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Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi


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[SIZE=1][COLOR=green]Magical Shopping Arcade[/COLOR] [COLOR=deeppink]Abenobashi[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]is quite a hillarious series. My father just got home from his deployment last night and brought home a few #1 dvds of various anime I have not yet seen, Abenobashi, being one of them. The series is produced by Gainax, the same people that brought you Evangelion and FLCL. The story revolves around a pair of 12 year old kids living in Osaka. After an accident involving their town's spiritual 'points' the duo is sent through various variations of their reality. The series also takes elements from other anime and genre to multiply its humor. My dad and I couldn't stop laughing. The first episode was somewhat slow, but after every episode it got even better(and funnier). I would highly reccommend the series to others, fans of anime and/or comedy, or even if you like to roll on the floor laughing, or laugh until you cry. And if you've seen the show, what's your opinion?[/COLOR] [/SIZE]
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=crimson]Well just like many other series, you can't judge it by the first episode. [COLOR=green]MSAA[/COLOR] is actually alot better in the second episode as I said in my previous comment on the series. I'm not saying every series has a bad first episode, some are quite good, I am saying though is always give a series a little slack, or you'll be locking yourself in a closet and not getting enjoyment out of life. Or in other words, don't judge a book by its cover, lol.[/COLOR] [/SIZE]
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I really like the series. I have the first two DVD's and plan on getting them all. It is funny if you understand all the inside jokes...ie if you are otaku enough to know when they are spoofing something like the EVA jokes and Macross stuff.

Plus, there is a panda that shows up in one of the episodes! LOL
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I apologize for going off-topic, but I felt that TGM's post required some kind of response.

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by TheGodlyME [/i]
[B]JeeZ!!! buy the imports!! I have the whole series done the right way...fansubbed...I frown on you all. [/B][/QUOTE]

First of all, fansubs are [i]supposed[/i] to be free. If you buy them, you're ripping off both yourself and the companies which produce legitimate releases. Secondly, any respectable fansub group will stop distributing a particular series once it has been licensed. As long as people continue purchasing bootlegs (which often contain both an anime's sub and dub tracks), domestic DVD prices will continue to soar. Haven't you heard numerous fans complaining about $30 DVDs?

Prominent Bittorrent sites, such as AnimeSuki, make a point of linking only to unlicensed fansubs. This is a healthy practice; it helps companies gauge the size of a show's foreign fan-base, and doesn't cut into anybody's profits. Buying or downloading fansubs after the show in question has been licensed is undeniably illegal, and only ends up hurting those who are willing to pay more for the real thing.[/off-topic]

For some reason, I find myself strangely drawn to Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi. Its artwork looks attractive (from what I've seen of the DVD covers), but I'm afraid that it'll end up being too much like FLCL. While I like Furi Kuri's symbolism and daring characterization, I don't really appreciate its humor.

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  • 2 weeks later...
[color=darkblue]Wow, i thought that this forum was supposed to be free of spam...so much spam, makes my fingers twitch!


Anyway,I like the series a lot. yes, the first episode is not enough to say that the series is bad, because it's just one episode. After that one, the series start picking up. the main point of it all is the insane amount of making fun of other animes. i loved when they made the[spoiler]Eva and Dragon Ball Z[/spoiler] parody. kicked major rear.

All in all, the series is very nicely done and hilarious to boot. And yes, I almost cried after all the laughter it made me.[/color]

[COLOR=DarkRed]I took care of the spam. Happy posting. ^_~

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[color=firebrick] [size=5] >_<[/size]

GOOD GOD, WHAT IS WITH THAT DUBBING?! What, did they just decide to make two JAPANESE kids have an southern accent? O_o. I seriously think I could have done a better job casting two [i]other[/i] voice actors. *shudders*

But I finally realized who the girl reminded me of: the main character of Kare Kano. Nonetheless, I don't like the girl in Abenobashi...[i]especially[/i] in the second episode. *grits teeth* Reminds me of my classmate at school, I swear.

All throughout watching the first two episodes, I got the feeling that they were trying to include some of FLCL's wacki-ness. It may be just because of the very similiar art, but still...hm. [/color]
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[QUOTE=maladjusted][color=firebrick] [size=5] >_<[/size]

GOOD GOD, WHAT IS WITH THAT DUBBING?! What, did they just decide to make two JAPANESE kids have an southern accent? O_o. I seriously think I could have done a better job casting two [i]other[/i] voice actors. *shudders*[/color][/QUOTE]

[color=darkblue]Exacly what I thought. What the he??? Southern accent, in OSAKA!!!!

Jeez, well, it could happen. But then again, that was how the VA's were asked to portray them, as two southern "hommies". I guess that other VA's would've done the same, but I would have loved to hear Monica Rial on it, and doing the voice of Mune Mune instead of Sasshi's sister. She is just a great VA. *sigh*[/color]

[color=darkblue][i][size=1]Edit: Thanks Dagger, I thought I was going to drown in all that ;)[/size][/i][/color]
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Guest MetalSonic700
MSAA is quite possibly the funniest thing Ive ever seen. Its the best thing since FLCL! I agree the first episode began slow, but MAN did it pick up! First in the kingdom where they fought that lady (and died) 20,000,000 times. Then the medallions "special power" [spoiler]breast enlarger[/spoiler] nearly killed me laughing. Then on the 4th episode... "brother! big brother!" that was some funny stuff! I dont wanna give away the third episode though...
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Guest Justin Carr
Great series. Saw the fansub (Before it was licensed. Thank you very much). Definitely funnier that Excel Saga. I'm not saying that Excel Saga wasn't funny, it was. However, being a 26 episode series, meant that had to grab for straws a lot, hence the two filler episodes. However, MSAA is 12 and is lean enought to be funny the entire time with enough sentimently episodes scattered in to prevent this series from becoming a piece of fluff.

As for the southern accents, Osaka is in a different prefecture of Tokyo and so they have their own dialect, much like Southerners and New Englanders, respectively. Although I do admit, it takes some getting used to.
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  • 1 month later...
i just watched MSAA last night and it was hilarious!! i loved it..all of the characters added something to the show...i think my favorites are mune-mune and the transvestite..oh and arumi, she's cool. i could tell that it would be a short series so i'm not surprised to hear that it's 12 episodes. i was laughing my butt off throughout the entire first DVD. it's great, i would really reccommend it to people who are in the mood for a funny anime.
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  • 2 years later...
I Bought this anime box-set from gamestop for 10 bucks. It Was so funny has any one else seen this.


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