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Digimon Lords


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[size=1][color=999999][i]Angel looked around as did Ankokumon. Something about that place felt like home, but it felt as if they weren't wanted as well. Something about the Dead Zone made it feel as if there was another that tried to keep people like her out of there. It was a feeling that Angel did not know how to express.

Kenzi walked to David as did Angel. The two girls stood by his side looking around at the place. All three knew where they were. Angel knew for she was trapped within the area before she had met Ankokumon. It was a strange place to be trapped in. Fears, nightmares, and such ran around the place. It wasn't called the Dead Zone for any reason.[/i]

"Here we are, once again, in the Dead Zone." [i]Angel had pointed out bluntly.[/i]

"Yeah. But remember that not a lot of evil can get to us here...or can it?" [i]Kenzi had replied to Angel's remark.[/i]

[i]David just looked ahead and he then replied to Kenzi's reply.[/i] "It's unknown if there is anything in here. But, it seems that we all know there's something here. Especially the digimon. They can feel what's here."

[i]Kenzi looked around to the digimon and they were on alert and being cautious as they neared together. This was an area that they did not want to near at any cost, if possible, just stay away for as long as they could. Dead Zone was an unknown, unmarked area and what contained there, no one really knew.[/size][/color][/i]
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[color=teal]Mika looked around the Dead Zone. It seemed completely normal. Shadowmon's fur was standing on end as she sat on Mika's shoulder. Mika looked at David.

"I think we should split up into partners," Mika suggested. David turned and looked at her. Mika patted Shadowmon as David looked at her.

"Alright," David said calmly, "we'll split into partners so that we can cover more ground." Mika nodded her head and looked at Kantro. Kantro looked over at her. Mika smiled brightly.

"Will you be my partner," Mika asked as she looked at Kantro. Everyone thought that Mika lost her mind. David walked next to her.

"Have you lost it," David said as he looked at Mika, "We still can't trust him." Mika shook her head. Shadowmon jumped off Mika's shoulder and looked at still weak Gabumon.

"No," Mika said softly, "I think I can trust him and we do have something in common." David shook his head and walked back to the group. Mika walked up to Kantro.

"I'll be your partner," Kantro said as he put his hands in his pockets. Mika smiled and picked Shadowmon back up. Ksntro nodded and picked Gabumon back up.[/color]
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David: Fine. You go with Kantro. Tsai, you go with them. Angel, you come with me. Vash, you're with Kenzi. You all should have maps in your packs. We'll meetnear the center of this region, at coordanates X-23-y-54-z-09. Move quickly and quietly. Avoid fights if at all possible. And don't be seen. If you are seen, make sure that whoever sees you doesn't tell anyone. Oh, and one last thing. Whoever reaches the meeting point first, wait for 48 hours. At the end of that period, anybody there needs to get out and get to the pickup point. If someone hasn't made it by then, don't wait, because whoever isn't there probably won't be coming. any questions? (Pause) Good. Let's go. (The groups walk off in seperate directions, all heading into the interior of the Dead Zone)
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[size=1][color=999999][i]Ankokumon disappeared in and out of the shadows, searching and seeking for things that weren't even there. Angel looked to David as they walked, she knew how he felt about him, but she knew that he could not be trusted until he had shown a worthy act. She knew exactly how he had felt.[/i]

"Kantro getting to you?"

"Yeah. I can't believe Mika would go with him."

"You know how she is. No matter how much you argue with her, she goes on by herself."

"She's stubborn that's what."

[i]David jammed his hands into his pocket and walked on. Angel walked with her hands in her jacket pockets. She stopped and looked around for Ankokumon, who was no where to be found. Something was deadly wrong in the Dead Zone.

Suddenly, she felt Ankokumon's presence, but she wasn't with her. It was strange at first. But then, Guilmon disappeard on sight as well. Something was definitely not right and this was no time for jokes and pranks.[/size][/color][/i]
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David: What the hell?

Angel: I don't know.

David: Well, it's nothing I've ever seen before.

Angel: What should we do?

David: You're assuming that we have a choice. We don't. A few more steps, and we'll be whereever the digimon are. (Guilmon and Ankokumon suddenly appear and run to David and Angel) Glad you made it back. What happened?

Guilmon: I don't know, but there's something in there.

David: Like what?

Guilmon: I don't know, but I didn't like it.

Ankokumon: I felt it, too. There's definately something there.

