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Final Fantasy, defendants of Gaia (play)


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Zero: So Andrew what are we going to do now?

Andrew: We better find a way out.

Zero: The question is out of way.
*just then the wall act as if they were alike but it wasn't the wall it's the things that came out*

Andrew: Just great!

Zero: Run or fight?
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*Ken comes to a building then these two people come out*

Zorn: Who is that?

Thorn: That person i do not know.

Zorn: The Person that is standing, there i know not.

Ken: Who the hell are you guys?

Zorn: I am Zorn He is Thorn

Thorn: I am Thorn he is Zorn

Ken: Twiddledumb and Twiddledumber....

Thorn & Zorn: Silence! We command these black mages!

Ken: Listen all i want is my gf back ok?

Thorn: Your gf was taken to another place

Zorn: To Cleyra she was taken.

Ken: %^#$....

*Ken runs out of Burmencia and heads for cleyra*
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Why is this RPG turning into FF9?

Andrew: I say we do both........DOOMTRAIN!!

A light comes up the tunnel and a track comes out of nowhere

Andrew jumps on and starts fireing...uh...fire at the creatures

Andrew: Quick get on

Zero jumps onn and doomtrain drives away with Andrew still casting fire on the little Bastards

Zero: That was close

Andrew: Too close! Thanks Doomtrain

Doomtrain: No problem
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OOC: Cuz all the towns except midgar suck in ff7.... heh... IMO...
Ken: DAMN! It's too far... i'm gonna rest at Rocket Town....

*Ken walks into rocket town stareing at the rocket that hangs in the background*

Ken: ..... I'm always afraid that thing will fall when i am here...

*suddenly without warning it tilts further*

Ken: Goddamn it!

*Ken steps back watching it tilt more*

Ken: I gotta tell the people to evacate their houses!


*People run screaming with a few of their possesions out of their houses*

Ken: Damn one house is left with people in it

*Ken runs in a house to find his GF tied up in the corner*

Ken: What! **** i have no time...

*Ken grabs his gf and runs outside*

*The rocket starts to fall*

Ken: No time no time!

*Ken runs for his life as the rocket falls down with a giant crash, then the fuel tanks in it explode sending a giant shockwave and throwing Ken thru the window of the item shop, his gf lands outside*

Ken: Ugh..... damn the town is on fire...

*Ken jumps out and raises his palm*

Ken: Blizzard...

*A giant blizzard occurs putting out the fires*

Ken: Damn... Cid... i wonder what Cid is gonna say about this.... I havent seen him since... Meteor was stopped by holy.... then midgar was rebuilt...

*Ken runs up to what's left of the rocket*

Ken: Oh boy... he's gonna be cussin....

*Ken walks back and unties his gf...*

Ken: Where have you been!

Ken's Gf: I was kidnapped.... they took me to Burmencia... then we were headed for... Cleyra....

Ken: Well i'm glad you didnt get killed....

*Ken helps his gf up and they both look at the remains of the rocket*

Ken's gf: Cid is gonna be kinda mad...

Ken: Kinda? haha....

*They begin to help the townspeople clean up the town*
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Zero: What do we do now?

Andrew: I don't know. Find away out.

Zero: I have a quick solution for this yet I forgot it back there.

Andrew: What is the solution?

Zero: Dark.

Andrew: Who?

Zero: You'll see. Dark!!!!!!!!!!

Andrew: Nobody can hear us down here.
*with that a dark dragon ram down*

Andrew: I stay corrected.

Zero: Climb on.
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OOC: i'm gonna stop saying Ken's gf... her name is now julie....

*Cid in the highwind flys down and walks out*

Ken: Here it comes....

Julie: Uh oh...

Cid: What the #%@# happend here? #$@%.... %^#!!!!....

Ken: ..... Cid yo it's me Ken

*cid turns around with a cigarrette in his mouth*

Cid: Oh hey.... damn..... i knew it would fall but not know....

*Cid turns around again stareing at his destroyed dream*

Ken: Well... we saved the town...

*Julie begins to help clean up the town again*

Cid: Screw the town... my $%#^ing rocket is blown to $^#@ing bits.... Sh!t....

Ken: Uh.... i'll jes leave ya alone...

Cid: *censored*....

*Ken walks off*
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*Dark jet straight out of the ground*
Zero: That was fun.

Andrew: It sure was.

Zero: Dark help me find Craig kay.
*Dark zip to the sky. circling the city.*
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*Ken searches thru the rubble and finds a summon*

Ken: Neo Bahumet... hm... i should give this to craig.... if only i could find a new summon for myself...

*Ken puts the summon up and looks around some more in the materia shop rubble*

Ken: Hm....... i found one.... Titan... aw... not as strong as the other guys summons... oh well...

Ken recieved Titan Summon

Ken: i should find craig to give him the Neo Bahumet summon..

*Ken continues to look thru the rubble to find some not as powerful materia...*

Ken recieved Revive... Barrier... time.... and Lightning...

Ken: Julie come on... my truck is over here....

Julie: Ok

*Ken and Julie climb in the truck and drive off looking for Craig...*
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Zero: Dark can't find Craig. I wonder where he when to.

Andrew: I when that something.

Zero: Thanks Dark you can go now.
*Dark fly away with incredible speed*

Andrew: Now what?

Zero: We look for Ken.
*before they can't move a truck drove up to them*
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Zero: We though he was with you.

Andrew: And it look like you found your girlfriend.

