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Hyuuga Wallpaper


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A wallpaper I just finished...I'm not quite sure what to think of it, myself--it turned out totally different from what I'd planned. Isn't it weird how that happens sometimes??
I discovered an interesting little technique while making it ("Difference Clouds"^^), so I think I may have overdone them just the teeniest bit...eheheh...*sweatdrop*

Any comments/suggestions would be well appreciated...thanks!

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This is a good wallpaper. However, I believe there are too many images entailed which can distract from the contents of the desktop.

Perhaps you could try decreasing the darkness of the overall image to overcome this. Or maybe apply transparencies to some of the layers (if you're working with layers)

The quality of your source images could be improved as well. The bottom two appear as obvious scans.

Overall though, not to bad.
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I kind of made them look "scanny" on purpose--I dunno. I kind of like the effect it gives, personally...my real concearn was that the desktop icons would cover either Neji or Hinata, depending on which side they're lined up on. Haha...

Thanks for the input, though.^^
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Really too many images the render clouds aren't looking good and the color scheme isn't very appealing. If the entire image was black in white it would actually look better =O. You might also want to think about just getting a big manga scan than coloring it in photoshop it would probably give a better effect than what you have now =\.
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I like this layout alot actually, but if you wnat I have a few suggestions for you. The images along the right and left sides of this wallpaper are to colorful that it is hard to see what exactly is going on in them. Try making the abckground a little more solid, and possible convert those backgrounds to white.

Also you should make some sort of outline around the scans to tie them all together and make the wallpaper "connect" more.

If you want color on the scans I suggest you add a "color Layer" over it and try messing with different shades that way.

But overall I think you have a great graphic eye, and i look forward to seeing many wallpapers from you in the future.
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