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It is not a girl!


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Alright, I have discovered the coloring is the anti-christ..So ignore all the white crap that my three o clock in the bloody mornin' wasn't able to see. I have no clue where this came from, the feather sucks arse, and my sister thinks it's a girl...What bout you what do you think of it...Boy or Girl?

P.S.:The shirt says,'Cows go MOO'..I have one.^ ^
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Well... sorry, but it definately looks like a girl --_--. Maybe if you made the chest a bit flatter and made the eye less girly... then again you can always just change the hair. Well, it's a good drawing anyway. The fingers look a little big and the coloring's a bit off, but good job ^_^.

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[size=1]It's Kano! *glompage* Okay, I realise that made no sense to most everyone here, but if you're just dying to know, check [URL=http://www.electric-manga.com]this[/URL] out. And since it looks all nice and Kano-ish (except for the eyes . . . O_o;;), it's a guy. ^_^

Mmm, Kano.

Me likes. ^_^ 'Cause for a random, odd, what-in-the-heck, 3-in-the-morning drawing, it's better than what I could do. My drawings that early are normally evil stick-figure deaths. o_o;;

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Yeah...it is too feminine...interesting colouring on the hair, though.^^

I think the main reason it looks like a girl is the eye, and the fact that it has a female-ish torso...like it was said before: guys tend to be flat chested. Haha...I meant no offense by that if you took any.

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