Ken: He's not with me. And yes that is my girlfriend.

Andrew: Well are you going to introduction us?
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Suddenly Craig flies appears on his bike, riding towards the gang.

All: There he is!

Craig pulls up. He waves to the gang, and to Julie.

Ken: Hey man, I got something for you!

Craig: Really, I got something for you too. I got you this materia..... it's called Holy or something.

Ken: Sh.it you got me Holy!!! I got you Neo Bahumet!

Craig: NEO BAHUMET....... sweeeeeeettttttt!!!!!!!!!!!! I will become the Bahumet master!

Andrew: You only need Bahumet Zero and you will have every Bahumet.

Craig: Then that is my new quest. To fing Bahumet Zero!!! Giga Flare....... Mega Flare

Bahumet and Neo Bahumet fly over to Craig.

Craig: Hey guys, I'd like you too meet eachother.

They both smile at each other.

Craig: Now lets get out of here!

Craig and Andrew get on Bahumet, Ken and Julie get on Neo Bahumet, and Zero gets on Dark.

Andrew: So it's agreed. We go and find Bahumet Zero for Craig, and any other summons we can get our hands on!

With that, the gand fly off into the distance.
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Zero: Oh goody I will finally get to go to find some new summons.

Craig: And I find that Bahumet Zero.

Andrew: This should be fun.
*just then a news paper fly in to Zero face*
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Ken: So exactly where is bahumet zero? ....

Craig: I dont know.... do you know of someone we could ask if they know where it is...?

Ken: Mebbe that old dude at Cosmo Canyon... he studys planet life.. and materia... and etc.... erm... mebbe not... i dunno... only place i know real well is the icy north....

Craig: Hm... Bahumet Zero... where would he be...

Ken: Hm...

Julie: isnt Bahumet Zero the futuristic type of bahumet?

Craig: Yea

Julie: Hm... Well it might be in a high tech town... somewhere... erm... i dunno either...

Craig: Where... is it...
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Okay, time for our first boss fight!
Craig: Well........... I say we go to Cosmo Canyon! I can see my old friend Nanaki again. We should also be able to find our about Bahumet Zero from Nanaki.

The gang starts to fly off towards Cosmo Canyon. Thwy arrive in about 3 hours. Outside the town, they see a dragon.

Craig: A ruby dragon. It's attacking the town. Lets go gang.

The gang get off the summons and face the ruby dragon!

Craig: Lets start things off with a bang! Giga flare!!!

The ground aroung thr ruby dragon lifts up, and rises into the air. There, Neo Bahumet awaits, charging up the giga flare. When the ruby dragon reaches, Neo Bahumet shoots the beam, sending ruby dragon hurdling towards the floor. The ruby dragon is barely affected!

Everyone: Wha???

Andrew: That should have done way more.

Ken: He's at a much higher level than we are.
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*Ken's eyes go completely white*

Ken: Ice3!

*ice spikes fly out from his hands hitting the dragon*

Ken: Earth's Fury!

*Titan appears on the scene and the ground forms up into spikes hitting the dragon*

Ken: Diamond Dust!

*Shiva appears and smiles at Ken and begins to attack*

Ken: Eheh.... wonder if he survives this...
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Andrew; Let's go doomtrain

The tracks appear under The Dragon and Doomtrain comes flying towards the dragon and hits him full force. The dragon becomes confused, paralysed, poisined, sleep and any other status change you can think of!

Andrew: Now if all of us attack him he's finished

All of the gang prepare to attack!
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When the smoke clears, the ruby fragon appears almost unharmed. He attacks and severl damages the gang.

Craig: We........ can't............ win....... he's......... too.......... strong.

Ken: This........ can't............ be the.......... end.

Suddenly, a shadow appears over the ruby dragon. A huge dragon is high above.

Dragon: Tetra flare!

Craig: It's Bahumet Zero!!!

Tetra flare is fired, completely destroying the ruby dragon. Bahumet Zero speaks to the gan.

Bahumet Zero: If you wish to challenge me, come to the island closest to heaven. You will not be proving your power to me there, but you will be proving your determination.

Bahumet Zero flies off.

Craig: Well, off to the island closest to heaven.
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  • 2 weeks later...
After about an hour of flying, the gang arrive at the island closest to heaven.

Craig: This islands quite big......... wonder where Bahumet Zero is?

Suddenly, a voice that none of the gang recognises speaks to them.

???: You will all be split up, and you will pursue the summon you lust for most.

Suddenly, the voice speaks to Craig alone, so no-one else can hear.

???: You will pursue Bahumet Zero, hw awiats you on top of the mountain, at the centre of this island.

The voice speaks to all the gang in turn, telling them who they are pursuing, and where they are on the island.
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[color=crimson][i]The voice speaks to Ken

[b]The summon you want is Alexander.... The summon rests in the depths of the caverns in this island....

Be careful....[/b]

Ken is teleported to antoher side of the island... some distance away he spots a cave.... he begins to walk to the cave...[/i][/color]
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Craig appears at the foot of a mountain. He begins to climb up. The climb is relatively easy at first, but soon he has to scale up on all fours.

Craig: I wonder..... MEGA FLA...

???: NO! You must get there on your own. That way, you will prove your determination to Bahumet Zero.

Craig: Who is this? How can you see me, and so-on???

???: Well............ umm........ oh never mind that! Keep climbing you insulent boy!!!

Craig: Yah!! okay, sorry.

Craig continues to scae up the mountain.
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