad move.

(He charges Virtualmon, knocking him into the portal. Virtualmon's abscense causes Kalimon to revert to data. Megidramon X enters the portal, and emerges outside of Clair's house. Virtualmon is there, too. Gon, hearing something, opens the door)

Gon: Um, Clair? You might want to see this.

Clair: What? (She walks to the door) Oh.

Virtualmon: Clair, I need help. Karanlik's been playing both sides this whole time. He's trying to destroy me. I need help.

Megidramon X: You came to the wrong place. Clair's not on your side anymore. You did exactly what I wanted you to by coming here. Now it's three on one. And you can't do your Digimon creation thing, because i can turn it against you. face it, Virtualmon. It's over.


OOC: It's your RPG, Nefertimon. You get the last post.
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