David: Then let's find out what. (David walks forward, but nothing happens. He walks through the spot several times before stopping) Well, whatever it was, it's not there anymore. Another mystery to add to the list. Now let's get moving.
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As Kantro and Mika walked to the meeting coordinates, he asked her a question

"Mika, why did you want to go with me? You could have gone with David."

"Why do you ask?" Mika responded.

"I don't know. Just curious."

Gabumon was soon on his feet and walking along with the two kids and Shadowmon. Kantro took out his map and looked.

"Well, we have a long way ahead of us, but there is a shortcut. Should we take it?"
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[color=teal]"I don't see why not," Mika said as she looked at Kantro. Kantro nodded and started walking. Mika, Gabumon, and Shadowmon followed him.

A few seconds later, a strange feeling fell upon the group. Mika stopped and started looking around. Shadowmon stopped and looked at her.

"What's wrong," Shadowmon asked as she looked up at Mika. Mika didn't say anything. She seemed a little unsure about something. Shadowmon quickly jumped on Mika's shoulder as Gabumon and Kantro turned around.

"I have a strange feeling," Mika said calmly, "I don't like this at all." Kantro walked up to Mika. He could tell she was scared. She had sweat running down the side of her face. Gabumon looked at Kantro and then at Shadowmon. Shadowmon had her ears pinned. Something was wrong.[/color]
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Kantro looks around and knotices something moved in the bushes.

Kantro:"Gabumon, can you see anything?"
Gabumon:"I think so...oh crap..."

From all around them emerged various rookie level Digimon and one ultimate. The ultimate was a MetalGreymon.

Kantro:"For the love of all things holy! Mika, get out of here. Gabumon and I will take care of him."
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OOC: Remember, Tsai is with Mika and Kantro.


David: (Thinking) I just don't get it. What was that thing, and why did is dissapear? it looked like some kind of rift, but-no. No way. That can't be right. That wouldn't have scared the digimon away, and there are five digimon that have prooved it. No, it's something else. It might be related to the message. Maybe whatever was in that rift is what the message was warning us about. No, that's not it. Maybe it left the message. (david sees something and ducks behind some bushes.Angel and the two digimon do the same)(Whispering) Be quiet.

Angel: (Whispering) What is it?

David: (Whispering) Two digimon. A Kyuubimon and a Rapidmon. If they keep following their current path, they should intersect with Vash and Kenzi.

Angel: (Whispering) What should we do?

David: (Whispering) Let's follow them. If they're not after Vash and Kenzi, then they might be going somewhere where there's some information. If not, then we'll be ther to help Vash and Kenzi.

Angel: (Whispering) They won't need it, though, will they?

David: (Whispering) Not if it's just those two, but if they are, then there're probably more of them.
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Tsai stared at Kantro's back as he prepared to remove of the foe. Tsai walked up behind them and ordered Veemon to remove of the rookie digimon.
Veemon smiled at the thought of an easy foe and gave a short salute and shouted "Yessir il capitano".
Tsai rolled his eyes and said "Whatever just digivolve to Veedramon and be done with it".

Veemon digivolved and leapt on the back of the Metalgreymon pounding his head against the back of the Metalgreymon doing no more than give himself a headache and irratating the Ultimate. Metal greymon hurled Veedramon over his head into a clump of bushes.

Veedramon landed against a tree then leapt back and rushed at the Ultimate yet again and yet again got knocked away this time knocking him into another tree causing veedramon's rage to increase even more yet It couldn' keep this up for ever and even the next swipe could end Veedramon.
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[color=teal]"Hold it," Mika said as she ran out to the battle scene, "I'll take care of Metalgreymon. You guys take care of the Rookies." Kantro and Tsai looked at Mika as she pressed a button on her Digivice. Shadowmon disappeared into the Digivice in a purple light. Kantro's eyes got big as Mika started glowing in the same purple light.

"She can do a fusion too," Kantro said with a shocked voice. Tsai looked at him. He then looked at Mika. She was still glowing.

"Fusion Digivolve to," Mika said with a slight echo of Shadowmon's voice in her's, "Catwomon!" Both Kantro and Tsai looked on in amasment as a catwoman appeared out of the purple light. Catwomon grinned and charged Metalgreymon. Metalgreymon looked worried as Catwomon got closer.

"Her speed is remarkable," Tsai said as he looked at Catwomon, "and she also took Metalgreymon's attention off of Veedramon." Kantro nodded just as Catwomon came down on Metalgreymon. The Ultimate fell to the ground and digitized. Mika and Shadowmon split. They both fell to the ground. Kantro ran to Mika and Gabumon ran to Shadowmon. Tsai walked over to Veemon.

