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Yu Yu Hakusho: New Spirit Dective!


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This is my second rpg so cut me some slack, k?

[I]A new threat rises when a mysterious group of demons and humans threatens to destroy the world. Koenma assigns this job to Yusuke Urameshi, a 14 year old spirit detective, but has doubts he can do it. Even with his companions. A new hope arises when a teenaged punk girl is made a spirit detective. This loner doesn't like Yusuke and his friends, but is just as strong as any of them. Can they work together to defeat this new menice?[/I]

Here's what I'll need:

Race: (demon or human)
Good or Bad:
Weapons: (includes spirit attacks, which can be made up)

Here's mine:

Name: Kie Naguto
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Appearence: Brown hair in a ponytail, blue eyes, black leather jacket, white t-shirt underneath, blue jeans with a hole on the knee, chain hanging out of the left pocket.
Bio: Was killed saving one of her friends, made spirit detective by Koenma, has the same life style Yusuke used to have, develops a crush on Hiei much later on in the story.
Good or Bad: Good
Weapons: Chain wrap (uses her pocket chain. it expands and wraps around her opponent) as well as chain whip (very similar to Kurama's Rose whip)

I need people to be the group of demons and humans, and the original cast. I wouldn't mind some made up characters.
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[color=teal]Sounds Fun!

Name: Jono Foster

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Race: Demon/Human if that's ok

Appearence: Looks alot like Joey Wheeler from Yu-Gi-Oh, but he has really light almost white blonde hair and dark sad looking blue eyes. He usually wears a black tanktop, a black leather jacket, blue jeans, and black sneakers.

Bio: Jono's Kie's half-brother, but Kie doesn't know it. They have the same mother, but Jono's father was a demon (duh). Jono is the peaceful type with a kind heart. Even though he does have a kind heart, he'll do anything to protect his family and friends. He's an excellent fighter when he needs to be.

Good or Bad: Good

Weapons: He has a black spirit bow and arrow, a black spirit sword (like Kuwabara's orange one), and he can make multiple copys of himself. Not to mention he uses his fist.

OOC: Hope this is alright! :D[/color]
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Name: Alex Himaru
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Race: demon but looks human
Appearence: Short black hair,red eyes wears sunglasses to cover them up,purple shirt,black leather pants,black with purple lining bomber jacket,and black spicked boots
Bio: Rasied in the human world she learned to deal with her difference.Many people thinks she's a guy when they first she her.Her real parents where killed and she was rasied by humans.They never had time for her though.Her mother is the head of the school board and always getting her out of trouble even when she wants to be in trouble.Her dad's job is unknown.She has a spirt beast that King Yama gave her to allow her to be able to live in the human world.Her job is to report any strange happens in the human world.When her beast hatched it looked as if it would devoar her but it didn't.Her spirt beast is in the from of a small black wolf she named Fang because he bites anyone he saw expect for his owner and King Yama.
Good or Bad: Bad but a spy for King Yama.
Weapons: A huge black boomerage that has a blade that is realesed when she throws it and its power is based on her spirit energy.Purple spirit crossbow and her feet.
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Name:Jinxy(last name unknown)

Age:14 (in the half)


Race:half breed demon(if thats alright with you)

Apperance:Sholder length brown hair with purple highlights ,grey eyes that sometimes change colors,she wears a white New York shirt and black greyish jeans, she also has a wolf on her sholder that not even she knows wear it came from,shes about 5"2'

Bio: Jinxy is half wolf demon .Her mother and father were killed when she was just a baby. Before her father died he put her brother Mase incharge of the wolf pack. There for he was the new leader of the wolf pack when they lived in mankai. She has one twin brother ,two older brothers and a older sister. When she was about seven her pack was sleeping when they were attacked by an evil pack of demons. Her older brothers and sister fought the demon pack off as long as they could. The twins tried to help but olny got in the way. Their sister tried to get them to safer grounds. Then in an instant right before the small childrens eyes their sister was killed trying to protected them. Now covered in their sisters blood the children tried to help bring their sisters souless body back to life. Although its to late. The other two brothers notice their sisters death to as well as their packs slaughter but had no choice but to fight on. During the climax of battle Mase told the now second oldest Tyquan to find a safe place for the childern to hide. Tyquan took the children that were still on the battle field to a safer hiding place. He found a small hut about a mile from there pack's home grounds where the battle was taking place and put the children in side. Jinxy wandered away from the other children and in to a closet in the hut and found a portal to the human world. While traveling between worlds she fell unconscious and lost her memory for a short period of time. During the time of her memory loss she was adopted by her human foster family. When she regained her memory a little she decided not to metion her backround to her adopted family until she found a portal back to mankai. She still doesn't know if her brothers are alive or not. While she was searching for her brothers and a portal to mankai she came across the Dark Tournament she wacthed Yusukes fights and battles she found him to be a strong fighter and took note that she wanted to battle him one day. She was especially impressed when Yusuke and jin fought (she has a little crush on jin). She also thought because he was the sprit detective he could help her find some of the missing peices to her past. she hasn't fully regained her memory(in fact she can't remember anything about her twin brother but she remembers a little bit about her older brothers) .

Good or Bad:Good

Wepons:two daggers,two swords,Flames of the wolf technique(some how this technique can turn sprit energy into a deadly fire that the user of this attack can control and use by shapeing the flames of the fire in to different animal forms)she has an okay punch but her variates of kicks are what catches people off gard
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[b]Name:[/b] jacen miramax
[b]Age:[/b] 15
[b]Gender:[/b] male
[b]Race:[/b] human
[b]Appearence:[/b] 6'9, blue eyes, orange sun glasses, red shirt, white pants, black hair tied into a pony tail, purple bandana and ring, white shoes and tan skin, pruple wings some times
[b]Bio:[/b] Jason has had basicly a normale life. He was never realy much of a fighter. One day his grand father died and jacon was givin a ring with a purple stone in it. Awhile later he was hired by koenma. He sent jacen to keep an eye on yusuke and fight if he was to fail. As jason followed yusuke his ring coppied all the techs that yusuke and his friends ever used or was used against them. Because he never learned them him self he studied the skills. Eventualy jason became a merk and works for who ever pays him the highest.
[b]Side:[/b] bad
[b]Weapons:[/b] spear, broad sword
[b]Spirit attacks:[/b] element strike (four coppies appear each controlling an element) prisim of seven and storm of tourment
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Name: Kurama
Age: over 300 years old
Gender: male
Appearence: [IMG]http://www.yuyuhakusho.com/characters/h/kurama/big2.jpg[/IMG]
Bio:Kurama is really a fox demon is descise. He once was the best Makai theif, but during one of his missions, he was shot, and had to fled to the human world, hiding himself inside a human girl, and then being born again as a human. Kurama appears to be just a simple teenage boy, but in reality he is a fox demon stuck in a human body. He teams up with Yuuske after trying and suceeded in using the mirror to save his human mother's life. He then travels with him, after that.
Personailty: Kurama is usually quite, and reserved. He has a lot of knowledge and uses this to his advantadge. He can seem quite in the face of danger, and is always composed.
Side: Good
Weapons: Rose Whip, and in demon form he can use deadly makai plants( ex. The Death Tree)
Spirit attacks: Rose whip, rose whip-lash, and the ability to transform into his demon form.

Hope that was ok! :)
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[color=navy][size=1]Name: Yusuke Uremeshi
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Appearence: Green jumpsuit, black slicked back black hair, brown eyes.
Bio: Killed saving a little boy from getting hit by a car. He earned his life back after throwing his Spirit egg down into a fire to save Kayko then afterwards, Koenma told him that since he had threw his egg into the fire he had to have someone who wanted him back to kiss him.
Good or Bad: Good
Weapons: Spirit Gun and Shotgun

I'm Yusuke! Yay![/color][/size]
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Guest inu_girl
Name:Blade Hinya
Race: Demon
Appearence:Yellow eyes,long dark brown hair,cat ears,fangs,claws,black leather belly shirt,and pants,andhigh heal boots,and black sun glasses.
Bio:Blade is a cat demon that hunts down certain demons!She has a multiple personali.She is hei's old friend!She knows all forms of fighting and is resistant to fire.
Good or Bad:Good
Weapons:4 long blades,2 paires of oozie's,lazer sun glasses,chain with spikes,chain with switch blade on the end,blade that comes out of heals in boots.
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[b]Name:[/b] hunter tarja
[b]Age:[/b] 157 but looks 15
[b]Gender:[/b] male
[b]Race:[/b] demon
[b]Appearence:[/b] head band, blue eyes, green shirt, orange vest, black pants, guantlets, boots
[b]Bio:[/b] hunter is a traveling demon. He travels to find his purpose in life. During his travels he got into a fight and almost died. Jason resquid him when he was a spirit ditective. Hunter is the only one that jason has told about the acident and let live. Because he got help from jason he'll follow his orders.
[b]Side:[/b] Bad
[b]Weapons:[/b] naginata, bows and arrows
Dark illsuions: a tech mostly used for escaping. Hunter can create illusions to do what he wants. He can decide if the illusions are real are not.
Nature calling: hunter gains the power to control apart of nature for a period of time.
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Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Race: Demon
Bio: Hiei is a fire apparition whose true origins are unknown. He is a master swordsman, and his strength and speed are incredible. However, these are hardly his most fearsome abilities. Typically kept concealed behind a bandanna on his forehead is the Jagan, a mysterious third eye that possesses magical properties. With it he can control weak-minded humans, send telepathic messages, and move objects telekinetically. Hiei is fiercely independent, and his raw ambition drives him to pursue his own agenda at all times. Although he generally cares little for human life, and views others as mere obstacles in the pursuit of his own goals, Hiei strictly adheres to his own unique code of honor. As such, he helps those who help him, and is fiercely loyal to those who have managed to earn his respect.
Good or Bad: Good
Weapons: Dragon of the Darkness Flame-His most powerful attack, Hiei summons energy from the deepest pits of Spirit World into his arm to create a terrible dragon that destroys everything in its path. Once unleashed Hiei loses control of the beast, which sometimes turns on its master. Fist of the Mortal Flame-Similar to the Dragon of the Darkness Flame, the Fist of the Mortal Flame uses Mortal Energy instead of Spirit Energy rendering it much less potent. Sword of the Darkness Flame-By harnessing the power of the Darkness Flame into an object outside his body, Hiei is able to create this powerful weapon, which is much more controllable, yet much less powerful than the Dragon of the same name.
-Thanks to [url]www.YuYuHakusho.com[/url]
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