"Are you ok," Kantro asked as he looked at Mika. Mika nodded her head and sat up. Gabumon picked Shadowmon up and handed her to Mika. Mika smiled and stood up.

"Come on guys," Mika said as she held Shadowmon, "let's go. There's nothing more to see here." Tsai nodded as he picked up an injured Veemon. Kantro also nodded along with Gabumon. The group of three started walking again.[/color]
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(David and Angel follow the Kyuubimon and Rapidmon. The two Digimon pass by Vash and Kenzi, who are also hideing. They join David and Angel, who are still following the two Digimon, being sure to stay hidden)

Kenzi: (Whispering) Where are they going?

David: (Whispering) We thought they were after you. They're obviously not, but they may be after Mika, Tsai, and Kantro.

Kenzi: (Whispering) If they are, then others will probably join them. Mika's group might need help.

David: (Whispering) That's why we're still following them.
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Kantron: "Hey Mika. You still havent answered my question yet. Why did you choose to go with me? You too, Tsai? Thats been on my mind for a while now."

Tsai: "....Huh?"
Mika: "Whats that?"

Kantron looked at his map for a few seconds and replied something.

Kantron: "Oh nothing....hey look! Were almost to the meeting point!"
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(While following the Kyuubimon and Rapidmon, David looks at his map. He stops. The others notice and walk back over to him)

Kenzi: What's going on?

David: The map's not working right. It's regestering the meeting point as nearby. And Mika's group is heading for it. But that's not the real meeting point. Something's screwing up our maps.

Vash: So Mika's group will be at the wrong place. So what? I mean, we'll be there shortly.

David: I think that those two Digimon know about it. If they continue on their present course, they'll fall in [i]behind[/i] Mika's group. They'll speed up and hit Mika's group from behind. If they're joined by enough other Digimon, Mika's group will have no choice but to run. They'll run to the fake meeting point, where I'm willing to bet there are other digimon waiting. Mika's group will run straight into a trap. And if the maps are screwed up, then we certainly can't contact Mika's group. The signal is within the same range as the map frequency. Anything that screws up one also screws up the other.

Vash: So what do we do?

David: We get to Mika's group, and fast. With all of us, we shouldn't have any problem with the Digimon that will force them into the trap. So let's go. (They trigger digivolutions to the Champion level, and the Digimon carry them as fast as possible toward Mika's group)
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As Kantro, Mika, and Tsai make it to the meeting point, Kantro looks up towards a mountain range at the night sky. (time has past hasnt it?) While looking upwards at it, he knotices a spot that is darker than the other spots. He stops to examine it further.

Tsai: "Hmmm?... Hey Kantro, whatcha lookin' at?"
Kantro: "That mountain range. Theres a spot darker than the others."
Mika: "Probably some strange spot were the stars don't shine. Don't worry about it!"
Kantro: "Alright."

Kantro sat down at a tree nearby to rest and check his pack. Inside was a little lap top that he brought for some reason, a CD player, CDs, food, liquids, and a variety of climbing tools along with a first aid kit. He pulled out his lap top and started typing.

Kantro: "Hmmmm... this is interesting. When I checked my files, there was a new file called 'Data'. All it is is some weird letters and symbols!"

Tsai: "Let me see....it looks like programming from a Gameshark. Don't mess with it. You might mess up something in your computer."

Kantro: "Okay."

Kantro still had his laptop on his lap as he pulled his CD player out and listened to it with Linkin Park. Suddenly, Mika and Tsai seen a rustle in the bushes.

Mika and Tsai: "Kantro..."
Kantro: "Hmmm?"
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[size=1][color=#999999][i]Karumamon carried Angel on her back as she flew through the sky, trying to get to Mika, Tsai, and Kantro as quickly as possible. David knew that they needed to get to them. Those digimon might hold something valuable.

Angel looked to David who was concentrated and when he was concentrated on something, it meant not to bother him. She ignored him and suddenly realized that someone was following her for something shot at her and Karumamon out of nowhere. They stopped and looked around. Another came from behind, but Karumamon dodged it gracefully. David stopped and looked at the blasts coming from nowhere.[/i]

"Angel! Are you alright?" [i]He asked as he came near.[/i]

"I'm just great! Those indolent fools don't know who they're messing with. But, I'm not going to sit here and wait for them to show up."[/size][/color]
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David: Actually, you and I are both staying here. Kenzi, Vash, you two get to Mika's group. Bring them back here. Angel and I will be fine until then. hurry up.

Kenzi: Got it.

(Kenzi and Vash head toward the fake meeting point on their Digimon)

David: You ready for this?

Angel: Of course.

David: Good, because here they come. (A group of Digimon shows up, including several Kabuterimon, a couple MetalGreymon, three Okuwamon, and a Rosemon) We should be fine if no other Digimon show up. Angel, follow my lead. Trigger up to mega. (He pushes the left button on his digivice, triggering Guilmon's digivolution to the mega-level Megidramon) Do it now, Angel. Now!
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Tsai turned to face Veemon and smiled. "Veemon its time to shine" Tsai said than turned again to face where the ruffling was coming from.

" digivolve to Aeroveedramon " Veemon shouted out and a data stream erupted from the digivice to Veemon causing him to grow in size and strength and sprout wings and horns. AeroVeedramon spun around to the bush and ran to it effectivly knocking over the hidden foe as well as half a doven trees in the vicinity.

Mika shouted out "I didn't know you could digivolve to ultimate".
Tsai shouted back " Well I didn't know you could fusion evolution".

AeroVeedramon picked himself up out of the rubble and stared around to his left and right not knowing that the unseen foe was merely bait, for the group to take.
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OOC: Nashabe, please edit out that I fuse please? Kantro would only be able to do so for only like...3 minutes. Please edit that part?

Kantro pointed his Digivice towards Gabumon.
"You ready Gabumon?"
"Any day!"

Suddenly, a blue data stream surrounded Gabumon and his body transformed. "Gabumon Warp-Digivolved to!...MetalGarurumon!" MetalGarurumon appeared were Gabumon previously was and charged at the opposing Digimon, which was a Flamedramon. MetalGarurmon pounced on him while he was knocked down, holding his body down with one paw and ready to strike with the other. Kantro walked over to Flamedramon to ask him something.

Kantro: "Okay, who do you work for and why are you here?"
Flamedramon: :I was sent here to kill you. I really didn't want to, but my boss wanted me to. He was gonna kill me!"
Tsai: "Okay then, who IS your boss?!"

Before Flamedramon could answer, he suddenly was shot with a large skull like missle. MetalGarurumon jumped back in time, barely missing it. Out from the trees and bushes came another group of Digimon. 2 SkullGreymon, 1 WarGreymon, 3 Garurumon, 2 Angemon, and 2 Angewoman. As they closed in on the group, Kantro made a remark.
Kantro: "Come hell or high water...we are so screwed right now..."

But only 15 seconds away was Davids group, ready to help out.
David: "Come on guys! I think I heard an explosion from ahead!"
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OOC: David and Angel are currently in a battle. Kenzi and Tsai are headed for your group.


David: Angel, trigger a digivolution to Mega. Now!

Angel: I'll do it when I want to.

david: I'll never understand you. All right, then. After you do, press all four buttons at once. (David presses all four buttons. There is a bright flash, and David is suddenly in some kind of armor. Two metal poles appear in his hands) Bet you didn't know about this.

Angel: No, I didn't.

David: I only discovered it myself recently. This armor is really something. Trigger the digivolution, get your armor on, and let's kick some ***.


OOC: The armor can fly through levitation, can fire energy beams, and can energize the weapon it comes with (choose the weapon your character's armor has) to deliver very powerful strikes
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  • 2 weeks later...
MetalGarurumon and Kantro looked about at the Digimon around them that was going to attack at any moment.
"Crap. I don't think we're gonna get outta this one one hundred percent guys! MetalGarurumon, lets do this!"
Kantro jumped on his Digimons back and they rode off at the two Angemon.
"Nitro Blaster!"
A cannon came out of MetalGarurumons sides and fired a concentrated blast of nitroglicerin at the Angemon. One was frozen entirley, being deleted soon after. The other got his legs frozen but still could attack and fly.
"Tsai, a little help here?"
"Okay, hold up!"
Tsai climbed up on AeroVeedramons shoulder as he attacked the two Angewoman. His fists connected with one and his knee connected with the other. They were still alive but hurt badley. Kantro looked over to Mika to see if she was okay. As he done this, Kantro spotted a giant fireball headed towards her from behind. A MetalGraymon attacked her with his ultimate attack, (cant remember it), and she would certainly die from it. Her digimon was fighting with the SkullGraymon.
"Mika! Look out!"
Kantro jumped off of MetalGraymon and ran as fast as he could. He was barely there in time to pick her up and jump out of the way of the blast. As the smoke cleared, Kantro and Mika were still alive but they were both hurt pretty badley.
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